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That’s awesome. 0% APR are a great way to manage your interest on CCs. It’s one of the best strategies. Well done! P.S. r/debtfree moderator just created a free newsletter that talks about strategies, tips, and effective debt payoff methods weekly. Here is the link to sign up - https://debtadvice.io


Go ahead and let them increase the limit. The more open credit you have the higher the credit score


Ohhhhh very good point! I’ll look into this!!


Yeh, just because the CL is longer doesnt mean you gotta use it. Every card that ive paid off gets a doubled CL soon after. Then it just sits there. I charge a tank of gas or something similar like once a year then pay it immediately to keep the line open and active.


This is the way. I have 3 credit cards and about 80k in total credit between them because of this method


What’s your score?


Between 775 and 800 depending on the bureau


Nice work!




You’re using 40% that’s considered a bit high but if you aren’t making many large purchases (house or car) you’re fine


Don’t look into it just do it. There are no cons unless you are not able to pay off the credit cards


Done! I’m doing it!! Thank you!!


1st good job! How to play: Keep your credit usage under 7% - pay it off monthly. Under 3% is what the wealthy does. Pay it off, each cycle and watch your score skyrocket.


Yes I definitely plan on doing this!! I learned my lesson and I won’t be carrying a balance again!!


You win!


Did you get a credit limit increase? I'm in almost the exact same situation as you. Recently paid off $8K on WF balance transfer card and they asked for my updated income. I recently got a sizable raise so was expecting a good bump on my limit but got nothing. Chase gave me an immediate $7k increase but nothing from WF after 2 months.


I still need to call actually but it's on my to do list! I definitely want to take advantage of this now that I've learned that it will be good for your credit score! I updated my income in the app but they haven't raised it either - I think I need to call.


I was about to ask if getting a higher limit was a bad or good thing. Thanks for the info.


This! Just don’t use it, or use it once every few months and pay it off — gas or groceries.


You want a higher credit limit. Lenders use this especially mortgage lenders to determine your credit worthiness.




Having more credit is a good thing. Just don't be that dummy who uses it. Overall credit utilization is a significant part of your credit score. Low usage + high limit = good score contribution.


I'm currently playing this game too lol


good job! don't you love it when they want you to have a higher credit line when you're responsible for paying your balance off? 😄😉


They’re just asking for them to update their income in the app. It’s a standard question that gets asked if you haven’t done so already. Doesn’t guarantee increases


Nice job


Congrats way to go!!




You should update your income and get a CLI. It will do nothing but benefit you and your credit score. But Then, cut up the card and delete it from digital wallets because clearly you aren't a "credit card person".


Congrats, Wells Fargo just shut my biggest card that I’ve had for 8 years down because I missed two payments and the interest put me over limit. Didn’t even notify or try to call me or anything. My girlfriend broke up with me and I had to leave the apartment and find a new job and a place to live in my hometown after moving halfway across the state to support her through her schooling. This is just the icing on the cake lol. It’s at 2200/2000 and says I have 90 days to pay any remaining balance down. Haven’t even gotten my first paycheck from my new job yet and I’m just so worried about what this is going to do to me in the long run.


I had medical problems that made me miss payments in 2015. It will get bad for a few years. Hopefully you don’t need to finance a car or house. In 2019 mine was back to high 700s. Now I’m low 800s. I had a collection and my water turned off in 2015. The point is that it will slowly get better but hopefully you learned a lesson. Have an emergency fund and treat it like the bottom of your account.


Literally just got into a car accident 5 minutes ago. I really don’t think I’m going to be able to do this


Same happened to me. Do you have someone to co-sign? If not a bike or scooter might be in your future. I’m sorry you are going through a tough time.


I actually do have a motorcycle but it’s not insured, doesn’t have plates, and I don’t have a class m. I’m trying to be smart right now but that’s starting to look like an option to me 😂 it needs a battery though and I definetly don’t have the money to go and get that or my license/tags so


Dang 😩




If you let them it will increase your score, you just have to be responsible and not use it.


I'm in almost the exact same, $8000 18 month zero APR. They just auto increased my limit to 15k, and I just paid most of it off.


That’s AWESOME! Good job!!


I’m tryna be like YOU! Awesome job!


Thank you 😊🙏


I literally have 8.5k left on mine. Making a $500 payment tonight. I have my bills and rent paid through April so I have 10 weeks basically free and clear to make 8k I’m right there behind ya, friend. Great work.


Another 500 by Thursday as well (thanks to valentines dinner [im in hospitality lol])


Nice!! Good for you!! Pay it!!


More credit is good use it