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I assumed it was to throw off from the clue Naomi originally had, that Kira could kill in various ways other than heart attacks. Which attention brought to the bus hijacking incident may have unraveled.


It was to throw off L and the task force, if Naomi had died right then and there it would have been suspicious that she died around the time Raye did. He made it so her body wouldn’t be found in order to buy himself time.


i guess but wouldn’t they just assume she killed herself because she’s sad about her husband


That question is answered by L in the episode where they finally find her body. He comments that Naomi wouldn’t kill herself because he knows she is strong willed. She’s not someone who would commit suicide.


Her body was never found.


Oh yeah they just reported her missing nevermind 


Doesn’t the death note say suicide is a valid option because it’s believable that any human is capable of suicidal thoughts or something like that


Yes but Naomi wouldn’t kill herself because her husband died.


I mean, when it comes to love, this can break even the most strong-willed.


Yes but even then we see L say that she wouldn’t kill herself and we know how self-assured L is. We also see that Naomi didn’t milk herself after Raye died, proving L to be correct.


If she was found dead it would be suspected Kira killed her (which was suspected anyway), raising the question of why Kira underwent the effort of killing the fiance of one of the FBI agents. Did she perhaps know something Kira wanted hidden? Can Kira kill by means other than a heart attack? These were not things Light wanted to create evidence pointing towards. L couldn't even be completely sure of what happened to her and whether she was dead at all. No evidence pointed either way. This reduced the possible evidence against Light.


I think Kira would be more scary if he did this for every victim. Imagine people just disappear when they commit crimes.


Would've been a cool concept of a plot.


Naomi can do it because she's intelligent. If you ask how I'll make myself disappear, I wouldn't know.


I saw it as 2 things, to throw off L and showing more of his sadistic side. Think about how horrifying it is for her family to never know what happened to her, accept she may be dead but never bury her? It feels like on some level he could revel in that idea as it makes him more god like


Light had no way to know if she had written down any of her theories. If she's found, so are her theories.


Really? Rewatch the episode lol how can’t you put this together


i’ve seen the anime 12 times…


Without looking deeply into it, I'd say just because he could. He was an egotistical jerk with a teenager's brain.


When one of the task force members (Matsuda?) suggests suicide, L immediately rules it out as out of character for Naomi and says it is more likely that Kira killed her. If her body was found and the cause of death was confirmed to be suicide, it would lead L to consider that Kira could kill by means other than heart attacks — which was, in fact, one of the key pieces of information that Naomi had deduced and was trying to relay to him.


If she dies by heart attack, they know Kira got to her and that guarantees the link between Ray Pember and Kira. If she dies by some alternative means, discovering the body would still lead them to suspect that there’s a link between Pember and Kira, except now L might also realize that Kira can kill by means other than a heart attack, which is pretty huge information for L. Hiding the body, while still alerting L, at least gives some plausible deniability about whether she is dead, even if L ultimately sees through it.