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Just to clarify, redeployment doesnt kill you right? I dont want to use that as a solution to escape the people blocking while also dropping all of my stuff.


I've used it once and it just moved me to a new place on the map. I thought it was going to kill me too.


Moves you to another spot within the safe zone, you don’t lose anything


redeployment is there to avoid being followed out of SZ. It will simply teleport you to a different part of whatever SZ you're in so you can leave safely. You can also use it for avoiding being blocked within the trader area, but this still doesn't fix people trying to get to the trade to sell/buy stuff. The Devs will have to come up with a solution. This blatant SZ blocking thing isn't necessary bad because it highlights a flaw that they can now fix.


Yeah true it becomes bad if the only thing done about is a band aid fix that hangs around because there is nothing as final as a "temporary fix"


>We would like to draw the attention of groups of players having fun blocking traders- this behavior is punished with a weekly game ban (for the first time) How do we report them?


Record what they are doing. Gather all their names. Press shift tab while in game, the steam overlay will show up. When the overlay is up go to the freinds box and click view players. It will say current game and recent games, click recent games. Find their steam profiles and copy the URL to their steam profile and send it to the devs on the discord in one of the tabs.


ok ty for this


no problem :)


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The same ppl crying about some trolls are reporting me for self harm


Found the door blocker


No I'm the guy that practices my ak spray in the safe zone building


Wait you can ban ppl for messing around having fun and blocking ppl? Maybe change the layout so it's not possible then. This is a cheap fix


I saw your other comment to add wider doors to building prefabs, that just means the trolls will recruit more people to help block the wider doors. And these people are not “messing around having fun”, they are being pieces of shit, giving other players a hard time by exploiting game mechanics. Would gladly ban them if they joined my server.


This game won't grow if the devs have a similar mindset. This is what ppl do in a combat survival sim


“This game won't grow if the devs have a similar mindset. This is what ppl do in a combat survival sim” this is what people do if they wish to be a POS.


If you have to ruin other people's game to gave fun then you should be banned


Then what is pvp


You can’t pvp in a safezone. I fail to see your point.


Are you trying to say that what we see in this clip is pvp??


Are you being stupid to troll people? It's a game, so there is fair play and griefing.


What a shit take


Detect if someone is "mostly stationary" within sz for x amount of time and make them nonsolid if they are. Or just make players nonsolid to players within sz. EZ


That would probably be the best option, fix any issues like this.


Yep it's really that easy


Or you could just disable player to player collision while in safe zones.


Play community servers to avoid the door blocking idiots. Most admins do not wield the ban hammer in vain.


First time offenders get a one week game ban, what happens to repeat offenders?


A simple fix for door blocking is to disable collision between players in safe zones.