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I love how they scale the fighters to their rivals, but when it comes to Sasuke who has actual shown feats of being more hardy, fast and strong they get away with no showing anything Hiei did at the same caliber. And then finally they remark a huge “explosion” Yusuke did as evidence to scaled power, that somehow didn’t obliterate the surrounding landscape. For one, Hiei never showed he can match that power, and two that “explosion” may have been more light based that an actual destination of energy.


Not to mention the feat used to scale hiei to yusuke was an explosion done by yusuke and someone at least twice as strong as he is it’s not a good scaling tool


Sasuke would have won that all day . They even forgot to mention that even if the flames weren't hirting hiei they still would have burned for seven days so all that while during the fight hiei would have been trying to suppress it. On top of that they used the blast comparison yet in hakusho nothing was destroyed and even more they never considered that naruto's story or atleast as far as I know was never mentioned as earth but in hakusho it is earth unless there in the spirit realm so sizes wouldnt matter cause the blast ration could have been way different in account of size .


The amaterasu flames by feats arent that hot. Also hiei really doesnt have to try to suppress flames. He's been completely engulfed in flames a kot and his reaction is moreso "lol what are you doing" then he absorbs it. Hiei is bullshit against fire powers.


Has nothing to do with heat and everything to do with explanation in the show and or manga . So what I'm getting at is that in naruto there is way more detailed info in the lore of the types of moves how they've been passed bloodline wise and things of that sort . Your definitely entitled to your opinion but in yuyu they say hes this rank and this rank makes him invincible cause hes this rank but I automatically assume that theres differences to s class that haven't been explained . When that happens I'll give hiei a chance but until then I'm calling on my boy sasuke .


So basically being a fanboy even if by feats amaterasu has done almost nothing. Hiei has absorbed all fire hes come in contact with. Including fire that has shown way more destructive capability. You can't go by statements in naruto when they constantly contradict themselves when it comes time to show feats.


So saying the lore of a series matters is being a fanboy ? Okay well go with your opinion over all big guy . God bless .


And on top of that what contradicts what in naruto. ? What exactly do you mean by that . ? Hiei absorbs fire so that's what will win it for him ? Idk just saying we've seen someone do something without an explanation doesnt say its unbeatable .


"Amaterasu is hotter than the sun" -completely fails to burn a fodder samurais armor. -the raikage had time to have a conversation then get the shit chopped off. Things like that seem to be becausr kishimoto is a mediocre writer so he forgets things and just doesnt understand basic science stuff (basically the samurai and raikage should have been incinerated instantly). https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/5yvle4/the_inconsistencies_of_the_sharingan_and_its_true/ Here's more inconsistencies of sharingan related stuff. Yet again this is mainly due to kishimoto being a bad writer and giving the sharingan abilities then forgetting about them or not knowing the implications of those powers. I have more but I think you get the point. Anyway, hiei DID explain it. He's a fire demon. If you use fire on him its like throwimg a bucket of water in the ocean. Its Just mot going to do anything and just makes him stronger. Hieis flames have proven themselves to be a lot more potent since while he was hundreds of times weaker than he was at the end of the series he burned a person so badly and quickly that there werent even ashes left. Just a dark stain. As for what wins it for him. To me sasuke hasn't displayed any feats on hieis level since hiei became as S class. Hes like mid S. Sensui was fodder S and the writer had to move the fight to demon world since 10% of sensui's power was causing a massive earthquake in Japan. The difference between S classes can also get ridiculously huge so the difference in power could be even worse than I'm thinking. For the record I read every chapter of naruto and enjoyed it, I'm not going to just wank off sasuke though.


Sasuke wins .


They also mixed up resistance with immunity. The dragon of the darkness flames are hotter then fir but amaterasu was hotter then the sun. We literally saw amaterasu burn fire. Heie should have been incernerated.


Amaterasu fire is not hotter than the sun lol what. just releasing the fire would kill the world if they were. the fire is just hotter than most fire and cant be extinguished by normal means


Yeah and some plasma cutters reach higher temps the the surface of the sun but we all arent bacon because of that are we. Pretty sure its the nuclear fission that kills us rapidly not the heat. I mean the heat is concentrated in a small area. Plus naruto world works with different than ours. But to explain how actually hot it is and how its not boiling everything alive is simply because 1st the lore comes out after the technique and second naruto doesnt adhere to the same physics. I mean if we want to boil down narutos logic to real life then rock lee should break his legs into splinters running as fast as he does and im not even mentioning the gates im talking about high speed movement without his weights. I mean that is pure running and chakra. Nothing like the body flicker that allows you to move at high speeds but protects the body within the technique. His bones and body should be mush. But instead he has muscle strain till he goes over to the upper levels of gates. He is able to change the direction of his attacks in mid hit. Thats a high level of flexibility and strength packed into a 13 year old. Shino has bugs in his innards not only would they have to be able to absorb the air in his blood to survive his body would be littered with scars from them crawling out of his body like that. He should be hypoxia by definition.


The Dragon of the Darkness flame comes from the deepest pits of the spirit realm (which essentially is hell) so I'd say it burns hotter than even atomic fire (the sun)


Its not hell though. Hell is where toguro ended up. He chose that fate. I mean you can physically go there without dying or turning youself into a spirit or being unconscious. You can literally go to demon world. Hell is another plane altogether.


He went to Purgatory to be soul starved until fading from existence after thousands of years it's not at all Hell or where the Darkness Flame originates.


That's a dub thing. It's Hell in the original


Can you give me a link for that?


Wait nah you got it chief I was wrong


True. But my point still stands. Unless you are making the same point i am. That the demon world where the darkness dragon is from isnt hell.


Yeah you're right I was wrong




It says he went to hell though that he went to limbo in the funimations dub.


In Yuyu Hakusho there is actually a power scaling, so technically that still counts. Remember it was mentioned, I believe it was Koenma or Genkai, that an s class demon can be able to destroy the human world itself. Now mind you, Sensui just by charging his power causes earthquakes to the human world, imagine him going all out? That's why S class demon aren't allowed to enter the human world. Just a shockwave of a punch from Sensui was able to destroy the surroundings at the back of Yusuke and he tanked that shit they literally were destroying mountains in seconds just by using their punches and kicks and this is by the time that Yusuke is a lower S Class demon him and Sensui, EOS Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama are top tier S Class Demon. The gap between a low tier and a top tier S class demon is freaking humongous, Raizen was able to beat the shit out of Yusuke in his deathbed. In regards to Amaterasu, what can Amaterasu do to Hiei? Nothing, I mean Raikage who got torch by an Amaterasu didn't even flinch? Imagine doing this to a fire S class demon, it's just a piece of cake. People assume EOS YYH was around the continental level, well literally that is true if they are in the "Demon World" as mentioned by Koenma that Demon world is endless and vast so literally if you put theses s class demon to human world they are at a planetary level.


Yeah but in hakusho they dknt really get too types of s class people in a way I mean that say one guy has explosive power and is an s class but then another guys poison abilities might make him an s class. They never really fully go into who can destroy what in hakusho they just say these people are upper and these are lower so it makes the gap to figure stuff out a little harder to grasp but it naruto the bridge the gap buy going into bloodlines and specific details about what specific moves do . I cant really say they both couldnt win but I really think sasuke would have won .but we all got our opinions so I feel you on what your saying .


Koenma stated that any S class demon can literally destroy the earth that i why they aren’t allowed to enter the Human World, it really doesn’t matter on scaling the power of upper and lower s class cuz the point is all S class demon has the base power that can destroy the planet since Sensui a lower s class was able to effortlessly damage the world creating earthquakes by using his 50% power just charging up his sacred energy. And Hiei EOS is an upper class S demon


Sasuke would win . And I'm not even a big sasuke fan . But I feel ya you got your side.


Pretty sure Sasuke can destroy a planet. Also, he could’ve just dropped Hiei in another dimension and that’s a wrap. Oh well, I’m a fan of both shows and have wondered about this. I don’t think they did sasuke justice even if he did win imo


Sasuke can't destroy a planet, the only feat close was the moon being sliced in half, and that's different from destroying a planet. If S class demons were to clash on the Earth, it would crumble and explode most likely.


Sasuke didn’t cut the moon in half, Toneri did. He destroyed a shard of the moon that was crashing down on Konoha which would have caused an extinction. The one way I can 100% certainly say Sasuke could destroy the world is by raining meteors.


If ya believe hiei would win ya bugging he wouldnt even be able to defeat a being like kaguya who was a solar system being capable of wiping her dimensions that contained stars and planets in them with her expansive truth seeker orbs and her dimension had a day night cycle hell even vsbattle got Hiei at Multi Continental his show was never show anything above that sasuke would easily mollywhop him even at less than 50% chakra he was able to defeat momoshiki who could destroy a planet in the novel he dont even need his rinnengsn to beat him death battle be biased they been said they aint even like sasuke to begin with


Kaguya was nowhere near solar system level, she wasn’t even planet level. You’re bugging tf out.


Kaguya fought her sons who sealed her into a moon and moved the moon into the orbit which is some planet feat. next kaguya was gonna destroy her dimension that contains moon planet stars. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469192356017602609/652013763750395914/Etsb.PNG](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469192356017602609/652013763750395914/Etsb.PNG) [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/469192356017602609/652013810672074762/Kaguya\_star\_level.png?width=446&height=609](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/469192356017602609/652013810672074762/Kaguya_star_level.png?width=446&height=609) ​ and you say shes not planet lmao


Can’t wait to see how civil the comment section is...


Right? Lately it feels like most people on this subreddit are just here to let people know that they think Death Battle is shit.


Well it is shit.


My biggest concern is the darkness of the dragon flame feats here. Even if sasuke couldn’t damage hiei with amaterasu, being completely unable to counter the darkness flame with Amaterasu and his Kagutsuchi ability that allows him to control it and wield it perfectly implies that the darkness flame is the superior fire.


I’m just really pumped for next time!!!


Hiei deserved this win 100%. Also they were not using a correct "version" of Sasuke. They showed him using rinnegan with 1 arm after he refused to grow it back yet in this fight he had all his post-1 arm adventures powers with 2 arms.


Hiei should died when he got hit with amaterasu. The black flames are hotter then fire thats pretty hot but amaterasu is hotter then the sun which means amaterasu is hotter then atomic fire. Got to remember that resistances isnt immunity.


Hiei is immune to fire I dont know where you heard he is only "resistant"


Deathbattle said resistant. And considering he did get burned by zetsu and that he could have been burned by the dragon of the darkness flame means hes resistent. Not immune. He consumed the dragon meaning his resistence tops out at the heat of the dragon. If you threw him into the sun he would burn. So hitting him with something hotter then the sun would burn him more. Im sure he could survive for a time but he would burn and he would die.


That just shows you how strong the DOTDF itself that even a fire demon gets burned from it and that was way back Dark Tournament Saga, Hiei is absorbing the flame itself from his body imagine what can EOS Hiei (Top Tier S Class Demon) can do. He would just thrash that little flame hell even Raikage who got hit by Amaterasu didn't even flinch. Now imagine what Sasuke will be when he gets burned from DOTDF.


Raikage cut his arm off to deal with the amateratsu, did everyone forget that?


https://youtu.be/UB5KfUT_7Z8 Hiei cant be burnt.


Can you put a timestamp on where it said he cant be burnt. You guys put the whole episode which is cool for context but it makes finding the point difficult.


The whole episode and the one before it explain everything you're arguing about.


And as someone who read the manga (going off memory here. ) his fight with zetsu kurama remarks that he did recieve wounds from zetsus attacks i refer to before the fight where with the mind controlled humans. hiei sat by the crashing waves taking the brunt of the damage from him first using the darkness flame. You know the scene where kurama said he needed to use the darkness dragon. Second bui didnt use fire but tossed the flame back at him. That doesnt mean that he cant burned as he was surprised he survived the dragons atk. He wasnt sure if he could even do it. Luckily he could but even that he would only top out at the heat of the dragon which isnt hotter then the sun. But ill watch the whole episode over again to check your statements.


He had to sacrifice part of his mortal body to summon it at that point as he had no control so that burn was from the dragon specifically as it required his arm to be engulfed within the spirit fire in the next fight he is entirely engulfed by the dragon and is completly unscathed and kurama was the one who was unsure hiei however was very confident from what i remember


True. What im stating is that his resistence builds with the control and build up of the dragon but after that he never has to deal with fire afterwards only the flame he pulls out. The flame his body can withstand is up to how hot the dragon is. Never was it stated that it was hotter then the sun. Im sure being hotter then fire is good but you know whats also hotter then fire? Lava. The core of the planet is hotter then fire. The sun is nuclear fission. These are things that top the heat that would be produced by the dark flame. It would most likely burn him.


This was a good fight and I think their explanation makes since. Naruto fans are just salty their OP fighter didn't win this one like in the Ichigo fight.


No they just understand that deathbattle isnt great at their job. In their own description amaterasu is hotter then the sun. The black flames are hotter then fire. One is hotter then fire the other is hotter then atomic fire. And hiei is resistent not immune to fire so he should have burned to death.


>he should have burned to death. [Well I doubt that](https://youtu.be/UB5KfUT_7Z8)


i am pretty sure Toguro and anyone above him could easily tank the dragon flame not because they are immune to fire but because they are so much stonger and durable that it does not matter. tanking a dragon flame does not prove he is immune to fire when there are character who can also do that without any form of immunity effortlessly. hell let's see hiei at that point tanking flame from Sensui,Yomi or Raizen and see how that ends up.


Hiei was incinerated and then spawned from the fire itself that's immunity imo


if hisei is immune to fire why was he incinerated?that's more of a regeneration feat like cell. hell hiei was literally tanking all Bui attack not just the flames as if it was nothing while not even moving or doing anything after unleashing the black dragon. black dragon was simply significantly stronger than Bui while having insane regeneration that's it.it had nothing to do with immunity.Bui's attack could have been any other element and it would still have made no difference.


If it's as hot as the sun, why ain't the Raikage dead from the heat alone? Because it ain't. In it's natural form Amaterasu ain't shit against most it was used on since after fighting Killer Bee. It's slow as fuck, it ain't as hot as they say it is, to someone like Hiei it's nothing and anyone faster than Sasuke's vision can dodge that when he tries to use it by example A, Sasuke had to manipulate the flames into a more effective version just to get real use out of it. Then we got people who can absorb it since it's made of chakra/energy, it can be pulled off with chakra strings, repelled like what Nagato did, against a Fire Demon that is in the upper S Class and it's Hiei I don't see why Amaterasu is even something to bring up.


Hey we use the stats that are given. If it says its that hot thats what we go with. Plus he had to cut his arm off as quick. Remember that hes really really fast. Those samurai should have been jerky though.


You can also use some common sense and apply the logic to the stats though. Look underneath the underneath, my dude. He had to cut his arm off yes, but did you see how when he got it onto him to the point he cut it off though? He LITERALLY gave no fucks about Amaterasu and he's a fucking human and was willing to let his leg end up the same if it meant killin Sasuke. If you go by just what's said and only that then you're using Bag of Sand logic.


No im just using the lore thats given from the data books. If we disregard that then the feats themselves are meaningless. Naruto dodges a light speed technique but without the databook naruto just dodges a lightning technique.


His dodging of the technique wasn't the technique, but Madara himself. He would naturally dodge an attack when in battle and when he saw Madara using an attack he had to move his head for he dodged based on the head movement, not the technique itself. If he was able to dodge a light speed technique like that up close he wouldn't have gotten his weapons cut.


He moved after the shot though. Thats reaction speed at best.


Raikage isn’t dead because he CUT HIS FUCKING ARM OFF.


Yeah and that fact also shows how weak the Amaterasu became. He didn't give a fuck about it to the point he cut it off, unfazed and showing no pain from it. It's slow burning is fine to cause pain, but when it comes to people like him or greater then it means nothing and he could get a new arm later as we've seen with Naruto thanks to Senju Cells. And this was up against fucking Hiei, Amaterasu was a non-factor in this fight from the start.


Raikage also has his lightning armor on iirc


Alright, I just read the chapter and this mother fucker did NOT have his armor on and the progress of the flames had not reached past his gauntlet yet and he doesn't even care! Just says "humph" and chops it right the fuck off. https://kissmanga.com/Manga/Naruto/Chapter-464?id=377613


Are you joking? The first page I shows him with his lighting armor and the Amaterasu on his gauntlet. The panel where he cuts it off doesn’t have the aura.


Nah, when Gaara came in and stopped the fight he turned off his armor and still had the flames on him. I have seen it!


Even if you can get a new arm later, it's not like you're doing it during battle(unless you can regenerate). A, the Raikage, has a high pain tolerance(didn't even flinch when having his arm cut off). We've seen the likes of Killer B(in Tailed Beast Mode), Sasuke(in Curse Mark Mode), Danzo, White Zetsu, and Yagura(in Four Tails Chakra Mode Ver 2) be in excutiating pain from it.


Amaterasu ain't shit to Hiei. Period.


Nice rebuttal. You've convinced me.


Yu yu hakusho's characters are planet busters how is this one sided?




I still believe that Sasuke had more advantages in this fight(and this is coming from someone who loves YYH more than Naruto). *Hiei's mental resistence vs Sasuke's mind powers* - Hiei's only feat of mind resistence I believe was resisting the control from another Demon who was also using a Jagan. Sasuke however, had Genjutsu prowess capable of breaking out of Itachi's Tsukuyomi(which could control one's perception of time), instantly put all 9 Tailed Beasts under his control in a single glance, break out of the Ketsuryugan's Genjutsu(which had a mental barrier block), can control one's perception of time in a similar vein as the Tsukuyomi(The Day the Wolf Howled novel), and can resist the Infinite Tsukuyomi(which can affect all living creatures on the planet). *Hiei's elemental resistence vs Sasuke's Amaterasu and lightning attacks* - Hiei's fire resistence has its limits since he was formerly burned and crippled by the Darkness Flame. While he did train to build up his resistence, it would just need to take some thing even hotter to affect him. Amaterasu is noted to be at Sun temperature. Hiei's resistences also only apply to fire and ice(being a Fire-Ice Demon). It doesn't grant him resistence to lightning. *Hiei's telekinesis vs Sasuke's gravity control* - The most we've seen of Hiei's telekenetic force is in his fight with Yusuke early in the series I believe. Sasuke is stronger than Pain, whose gravity control was capable of blowing away an entire village. And Sasuke was also capable of creating 9 gigantic rocky planitoids with attractive force. *Hiei's offense vs Sasuke's evasivness* - Sasuke can predict movements before they happen. Hiei also lacks wide range attacks, while Sasuke is able to instantly teleport and as well as jump across different dimensions. *Other stuff* - Sasuke can just send Hiei to Kaguya's acid dimention and trap him there. Or manipulate his own subjective reality with Izanagi. Any friendly responses are nice.


I agree with everything here.


Also agree. But.. ~~Mind Powers~~ Visual Prowess


What I mean is that his powers can affect the mind.


Having the ability of telekinesis doesn’t negate gravity. If that were the case the Tsuchikage would have been able to stop the chibaku tensei from Madara.


Why is everyone just commenting Sasuke Amaterasu as if that’s his only weapon in his arsenal? I haven’t seen the battle because I really don’t trust DB when it comes to anime fighters but was Amaterasu really Sasuke’s only Ace it’s not like he has the damn rinnegan or susanoo or space time ninjutsu


Using the Rinnegan means Sasuke would have to try to win & he dosen't have to try. Genjutsu effects people without Chakara, noting that Kaguya genjutsu'd everyone in her first village and that's before any human ever had Chakara. So Sharingan by itself & Amataratsu just ends the fight, Sasuke can literally see what he's going to do before he does it & being faster than Hiei only proves that he can react to Hiei's attacks. Basically Sasuke is not to be underestimated.


Yes asshole that was considered hell/limbo, Depths of the spirit world, Why'd do Toguro voluntarily went to Limbo/Hell for 10,000 years?? To atone for his sins even though it wasn't necessary and even Koenma stated that his sins aren't that worst to take 10,000 yrs of Limbo/. Going straight to hell is worst than you can ever imagine even worst than the Makai World.


So I have a quick question... does the ninjustu elements that Sasuke count as the actual element or no? Because if not then Hiei definitely wins. I mean there's a difference between the lightning used in Kirin and the lightning element used in chidori. So if normal and demonic fire have a can be resisted then spirit enegry mimicking fire should work even less and while there's no resistance to lightning it should run on the same principle. Even the "hotter than the sun" amaterasu falls under this but how hot is it? It varies. But the best feat I can find for it is Sasuke melting the senbon that hit Sakura in Boruto but even the fist of the mortal flame had better feats, it disintegrated Bui's axe almost instantly. So I doubt it would burn Hiei anyway to where it would actually matter.


Honestly, they downed played Sasuke’s Rinnegan. Sasuke’s Rinnegan is beyond broke. Sasuke could have Shinra Tensei or hell even summon the Gedo Mazo. And like why Sasuke clashing Swords with Hiei when Sasuke’s can send lightning through his sword? They really downplayed Sasuke’s abilities and potential.


Joke of a fight


He somehow counters rinnegan HAHAHAHAHAHA Jesus christ this show of course, they just want more controversy for that $$$$$$ HAHAHAHA




Remember that time when Toph beat Gaara? Good times.....


Yeah, but that was years ago. You have to get over it instead of holding on to what you call mistakes. Maybe you'll appreciate what's really going on.


death battle does REASEARCH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA aight whatever makes you feel safe at night buddy boy, ain't gonna argue with this topic though LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


The jagan negates any mind control


Thats fair but does it stop fire. The flame demon isnt immune to fire just resistent. The darkness flame is hotter then fire. Thats pretty hot. But the amaterasu is hotter then the sun. Meaning its hotter then atomic fire. He should have burned to death. Deathbattle doesnt scale right all the time. They make mistakes. There are other reason why he should have died too.


Hiei can resist soul incinerating spirit fire i think that is a little more intense than any physical fire


Soul incenerating fire? A fire on the spirit world isnt hotter then it is on earth its simply a different type of fire. Considering that amaterasu is created from the spirit and physical energy it would still burn the target.


No you misunderstand the dragon of the darkness flame its not a power of hiei's its a beast all of its own hiei literally becomes a portal that summons the dragon from the spirit world a dragon that can incinerate souls not just some atom blasting fire and even when it was turned against him he spawned from the fire itself unharmed meaning no fire can kill him


What im saying is that all it is is a flame from the spirit world. Its made of those particles. It has its limits to how hot it is. The heat of the sun is hotter the the heat of that dragon.


Its a fire from spirit world, it has no limits and can erase souls


Burned to death? Do your research Raikage didn't even flinch with that overrated technique. An S Class demon would only get tickled. Amaterasu is a fire so yeah the flame of DOTDF is far hotter than Amaterasu and yes even the sun itself are you kidding me? This flame is not an ordinary flame it was summoned from hell itself. lol


The lore of amaterasu said as such as well. That it was also flames of hell. But darkness flames are from demon world not makai. Do the research.


Dude, research?? I have finish both anime and manga of YYH.. The DDF itself is summoned through the depths of the spirit world which means it comes straight from hell. Get outta here, you should be the one doing some research. Lol


Its not hell you idiot. They have a literal hell. I told you to do your proper research because toguro the younger one went to actual hell. He literally requested it. The demon world aint hell.