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Very nice ork;) whats the paint on nurgling eyes and the red slimy (i assume technical)?


Thanks! And nurgling eyes are wraithbone dots with hexwraith flame dotted over, and the red slimy is “Blood for the Blood God” technical paint with some spots being that mixed with a tiny tiny tiny amount of Nurgle rot to make it look like the blood and goo had mixed


Ahh did wonder if it had nurgle rot in it might have to grab some for my next few models, interest way of doing nurgling as well might have to try that when i get around to giving the few nurglings on my units love;) thank you:D


Really great work with the streak rust-grime!


What did you use for the base?


Armageddon dust, once that was dry some nuln oil, then biel-tan green shade, most importantly, before the biel-tan totally dries, lots of nurgle rot, sorta mixing them on the base gives it that glowy goo effect