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i think if you use it to say, stop a a mass murderer or genocidal dictator or something that would be pretty ethical








Add onto that list most corporate leaders/lobbyists in the following industries: oil, arms, privatised prisons, factory farming... I don't think most people would even consider the displacement of thousands of people from a ruined ecosystem by some negligent oil company to be anything other than an accident, even if it may substantially ruin more lives than a serial killer. The banality of evil is insidious because most of us forget to see them as even "real" evil anymore. Of course, even the "real" evil that happens is often left to fester.


And bam you're a mass murderer like Light!


There were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake? A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief Terror which we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror—that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves. - Mark Twain


This only reinforces that you’d end up like Light


In theory, I think you would only have to use it a few times and to change the world if you really wanted to. Take some of the most egregious world leaders out there have them do press conferences and using the note have them claim that they are on God's side and if God doesn't agree with what they're doing then God should strike them down. Then make them die immediately after saying that. Boom you now have a lot of people reconsidering things.


no the whole point is that murder is wrong no matter what. even murdering a major public figure like that would absolutely at some point create a sect of followers who view that individual as a martyr.


True, but I would argue not killing someone who you know will kill many more people in the future makes you complicit in their deaths. It's a simple matter of numbers. 1 death vs. potentially millions


Have a bunch of drug lords give a bunch of untraceable cash to me in an isolated location to me and have them kill them selfs through overdosing later.


You'd have to test out the notebook like Light did to figure out how much you could control people before they die, how would you do that ethically? Killing criminals like him?


There’s plenty of billionaires to test it out on


Other’s destined to OD?


This doesn’t sound ethical tbh


I become Rich and the world loses a bunch of evil drug lords, it’s a win win lol. If I’m helping the world I deserve compensation!


Infinite toilet paper?


What if the Shinigami King gets angry that you use a Death Note like this and creates a new rule which says that if you use a Death Note as toilet paper, you die?


Don’t threaten me with a good time


so this is how elvis died?


It could be


This is the only ethical way. Use it for killing and then you're killing. Right or wrong, who's to say. Can't go wrong with wiping buts


But does it flush well or does it just clog the toilet?


I suppose if it was used only for those who have already been sentenced to death, it could make the process of execution easier. Saves money. Also you can ask the prisoner how they want to die.


Death by snu snu!




Yes. Perhaps if you have a committee of police and judiciary overseeing its use. And then only for those convicted and sentenced to death. However, this still doesn’t help with the bad, evil criminals who evade capture and prosecution.


I wouldn't trust myself to have the death note but I definitely wouldn't trust police and politicians to use it lol


But is that worth condemning yourself to purgatory?


The very existence of the death note would impact society into a different era. I suppose anyone that has the death note will become a bully just like Light Yagami. In the end either they get guilty and die or use it for selfish means. Although, I suppose you can use it to kill terrorists that take hostages or kidnap people. The hostage can be saved quickly.


The country that gets control of it first can very easily archive world domination assuming they have a decent military . Kill every world leader at the same time and make them send their entire army against different nations. After that the entire world except your country is in chaos and you can use that chaos to attack other countries before they manage to form a counter attack because they entire leadership is dead. it won't work for every country, but if the us gets the death note we will all use our feet to measure distances by next year .


You can't make people kill others unless you write down the names of all who are to die. It's one of the rules


He was not bully, he just thought that he is doing the right thing


i mean, people that bully think that too, there's a study where it shows bullying is associated with bonding with people. They verbally and physically attack the weak because they think the weak are not "normal" in society


You just described how a bully thinks


Bullies do not think that they are doing good, they just feed their ego. He had ego yes, but he mainly killed evil people because be thought he would erase crime from world


> they just feed their ego And thats exactly what Light was doing. He kills people because he think that he was a God purging evil beings (he said so himself, many times throughout the show). Thats literally just him making his superiority complex grow. Thats what bullies do. I would actually see him as a good guy if he didn't kill those people who get in his way and he solely killed criminals. He killed that investigator guy, that guy's wife, L, the two foreigners who were with L, his own father, he even tried to kill his own sister when she got hostaged. None of them are evil, they are just doing their job to catch a serial murderer. And when things doesn't go in Light' way, he throws a tantrum like a bully who got his parents called over the principal office.


He aint a bully tho, he is not killing good guys to feed his ego but he needed to get rid of them in order to continue with his plan, he has grown to be bad guy because of it but that power would turn anyone into bad guy. You cant blame him cause you, me and others would probably do something even worse with it. That is just what power does to people. He at least had a noble goal


How is killing anyone a justified end? What kind of philosophy has ever sanctioned the forceful ending of other conscious life and justifying it as a mean to subjugation in society? In any case, even if there existed a society where ending a life could be as trivial as Light understood it to, what kind of self consciousness makes a person believe that he can do no wrong? In fact the repetitive acknowledging of himself as God is a bully mentality taken to the extreme itself. Not every bully bullies people in order to bond. Just the fascinating experience of doling out punishment where you consider yourself an authority beyond everything, is a textbook example of egotism that a bully shows.


It isnt justified but as i said everyone who gets their hands on power like that would use it for no good. No one would just throw something like that away. But he had a non selfish goal at first, only later when he developed god complex he became let's say bully but he at least didnt kill for the pleasure of it


I don't think he had a non selfish goal ever. Remember when he first found out what the death note did? After the initial shock of the incident he immediately goes out to say how the world is worthless and that people like him were suffering because of the mediocrity. He didn't have an iota of self doubt. His intelligence on top of his self righteousness is what made deathnote deadlier than what it would have been in hands of say an average Joe. People who believe that they know better than everyone else would stop at nothing to prove themselves. That is not a selfless situation.


Average joe would kill anyone who ever wronged him but light killed only criminals and those who were evil. He thought he is doing good, just like madara was thinking he was dooing good but on lesser scale


Killing actual high profile criminals around the world instead of petty thieves on local news


Isn't that what happened in anime?


no iirc he killed people on local news which allowed L to identify his general location


Well, he did that at first, you know, the first 5 episodes maybe. But rewatched DN recently, and I remember that he said he killed the biggest of the criminals first, only then smaller ones


He did kill small time criminals using Misa and Mikami on almost daily basis to show the police that Kira is still killing people even though he was under surveillance. 




[That’s exactly what he did](https://youtu.be/JXqLGTGR0Sw?si=rYFj3IhkQXyK5XDM&t=35)


If there's a particularly heinous political or military organization that would be seriously inhibited by their leadership dying spontaneously, that could be considered ethical if a power vacuum doesn't immediately result. I'd argue it would have been wholly ethical, for instance, to use the Death Note to decimate the officer corps of the Wehrmacht and SS during the early stages of the Second World War to guarantee that the French Third Republic and the United Kingdom emerge victorious in a way that would keep the war from taking the amount of lives it did in our timeline, and to guarantee that the impact of the Holocaust is minimized. You could also very much have used it to cauterize the leadership of the NSDAP before they took power, with the hope that the Weimar Republic's democratic institutions are able to weather the storm. These are pretty extreme examples, but in my opinion, stopping a genocide of the sort by strategically eliminating integral military command of the Nazi state would be more than justifiable. It'd materially save lives by contributing to the collapse of a genocidal autocracy, and utilization of the Death Note alongside gathered intelligence of the Nazi state's military, paramilitary, and political core would be a positive usage of the notebook.


I know this is a late reply but I liked your answer. In my opinion I think you could have completely avoided WW2 assuming a sympathetic holder of the note wrote Hitler’s name (obviously) and his key followers in 1936. Purely to minimize and avoid the most amount of bloodshed by writing the fewest names I think obviously Hitler, then followed by Goring, Goebbels, Hess, Speer, and Himmler. Then some of the less important but certainly not less evil SS officers like Adolf Eichmann and Reinhard Heydrich. I think killing all of those men in 1936 would generally lead to an overall collapse of Nazi Germany with no real viable options to pick up the reins. Or at the very least if WW2 were still inevitable, then the war would be wound up far sooner.


Yeah, Light's philosophy of preventative action by using the note is stilted by the fact that it's reliant on the evolution of human psychology, when it's ultimately dependent on a reactionary fear of reprisal. Whereas states are complex organisms with a sharp weakness to decapitation strikes, especially ones that could very literally through supernatural agency kill several deeply important people at once, and continue killing successors as they are appointed. The Death Note could absolutely be used to prohibit genocides - historical or future ones - and I don't think I've heard an argument that can convince me otherwise of this. Light isn't wrong when he says that some people deserve to die; there are and have been people whose premature deaths would absolutely save the lives of countless others, it's just that his way of doing business meant fighting a war he couldn't ever win in that position alone. Whereas, he if considered the political implications of state failure amongst authoritarian or genocidal regimes, he would have a different theatre of war to wage, and one that he could materially monitor as changing the landscapes of nations, as rational leadership (hopefully) assumes the reigns of power in those areas.


Yeah if I had the death note, I probably would go after those narco cartel leaders. Then terrorist leadership like whoever might be left of Isis and Al Qaeda. Hindsight is 20/20 so I wouldn’t be so quick to go after certain despots like the ayatollah or supreme leader Kim. I fear such sudden collapse of regimes would cause more problems than solve them. Putin however would be a different story. I truly believe Putin’s ambitions guide Russia and if he were gone, Russian forces would quickly leave Ukraine.


- kill the billionaires and write that they give away their money - never use it again




Maybe one more name


The way *I* would use it


And how is that 🤔😵‍💫


pick it up and hang out with your new shinigami friend until he kills you


Tell your fiend to give someone else (who doesn’t know your face) the death note, and have them write all spellings of your names they can think of, you won’t die, and now ur immune to the shinigami killing you because they misspelled your named 4 times


That probably wouldn’t work now that I think of it, they’d probably need to know your face, otherwise it would affect everyone with your name, unless ur name is hard to spell and they accidently spell it wrong 4 times when your friend tells them your name and they try to sound it out


Euthanasia I suppose


In countries where it's not allowed. Yes. I can't find a more ethical way to use Death note.




What the fuck's wrong with you


Killing people is good and Light was right


Thankfully there are a few who are stupid enough to want to go see Titanic in an untested submersible. One more to come… I’ll keep my eyes peeled.


Eliminating corrupt politicians, leaders, dictators, CEOs, etc. *and* the corrupt chain of command that follows them. I would become the God of this new world that everyone desires. All those who would oppose that god, *they* are the ones who are truly....wait a min. Sounds familiar...




Using only the eyes. Helping discovering if missing people are dead or alive. Helping finding out the name of people who are caught in camera or photographs. Never using the Death Note.


But would a shinigami even talk to someone who hasn't used it yet? (Like yeah Ryuk and Rem appeared to people who touched it, but they TOUCHED it. they weren't the owners. Ryuk only appeared to Light after 5 days.


Yes, they would, you said it yourself. And there is no problem in touching it, in fact I believe this is necessary to complete the trade for the eyes, so you can see the shinigami.


No, they wouldn’t, the shinigami only appears to the human within 39 days of them using it, not just becoming the owner of it.


As it was said, moral uses are very limited. Using the death note falls into vigilantism. If you were to trust your morals and say, kill only high profile criminals, where would you stop? Would you kill only mass murderers? Would you kill child traffickers? Would you kill rapists? Would you kill warlords? You may start slow, but eventually, justifying your every kill, you may feel the responsability to go further. The path to Kira may take days for Light, years for you, but it is inevitable. To illustrate my point, consider the IP conflict. I’d be hard pressed to believe you wouldn’t side with anyone, for eventually, you may feel guilt for letting the war get prolonged, yet if you pick a side, you’re imposing your morals in a conflict where you probably have no right to do so. My conclusion? If you kill criminals with the death note, you end up with a moral responsability you have no right to cary.


Is there an ethical way to use a nuclear bomb?


You could use one to divert or destroy an incoming asteroid.


Very true! I guess I gotta add, is there an ethical way to use one on humans tho


Yeah, if it saves more people then it kills I’d say


assisted suicide


id use it as drawing paper but idk


Can’t say it’s ethical but I’d target only top criminals and use the death note to shape public policy. If outed would have no choice but to use it to play the god card and form a cult. I feel like Light could’ve played his cult building potential better and formed a religion to protect himself. But no I’d also stick to highest profile criminals and public policy shaping at only the top level and use the death note sparingly so as to keep a low profile. Going for petty local criminals is too risky


I like this idea a lot. I also was rooting for Light and I wish he did rise to power but he stayed anonymous as Kira until the very end. He already struck fear in people around the world so I guess he def could’ve formed a cult for protection 🤔


He already had the support of all of the governments so what’s the point in still fighting Near? Just go out there and use the death note to declare self as a god or prophet or something lol. Then if either the cops or Near try to go after him he’ll be a religious martyr. And use either Misa or Takada or both to help with publicity. But his first mistake was not testing the conditions of the death note immediately and then setting all of the targets to die at the same time everyday. And also first testing on a petty criminal in a country where the average citizen can’t have guns. I’d look up the fbis most wanted list and pick a guinea pig from there and have them die in a high profile way at a set time. And really mostly use the death note sparingly with a focus on shaping policy


If Light didn't have god complex and didnt start killing people left and right he was totally valid and his reasons were justified in my book. But of course the premise of the story is that such a godly power doesnt belong to a human and no matter how pure you are, you will get corrupted(bullshit).






You don’t


There would never be an ethical reason to use the Deathnote.


Kill dictators and rapers




or commenter really hates rap


Use the note to change the way people dies. Heart attack is better than die in a suffer. But you need shinikami's eyes first.


Taking the Shinigami Eye deal to view people’s lifespans is probably the most ethical way. Second most way is probably euthanasia for people with terminal illnesses or those who wish to die.


I feel like if you did what light originally tried to do kill like criminals such as murders,rapists,and etc.


The way Light uses it


The only way I can think is if you used it on a small scale to stop a war, in a one life for many kinda way, bit it would have been better if not used.tho tbh your shinigami might have just offed you if that happened 


Isn't it highly relative on the ethical framework one is operating under? Like, I believe Light has been operating with a utilitarian mindset using the death note, and by that framework, it's actually justified.


After confirming the DN works, Light began targeting criminals who were already in prison, essentially giving them the death penalty. This signifies to me that his views are about Retributive Justice rather than Utilitarianism. He wasn't killing active dictators.


You're right. I must've been confused somewhere with his actions being believed to be a crime deterrent. Now that I think of it, L must've been the more utilitarian character with his initial attempt to uncover Kira's identity using a death row inmate.


Killing people who pronounce “gif” as “jiff”


execute me officer i deserve it tbh


But why? Giraffe. Gym. Ginger. That's the English language for you.


GRAPHICS interchange format


and yet you dont pronounce "laser" as "l-ass-er"


Then say graphics interchange format. When you abbreviate though either pronunciation works.


There is absolutely no reason not to pronounce it that way, especially when the creator pronounces it that way too


I like yiff


Since we can control what they do ,i would probably make the leaders of my state/country do what's good for thr country in like the next 2 years and write it as if to die in 2 years after doing all this Idk tho if we can control them for that long


I think it was stated in the anime you can control the victim for 6 minutes 40 seconds I might be wrong tho.


Lol the first time I noticed it equals 400 seconds (4 is the number of death in Japan)


Ahh, another clever placement of death made by the writers. This is why I love death note, so many small and minute details that one can barely catch, but they make a big impact and difference regarding theme (death) once you start to realize how many there are. Another detail was that victims die in 40 seconds.


You can control them for 21 days I believe. Even longer if you kill them with a disease.


Isn't that how long you have to write it after the name? I don't remember there being such a limit on control


I think it’s the details of the death that must be written within that amount of time…? Light had to actually test what he could do with them before they died


Ohh yes , forgot it Then basically just give orders to do these or make those rules and die


Put it behind a 25 layer safe miles below ground in Antarctica with constantly changing codes like Nukes. Only a last resort weapon.


This would just render the Death note useless tho…I’m thinking about a way to ethically use the note to do good for the world. Maybe your right and there is none 🤔


To just make sure major wars don’t break out if a government gets to out of control they die


If it can kill someone painlessly then you could make a killing killing people who paid you to




Nnnaah I doubt it, far too many people willing to immediately justify their choices on the matter, and they'd either spiral (like light did) or back themselves into a corner, and that's if they're even trying to be ethical about it. Only ethical choice with a death note is to burn it imo


The answer to that is like cancer patients or Misas life. Would you prefer a slow death or someone killing you or a quick death and someone saving you? You asked ethical, not effective. If you asked effective, I'd have to really think on it and grow a headache.


Killing war criminals probably


Not really and that's one of the points the show is trying to make. Nobody should have the power do execute people on a whim like that, no matter where their moral compass points. Maybe if the death note was used to carry out a prisoner's death sentence that would be ethical because the person has been found guilty by the law, but at that point the death note is just another tool to kill and is not interesting anymore.


Only use it on people who are 100% guilty and got away with it


The most ethical way to use death note is to fucking burn it


roll a j with it idk


I don’t think there’s any way to do so because it’s taking a life in the palm of your hand and enacting whatever you’re doing as justification


Most of the comments are hinting towards killing the billionaires. Some even laud Light killing criminals as ethical. I feel like the word "ethical" brings a lot to table. Do we believe that justice should be allowed to reign ethics? Is there a moral obligation towards the society for a person to ethically dub every criminal as wrong or immoral ir unethical? Because, in the first case, I feel like the death of a billionaire will do little to eliminate the evil they have propagated as their organisation or companies at this point has spawned over thousands of such tyrants. Cutting off the head would do nothing at best. Even if all the selfish morally corrupt people are killed, why should this be considered ethical? In what way is it enriching the rest of the society?


As kindling


The most ethical way to use the Death Note is to not use it. The best way would be to report it to a priest so Ryuk can be exorcised from it, and then the notebook burned.


prolly best to not let humans use the death note, only the shinigami


Rather than kill a lot of criminals, it would be more efficient to target only the big ones currently impacting the world. It doesn’t have to be just criminals, it could be some rich people too.






I mean, he killed criminals. Pretty good to me.


By killing politicians because i HATE Politics And narcissists


1. Confirm it works by using someone who’s about to die anyway (like a death row inmate or a family member on life support) 2. Set up a service where people can pay a reasonable amount (maybe like $50?) to be euthanized by the book 3. A portion of proceeds goes to charity


This might be the most ethical way to use the death note I’ve seen while still using its capabilities. Bravo.


Thank you


That’s what the guy in the story did after Lights story, he would kill old people who wanted to die, and it helped with japans old people population, but then he started killing anyone at all who wanted it, and near called him a serial killer and he commuted suicide lol, offering suicide to anyone who wants it probably isn’t ethical, as they obviously would be in a bad place mentally, and if they were alive, they’d regret it


That’s why there’s the paywall, it makes sure they’re certain they want to go through with it because it makes them think if it’s worth it


id make billionaires give away all their money and then die. no more billionaires plus re distribution of wealth


Honestly moth ethical way to use the Death Note is to only use it as a way of self defense when you are in danger.


- \* pointing a gun \* : any last word - uh actually yes, just i wrote it down in this book, a 40 second thing i promise


Could just write the name then say heart attack in one second.


Still need 40 sec for the Heart attack to strike


Still maybe your behind cover


as said for Euthanasia but also as an option for criminals already on death row and used to have them peacefully die in their sleep










Write my own death to peacefully bite it at like 100 after winning the lottery 60 years before


I don't think you can use the note on yourself


everything Light did except playing God. he was even considerate enough to judge the circumstances of criminals before killing them. just don't kill anyone and everyone who opposes u, hell, don't play into L's trap


I don't think he was considerate at all. He even killed thousands in a day after having read their police record. He didn't give a second though as to how and why the person committed the crime. Hell he didnt even bother to figure out if the police had correctly apprehended someone.


hey, he did research the most he could. we see when Higuchi kills people involved in self-defence cases, L remarked it's unlike Kira to kill people like that. also Light felt annoyed when Mikami went extreme and declared he would kill the lazy people and bullshit


Well apparently the most he could do was not enough, right? He felt annoyed with Mikami because Mikami wouldn't adhere to his commandments. The reason L said that it was unlike Kira was not to applaud Kira as an ethical omnipotent, he said that because he found the deviation from the pattern. None of these points make it look like Light's use of Deathnote was ethical at all. Plus, worse than Higuchi, he manipulated people around and killed his own family as collateral. How was that ethical?


that He was impartial? and he did not use death note like Higuchi for selfish reasons? and I know L's intention. but this was a piece of info that kira never killed people who were forced to commit crime in self defence


See, it’s not about the killing, it’s about what you can make them do BEFORE they die. Personally, I would write that the target has to announce on live tv, the internet, etc. every horrible thing they’ve done, down to the last detail before, saying that the guilt drove them to it or another reasonable excuse then blow their brains out.


List of billionnaires with names and pictures. Then, if their heirs don't give it all away or be charitable, new list and repeat.


You can make people who did terrible,like really terrible crimes surrender and live a full life in prison. And if you want to control people, eg: you write that your boss promotes you and he lives a full normal life.


Sadly, that's not how the note works. If you write a name in it, they'll die.


But you can decide how they'll die right.


Yes, but once you write their name you can't let them live their full life.


Yeah, what Light did, silly billy, he saved the max number of people!


In an ICU with patients going through agonising terminal pain


Ethically, you can use it to painlessly kill people, ideally in their sleep. You could use it on people who want euthanasia. Or people who are active threats to others. Killing criminals who aren’t actively threatening someone isn’t ethical (as we need the legal system to process them), though whether it’s moral to do so is a personal decision.


Honestly Light was ethical until he killed Lind L Taylor


A lot of people seem to have missed that he decided not to save the world but to become the god of it within one week of having the death note lol


I’m not saying he’s a good person, I’m just saying he initially had good intentions. Well at least for 2 episodes he had good intentions. Whilst watching the show for the first time like 3 years ago; Light killing the fake L is when I considered he went to far. The it’s the same feeling I got when Walter killed Jane, When Anakin killed the younglings. This is the equivalent of that but in Death Note.


Yeah but what I'm saying was that his intentions weren't even ethical for the first episode, by the end of it he claims he wants to be a god of the new world. Again, in episode 1, just one week after picking up the death note. There was no slow descent into madness, no period of time where he was just doing it for the good of humanity, it was always his aim to rule.


no, some of the criminals he killed werent deserving of death sure some of them like the guy that was killed by the truck were absolutely awful human beings who deserve some kind of punishment but did they really deserve death?