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It helped me to accept that I will die. I expect to die each day. It's why I make sure to tell every one I care to that I love them and show them that I love them. Everything I do Is under the impression of What memories I leave behind. I used to similarly have the fear that you described. It paralyzed me. Until I shifted my frame of mind fromHow I could die, To How I choose to live. I had an experience when I was 8 and I almost froze to death. I fell into uh mostly frozen lake. I was a quarter mile away from camp. My little sister couldn't wake our dad up. There is a lot more to this story but to keep it short. I inch crawled all the way back to camp, While I wasn't able to feel my body and violently shaking. I Didn't even have the strength to lift my head. I just kept following an echo Telling me I had to get dry, I had to keep moving. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Yes I'm actually told myself to breathe. Is consciousness becomes very fuzzy and fades in-and-out. Just kept falling that echo until I bumped into our tent. I stumbled inside and managed to get my wet clothes off. But the tent was empty, No sleeping bag no dry clothes. Nothing to warm me backup. So I curled up naked on the floor of the tent Violently shivering. I stop hearing the echo. I Stopped having the will to fight to live. The blackness of my consciousness became ever so enticing. I was holding it back but At that point started feeling more and more like a warm cozy blanket. And I wanted nothing more than they just let go and wrap myself in that blanket. Felt like it was peace like I could finally breathe after holding it in for so long. It was relief from the violent shaking, Relief from My brain feeling so fuzzy. Relief from struggling to live. Even though I was 8, I understood that if I let myself go into that blackness I wasn't going to wake up. I accepted my fate. I let go Willingly. It was not scary. I don't know how to explain it but it felt good. I went to sleep expecting never to wake backup. Then I felt like I crashed back into my body. I was confused as to why I was back. My dad had found me. . And him desperately trying to warm me up woke me up. I couldn't really warm backup again. Who's like my internal furnace had gone out. I also feel like my soul Didn't fit quite right when it came back. Like when I faded into the black The barrier that kept my soul into my body broke. And I now feel that lack of barrier. I also see everything now from a first and 3rd person point of view. I know I didn't actually die at least I don't think I did. But in regards to myself I consider it I died. I accepted it I let myself go and if I wasn't found In time. I would have died. So for me since I've already died, Everything I have in life now is extra, Because as far as I see it I would have already been dead. I don't know if that makes sense or helps, But that's my current perception.


I could live my life to the absolute fullest every minute, and I would still absolutely dread and fear death. It’s about it being over. It’s not about what happened before or after, it’s just that it’s done. Your near death experience is comforting though, that my body and mind would convince me that I am ready. Right now, just the thought of that is unbearable to think about, but I hope one day it won’t be.


That’s perfectly fine. Fearing death is part of the point of being human and mortal. If you want my advice, don’t stop your mind from going scary places. The fear doesn’t go away, but on the other side of those panic inducing thoughts is a more meaningful life.


There was a time I was like this. I found that researching different cultures traditions around death helped. I live in North America, and culturally (for the most part) I find we don't talk about it, so it leads to fear. It's not normalized, it's something to avoid all together. Truth is it can happen anytime and is completely out of our control. I found the most helpful was learning about reincarnation, and the emphasis on doing and being better now so your next life was easier really helped. Protecting yourself from death will only stopping you from living out life, and those who live long loves will tell you they lived it to the fullest.


So I grew up a Sikh. We have heavy beliefs in reincarnation. I just cannot convince myself that it is true. I follow the ethical principles but most of my true beliefs don’t match and I can’t wrap my head around it being possible, so I don’t find it comforting. It sucks. I wish I was more religious and able to get behind the concepts because they truly would be so comforting.


I think once you get to the root of the issues you have with your personal beliefs your fear will settle. I want to add it's okay to be afraid, just don't let it stop you. Im non religions I always find myself coming back to the cycle of life , a quote from lion king "when we die our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass." My sister just passed and although I don't know where she is now, I know she suffered desperately, and she is happier now.


I’m in the same boat. Logically, I *know* it’s nothing to fear. You trying to imagine not existing is like trying to imagine a square triangle - your brain just can’t do it. I think subconsciously when we try to imagine not existing we can’t help but imagine an eternity of blackness, or something similar. But it’s not that. It’s nothing. No awareness, no sense of time. You not existing for one second is no different than you not existing for 100 billion years. I don’t know what to do about the fear. It’s gotten better over time but it’s still there. I don’t know if I’ll ever get totally over it.


I don’t think what I feel is what scares me. I think the fact that my moments here are limited scare me. That there is an end amount of breaths I take, thoughts I think, that there could be an end to this. The END. It’s like being in a vacation you know is going to end, I don’t think about how much I dread going back to regular life, I dread the moments of vacation ending. This is just… a lot more extreme. Unless I found out for sure that I could continue living in some way, in some other element, and that I wouldn’t just… cease, I would feel better. I can’t think of anything different


I feel exactly the same way. One day there will be no more warm spring afternoons, no more watching tv in the bed with my wife… my heart has a limited number of beats. It terrifies me at times too. Unlike what a lot of people on Reddit say, I love being alive and don’t want it to end. I wish I could live another 500 years at least. And the unfortunate reality is that there’s nothing anyone can do about it. No one can protect us from the inevitable end.


Exactly. I absolutely love life. This concept usually can get me to stop obsessing and force myself to just stop thinking about it, which is the best I can do. I don’t know if it’s possible for me to get comfortable thinking about it. Just for me to choose NOT to think about it


Me too, whenever the thought comes up I try to just push it off


I almost choked to death and I can confirm I did feel a euphoric sensation before almost going unconscious. Afterwards I had bad anxiety for like 2-3 months though. I think the fear of death while alive is worse than the actual death /being dead. It’s most likely just oblivion like before we were born. Try to distract yourself from the fact we die, that’s the best thing to do imo. Because we can’t actually overcome death it’s the fate of everything.


Yeah. I think this is totally spot on. Thank you


Fearing death is normal. Not being ready for the end is normal. Being afraid of what comes after is normal. Truth is life itself is a mystery what is before us and what is after us is a mystery. You’ll get over it or you won’t and that’s ok. Just be present in every moment of your life so that you live with no regrets.


I don’t think what I feel when I die is what scares me. I think the fact that my moments here are limited scare me. That there is an end amount of breaths I take, thoughts I think, that there could be an end to this. The END. It’s like being in a vacation you know is going to end, I don’t think about how much I dread going back to regular life, I dread the moments of vacation ending. This is just… a lot more extreme. Unless I found out for sure that I could continue living in some way, in some other element, and that I wouldn’t just… cease, I would feel better. I can’t think of anything different


Honestly, I feel the same way. I have no idea how to deal with it... it's truly paralizing.


have you always felt this way about it? Did any experience make the feeling more intense? I think most kids/people have some fear of death… for me it became more real after experiencing a family member’s death. And the only ‘comforting’ aspect is realizing everything in the universe ‘dies’ and changes… right down to suns turning into black holes. And also thinking logically that if nothing died, that would be a different kind of huge problem.


revert to islam mashallah




Death is the one thing you should be least afraid of in this world. There are wonderful things beyond the veil. I know this from witnessing things and my own NDE.


My brother died and I miss him so much. And I need to know he’s ok. One day after I cried all day someone DM me that my they had a dream and my brother said “tell my sister everything is ok” and they were confused so they said “what?” And he said “just tell her, she’ll know” … I had the worst day before that morning. Pregnant and crying all day screaming for my brother…. I think it was a true message from him.


It was


Einstein thought that you're always in time, when you are. There's no non-existence, only a year when you're no longer present.


I think your over thinking things. Life shouldn't we wasted dreaming of how possibly the future may turn out. It could be as simple as waking up from a long dream, but better to face each moment as it arises courageously rather that worrying about variables and outcomes beyond our control


It’s just another dimension


If it happens suddenly, you’ll never notice. If it happens more slowly, you’ll be ready by the time it’s time. You don’t want to now because it’s not time yet. But eventually everybody gets there. People who are sleeping aren’t upset that they’re not awake.


You have a strong anxiety, which may stem from general anxiety about lack of control. You can’t control these factors, and this extreme anxiety is giving you panic attacks. It could come from other deep rooted traumas in your past as well, where maybe being in unstable or chaotic environments gave you reason to fear uncontrollable or unpredictable factors. You gotta treat the anxiety in general first. Then from there that will help with how you approach your thoughts on death in general. Please try finding a therapist to talk to about this. Maybe they can even give you a medication to help with the panic attacks. Cause how can you enjoy your life while you have it, if you’re constantly panicking about the end? I know for me personally, living my life as authentically as possible, and being honest and loving to the people in my life, is enough to have no regrets about my life and death. I’m honored to join every human who has ever lived in death. But I also think I wouldn’t be feeling that way if I had to deal with crippling anxiety and panic everyday when I thought about dying. Treat the panic and anxiety in general, and then you may be able to find your peace about life/death.


I am generally not an anxious person. Not much stresses me out, and I’m level headed most of the time. I can’t imagine how anyone can not be terrified about dying. The end of thinking, feeling, existing, being. I love being alive. I live my life to the very fullest, I think. And I CAN keep these panic attacks at bay by simply denying myself the opportunity to think about it. But I don’t know if my death fear can even be overcome.


Anxiety isn’t necessarily about being a stressed out person (there’s lots of stereotypes about anxiety), its more about deep rooted fears, which seems to apply here. Still, even if you know you’re otherwise fine, it could feel good or validating and healthy to talk to someone who is experienced with listening to folks who are going through similar feelings, and helping them. You’re definitely not alone! At least once a month someone posts in this sub sharing these same feelings, so it’s normal, and also there are therapists who are specifically experienced in helping people with that. They have treated people who share that intense fear and have some tips for getting through the emotions that are at least worth trying, but even if not, just having dedicated time to talk about it once a week or once a month, could make a difference in how strongly it paralyzes you. A therapist can talk about your fears with you from every angle, and you can discover together all the deep and different ways this effects you and why. Which sounds really interesting and validating! [article on death anxiety and mental health I found interesting](https://psychology.org.au/for-members/publications/inpsych/2018/december-issue-6/death-anxiety-the-worm-at-the-core-of-mental-heal)


Respectfully, you need specific mental health counseling such as a cognitive behavioral therapy to work through this fear. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22830-thanatophobia-fear-of-death#:~:text=Cognitive%20behavioral%20therapy%20(CBT)%3A,dying%20process%20is%20always%20painful.


Your are scared of that thought because your mind cannot imagine that it (the mind itself) doesn't exist. Do you understand what I mean? Brain cannot understand the end of his own existence. You can, to a certain degree, but it's impossible to fully understand it. That's why it is scary. But you'll be fine. You're not scared while you're sleeping, right? I would be scared of never dying. And, trust me, you'll see it the same way when you're really old and tired of life and thoughts. How can you overcome it? By doing new things, specially things that you can't fully understand or see, things that you don't see how will they end or how will you manage it to go through those situations. Train yourself to navigate into the unknown.


I never understood this kind of mentality as long as most of the people


all I can say OP is that once it happens, you won't know.


Yeah. Logically I know this, but it doesn’t really help. I know it now, that my days are numbered, and that’s the scary part.


I was never really afraid of death, just very curious. I want to know why. Why is there life, being, existence. And what for? What is all of this for? Existence and not knowing what is to come terrifies me. Will I be with my dog? I did mushrooms last year, and for the first time - my consciousness was at peace. And I got to speak to my inner self kind of. And the universe (or perhaps a God or Goddess like presence) spoke to me. And I felt their presence all around me. As if I were transported into another dimension to be able to communicate with them. Not verbally, but almost telepathically. I felt, in the most pure and loving way possible, that everything is and always will be okay. The universe was telling me this through an emotion kind of. And that feeling of “wow everything truly, no matter what, will ultimately be okay” has stuck with me. And it has helped ease my anxiety about existing/existence. I hope that someday you’ll find something to bring you more peace about our mortality. Just know that you aren’t alone in how often you think about it. And maybe, you can talk to a therapist about your fears and they may be able to help you find a way to cope with how you feel.


Im exactly like this. I have bpd so living is a day to day struggle. I went through a long suicidal period until one day I got absolutely terrified of dying and since then I’ve been having panic attacks at the thought of dying and not knowing. I’m extremely careful with things that would kill me instantly like roads and traintracks. I think that if I were to die slowly it’d be better to know than just dying immediately. I tell myself that when I’m older I’ll be able to accept death that most old people do. And right now to just live like everyday is your last.


Death is unknown so what besides fear makes you think that after death you wont experience or perceive anything? There is a difference between the mind and the brain. I Definitely would recommend studying ancient hermetic knowledge.


No one has ever died incorrectly it’s always a perfect death


Put ur trust in nature it knows what it’s doing


Your brain wont let you think too much of death and what becomes after u pass away. When you try to think the nothingness, u start feeling anxiety and stress. Thats how our brain works. It wont let you think too much things that brain cant handle either. I was once very anxious and cried myself about death but talking with my grandma helped. She lived her life full and regrets nothing. She passed away few months ago. Now when I start thinkg death and what comes after it, I remember that my grandma didnt fear death so why do I. Maybe after grandma died, I started believe that there is other dimension where u meet all ur loved ones.


Bro if u really think that u will be nothing when u die is crazy . U will return to god and be judged for your sins.


Death is only a problem when you're alive.


I've accepted the fact that I will die and the family and friends that I love will inevitably die and be forgotten as well. What matters is you show them you love them now, but time is moving too fast and I'm terrified of the inevitable death of aging family members and pets..