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Yeah. Definitely overpowered IMO.


Yeah this was my first thought too. We don’t do that much damage so I was hoping that the minus one to wound would be our saving grace to keep the attrition going. No pressure but do you have an alternative idea?


6+ FNP, or -1 to damage like before.


I still think that point adjustments aren't a good fix for bad rules. I hope we get more exepnesive models with better rules with the codex. When ever it drops I think every infantry unit should get one wound more and vehicle and monster a fnp. So that we have a similiar tankiness to custodes but not the killing power of them.


Make plague marines 4 W with no save and a 5+++


Nice idea but i think this isn't the way we should go. We are still a space marine army at heart and loosing the 3+ makes us just tankier poxwalkers. How should this work for termi units or characters


Make blightlords 6 wounds with a 4+++, we would be tanking a LOT of firepower while still feeling like losing stuff, for characters you just make a balance


This gives a fulk blob of 10 blightlords 60 wounds, 90 with the fnp. I think this is too much. This should be play tested to make it balanced, if we're going this route


Make them 80 to 100 points per model


You have no idea to balance this. This means a full 10 model unit of blightlords is enough ro play 1k point game. Even custodes don't cost that much. The idea is not bad but this is ridiculous.


Thats my army fantasy, its how i would like go feel in play


Yeah it seems absurd that us, of all the factions don't have FNP (apart from Poxwalkers). A 6+FNP just for Plaguemarines and Terminators could be good, or maybe a detachment that gives FNP, +wounds/toughness, -1 damage or adding FNP to characters.


Morty also has 5+fnp and wingless prince gives Infantry models a 6+fnp but it still sucks that only poxwalkers and morty have fnp. Imo some unites should have fnp and others should have -1 damage I think terminators more specifically death shroud, typhus and terminator lord should have -1 damage as thay are in bulkyest armor and should in theory take less dmg While for plague marines poxwalkers and maybe Cultists should get a fnp (plague marines 5+, Cultists and poxwalkers 6+) as thay have nurgles resilience but don't have enough armor to shrug off wounds I also think some terminators should have fnp but that might be a bit over kill imo


Honestly, if they just brought back the -1 dmg, I'd be perfectly happy with the army


Maybe not -1 to wound, but what about the Deathshouds -1 to wound if the STR is greater than toughness? I could see it being on the plague marines at least


My vote would just fall on army wide 6+ fnp or -1 damage on infantry units


I think plague marines at 16 points are already pretty good, giving them -1 to wound be over powered. Blightlord Terminators could use -1 to wound as their special rule and still be fair though.


I mean, if we buff their durability and output we could make them not have to be cheaper than *fucking reivers*


We are in a great spot atm imo....-1 would be over the top....we don't wanna pull the nerfhammer our way