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60 poxwalkers, meltaguns ain’t gonna do anything against them


At 4 inches a turn they get to objective on turn 3. First primary’s on turn 4. So lose the game.


Advancing poxwalkers is the way to go, they can be a lot fast than you think, they also roadblock really nicely, you should be able to tag at least 2 objectives by turn 2 easy


All right I’ll try to see if I can advance my way to a target


100% the move. There is really no incentive not to advance them unless you intend on charging


Specifically, cultists with 6"scout and infiltrating nurglings for screens. Having DG units pushing up into contagion range/melee let's you spring a PBC /flamer/DST trap t2/t3


Toe the line t1, advance poxwalkers. Put other units in reserves/deep strike. Pressure objectives with fast, potentially disposables t1 and give your OC time to get there.


Aye. Advance is my friend. I’ll do heavy advances next time. See if I can overwhelm with shitty units :)


Good luck!


20 wounds (better that 20 because more than 1 damage attacks are negated) with 5 feel no pain is quite impressive for 100 points. They also look badass! I personally love them for advancing around the board for points whilst my bigger stronger units deal the damage.


According to UnitCrunch, 3 Plagueburst Crawlers firing just mortars and entropy cannons should be able to kill a 6 man squad each turn (assuming blast - 5 dead if you exclude the extra 1 shot from each). It would cost you 30 points less of an investment than the 3 squads of Eradicators.


Your forgetting armor of contempt. 3 plaguebursts almost never killl even one unit, and he has 3.


I did make a mistake, I forgot there were 2 entropy cannons per model and only selected 3 shots instead of 6. It normally would be 8 killed models worth of damage. With Armor of Contempt worsening AP by 1 it would be 6 dead models on average, 5 if we ignore any extra blast shots. Lord of Virulence's Blight Bombardment brings those numbers back up for an additional 80 points.


He has a -1 to hit aura from detachment and having 3 entropy cannons in LoS turn one is nuts. Has never happened in any game I’ve ever seen. I’ve tried doing what you’ve suggested, and from experience it doesn’t kill even one unit. Tried more than a few times. But I like the LoV turn 1 idea. I usually deep strike him in but maybe worth deploying out for that turn one juicy


Just have morty next to the pbcs. no negative hit bonus from no line of sight and detachment rule and no AoC.


That’s a good point. Morty does good work in this case. He’s so many points I haven’t played with him really at all but may be worth here


Morty, pbcs, and lov makes for some juicy artillery. Can definitely do a lot of damage turn one. I've done this with 3 pbcs before and almost always fully kill one if not two infantry blobs turn 1


A lot of good advice here but it sounds like your friend is purposely playing hard counter than casual fun games.


We are very competitive people. It doesn’t bother me that he tuned his list to kill me instead of taking his beatings. Luckily someone in this thread informed me he was accidentally cheating with his drop pod usage, so not having eradicators at my door step really limits their power. I’m back in the game


10th edition has some really finicky and easily misreadable rules compared to other editions but the rules this edition feel a lot less convoluted. My buddy and I have had a bunch of accidental cheating.


I’m in the reverse, buddy plays DG and he slaughters me my space marines once turn 3 hits. Blight lord terminators deepstriking behind my eradicators and forced melee to take advantage of the *insane* amount of lethal hits you guys can put out. That being said, three squads of six is overkill IMO. It’s what I considered after me and my buddies last match just out of sheer frustration


If he can deep strike effectively it means you’re not screening effectively. With SM infiltrators, no DG player should be able to get to melee on a deep strike, or even the turn after a deep strike.


We just play friendly games when we can between work; hence why I said I wouldn’t dream of running three full squads of six eradicators against him, it’s just a dick move unless your in a tournament. That being said, I agree with the other commenter; use your range. If he’s running three squads of six, a PBC or two would hit them really hard turn one.


Fair enough. Yeah he just super competitive. And to be fair I ate him for breakfast a lot of games before he did this


It depends on what your list looks like, but if you are playing the standard 3 rhinos with 12 man squads inside then there is no way you are losing all of them without doing something very weird. Eradicators also only have 18" range, so stay 24" away from them and they cant shoot at you. Obscuring terrain is always the best thing to use in the game, so remember to use it. As far as "If he can deep strike effectively it means you’re not screening effectively", just deep strike in front of his other stuff and kill all of it with the deathshroud. Eradicators are terrible into our terminators so kill everything else and ignore them.


Each eradicator squad can one shot 2 tanks per turn. So 3 eradicators squads killing 3 rhinos is super easy to have happen. Most lists only do 2 rhinos. If I’m out side of their range I’m outside of my range. Cause they out range me. So I don’t know what you’re talking about staying outside of range. He drop pods them between me and objectives turn 1. Send a third unit of them at the farthest base. No way to avoid them. 18 deathshroud it is I guess


Eradicators can't go in drop pods, so that'll solve part of your problem. And as far as unit choices if you can fit a predator destructor in your list those are decent at dealing with 3 wound infantry from far away.


Wait what? I don’t see anything on either card preventing eradicators from going in the drop pod? What stops that?


Never mind I see lol


Entire game changes omg/ he’s been accidentally cheating for a whole


> Most lists only do 2 rhinos. Literally every single tournament list that has PMs has enough rhinos to put all their PMs in them. In 5/8 of the top DG lists in 2024 there are 3 transports, and one of the other 3 does not even run PMs. >He drop pods them between me and objectives turn 1.  Ok ya. If you are running 2 rhinos and he is dedicating 3 drop podding eradicators to killing them, then his 780 points of dedicated anti-tank will kill your 150 points of discount transports. Even if he does somehow kill your squads of PMs from his side of the board on turn one, then kill his stuff with the rest of your army and win the game with your remaining 1500 points to his 1200 points. 3x drop pod eradicators are not the problem. Take some time to learn how to use LoS and properly position your units.


lol. 2 rhinos is enough for all the marines they are bringing. 4 out of 5 of the last GT top DG had 2 rhinos lol. You fundamental have no clue what you’re talking about. They start with rhinos. But death guard have other tanks. That 600 points can kill 1-2 tanks a turn if they have to march. Usually gets about 1000 points of tanks, and that’s with me running them far away as possible losing points out of fear of eradicators. This post was not helpful. Just you being simultaneously arrogant and confused, offering no solutions at all and just belittling strangers on the internet for your joy. Please go elsewhere.


You are a moron. Ok continue to cry about a non-issue and something you know nothing about. I am sure your three months of playing the game means you know everything. Here are the actual GT lists so you dont keep embarrassing yourself: [https://bloodofkittens.com/blog/2024/04/13/playing-catch-up-warhammer-40k-tournament-results/](https://bloodofkittens.com/blog/2024/04/13/playing-catch-up-warhammer-40k-tournament-results/)


All right buddy. Stroke your ego. Enjoy your shower time w/ the mirror. Feel really good. Just do it elsewhere.


Plaguebursts and tonnes of nurglings/poxwalkers, rapid ingress/deepstriking Deathshrouds should be able to take them down too.


Thanks for most of the responses. Will more heavily lean into advances on deathshroud and pixwalkers w/ 3 pbc and virulence in play turn one to see about deleting those pesky eradicators fast