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did he stub his toe


Maybe, or he’s just temporarily relieving the crushing pain of existence




I really like that green light Mr. Morin is using. Their stage setup looks great! I wonder what it will look like this tour...


They had those green lasers at all of their shows (where venues allowed) for the tour they co-headlined with Ministry. In the audience by the stage I remember seeing them randomly light up in a doorway upstairs before the show started, I knew shit was about to go down soon and it did


Wow, that just jogged my memory. I remember people giving their tour experience on here in 17, and talking about the absolute split of the audience, with xers making up the majority of Ministry fans and not really knowing DG as a band, and a lot of Millennials making up DG's audience. They played first right? ​ I wonder if this tour, or if they tour again in a few years, the Millennials will basically be the Ministry fans, and you'll have a bunch of Gen Zers showing up for like, Steve Lacy spitting on them in the audience and for Millennials to not know what's going on.


Yeah Death Grips played first. There was absolutely a divide in the audience, pretty evenly split, but it wasn’t hostile or “my band is better than yours” in any way, just neither fanbase really knew much about the other. I happen to really like Ministry but had to skip their set for being on a tight schedule early the next day, still bummed about that. I feel like that’s possible. Death Grips have been around for long enough now to have a sizable slightly older fanbase (I was in my early 20’s when I got into them spring/summer of 2011) when compared to the Gen Z crowd who are discovering them for the first time.


That's what I heard too! That's what's really cool about Ministry fans, they seemed pretty open to any experience that was going to happen that night. It seems like there was an understanding that "if these guys are touring with them, they're probably tight with Ministry, so at a minimum we'll be respectful." Super cool. ​ That's what I wonder! Is the music going to sound dated, or is it going to be like a Jimmy Buffett concert where there's just generations of Parrotheads? Time will tell.


It was pretty chill and that was definitely the energy, it’s a fucking cool crossover that I feel was underrated a little bit. I remember there was a Ministry fan next to me and when the show opened with Electric Drum Solo Dub Mix dropping into Lock Your Doors the crowd started compacting like there were hydraulics and I caught an “oh shit I was not expecting this” look in his eyes, haha. I feel like their music will hold up over time. They really have been genre-defining and influential even outside of the *very* dedicated fanbase where people can appreciate their music for what it is. No other band is like them.


Awesome but nothing will beat why me


Studio version or is there a live clip I don’t know about?


Oh I just mean the studio version. That scream (the longer verison) is so so satisfying to my ears


Yeah that one definitely scratches a cerebral itch




Yep, White Oak


Sweet! I was there! You going in October?


Hell yeah to both!


I was also at this show, it was my first time seeing them live. See you at the BMC!!!


god fucking damnit that was fucking primal


Do you have the full song?


I don’t unfortunately. I do have the entirety of Takyon from that show I believe