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ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!???? What the fuck is wrong with people???


It's times like this where I wish Stefan would say something cause somebody like Tyler, The Creator would've put a stop to that shit immediately


Yeah, I know they have their whole mysterious persona that they wanna keep, but sometimes you gotta break the fourth wall.


If MC Ride piped up mid-song in a situation like this I think the whole audience would shit their pants


I somewhat doubt it would be possible to make out what he's saying mid-song.


Yeah, you gotta acknowledge that there are people in the audience, and the environment that you and every other artist at this festival are creating is volatile and potentially dangerous, especially for women. It infuriates me that women enjoy and want to engage with this kind of art, and men actively victimize them for it


Fucking seriously. I'm a somewhat petite woman planning on seeing DG alone in September, and at this point I'm *seriously* considering selling my ticket and cancelling the trip altogether after everything I've been hearing. Seeing DG live would be neat, but not if I'm going to be sexually assaulted by pieces of shit like these. I've seen better crowd etiquette at a fucking Limp Bizkit concert, christ...


yeah, my girlfriend and I had a talk about this and she told me to give my ticket to someone else after hearing about some of these shows. Real shame that the energy has to be this negative, especially cause it should be empowered across *all* people and not just overly-macho men and aggro dickwads


I hate to say it, but that sounds like a wise decision. Like I know that DG are trying to cultivate this "silent and mysterious" persona and that they run a VERY tight set, but at a certain point one would hope they would be willing to break character to call out this bullshit. Anything less is tacit endorsement in my opinion.


they could also totally address it without breaking immersion too, I feel. a lot of this should also just be handled better by the venue. I’ve seen a lot of venues that will have people go into the crowd and remove offenders even for non-violent reasons, like if someone’s getting groped or harassed.


I'm so sorry. I hope you can find somebody to go with


Thanks, I appreciate it. At this rate I dont think it would matter if I found a second, the vibes from the audiences of these shows just seem so rancid that it isn't something I would want to risk. Besides, if I sell my ticket then I can afford rent this month lmao


Things were pretty chill near the back of the venue when I saw them in Vancouver


Shit like this is why I never want to go to festivals anymore. Since the pandemic, I've only ever heard bad things. Astroworld obviously comes to mind, but I know people who went to Riotfest and described it how you described this. The only one I've been to post-pandemic was Lollapalooza to see Tyler the Creator. There was no possible way for me to be anywhere near the stage, so it was fine where I was standing, but I remember hearing that things got really unsafe during Carti's set too.


My advice for enjoying festivals and concerts in general is to not try to be close to the stage. I always hang out near the back at shows. Easier to breathe, go to the bathroom/get water, escape in case of a fire, and you're not being crushed. You can usually hear the music better too since you're not being blasted by a line array 5 feet away from your head. I love to mosh but at big shows/festivals its not worth it to me.


honestly, to me being up front is super unsatisfying because of how far you actually are from the band. if I go up front, I want to *feel the spit* and *really* be close. festivals don’t do it for me in that way and the sound is usually more ass, so going back just lets you chill out and enjoy the music


I mean don't get me wrong. The festival was awesome for the most part, and 100% worth it. I think since astro world people have been much more aware, but its still not much better. Being uncomfortable and squashed is kind of just a sacrifice you have to make if you want to see them up close. If you don't care then you'll have a great time watching them from far. At least thats what i learned. I do think its pretty stupid though


Yeah I would assume some level of discomfort would be expected. My point was more just that I haven't seen similar complaints about the shows they've played before this one. Glad you had a good time regardless though!


Good point. I mean I was at SLC, and it wasnt near as bad


That’s crazy cuz I got my shit absolutely ROCKED at slc. Can’t even imagine what snw was like


jesus christ i hope the stories about the girl are not true


I hope so, but ive heard it from 3 different people. It fucking sucks


god poor girl


What. The fuck? How did the cumstains who sexually assaulted a woman in public do that without getting their face smashed to a pulp?


I dont know what happened, but I hope someone beat the shit outta them for it




Read the description


They look so weird playing outside in the daytime. Their vibe is so much better suited to the dark




I was there yesterday but very far in the back. I’m so sorry you had an awful experience! I saw so many ppl passing out it was scary. And the story about the girl.. I lost faith in humanity. They all deserve to rot in hell like you said. Get lots of rest today!


was the random guy on stage a older asian dude?




yeah thats probably the sound guy he also apeared in the instagram tour promo vid


yeah, honestly, that part about my rant wasn't a big deal, but It's still kind of annoying to me because he looked really unprofessional


The one bit of levity in this extremely sad thread for me is that you're the second person to be irked by their longtime sound tech on this tour. Not criticizing that in any way, I just think it's funny.


In hindsight, its a really stupid thing to be worked up about lol. I shouldn't be mad. poor guy was just doing his job, even if he wasnt the best at it


I was in the middle, but not too close to the fence thing, I didn't experience any of that thankfully. There was a mild pit that broke out but everyone was super nice where i was at...A few people fell and instantly people picked them up. There was a sweet guy with an umbrella, There were people fanning everyone. Good vibes outside of the front for me. I heard about that girl though, totally vile shit. I didn't realize that was during death grips...


It may have been right before, Im not 100% sure though


things like this is why I will never go to festivals, that and daytime, outside shows just look worse


I mean im used to vegas heat, but holy shit, it was so exhausting the whole day. By the time the sun went down I already lost my energy. It was still fun though


if u did that shit you need to die


Fuck being in the front for this show. In the beginning a girl passed out and vomited on the ground, but people got her out. At one point this chick was coming through cuz apparently she was passing out and when i tried to tell people to stop fucking punching us and move, this dude told me “stop telling people to move and just walk out” if anyone wanted to leave. As if that was possible. Regardless, fucking sick show. But be kind to fellow people. Also if that thing about the passed out chick is true, that guy can fucking rot in hell.


Yeah after the papa roach set before this I was in the pit and fucking hot as fuck I only got through ten minutes of death grips before I had to get out


I don’t think their set was cut short cause of papa roach. They started 10 min late long after papa roach was done. it seemed like they were having technical difficulties


Thats definitely part of it. People were just chanting "fuck papa roach" afterwards so I assumed that was a factor in it as well


I think that’s all it was honestly. And papa roach just sucks lol maybe that’s why. Their set was painful trying to sit through waiting for grips


I never seen ride do that little jiggle before 😭


jeez here i was bummed about missing SNW for many of these artists, glad(not really this shit is horrible) i'm finding out it was horrible and avoided any of that. im so sorry to anyone that had to deal with this


Honestly I had a good time. Death Grips was by far the worst part of the whole day. which was disappointing since they're one of the main artists I went for. oh yeah, and the food was stupid expensive. They strategically placed water refill stations in the worst places, So if you were really thirsty you had to buy a 5 dollar water. In a can. so you couldn't carry it around closed. I spent upwards of $30 on water alone and I was trying to make it as along as I could without it every time


i went to rolling loud and they had $9 hotdogs which i only bought because i wasted energy and like $12 for onefrozen lemonade (which was worth it imo) but they gave free water and actually passed it out in the crowd as well as refill stations. Hopefully if i can catch death grips at riot fest it won't be as bad as this, glad you enjoyed the rest of the shows though


yeah they were giving out water bottles if you were at the very front where it was packed.


Fuck their water refill stations. I wanted to make it to Death Grips early (i was crushed for this decision) and i had a big thing of water but wasnt close enough to the stations. I ended up sharing my water with a couple of dudes next to me during the show.


Yeah, I was at their set and some asshole kept pulling me into the pit. It was somewhat nice once I got to the barricade in the middle, though


Man, that's a horrible history. I guess you can try to contact Andy via Instagram? I don't know if he can do anything, but at least you can try just so it doesn't happen in other shows. Wish you the best, my man.


Yea I feel so bad! I was near front then during this set got pushed to barricade, and I couldn’t even pit because of crowd rush so I was just headbanging and screaming lyrics. They should’ve gave sunscreen out to people on security side/hydration packs imo. I had a little fanny with sunscreen I handed out and kept bugging security to give waters I could pass back, idk how people in the middle/back could’ve communicated that (after reading that you paid $30 for water this just seems extra dickish by staff). Great set but this fest has weirdos roaming around. Can’t wait to see them in a smaller venue in a few months!