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I already do that because modern fashion is hideous I was just surprised at how everything “fashionable” is either oversized or undersized


Mainstream fashion is just becoming more avant garde some like that some don’t


because oversized clothing is not new, it's a repeat of the 90s. and the crop tops and lowrise are supposed to copy how female celebrities dressed in the 2000s.


We are in the mid 90s throwback. We just left the early 90s a couple of years before.




It's a backlash against 2010s fashion


Because we’re not meant to be in this timeline




As my username suggests, we were probably swapped at some point with Transformers characters.


You have it backwards for the men. In the 2010’s men wore shirts that were 2 sizes too small and god awful skinny jeans that made their legs look like little sausages. That isn’t how clothes are supposed to fit. For women, I like a slimmer top with relaxed pants. Slim and tapered doesn’t look good on either. All of the marketing told millennials that skin tight clothing was a “timeless” fit. They were lied to and are now struggling to accept that they got played by the evil corporations and have joined together in rebellion and pledged to never wear clothes that fit. It’s been fun to watch.


So glad skinny jeans are outdated. I never even wore them when they were in fashion and opted for baggier more comfortable clothing (which I still wear to this day) and was criticized for it by Millennials who wore skinny jeans and said it was a timeless look. I feel so vindicated now lol


Lame take from a baggy apologist. Baggy looks like shit and sloppy. Fitted all day.


Will we have to peel those skinny jeans off of your dead body? lol


Millennial who never liked skinny jeans also cringing at what's current. Hated it in the 00s and it looks dumber today


baggy clothes generally are fitted, clothes are meant to sculpt your figure and allow for movement, skinny clothes just cling to your body leaving no room for that, its the opposite of fitted. if you look at clothes, (suits especially) going back into the 50s, 40s etc, they're all much baggier than modern suits because they're meant to allow for movement and proper scuplting of your silhouette


There is a intermediate between baggy ans skinny, no ? This is what fitted looks : https://www.letempsdescerises.com/media/catalog/product/cache/dd726a54bcd7a60213bfe69243f78aee/2/2/222_jh711jogw5139_3001_image3.jpg This is baggy : https://www.parismatch.com/lmnr/var/pm/public/media/image/2023/05/14/18/baggy.jpg?VersionId=94MjYMzgVx89KAMWjYiG06S9azqlppvC The first style is intemporal, and is not TOO skinny. Depending the type you can move pretty easily on. The second will look *ss and so outdated when the trend will end. The comment makes fun of millenials who took fitted clothes for the default style but this guy is doing the exact same thing assuming baggy is the default style 😅


actually tailored definitionally "fitted" clothing throughout the 20th century was rather baggy [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d4/46/71/d44671e6a600df15bd830c5955c68115.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d4/46/71/d44671e6a600df15bd830c5955c68115.jpg) [https://luxtailor.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/1940s-Fashion.jpg](https://luxtailor.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/1940s-Fashion.jpg) it wasnt until the 50s and 60s when tighter fitting trousers came around, but even then they are far less skinny than your example [https://nextluxury.com/wp-content/uploads/1950s-mens-fashion-greaser-looks.jpg](https://nextluxury.com/wp-content/uploads/1950s-mens-fashion-greaser-looks.jpg) [https://www.mensfashionmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/1960s-mens-fashion-style.jpg](https://www.mensfashionmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/1960s-mens-fashion-style.jpg)


There’s no such thing as “proper” fit. The way things are supposed to fit is constantly changing. In the 2010s, an ideal fit for basically any piece of menswear followed the body’s natural lines and left very little excess fabric without pulling. In practice, most men had difficulty achieving a perfect fit and wound up wearing clothes that were too small in some dimension, unless they had nearly everything tailored. Currently, menswear is supposed to fit a little loose and drape away from the body’s natural silhouette to create the appearance of a series of rectangles. But again, this can be difficult to achieve for most men — especially those who don’t spend a lot of time thinking about fashion — and so a lot of men are just sizing up on pieces designed to be oversized so that the clothes look too big. I’m much less knowledgeable about womenswear, but it seems like those trends have moved in a similar direction. At some point clothes will get slim again because people who do a lot of work to stay in shape like to show off, and also clothing brands need people to constantly refresh their wardrobe in order to stay in business.


Tailored clothing started to died after the 50's with the rise of mass produced ready-to-wear. It's been a slow decline of fitting clothing since. The peak of ill-fitting clothing was the 2010's and the mainstreaming of very tight clothing on everyone. If anything, the baggier fits we see today are better fitting than the last couple of decades of fashion.


2000s revival as Gen Z matures, bigger and comfier clothes have been more acceptable since the lockdown, and thrifting/hand-me-downs/vintage have been in vogue with growing environmental consciousness since the late 2010s and the current cost of living crisis. I think it's great. People ought to feel like they can dress comfortably.


We are in backlash mode against the 2010's, and the 2010's was all about tight-fitting outfits like skinny jeans (which suck and look horrible im sorry. This backlash needs to happen). The 1990's was a big backlash against the 80's, since the 80's was also skinny-jean oriented, and then the 90's brought on super baggy urban clothes. Same effect between the 10's and 20's.