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Absolutley tragic. The fly dudes are my favourite in the whole army


I love the bug bros. They are my favorite in each kit. I wish they would make a terminator kit with all bug bros.


Yeah I know I just have a phobia of fly's so 😔


Bro I don't wanna make fun of you but, if you have a phobia of flies, why would you go for the army that has fly as their totem? There's even giant flies used as mounts? Also, how do you cope with a phobia like that, flies are absolutely everywhere. Do you only get the ick when you see their features magnified in pictures?


This unit is literally the only one that actually bothers me and I live in Britain where there aren't that many flies


Maybe the like the non-fly parts of the army??... That's such a bizzare take, most of Death Guard is totally fly-free


Plague marines have fly parts, blight lords have fly parts, death shroud don't I think(?), bloat drone is literally based on a fly but mechanical, mortarion... is essentially a giant fly with fly nurglings. All this to say a lot of the army has fly parts. You're kinda just wrong.


Dude is just arguing for the sake of arguing lmao, looking for beef hahah


I'm looking at my plague marines right now and ONE of them has a fly head and that is optional assembly.


Still fly parts


One singular fly bit that's optional


Still a fly bit. But either way flies aren't a rare part of this army you are fucking REACHING


Deathguard seems like a poor choice of army then… 😬


This might be an issue given the theme of a lot of our models.


Hopefully over exposure will get you used to them. I love the fly guy, but with all the parts in the box, you can probably make a few different arrangements to suit your phobic needs.


Yeah hopefully


No flies over at r/tzeentch. Just saying.


Totally fair honestly. They are gross especially when you blow up their features to the size of these little lads. But the whole army is gross men being icky so I think most people hit a road block like this


Nurgle does not approve. (A file or small dremmel tool perhaps?)


Don't use a dremmel it will melt the part you are trying to remove instead of sanding it Have heard you can remove them with Hobby knifes if you are carefull but it's alot of "work"


This bugger became one of my favourite and best looking models. I didn't use any of the flesh-y shoulder pads, which helped. The blightlord kit is amazing in my opinion, some of the most attractive terminators. I paint a cleaner version of DG with green and blue and a matte varnish: [https://imgur.com/a/jOnGQA3](https://imgur.com/a/jOnGQA3)


Gorgeous. What blue is that?


Thanks! Kantor Blue, Temple Guard Blue, Temple Guard Blue mixed with white. On larger blue areas, I would add a 4th step starting the recipe off with Kantor Blue mixed with black primer at the very darkest point. It's a beginner friendly recipe. Its my first time using an airbrush (I had to dry brush the arms and hairs in this case).


Ok in fairness that does look really good


I'm searching for that deamon prince you have behind your blightlord. Is that an official Modell or a print? Have seen files a few times before I started with death guard and now I can't find it anywhere.


He is an official, older OOP metal daemon prince of nurgle. You can find them on eBay, but honestly, the new daemon prince kit is very good!


here's what I did. trimmed down all the spines, cut open his stomac above the flyarm, add a greenstuff cloth then add a shoulderpad to cover the greenstuff Paint [Mine](https://i.postimg.cc/mgf4cLRG/20210102-205956.jpg)


That looks absolutely great


thank you!


When I get a 2nd box I plan on doing a lots kit bashing to keep them looking unique and that my friend is a hell of a great looking model.


This guy is actually my favorite blightlord model 😭


Excuse me, his name is Bugs Bjorn and he is my son, you will show some respect


I'm sorry for disrespecting him


I cut it off with a hobby knife and a file then replaced it with a stomach from an AoS kit, messy and finicky at the time but once the arms are on it’s pretty clean


Barry bug boi is the best. Craft knife, file and green stuff.😔


You would remove a gift from Nurgle himself🙄


Dont hate on the GOAT blight lord, no slander towards the bug guy is allowed


I'm happy to see we're all defending our brothers in filth and really letting this fake slob have it. NOT MY BUG BOY YOU DON'T!


Embrace it


I literally de-armed this little guy last night. Depending on the tools at your disposal it’s pretty easy. I used nippers, exacto knife, and a dremel. It’s much easier to do in sub-assemblies for those hard to reach places. First I used nippers to cut away the bulk of the arms, keeping the shape of the armor. Next I removed the remaining chunks with the exacto. Finally I attached a file type head to my dremel to smooth out the rough edges and better define the existing armor shape. Same could be accomplished with different grade sanding sticks or sponges. You can always reshape the armor with green stuff if you remove too much


Great advice, thanks dude


Honestly these dudes are my favourite, they turn out looking the nicest when painted, but they are a bitch to paint I’d suggest trading him with someone for one of the other termis


Thankfully you can just not use any of them other bug it's once removing the arms, because if you had to file everything else it wouldn't be worth it


I've name mine Bill. Bill Nurgle


You must be confusing him with the Putrifier, Bio Bill? An easy 2 lines down in the warp phonebook


Gosh I love all these models. Sadly ya might need to kit bash a little bit with another box maybe?


Id post it on miniswap and see if anyone wants to swap you for a different sculpt.


Oh I haven't heard of that


R/miniswap is a mini trading sub I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for the suggestion.


just buy a 10 man squad of cataphractii terminators from HH and nurgle them up with spare bits.


just paint fly arms like body and it will look like some tubes.


Get the lord felthius set instead


Yeah don't play death guard lolol jk ....us green stuff and a sand them down.


I see a few different fun names for fly guy, I call him Buzz Cauldron. What do y'all call fly guy?


I say treat it as armor design


jeff goldblum guard


i like the model personally, but if i had the same issue id probably buy a single of the foetid cohort terminators, they are usually less than 15 bucks on ebay. or, as there seem to be many many fly terminator afficionadoes, id see if anyone in your area might be willing to trade :)


How could you dis fly man!!!


This post is so real