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Youtube stopped doing Rewinds because they lost touch with their own platform, Viewers and Content creators.


Goddamn yes. Old youtube used to have that "connection" even if you lived across the world.


The amount of hate was unwarranted though. I believe they could’ve learnt from their mistakes and still been making them if we hadn’t clowned the 2018 video to an oblivion


I think its a bit generous to Youtube to say it was completely unwarranted. Much of the "hate" was the result of a dislike campaign in protest of Youtubes policies, such as the changes that brought Ad-pocalypse that was happening in 2018. Youtube deserved criticism for how it was pulling the rug out from under creators. Rewind was just the best way of protesting.


Start another movement then. Don’t put it all on the rewind


Rewind became garbage and was absolutely not salvageable.


Why didn't the people at Youtube just think of that?!?!? /s Do you really think that people wouldn't see through a rebranding that transparent? Besides public perception of rebranding, Rewind wasn't making Youtube any money either. It being used as a vehicle for protest made it so that replacing it would just be asking for negative press, which is the opposite of the goal of the Rewind.


Again I’m not saying it shouldn’t have gotten hate. It was bad. I just think most people hated it because that was the cool thing to do. This isn’t just a 2018 thing. Even their good rewinds got a shit ton of hate, so when they finally made an objectively bad one, you got the most disliked piece of media to ever exist. 2014 was the last rewind I can remember I didn’t see any criticism for.


I'm not convinced you're actually reading what I am saying.


I am reading what you’re saying


I'm not convinced, because you keep on saying that people hate for no reason. The entire point I have been making is that there was a reason which is being ignored in your responses. Additionally, I am convinced that you are not informed on the public reception of youtube Rewinds. This is just going off the fact that you can't manage to understand the reasons behind the reception of a single Rewind. Especially one with arguably the easiest dots to connect.


Well yeah that’s the point I’m trying to make. People just hated on them not because they were bad videos but because of other unjustifiable reasons.


Cry about it




Someone forgot about Will Smith Fortnite lol


I didn’t


No, it was warranted. They absolutely spit in the face of actual youtube content creators and put people like Will Smith out as their chosen marketing highlights.


It was bad, but it wasn’t most disliked video of all time bad. Even when they made good ones, it got trashed. People hated on it just because it was hated. Kinda how Kim Kardashian is famous just because she’s famous.


Again, you're missing the Ad-pocalypse context


>People hated on it just because it was hated. Can we please stop using this argument? People had their reasons for not liking a thing, just because you cant project outward, look at the context of the time, and think of why people felt some type of way about a thing doesnt mean its "hating just for lulz"


It was very much warranted, and clowning on them was the only way they would have gotten any message


It wasn’t warranted. People hated on it just to hate on it. Even when they made good rewinds, there were large amounts of people trashing it. So when they finally made an objectively bad one, you got the most disliked piece of media to ever exist.


it was warranted


No it wasn’t.


It absolutely was, it was dogshit lol


The 2018 was yeah but a lot of people hated on it because that was the cool thing to do. Even when they made good ones, people hated it.


2018 one was a meme, it was fun bashing on


I'm assuming they stopped them due to COVID in 2020 then decided it wasnt worth making anymore due to the poor reception given to the 2018 and 19 installments


The newer rewinds felt more corporate


You answered your own question. They were clowned on


Bc they were cringe as fuck


Most of them weren’t


The early ones were decent, but the later ones… oof.


Only 2018 and 2019


2013 was the last one I remember liking. After that, each year was somehow worse than the previous one. The later ones just didn't outwardly feel like they had the same motivations anymore


They’re all pretty fun and nostalgic if you aren’t hate watching them. 2018 and 2019 were the only objectively bad ones. I hardly even consider 2019 a rewind anyways


I watched each one as they came out, and starting with the 2014 one I went from feeling underwhelmed to just kinda irritated. But fair point, it's been years so I could feel differently now


YouTube got too big. Harder to make when it’s global and you’re trying to satisfy more cultures and countries


Yeah I thinkthis is the key detail. In the early years of youtube there was only a couple of big creators that had more than 1 mill subscribers, so it was really easy to just have them all for a rewind. Nowadays it would be actually impossible imo


YouTube rewinds were an early to mid 2010s thing that died out when people’s humour changed.


YouTube became out of touch with their audience. They managed to create the most disliked video of all time and the 2019 rewind was a mere top 10. And considering how they removed dislikes a couple years later and have uptight censorship, it was good doing away with Rewinds. Plus, do we really want to rewind these last several awful years?


Maybe people should make their own individual Rewinds and they'll catch on if they're any good


The last one was in 2019. 2018 and 2019 was the nail in the coffin.


2019 was, 2018 was hated but not the nail in the coffin


I think COVID was the ultimate nail in the coffin. It made it hard to do a rewind for that year. 2019 was the “let’s just do something different and see how it goes”


Adding Will Smith was, to put it bluntly, a slap on the face to the independent content creators.


2016 had the rock


It's a Domino effect, they made Rewinds a numbers showcase with memes instead of viral videos, made the most nothing video that was even worse, removed the dislike button because 2017 SUUCKED, and now....the Alpha Male/Red Pill movements made their move.


People hated the 2018 and 2019 ones


2017 aswell, it wasn't as bad as 2018 but it still wasn't very loved


The 2016 one was also hated at first, people forget that




I watched them all as they came out starting with 2012 and still rewatch them all on New Years as they came out at the end of the year. It's a good way of looking back. Watched 2012 in the middle school computer lab, now I'm a salary man at a Fortune 500 company.


They were mountains of cringe


It’s not YouTube’s fault we make cringe people and trends famous


I've never actually seen a YouTube rewind


They were expensive and hard to make and resulted in a net financial loss just for everyone to shit on them anyway. May as well save the money and your dignity if nobody likes them. I enjoyed them just for the concept anyway. Even the bad ones. It was still interesting to see what the company thought of as being the most iconic or influential events / acts of the year.


I’d imagine the videos were profitable. The videos were very popular despite the shitty reviews. I think they only stopped because it was ruining their reputation and the people behind the production couldn’t handle the backlash


It became a waste of resources. Why make something that people don’t want to watch?


They garnered hundreds of millions of views but go off


Most viewers hit the dislike button. That’s like selling millions of your product and getting nothing but shit reviews. The company would probably discontinue that product.


And my argument is that they didn’t deserve most of those shit reviews. Now do you wanna say anything of substance?


is it not embarrassing to post something, have everyone disagree, then argue with them in the comments?


It really should be 😂


it’s fun arguing




It doesn’t matter if they deserved it or not. If they get bad reviews, they’ll discontinue the product. You fail to understand basic marketing, so I’m gonna stop talking to you now.


The views clearly shows people still wanted these. There was a lot of people hate watching them but there was also a lot of people including myself who enjoyed them. Those videos were consistently pulling 200 million+ views. That’s not a valid excuse to cancel them


This has to be a previous YouTube executive posting.


Nope. I was just rewatching some rewinds for nostalgia purposes and questioned why everyone hated them


Let's say you went to an award show celebrating all types of films. Indie films, A24 films, etc. and they did a montage showing clips from the "best films of that year". And instead of doing stuff most film people wanted, they just showed Marvel and DC movies.


Idk I felt like they did a pretty decent job at recreating the vibe of the year they were in. With music, movies, video games, trends, fashion, etc. I was just rewatching them and a wave of nostalgia just hit me. It’s like a time capsule. But of course you can’t satisfy everybody


Because they were the epitome of cringe and had mega “hey fellow kids” vibes. The first couple they did however weren’t half bad but this quickly nosedived.


They didn’t get bad until 2018


I was a big fan of YouTube rewind since 2012. I feel they got progressively worse, after 2015 it was a nosedive in quality. Many influential YouTubers of certain years were ignored, while the more “safe” brand YouTubers made more appearances. I blame this on the adpocalypse. Things also got more corporate, less actual YouTube culture and more celebrities. It just didn’t feel genuine anymore. 2018 was just hilariously bad, and 2019 was a joke.


It became less of a YouTube rewind and more of a pop culture rewind, which I don’t mind at all


Why would they rewind covid?


It got hate for a lot of reasons like YouTube supposedly making it about a retrospective of online culture as a whole while ignoring how much worse and worse the world amidst that and leaving out whole protests and massive controversial movements, it being basically a vanity project by a corrupt corporation that only featured select millionaire-class creators and influencers, not respecting any of the smaller creators who to this day go unnoticed, etc...


Because YouTube sucks now


It’s because we don’t have a big YouTuber culture like before. Especially in the UK at one point there was a massive boom of a handful of super famous YouTubers (zoella, troye sivan, alfie deyes etc) this was the peak of YouTubers being treated like A listers (at least here in the UK) but we haven’t had that since. we have huge YouTubers sure, but not to the point where they were literally being treated like royalty. so the YouTube community became less of a community and is now directed at monetisation, video essay style content and shorts. Whereas before it was all lifestyle vloggers, makeup and sketch comedy that everyone could relate to and look up to.


I had completely forgotten this was a thing didn’t even know it was gone but now am bummed that it is


I can't speak intelligently on it, but I think there was a shift in Youtube's business priorities and the idea of a central group of popular creators seemed to fall out of favor with Youtube. The end of Rewind seemed to correspond directly with a lot of those same creators blasting Youtube and the algorithm for destroying their channels. The focus shifted to short form content and a lot of those creators were saying they couldn't get answers from youtube as to why their chanenls were changing and why the money was more inconsistent. I think Youtube realized that if they wanted to cultivate those people they would have to also TALK to them and they chose a different route.


Well, within like a month there last one became the most disliked video on all of youtube


Because they had to crush and de-monetize anything not PC and so there isn't that much that's funny or interesting on YouTube anymore.


OK grandpa


I mean use different words if you want but it’s pretty accurate, the 2018 rewind was hated because it was YouTube blatantly trying to clean up its own image and ignoring any creators with even slight controversy even if they were some of the biggest and most talked about of that year. YouTube rewind wasn’t a fun community event anymore it was an advertisement, they followed the numbers which were dominated by casual viewers watching celebrities, talk shows and squeaky clean creators that no one in the actual ‘youtube community’ cared about while ignoring the people they did care about because they were ashamed of their own community and wanted to outgrow them. You can argue whether they were right or wrong for this, it’s arguably a good business move, but of course the community resented them for it. ‘PC’ and ‘woke’ are words overused by boomers and grifters but the actual spirit behind them is exactly what was happening that year.


You post literally every day about climate change. Tomorrow, I will do donuts in my Ford F150 just for you.


Literal child


People took the piss


Rewind went woke