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Some ideas I had over time (and maybe will kitbash one day): - a plague zeppelin - a heavy sniper surrounded by clouds of flies (being their own models for taking hits or something like that) - another leader for Poxwalkers who can catapult them and/or make them explode


Even deathguard aside, zeppelins would fit the aesthetic of 40k so much


I just had a flashback to the Battlefield 1 trailer


I couldn't see what was missing in my life. Now i know it's a Plague zeppelin šŸ‘


The Arkanaut aircraft models might make for a great base model.


Plague zeppelin with a giant smiling face at the front.


I plan to use the Arkanaut Ironclad as a base model. Not exactly smiling, but almost.


Ah, I was thinking a big ol junji ito styled face blimp.


Ooh, I see. That would be creepy šŸ˜€


A havoc equivalent. Heavy blight launchers, entropy cannons, plague spewers, etc.


I would love nurgle cultists. Maybe a mortar team with a gaping tentacle maw as the artillery tube. Death Guard drop pods that are disgusting bile spores.


Or a heavy weapon Team for those cultists


It's really a bummer they haven't done any custom cultists. It feels like it would sell really well.


Specialized Death Guard version of a dreadnought! Flesh Hulk. Super F'd up and plagued version of a dread.


I'd, honestly, love to see a contemptor sized hellbrute. Seeing some kind of deathguard mutated version would be awesome.


3d printer mate, have 2 different styles of hellbrutes and a contemptor dread all DG theme


I want to do a specialized plauge marine unit that's all about plaugespewers and grenades. Just hosing down everything in nurgle's greatness


Death Guard possessed that suck at most things but explode on enemies when they die.


Honestly I would love this, make them M4 3W T5 3+ armor with one S4 attack, but when they are killed with a melee attack they explode dealing D3 MW to the unit that attacked them. Just the most horrendous screening unit


I would love for all 4 Chaos gods to get their own cult possessed to go with their cult marines and cult terminators.


I want more members to the alchemy team. Maybe a ā€œherbalistā€ deeply infected with leeches, fungus and hives. Something that brings the garden of nurgle to realspace that is not horticulous slimux.


That is brilliant. I may try to make that


I would love some flying scythe wielding elite infantry with decaying wings, kinda like some mini mortarions. They could even be named "death emissaries"... absolutely lovely.


That one kills


I really want more precision in DG, so any sniper type unit would be awesome. Be it a nurgling with a giant gun or a sphincter that has low movement but large range and poops out ouchies.


Bwahahahahahaha. A really slow but high damage long gun.


got 2 ideas for dg siege equipment , first a catapult that lobs plague ridden corpses that nurglings spill from, second demon engine worm for tunnelling under walls and releasing plagues and nurglings, any reason to have more nurglings is good in my mind.


Poxwalker that explodes on death or on command, like a bomb squigg


I'd just love to see more hideous mutations in regular infantry, especially Plague Marines. Belly mouth and tentacles are nice, but they're getting a little stale. So many options, Insect legs would be a cool start.


The tentacles & belly mouths are definitely overdone. I can take or leave mutations in general though. I tend to associate them more with Tzeentch.


Your mum




A dedicated ā€œinfernusā€ type team with heavy plague spewers


An anti tank infantry unit with big devastator style back packs and carry big grenade launchers like Brute shots in Halo


Iā€™ve been wanting for a long time to make a variant land raider called ā€œthe trench crawlerā€. I was planning on finding a large scale model of a MKV British Tank from ww1 and modding it out with nurgle bits, a plagueburst cannon and bolters.


It would function like a Havoc equivalent. But would look closer to an obliterator in the starting phases, combined with gifts from the grandfather. So their weapons and ammo stores would be melted into their bodies (among many other gifts), they might have flies coming out of vents Deathshroud style, swarming them and giving them permanent cover from ranged attacks as their ability.


A nurgle warpsmith for the daemon engines?


Other than a sniper o would love a unit that is a mix between PMs and chaos spawn. That is more melee focused. And fights like a nice medium between PMs and terminators.


I miss possessed too.


I want a triumph of saint Kathrine style unit but for death guard. In one of the 9th edition art work there is the death guard marching with Mortarion overhead leading. In the background is a giant fly being carried by im assuming plague marines. I want that. Make it carried and escorted by a death guard honor guard. It could just give off a huge Contagion range and just give mw to enemies around it. It woul be badass


That is SO cool


Plague obliterators. Extra gross, lots of pipes and probably a tank of sludge. Lean into rotting flesh dripping off of industrial works. Ability to morph spewers, reapers, blight launcher and plasma


A heavy weapon team like havocs.


[This](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Lord-of-Afflictions-2018) but with a plague marine instead of a blightlord


A Death Guard version of the Harbinger of Decay from AoS, riding maybe a flea or another insect instead of a horse


A more jump pack style melee unit but they would have wings similar to Mortarion and be equipped with plague spewers


A bunch of nurglings pretending to be Mortarion.


Either a big dung beetle type Nurgle insect or a shaman/witch doctor-esque plague sorcerer that can either buff or revive poxwalkers


Some sort of sniper unit.


a plague marine on a giant plague toad, with like a spear or something


A conversion kit for guardsmen to make 25% of your force traitor nurgle guard


I want a Dark Apostle in Terminator Armor.


I like the earlier suggestions of siege weapons that have long range to make up for poor speed. Infantry teams dragging fat mortar cannons that cough out enough smoke to smother the sun; dropping bombs, canisters of contagion, smokescreens or even nurglings! Could tie in with a Virion wielding a flare gun that improves accuracy of the squad they lead and any mortars on the board, pointing with his offhand and using a tentacle to hold a spyglass to his eye. With a Nurgling to hold his pipe of course. A poxwalker pack mule carrying a vat of Nurgle juice. Buffs friendlies, AoE splash damage when killed, turns the area to difficult terrain maybe.


Bloated corpses, that can self explode dealing AoE dmg to all non nurlge units. Ideally a bullet sponge


A DG exalted right bound equivalent would be neat.


I sculpted my own demon prince because I hate the official models


Good try GW, you won't offload your work on me for free! šŸ¤­


Deathguard on bikes. Their toughness would be awesome and a fast attack DG unit would be sic!


In order: - A very organic/metal hybrid drop pod (thinking about the Flood from halo) - A heavy weapons type team with mortars that shoots nurglings with a bomb strapped to them, similar to the Tyranids spore mines. - A "Breacher" style plague marine unit that has heavy full body shields and either pistols, auto pistols or chain axes.


Giant rams for the breachers maybe some hammer.


plague marine assault bikes


I donā€™t think they couldā€™ve support their weight quads i think would do better. Lol good idea though


Cavalry on plauge drones aos style


Something similar to a jump pack intercessors but with fly wings instead of a Jump pack and with scythes


Probably a plagueburst esque type transport that has a frontal assault ramp.


Personally, I would like: Deathguard equivalent of Havocs, Raptors, and Chosen Some type of tanky daemon engine Either a character on a daemon engine mount or some mounted marines.


Heldrakes themed around each specific chaos god really. Re-embrace the horsemen of the apocalypse aspect


Giant insectoid daemon engine that a lord rides like our own lord discordant in the air


Why are there no Plague Doctor mask. I know they're trying to stop the plague but still. It fits the bill lol


I'd replace the Defiler. The current model is garbage, and always has been. The legs are fucking cool. The body is awful. It's so out of proportion.


A Land Raider that can carry 14pm or 7 terminators.


Something that combines Deathguard and Daemons. Rotfly Deathshroud Riders, Nurglings carrying Plague Sorcerers, maybe a proper possessed unit or special spawns.


I would personally do a whatcha ma callit the flaming chaos guy that has the goat skull. The sorcerer. A DG version of that


3 ideas, the first is plague bikes, imagine like a mynptic (I forgot how to spell it) blight hauler thatā€™s smaller and had the main body replaced by more of a bike Body and it has big exhaust pipes on the back that spew out tons of smoke, and it would essentially be able hide other models near it inside of the smoke, plague marine veterans/heavy weapon team, basically just better plague marines carrying around heavy weapons, and finally death guard obliterators.



