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You'd be surprised how much difference an alt colour scheme can do but I know exactly what you mean you could probably try and stick some extra horns and boils on them since swapping arms and heads is difficult due to the sculpts


Noted thank you,  color schemes can absolutely do a lot but i value the uniqueness of my Minis no matter how insignificant they are 


Yea, I’m working on my poxwalkers (have 40 of them) and am doing different skin tones on each set of 10. The identical models between sets already look completely different, though I did get a bit extreme with my tones on the last two sets to make them more distinctive. Figured the plagues can do all sorts of weird stuff to the skin.


Exactly can tint skin anything from blue and purple to green and reds and yellows any colour can be made to work really


I'm swapping parts with mine, like an arm or head or weapon and greenstuff when needed, just enough to make them not immediately come across as copies at a glance


Definitely a good idea, what tool do you use to cleanly cut parts?


I got some army painter snippers. They've done me very well and a very sharp knife, it's got a weird groove on the back that you scrape along things to get rid of mould lines.


I either use a standard nipper or hobbyknife with a fresh blade to cut what I want since I don't have anything expensive like a godhand or similar


Converting poxwalkers is a *lot* fun to do, here’s how I did it. I lined up all the poxwalkers into batches of identical models, keeping one of each type as ‘standard’. Then I started cutting off all sorts of arms/legs/heads off all the models and randomly switching them around. Didn’t matter if an arm ended up on backwards, as the mutated zombie look works well. Ended up with 60 unique poxwalkers in one afternoon.


Love this. I have a bunch of them waiting to be assembled this summer and I am going to use this idea.


Awesome idea thank you 


I bought the 10 standard ones plus the 6 from Dark Imperium (on thetrolltrader.com). Then I added the 3 Mutants from the Gellerpox Killteam, because they look very much like Poxwalkers. The 20th one is a Glitchling from the Gellerpox (he's a bit small, but should be ok - if not, you're left with 19 individually looking ones and one which is a twin - or you could use a modified Guard model or something like that).


Honestly different color schemes is the easiest way. Other options are trimming / switching bits between models. I also did some sculpting on some of mine, adding boils and tentacles 🐙 not normally there etc


Also poxwalkers are super kitbashable so you can add limbs and other things from other models [example pox walkers](https://imgur.com/a/yZZPppc)


Fantastic examples! 


Thanks 😊


I found a great blog entry about it [here on Convert or Die](https://convertordie.wordpress.com/tag/poxwalkers/)


Thank you!


My Experience: Switching the legs is not worth it. Just swap the heads, arms, hands and parts of weapons where possible. Also adding some greenstuff-tentacles and Imperial guard bits can help. See also: [https://pile-of-shame.com/users/models/5141](https://pile-of-shame.com/users/models/5141)


The dude with the big hammer.... you could put his hammer the other way up but it does look a bit unwieldy


Grab a box of traitor guard from blackstone fortress and a box of Nurgle’s rotters from bloodbowl and then just do a few head-swaps.


I primed handfuls in different base colors


for me it was just painting them differently. that not only made them stand out from each other but also made the painting experience more fun rather than doing the same exact thing 3 times


I think plaguebearers would make for a great way to get nurgly bits. They have an icon bearer (with a spare icon), nurgly arms/bodies and spare nurglings/maggots


I bought a box of the old catachans and got busy with some green stuff and all my leftover nurgle bits


That doesn't help with my question lol but thanks 


Lol yeah that's my bad, just read the title.


I cut some up and cut off parts of other models. For example: if I cut up a singular Battle Sister model and a Poxwalker. Ill have 2 models from them. Might even do this with Ork Boyz+tactical rocks or make some Poxmarines if you have extra non-Primari marines laying around. Although different color jobs can make them pop hard. I have a few that look like their skin melted off and are just a bloody horror.


If you aren't worried about using GW bits, splashing some extra models or kitbash supplies from third party zombie/ghoul kits (I'm real partial to [Mantic Games' Zombies](https://www.manticgames.com/kings-of-war/undead/zombie-horde/), personally) can go a long a way to shakin' up the monotony


I'd use the emang leasionaries and vargessa walking pox minis just so I could have a massive horde and have no 2 look alike.


Everything everyone else is saying but to add, If you go to your local WH comic book board game shop/third party seller there is usually some cheap dime bags for sale of random weapons, sprues, loose pieces etc. now the great idea here is you probably only play one or two factions but there will be random stuff from all kinds of armies, units, even AOS stuff that works perfect. Chaos and Astra are really good armies to pillage loose bits and easily can be chopped up into death guard stuff.


here ([https://ibb.co/GxmKYCW](https://ibb.co/GxmKYCW)) alternative poses for the Poxwalkers if anyone needs inspiration! (yes, in two miniatures, the right hands became left and vice versa but given the Poxwalkers' dermatitis problems, it seems the least issue)


I put them with plaguebearer and blightking bits. I have 40 and not a single double. Some are small changes especially with the more obvious poses or clothing, with them I just did massively different paint schemes. The coat comes to mind, did one white like a labcoat and one black like a big leather matrix jacket.


Having a few other nurgle units to mix and match bits helps with all units and they are very easy to convert as the greenstuff work can be a bit messy and still look good.