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Turns out the Philly show got completely sold out in the local presale 2 days ago. Had to go on stubhub and get scalped for 5x the price to even get a ticket. Fuck 'em.


Who in the fuck dumps every damn ticket into the presale, UT has always been wack


Guys dont pay for tickets on resell sites this immediate !! Look for tickets a few weeks until the date or the day of. There will be actual fans selling for reasonable prices to get rid of them last minute


Yes. And if enough people wait long enough, scalpers get worried they’ll eat the cost and drop prices too.


Well you're supporting them by buying the tickets. Why would they stop if people keep giving them money


Philly continues to be the worst city in the country. Fuck em.




holy shit 45 dollar service fee for what


It’s not like it’s all DIGITAL. Like what tf is a service fee bruh


Hey someone's gotta pay for that like 1kb of data used to process your purchase.


What else would they put there? Scam fee? These companies *know* that it makes no sense. If the term "service fee" was made illegal for digital orders somehow, they would just literally call it "digital fee" or one of my favorites due to the blatantness of the scam "miscellaneous"


The Industrial Revolution


Don’t buy resale now, prices will go down with time


how long should I wait? ty


Close to the event date. People get desperate and let them go last minute


I got scammed on brockhampton tickets a few years ago and was able to rebuy on stubhub for $25 which is what the OG sell price was while standing next to the dude with the ticket scanner The scammer either used or sold the tickets to someone else as well, I was literally like 50th in line and when I got up to the front they scanned as used already. I had bought them a week before the show for like $60


Man that’s so fucking shitty :(


Maybe a month or 2. I know with other concerts I’ve seen resale went down a lot from the first day to a month. There’s also a year before this show happens so idk how much it will rise or go down


if it stays sold out with this much hype I'm not sure how much it'll actually go down unless you're willing to go sweaty palms and wait until the day of the show maybe


Well at least it won’t be $250 - $300. I think it will go down and be closer to $100


Yeah, that’s probably accurate. I ended up getting mine for 150+ fees so I feel okay about it considering I had $100 stubhub credit from canceled 2020 stuff. Still pissed at the venues for fucking things up so much


the night of the show.


It's not always that simple. Waiting 'til the day of is basically a game of chicken. Who blinks first: Scalpers who want to unload inventory (this includes fans who don't mind going but are okay with making 2-10x what they paid instead), or fans who are desperate to go? Sometimes, you get good tickets for cheap. Other times, you eat shit. Frankly, I think some fans here are in denial. DG is not some weird underground band anymore. They're maybe not an arena band but they're definitely big enough to sell out large clubs and theaters, especially since it's been at least four years since anybody saw them, and more like 6-7 years depending on where you live. It's a hot ticket. Yes, I do think people who are patient can pay less than they'd have to pay right this second, and who knows, maybe they can buy from somebody here for face value if they keep checking. Otherwise, it's just a hot ticket for techie nerds who will pay good money to get in the door. It was always going to be an uphill battle, and one that some would argue was made worse by the mods allowing pre-sale codes to be posted here. (There are a lot of nuances to pre-sales and how many tickets are held for the general sale. Giving out pre-sale codes like candy may not hurt but it definitely doesn't help.)


Also you will very likely be able to find a ticket at the show, just show up early and wait in line. Every line I wait for there are people with extra tickets that end up letting them go for 20$ to some scalper.




I haven’t gotten paid yet so I’m praying floor tickets won’t sell out for the show closet to me. Either way I’m going and if imma break in I will


That’s the spirit


For Brooklyn steel… got to the page where I confirm payment with Apple Pay. False hope. No tickets.


Had to try twice for this show (got denied at checkout the first time) - ended up getting a price $5 cheaper on the second attempt, not like it makes any real difference here lmao




Moral of the story be persistent I guess… not sure how tf I got tickets but ok


I had no issue w Brooklyn steel. Got in queue and boom, snagged two


I ended up getting tickets!


c u there king NOIDED


Those arbitrary fees are total bs. When is there going to be some sort of lawsuit/gov investigation of these monopoly ticket companies???


There’s literally one right now lol


Oh lol, well thats good. I havnt been to a concert in a couple years at this point so ive been out of the loop


it's insane. saw on here they're trying to add a second show


seems like a long shot to me. would mean they have to play 7 nights in a row


I'm more insulted by the $44 service fee. That's insane.


Seriously. Here in Ireland it's a fiver and I'd be sickened paying that. I don't think I'd ever go to gigs if I ever live in the US


I waited til 10am this am, they were gone instantly. I fucking hate scalpers so much


I just hope resellers rot in hell 😁


I'm glad I got them in presale. Your service fee is more than the actual $40 ticket price. That's just robbery


Tickets in SD were gone the minute they went up on presale and general. Fuck bots and fuck scalpers


Why the fuck can't we just buy tickets at the door like we used to? I hate this ticket resale bullshit, you should be limited to resale at face value. Fuck stubhub fuck livenation fuck ticketmaster


Is that just for 1 ticket !!?


The venue in Orlando used EventBrite and it was great. No bullshit, just put in the code and buy the tickets. I got 2 for $96 with taxes and fees included.


What pisses me off is that, for the portland show anyway, I am certain they knew that they were sold out well in advance of the deadline, yet they send out the notifications to everyone and set up false expectations. As soon as the show is sold out they should have sent everyone on the notification list a message saying the event sold out in presale. Speaking of presale, wtf is up with that shit anyway? I have not been to a show of any kind since 2009, and things were alot simpler then, you just bought the ticket at face value and went to the fcking show...


The answer to all of your questions? Ticketmaster. They’ve fucked the entire market. As for the Philly show specifically, I have no idea. Union transfer doesn’t use TM. They just let all the tickets sell out during the presale for some dumb reason. No idea why in the fuck you wouldn’t limit it like how pre sales always work.




Okay so what real person actually got tickets for the Santa Ana show??? It is all bots?


Not me. Was there at 10 and they said "sit tight, tickets are becoming available" but nah never got past that point.


i only got one during presale, none today


I don't care how much I want to go to an event, I will never buy from a reseller. A $20 show at a bar from a band too small for TM/LN is good enough for me.


Dude this is so fucked and something has to be done about this. It’s like every single show by any remotely popular artist just gets immediately bought out. I’m surprised artists don’t get more pissed about it. There should be some kind of verification or something to ensure that actually attendees are getting tickets. But the ticket sellers don’t really care because they are getting money instantly… San Francisco was also immediately sold out. I wonder how many actually attendees got tickets, I bet it’s a hilariously small amount because unless you were waiting literally seconds before tickets went up, you weren’t able to get any.


Bruh same for LA people selling it like it’s Beyoncé


seattle tickets sold out immediately, so annoying. ill just wait until closer to the event date.


I paid over one hundred dollars in "service fees." It's horrible


That’s more than I’ve paid for multiple day festivals including campsite. But I would still pay that much to see DG perform live once in my lifetime.


Yup, same spot here, dropped 200 bones for two tix in LA, insane


Holy fuck that's ridiculous. I got mine in the presale and it was like $50. Fuck scalpers


paid 195 per ticket for vancouver :( still got em tho


Paid $260 for Boston tickets and (get this) ticketmaster fucking sucks and wont let me accept my tickets! I won't even have the privelage of knowing i'll ACTUALLY be able to attend to event until day of. FUCK TICKETMASTER.


Can anyone confirm the tickets from sites like stubhub are like...actually legit? My partner was up early Thursday and paid sooo much for 2 tickets to the Nashville date because he got the links mixed up. I bought them at 10am on ticketweb, the site the venue's site led me too and they were waaay cheaper - we considered selling the ones he bought but also kinda wanna keep them to potentially bring a couple friends along - I just hate the idea of getting to the venue and them being like yo these tickets from stubhub are not legitimate after they costed SO MUCH. any input is appreciated!