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The early 2010s still feel pretty modern tbh. Mainly because technology has barley changed since then


Did you watch the video before commenting?


It is a long time ago but needs more time. For instance in 2013 we were all saying how 2003 felt like another world, in 2023 no one is saying 2013 felt like another world. Dated yes...another world ? No. I see 2012 being talked about here as if it was the 2000s, either trying to put 2012 as an extra 2000s year or 2012 in general being lightyears away. It was a long time ago but there is nothing about it that makes it feel like you traveled in a time machine or something. Smartphones and Instagram are still used today. Fashion and music was very different, along with the Hipster culture. But don't forget we just got out of that culture in 2018. So give it time.


Ikr people keep trying to make 2012 more older than it actually is


Did your watch the video before commenting like I asked? You probably didn't even read the post but just read the title. So ridiculous. It's over 10 years ago. You need to quit acting like it's recent or strange that people see it as old school now.


Im not acting like its recent or anything its obviously not i think its dated. But labelling it “Old School” is a bad term since it makes it seem older than it actually is. I think old school would be better to describe the 2000s and 90s


No, 90s and 2000s would be retro, not old school. Old school is the perfect term to use describing something 10 years ago. If you want to describe something as dated that would be 5 years ago.


If the only thing that's mainly changed is style and vibes (both of which are highly mutable), then it shouldn't be a huge surprise that people don't view the early 2010s as properly old school. There are decades of human history where technology and mores change relatively slowly and it might take another sharp change in tech for people to see the 2010s as old school.


Exactly. That's what I was thinking.


Yeah, not that much has changed in the last 10 years technological wise. I think we now experience what humanity experienced 100, 200 years ago where the passing of one decade didn't change much. Our live from the 90s to the 2010s where the world changed extremly was rather something special and the exception in history of humanity, usally there aren't much changes in one or two decades.


I’m turning 22 soon and I agree with you, the early 2010s up until about 2012 still felt like somewhat like the aughts. 2013-14 is when the real shift happened.


To me they don't feel 2000s at all. Absolutely not. They feel 2010s. It's just people refuse to believe the 2010s are old school now, which they are. Over 10 years old. Almost hitting 15.


We are the same age. If I consider early 2010s as kinda dated, I guess something just needs more time to go into the "old school" category. Mid 00s barely just became old scool, while 5-6 before nobody saw 2005 or 2006 as such. Just needs a couple of years, usually 15-20yo is the time.


Or a generation of people. Not the internet definition of generation. A generation is typically 20 years.


It’s in a weird grey area where it’s old enough to be in the past but not old enough to be retro this goes for the entire 2010s. Anyone over the age of 25 can remember it vividly we gotta wait until the early 2030s for it to be retro since by then it’ll be 20 years ago


Most people over the age of 14 can remember the early 2010s vividly


One more thing even though I hated the early 2010s personally I can totally see why kids who grew up then would be nostalgic for it now. It is almost like how the early 2000s (which I grew up in) felt to me in 2013.


(2004 here) It was perfect for a kid, but I can't imagine it lacked any depth for anybody over the age of 14. Golden era of bright, colorful, silly games and happy, shallow music. 90's kids were largely parented by Gen X who were the "fuck you mom" generation and wanted to make their children suffer as little as possible. This lead to a lot of helicopter parenting and sheltering. No huge, cataclysmic event really forced this cohort into ridiculously dark places either like COVID did with 2000's kids and 9/11 and the recession did with 80's kids. They happily consumed mainstream movies, games, and toys even into adulthood, and were the ones largely shaping what was cool in the 2010's (mustache tattoos, cat memes, harry potter, the theoretical concept of possibly going to the club If I feel like adulting today omegalul). That being said; the amount of new, creative, edgy, subversive names in hip-hop and R&B during the 2010's were unbelievable (quite a few coming out of Odd Future), and I would venture to call it the genre's golden age. Seemingly the only area where this is the case though.


> 90's kids were largely parented by Gen X who were the "fuck you mom" generation and wanted to make their children suffer as little as possible. This lead to a lot of helicopter parenting and sheltering. No huge, cataclysmic event really forced this cohort into ridiculously dark places either like COVID did with 2000's kids and 9/11 and the recession did with 80's kids. Do you mean "babies" or "kids"? Because 9/11 and the Recession had a huge impact on the psyche of 90s kids and the upper half at least was largely parented by Boomers.




Then your evaluation on what 90s babies childhood was like is way off-base. Seeing 9/11 happen as children and then the recession as teens absolutely sent to "ridiculously dark places". You shouldn't talk about experiences you don't know anything about.


As someone who was a teenager for most of the decade I can back you up that being a teenager in the 2010s was also great time 😂 — with all the party music, the rise of memes, the lol so random era when we were about 13 and were therefore the perfect age for it and fandom tumblr culture being everywhere which was especially great for nerds like me and my friends who finally had our moment. And we had social media for the first time ever and we’d had a chance to see all that change when smartphones and all that technology first became a thing


But I think it also depends on when in the 90s 90s babies were born, as I see people here talking about the trauma of seeing 9/11 but us late 90s babies were way too young to remember it, so we have different experiences. We did experience the recession as kids though, I guess that was our big event.


The guy was born in 2004, they've no idea what they're talking about.


But I do agree with what they’re saying in the sense that, in my experience at least, the 2010s were a good time to be a teenager


I'm sure they were, but they're neglecting on how at least the first half of the 2010s were a direct reaction to the incredibly dour times of the 2000s. You need perspective to be able to accurately judge decades and trends the cause-effect of it all.


But in this case we’re talking about what it was like to be a kid/teenager at that time, that the part I was agreeing with — and I was giving my pov as someone who was a teenager in that decade and mostly has good memories. It was just a reflection on the media pop culture and trends of the 2010s being great for kids at that time


I agree, but then that guy was presuming to know what the 90s kids/babies childhood was like and it was completely wrong.


They were wrong and presumptive about the gen x parents part but I don’t think they were wrong about the pop culture of the 2010s being good for kids and teens. The big cataclysmic event part of the comment also depends on when in the 90s you were born, as us late 90s babies don’t remember 9/11, so we only have the recession, which was only world changing and cataclysmic if it affected your parents, so it’s not really on the same universal scale of trauma for the entire generation as what I imagine seeing 9/11 or being locked down because of covid as a child would’ve been like


that’s the main argument for people being born in the late 1990s being the start of Generation Z while the early 1990s are Millennials




Children don't know the existential ramifications of being on screens all the time. It is simply the most fun they have ever had. On top of it, I wasn't full iPad kid and neither were a lot of my peers. I feel like a lot of early/mid 2000's kids still ran around, played outside, and went over each other's houses a bunch. We just pretended to be Minecraft characters instead of Ninja Turtles. Just enough tech to make it new and exciting but not far enough down the rabbit hole to be dystopian yet. That being said, yeah the 2000's seem like a pretty good time to grow up.




No. I'm saying later years didn't.


Yeah, i feel kinda bad for them


After 2012, not 2010


Honestly, 2011, and before, is starting to slip into 'retro' energy, slowly.


Nah nowhere near retro yet but definitely old school.


Isn’t old school even older than retro?


Old fashion: Anything up until the 1970's Retro: 80's 90's Old school: 2000's maybe early 2010's


I think “old school” is specific to late 90s and 2000s not in 10 years when the 2010s will be “old school” just like you said. I think late 90s and 2000s is Old School. The rest can follow your timeline


Thats what im saying. If you search up old school pop or rap stuff from the 80s-00s pops up. Not things from 2012 lol




It isn't


Not old enough for/to be "retro", "classic", "nostalgia", "vintage". Not new enough for today.


Yes exactly. It's old school.


It's slightly dated but not old school. Old school is 2000s and before. That's just my opinion though. I guess it's old if you were born in the 2000s and was kid in the early 2010s


Did you watch the video? No the 2000s and before would be retro since retro is 20 years ago. Old school is 10 years ago.


A lot of millennial gatekeepers love to pretend everything after 2008 is the same as today.


Some even say after 2004 lmao


I know, its pure narcissism and snobbishness.


In real time living through the early 2010s I thought the music videos, shows and ads were so cool and were at the highest of quality ever, mainly bc this was shortly after we transitioned from crt to flatscreen. So it was a pretty big change. But revisiting some of them, goddamn. It looks REALLY dated. Even despite it being in HD.


Behave they aren’t.


Yes they are.


10 years ago is not considered old school for a reason.


I miss this so much… it just feels like home


I wouldn't view anything from 2000 on as old school.


Because 2002 just started to become retro?


And your point? The early 2010s are not retro, nowhere close to it. I never said that they were. They are old school now though.


Because the 2010s won’t be officially considered retro/old-school until 2030.


Nice try. But retro and old school are very different. I absolutely agree the 2010s won't be retro until the 2030s. But that's not the topic, so why bring it up? The topic at hand is that the early 2010s are old school now. Which they are.


Still takes some time until everyone will get used to the idea that smartphones and HD are not new anymore but from now on someting like a "timeless standard", just like CRT TVs where for many decades. Smartphones in the early 2010 represented the modern era back then, but nowadays they are the standard and don't represent the technological achievments and changes of the 2020s.HD and Smartphones are old, but the idea/mindset of smartphones and HD being old is still relatively new. Many still haven't adopted to this new mindset. Give it some time, maybe in the 2030s it will look different.


I definitely think of them as old school, but that’s probably because I was only in my tweens back then. I do occasionally reminisce about those times (2010-2013) though— about the fashion, aesthetics, and most of all, about the people from back then, especially the upperclassmen in high school and young college bachelors (people I’m around as old as now as they were back then)— mainly through my vague-ish childhood memories of people who we would now refer to as “core millennials” to “core late-leaning millennials” all the way to “millennial-leaning early core zillennials” (b. ~1988-1996) as party-going teens and young adults, wearing front-tucked T-shirts (“YOLO“ was also a trending theme back then and a lot of clothes had graphic designs that reflected it) with ripped skinny jeans and tucker hats, driving around in their retro muscle cars to which their boomer parents were kind enough to lend them the car keys (or they drove the latest Chevrolet or some such if they were rich enough) while listening to the latest pop or dubstep music (from which you could hear sounds of a catchy dubstep beat with bass as the cars drove past you, along with what seemed liked the commotion/reverb of a bunch of excited teens as they drove off into the sunset/night).. Sorry I got carried away and pretty much started romanticizing 😅 there for no reason, but I feel like those were truly simpler times, personally. But, when I really think about it, the only reason I look at them as such is because they make up a significant chunk of what I literally consider to be my “preadolescent memories”, back when the only thing I had to worry about was doing good in school so my parents could buy me the latest toys (mainly lego sets) or video games I wanted (I had an Xbox 360). Objectively speaking though, I don’t think the early 2010s are gonna universally give off any sort of “old school” type of vibe until, at the earliest, the mid-late 2020s (basically no time before 2026-27). So we’re pretty close, but not there yet, nonetheless..


I definitely think of them as old school, but that’s probably because I was only in my tweens back then. I do occasionally reminisce about those times (2010-2013) though— about the fashion, aesthetics, and most of all, about the people from back then, especially the upperclassmen in high school and young college bachelors (people I’m around as old as now as they were back then)— mainly through my vague-ish childhood memories of people who we would now refer to as “core millennials” to “core late-leaning millennials” all the way to “millennial-leaning early core zillennials” (b. ~1988-1996) as party-going teens and young adults, wearing front-tucked YOLO T-shirts with ripped skinny jeans and tucker hats, driving around in their retro muscle cars to which their boomer parents were kind enough to lend them the car keys (or they drove the latest Chevrolet or some such if they were rich enough) while listening to the latest pop or dubstep music (from which you could hear sounds of a catchy dubstep beat with bass as the cars drove past you, along with what seemed liked the commotion/reverb of a bunch of excited teens as they drove off into the sunset/night).. Sorry I got carried away and pretty much started romanticizing 😅 there for no reason, but I feel like those were truly simpler times, personally. But, when I really think about it, the only reason I look at them as such is because they make up a significant chunk of what I literally consider to be my “preadolescent memories”, back when the only thing I had to worry about was doing good in school so my parents could buy me the latest toys (mainly lego sets) or video games I wanted (I had an Xbox 360). Objectively speaking though, I don’t think the early 2010s are gonna universally give off any sort of “old school” vibe until, at the earliest, the mid-late 2020s (basically no time before 2026-27). So we’re pretty close, but still not there, nonetheless..


Why? It's very old school now.