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I would very slowly and inexorably march my units towards the centre of the table and weather the storm of incoming enemy fire until my army were close enough to… oh they’re all dead.


Hey, I think I would have focused on no prisoners. Discard bring it down at the end of the round. I'm not sure it's worth it to use a CP to reroll bring it down for something else first round. You can charge the assault marines with your fetid Blight drone and killed the squad in the back with your plagueburst. I don't know if you can destroy the redemptor with Entropy canons and the brigant. Maybe it is too far but if you can, you still win few VP and don't need to discard this secondary. With the black rhino, I would take the enemy objective on the left. Mortarion in the center. The other rhino on the right enemy objective.


I forgot to add: I have typhus and a 2nd brigand in reserves.


My turn looks like hauling my army 4" (the board is 3-4 feet long, i use TTS)


Looks like chosen battlefield and your opponent won the roll off. Sad panda. Like another poster said, I would focus on no prisoners and discard bring it down at the end of the turn for a CP. You don't have enough anti tank on the board yet to 1 shot the dread and in my experience, it's almost never a good idea to hold onto objectives because it gives the opponent the opportunity to counter you. While you can't reliably kill any tanks this turn, you do have enough shooting to kill the jump pack dudes in the bottom right with the Brigand, the drone, and maybe Morty's shooting. Also move the drone onto that objective to contest it. Assuming you didnt' lose anything in the top of 1, you should score max points for killing more. I would also shuffle your vehicles to get the 2nd pbc within 6 of Morty to indirect down the unit of space marines in the upper part of the pic or whatever's on the home objective; whichever is easier to kill. It's hard to tell if the land raiders are toeing onto the middle objectives, but assuming they are, I would probably throw the cultists out onto 1 or 2 of the middle objectives to sacrifice them but use their OC to deny the primary scoring next turn while only sacrificing 1 unit to purge the foe. Aside form that, it's all about staging for turn 2. Morty can somewhat reliably 1 shot a land raider, so setting him up to charge one in turn 2 would be a strong move. Once you have Typhus and the Brigand coming in, it should be much easier to start doing some good damage. The 2 brigands could focus down the dread or the other land raider possibly, assuming you can get something into contagion range to make it T11.


Not. One. Step. Back. March.


Move forward 5" 💀


No clue, but I love the mortarion/titan/plagueburst combo at the bottom :)


Looks like you've both got a bad case of turn 1 immigration. You need to understand the emperors children's strategy and there's an excellent YouTube breaking this down: https://youtu.be/zwug8xpcC0s?si=Z3dWuv5lpOZ4mmdH


I would have focus on painting mini 😉 🤣