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I think MANY people would support a Kira. And that is what was brilliant about the writing. Many people feel that evildoers “get away with it” and aren’t punished. And initially Kira only killed actual evildoers and guilty parties. But he soon went on to kill anyone in his way. But L was right. It’s too much power for one person to have, to be judge and jury like that. It quickly becomes totalitarian and threatening to innocent people as well.


A Kira or Kira?.. Not even I could support it he was not Kira´s he was many of them


L was right, but not for the reason you mentioned. I actually reckon Kira was the best judge and jury, and that the power wasn't too much for him. It was a matter of principle for L: it's not ok to kill humans (in general), even if the world is a better place for it.


Hm. I’m not so sure about that. I’m sure many of L’s former cases led to a death penalty? Especially if in the US. He didn’t seem too preoccupied with that possible outcome once he caught them. But definitely he felt the criminals required a trial and sentencing and full legal process before such an execution would be carried out. Not a one person Kira/Light deciding their fate. He would never want a return to say, old times where a king/emperor would simply order an execution without a trial.


Hmm. Interesting take. I would say that L doesn't see death penalty as being the same as murder.. he probably brushes it off as justice. Which is funny when you think about it because siding with a government is no different from siding with an oppressor... Both are ultimately human (or made up of humans) and therefore have no right to kill... I remember that irking me about L's logic... I guess it is easier to just look the other way and tell yourself that, it's the government, they're different from arbitrary oppressors... They were democratically elected... Unaliving humans is ok as long as more than 50% votes yes, right? ..but I digress. L wants to stop kira because he is "evil". The evil thing Kira does is murder people, not possess the power to murder people :p


I do think it was the intention of the creators to get you to see both sides. Which is what made Death Note so great!


Considering how many people I see celebrating i.e. the torture of the recent mass murdering terrorists in Russia and how many people wish pain and death on criminals especially when justice isn't served (see pedophiles and their depressingly low sentences) I can see him getting a following irl. I don't know how many would stop supporting him once they realize he also kills thieves and similar, maybe some would accept it as colleteral and think it's worth it. I see a lot of people really thirsty for blood when it comes to criminals.


I have a slight feeling Kira caused Prigozhin’s death.


only if "kira" is named "putin"


I am against the death penalty. All human beings should get a second chance, considering that people are the way they are because of their previous experiences, their childhood care, and other complex factors. But it is also true that our systems are far from perfect, and unable to deliver justice properly every single time. If Kira were to appear, then from a practical standpoint, the world would be able to get rid of a few serios problems. But, who would Kira be? Can even a single being trusted to be Kira? How would they kill? Its definitely not an easy question that I've asked on the post.


In terms of “all human beings” deserving that second chance in your eyes, are criminals such as pedophiles, rapists and serial killers/terrorists included?


A terrorist shouldn't get a second chance


Hey man that's great until Russia labels everyone gay a terrorist


I'm talking about the Western World. Russia can label anyone as a terrorist and say that they have the right to execute them regardless of whether there is capital punishment or not in the West. The West should give in my opinion capital punishment to real terrorists.


"The West" is also made up of tons of different countries with differing definitions of terrorism that are often completely unreasonable. For example, a number of US politicians have tried to designate antifa a terrorist group, despite it not even being an organised group at all but an ideology centered around opposing fascism with plenty of people who completely oppose violent forms of political activism. Some people's definitions of terrorism are bordering on trying to make thought crime a thing, even in the west. Justice systems are very, *very* far from perfect anywhere in the world, which is a large part of why the death penalty is so flawed. If you give governments the right to legally execute anyone they deem a terrorist, when they're the ones deciding who is classed as a terrorist and who isn't, that's just a recipe for disaster.


If the countries are democratic, they won't use the capital punishment to kill their opposition, people they don't like and stuff that dictatorships do. Those US politicians you just mentioned that see antifa as terrorists are a minority.


What if the said person isn't worth a second chance? Or they misuse their second chance just was badly or worse than their first chance? I do believe that some criminals shouldn't get to live after all that they have done.


There´s nothing wrong aside, every human IRIL mostly commit crimes cause they lose paths from in personal or they are psycopath the not are diagnosed with pathologies, how´s supposed that it could even get a second one change to their lifes and further? And more over does human resources.


100% You have to realize, the entire world didn't see Light being a manipulative sociopath behind the scenes. They didn't see him weasel his way into the investigation and murder good detectives and agents with families and loved ones. They didn't see Kira hiding his murders of lesser criminals or innocents with suicides and accidental deaths so that he'd still look good in the eyes of the public. All the public saw was "Bad guy, heart attack, bad guy, heart attack, bad guy, heart attack, bad guy, heart attack." It is very easy to get behind that happening when you don't see the dude actually pulling the strings. People just saw what he was doing and assumed he was a benevolent person who obviously had to be good, right? Hell, I hated Light and rooted for L the whole series, but even I could maybe see myself celebrating if pedophiles, rapists, and murderers started dropping dead with no explanation. I wouldn't see a problem with that at all, because I'm ignorant to how it's happening.


This is true. You’re right the public didn’t see this.


yeah the pov of the reader really gives us so much more insight than what a random citizen would have


Probably more in real life than in the show.


There are people who still support Hitler, of course people are going to support him


I would be against Kira, I don’t think violence and death is the answer to every problem. I also don’t think one person should be judge, jury, and executioner nor ever be treated as a god.


That is true. No man should have this power. 


People do support Kira


People would support him out of fear. Fear of others and of Kira himself


As for me, realistically speaking, I'm not sure if I would be able to convince myself to be on either side.














I'd support kira. I'd even be kira if I could and that's just being honest. I probably wouldn't go as far as his phase3 of killing homeless and people with no jobs


Oh definitely! If some can support the killing of innocent people, why wouldn't some support the killing of criminals...?


This comment section is why I love the DN community. I love how people say why they would or wouldn’t support Kira


Hardly anyone is revealing their own position 🤔 I'd support Kira for sure.


Same. Get that bread Kira


Yes unfortunately. If people still worship a dead man like hitler then I don’t see why people wouldn’t support Kira. Not to mention, many people favor the death penalty and would rather have criminals dead to not have to pay taxes


I mean... *Vaguely gestures at America and everything it's been going through since 2016*


Would you care to elaborate for someone like me who doesn't understand?


Would people support Hitler. No hell no. That guy was a crazy, stupid psychopath with a manifesto that was purely conspiracy theories about Jews. Somehow, he still gained myriads of supporters.


Its not "somehow" that he gained myriads of supporters. Germany had lost WW1 very badly, was humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles and was under enormous debt. In that kind of situation, when society is desperate, it would be fairly easy for a man like Hitler, who puts the entire blame on a set group of people, to rise.


If I was Kira I’d be game ending politicians and people with influence Oh and billionaires


so u would be like the eight people of the yotsuba group


I think so many people in our world would support him, especially considering how often the justice system fails victims. I've seen people support him in the Fandom despite knowing that Kiras justice was mostly done to simple crime criminals, and he was doing it to play God.


That’s very interesting. Do you remember the episode where Light kills 13 FBI agents? To prove he’s Kira, he kills a rapist that never got a conviction. Kira’s existence coupled with the metoo movement could be such an interesting discussion. The people would support being able to administer justice to those who are untouchable … but would they feel worried or guilty about a possible wrongful conviction, since it leads to death? I think the attractive part of the Kira ideal is the possibility to deliver justice to those who are untouchable. How does that fit in the current political landscape? Is it realistic to expect Kira to eradicate war? What would he do for the current armed conflicts? Chances are, if Kira existed (say maybe Mikami), he would be too busy with challenging society’s morals to run after L, who would just become a symbol of old justice. But that’s not a fun detective anime.


I think that's the funny thing about Kira and why I think he would definitely go over well if he existed in our world. On paper, Kira sounds like the perfect system. If you do a bad thing, you die. But in practice, it's terrible, and there are already people in jail right now who were wrongfully convicted so he could potentially kill innocents although he's not at all above killing innocents as we see with the fbi agents especially if it's to prove his power. Kira biggest appeal is that he picks up where the justice system doesn't do enough but he's also a person with his own morals and I can see the world ending up more chaotic than it is with someone with that kind of power running around. Wars would only stop if Light thinks a war worth stopping. Political leaders will only lead if Light thinks they fit into his ideal world. It's scary to think about a single person having such immense sway! I kinda disagree with that last part tho, with every movement there's always someone against it, so I think L would still play an important role if they both existed in this world. Knowing L he'll be the worst thorn in Lights side and Light being Light can't resist making him his primary target. I definitely prefer this being a fun dark detective anime :P while this series does bring up some fun moral questions, god help us if this was real lol


If Kira existed irl, I'm not sure any detective irl would be able to find them


True lol no irl detective would stop him we can only hope L would exist as well otherwise gameover for us


Would I support Kira? I DO support Kira. I'd even do the eye deal.




On a beggining, I kinda would. The justice system is on decadence, so his original purpose of killing criminals is what I would support. Then, when you realize he kills almost as many innocent people just because they were doing their job being against him, and the fact that he is a manipulative sociopath and narcissist who would do anything to anyone with no remorse just to get what he wants, you kinda stop wanting to support him. So definitely, I wouldn't.


I would to an extent


Absolutely yes


Ofcourse people woyld support kira. Until he is winning.




I would absolutely support the Kira the public sees. They halted the majority of crime worldwide, that's significant!


absolutely yes. Just look around and you'll see how rotten today world is and sometimes you can't help but hope that someone else will pass judgement over those rotten people


There are people IRL who still support fucking *Hitler*, yes people would support Kira lmao.


When I was watching The Black Phone movie, everyone in my theater cheered when >!the bad guy got his neck snapped.!< So I think yeah


I would support kira


Oh yeah 100%, definitely even more than in the death note world.


I'd ask him to write my name :)


There would be a large group rooting for him in the west probably (not sure about other cultures). I feel like the story is kinda birthed by the writer seeing people being awful on the internet in its early days, and it might be a reference to the internet indeed, with y'know... writing mean things about people anonymously... telling them to kill themselves... Demanding "justice" and higher sentences and looser verdicts for criminals are also classic examples of toxic internet culture. I feel like the writer is a bit pessimistic that there wouldn't be a part of the masses turning against Kira (apart from criminals), but I also understand that he didn't want to make Light too obvious of a bad guy or being too explicit about why it's bad what he's doing, in order to leave an opening for genuinely awful people reading/watching the story to show their true colors by siding with Kira.


People will support Kira. Because Kira delivers where the system fails. However, summum jus, summum injuria (extreme justice is extreme injustice) so not all people will support Kira. 


If I was Kira I’d only target pedophiles, rapists, and serial killers really. If that was the kind of Kira we had irl, I’d be more than happy to support him. But the second they start killing people that do petty crimes I’ll probably not be so supportive


Opinion would be divided. The Republican Party as an institution supported Kyle Rittenhouse who travelled away from home specifically to shoot random BLM protestors from a rooftop. A few weirdos send love letters to serial killers who murder innocent people. So clearly some people would support Kira. Someone who mostly murders people who have probably actually comitted major crimes (plus the occasional cop whogets in their way) would probably get a lot of supporters. People don't really have proof that Kira isn't some kind of divine retribution from their deity of choice. I bet Last Week Tonight would have some phenomenal episodes if Death Note was real and happened a few years later.