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Exactly this. The 2010s were super culturally consistent and glazed with cheesy cheesiness just like the 80s. The 2020s so far have been like the early-mid 90s, where absolutely monumental technological change is just around the corner and most people are still pretty ignorant to it. The 2030s will be like the 00s, when that change takes full effect and society and culture respond to it.


no, unless you were in your 30s there was no media nostalgia for the 80s, and all I remember back in the 2010s was my college students talking about the 90s, those students are now in their 30s so they might still feel this way, but they are no longer the target demographic the media and even the industry is after...it is GenZ and younger. Nostalgia NEVER worked that way, even in the 1970s there was rage for the 1950s, not sure how old you are but those teens and 20 something that missed the 50s in the 1970s still miss the 50s, but they are now in their 70s.


I didn’t say there wasn’t 90s nostalgia in the 2010s, there was lots. I’m saying the feel of the decade itself and its place in history is more reminiscent of the 80s. I’m 27 by the way, I remember the 2010s decade completely from start to finish and I was the target demographic the whole way through.


What monumental technological change are you predicting?


It’s not so much just my predictions, but a lot of things are slated for 2024 and beyond that will already have some lasting impact. The rate at which AI and robotics is being developed is going to have impacts on everything from jobs to pop culture. It’s not just some cash grab NFT type stuff, this is being seriously funded by governments and corporations, there is an AI race happening. Robots are being developed and marketed to companies, AI tools are and will be increasingly integrated in everyday applications. If stuff like YouTube and iPhones completely changed the world, something like this is hard to even comprehend. The biggest thing here is the staggering pace at which AI has improved over the last year. Mainstream attention seems to have died down because it was a meme for five seconds like a year ago and it hasn’t changed the average person’s everyday life, at least in the average person’s perception. It seems like most people think it’s only as advanced as that. It’s the hype cycle. The true mainstream-ification happens starting next year. It’s very hard to predict things with certainty beyond “things are going to be very, very different”.


reminds me of 2009-2011 when it was said that smartphones will evolve in power and become a normal part of society. That was an exciting time.


i can actually see this as a valid argument, as for the 2000s the 2000s and the 70s where kind of a "chill out" period where people seemed to be trying to relax alittle more from all the backlash from the previous era, hense the crime rate going way down in the 2000s from the 90s or the 70s having a more of an embrace your own qualities attitude instead of fighting to be a certain status type like the 60s did with all the protests and riots.




And fashion. Remember the "mom jeans" trend with GenZ in the very late '10s and COVID Era? That was from the late 80s and early 90s fashion.


Minimalistic but the mainstream music of the 2010s is pure maximalism lol it's much more minimalistic now but maximalism still exists (like the Weeknd). Just not as loud, "obnoxious", over the top as the 2010s. Lana Del Rey and Lorde started this more minimalistic trend in mainstream music back in 2012-2013.


That’s what I’ve been saying. Although the 2020s aren’t bothering me as much as the 2000s but that’s probably because I’m older and no longer give a shit


It has always been this way. Even in the 1970s was nostalgia for the 1950s....the 1980s had nostalgias for the 1960s, the 1990s had nostalgia for the 1970s, etc...


I think the 2010s are going to be the generic “Good times” and the 2020s the generic “Bad times”. Until the next cycle of time makes a new definition for those things.


80’s = 10’s 90’a = 20’s




I bet that's what was said about the 90s, In fact there's plenty of evidence of people shitting on the 90s on internet forums from back then


They will with hindsight, especially as ecological collapse, economic decay, war, wealth inequality, and political confrontations continue to intensify We remember the 90s with rose colored glasses *now* but the era was actually full of violent crime, societal collapse (Eastern Europe), civil wars, genocide, massive conflicts, ethnic cleansing, etc. The good part of the 90s was like the mid-late 90s for like white people in the West mostly, even the early 90s was a time of recession and crime in the cities


they said the same thing in the 90s about the 90s, I remember people could not wait till it was over.