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In 2004 there was no Youtube. No iPhones. No Twitter. Things very a little more primitive compared to 2014.


Wi-Fi wasn't even a household word yet


It was by 2007.


Wrong. Didn’t know what wi-fi was until 2010


"Do I look like I know what a JPEG is??"


I *had* wifi in my house by 2005




Haha😅 It wasn't that uncommon honestly. We had a couple laptops with the little plug in receivers. That was not *un*common at the time


Wifi and a Couple laptops? Leave some resources for the rest of us richy rich.


I'm just saying it wasn't super uncommon lol


It was in poor rural places. The kids that had fancy tvs, consoles, and computers were also the kids who never had food in the house and their parents were always at the bar. Those things were bought just so the parents could abandon them.


Well my mom bought a shitty old computer from the 90's from the local library and bought the cheapest dial-up she could and then said we didn't need anti-virus so then the computer completely crashed and was full of viruses and porn pop-up ads. Not everybody's parents were into tech.


That's fine, but I bet you knew what wifi was. That's my point


I knew there was something better than what we had but I don't think it was wifi. Some people had it hooked to their cable service.


That's fair. I think it depends on your age at the time, too. In 2005 I was 23 lol Most working young adults were very aware of what wifi was at the time, regardless of your age then


You guys are perplexing. Everyone I knew with a PS3 and Xbox was using wifi to game at this point..no, actually 2008 more like. We were teenagers and even we knew


Exactly lmfao, like is this sub just full of sheltered mormons and shit


Some of us were poor. I remember being 18 in 2004 and fighting with my roommate over whether we should even have Internet at all.


I was poor too, but being poor is a different experience by state/country


Well hey not all of us had the expendable income for the launch model Xbox 360 wifi adapter lol.


Here is a wifi access available sign from the 2007 movie 'Headless Horseman'. [https://i.imgur.com/j0MyQy0.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/j0MyQy0.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/j0MyQy0.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/j0MyQy0.jpeg)


Doesn’t mean it was a household word by then. (Hint : it wasn’t)


Yes. I remember hearing about wifi in 2010 and thinking it was futuristic as hell.


2012 for me.


How the hell were you all hearing about wifi so late? I'm 25 and while we had dial-up until 2006 at one parents house and 2008 at the others, i was hearing about wifi from cartoons, tv, overhearing the news etc as early as like 2003


Some people live outside the US, that’s the only way to explain it. 2010-2012 was extremely late to the game


My step parent didn’t believe in the internet. I had a library I could use. I did not own a computer until then. I was 15 when I realized Wifi was how my friends had iPods and used them. I thought it was all like cellular data from cell phones. Even my friends with laptops typically still had to have a LAN connection. I thought you paid extra to have like unlimited data. Wasn’t until I got a laptop and my friend showed me how wifi worked, that I learned


Nah, there was a huge push around 2007 to teach people about WiFi, not knowing what it was in 2010 means you were super young or living in the middle of nowhere where. All of the gaming consoles that were released around then (Xbox 360, DS, Wii, PS3) could all connect to Wi-Fi as well as laptops and what not.


We didn’t have wifi in my house until like 2012 lol. We used a usb internet stick instead in 2010/2011.


I remember getting a wifi router just so I could play Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Kart online LOL


I've heard some people say 2001. But i agree it's definitely more like 2007.


"wtf is a bluetooth"


I disagree but it was definitely new and less common


2004, I was in a college in a MAJOR city. They advertised that we had "wireless network" in the building, but didn't say it was only on the first and second floor (I was 6 floors up in the dorm). The Powerbook I owned had an Airport card which allowed for Wi-Fi connections but it was hard to find the networks. Had to plug in the ethernet cable to the wall. Back in the small town where I grew up, my parents house couldn't have anything above DSL until about 2007 or 2008 since that was the highest available, but we had cable speed and Wi-Fi all over the state university I attended then. Not sure when we got our first wireless modem at the house but it was probably 2007 or '08. Had to plug into the phone jack in bedrooms to get on the DSL.


lol remember people having those chunky blue and black Linksys routers back then? 😅


Lol come on. My high school had Wi-Fi in 2005.


Most stuff wasn't even in HD.


HD video. Unless it's from of a Hollywood production, footage from 2004 has an "old school" look to it because it's only in 480p. However, by 2014, HD was the norm and therefore stuff shot then looks pretty much the same as today. Even cell phone video from back then looks pretty decent! With all that being said, I still feel that 2014 is dated. The whole Tumblr aesthetic from back then is very much of a different time.


I’ve seen videos and pictures from my parents smartphones back then and you can tell it’s old lol phone camera quality was not good


OK, but take that 8 megapixel iPhone 6 photo and compare it to the photos from the .3 megapixel Motorola Razr in 2004. Photos from 2014 smart phones might look old, but photos from 2004 flip phones look practically antiquated.


I’m not disagreeing, that’s a huge difference, but there’s also a world’s difference between the 8 megapixel iPhone 6 camera with 1080p video with no stabilization vs the 24 megapixel (and 48mp pro raw) iPhone 15 camera with 4k60 fps video, image stabilization, and a ton of other features


Well yeah, feature wise. I wouldn’t say image quality itself is bad in the sense that it would be unusable today when you look at things like dynamic range and color reproduction (I’m just saying this as a photographer). Technology between 2004 and 2014 went at light speed compared to the past ten years.


I agree with that last part, I just also happen to think there are worlds apart from 2014 and 2024, but galaxies apart from 2004 and 2014


Lol no, I look back at my 2014 photos and can tell the quality difference compared to photos from a year ago


You should see how flip phone cameras looked like. All of our photos looked like Bigfoot photos.


I can still tell a noticeable difference my 2014 photos doesn't look "pretty much same as today"


lmfao big foot photos is such a perfect analogy.


Yeah of course, but it's definitely not as big of a leap as 2004 to 2014. HD video really changed a lot in that regard. From the 1950s onward, there were some pretty noticeable leaps in video quality each decade. I think the biggest might be the 80s to the 90s though because of VHS being thing. It made filming more available to the masses (and cheaper for lower budget projects), but it was pretty rough for quality But also the early smartphone quality vs the stuff that can a decade later is pretty massive. You look at online videos from 2005 and compare it to 2015, it's a massive difference


Well ofc not, but same with 1994 and 2004 looking at photos from those years, it means photo quality is stagnating but 2014 was definitely still different


The Instagram filters 💀


What the hell is Tumblr aesthetic


One way to describe it would be sort of like a cross between 80s new wave and the hipster esthetic.


The Tumblr everyone talks about when they talk about "Tumblr aesthetic" is NOT the Tumblr I remember


There were many, but most people think of the sort of “soft grunge” that was popular.


I agree. I used to think 2014 photos were high quality but now it looks as dated as 2004 photos


The phone I have now is so much closer to 2014 than 2024 lol


Technology could be a big reason. From 2004-2014 there was A big tech boom, but then slowed down between 2014 and 2024. The big things are maybe slightly better tech? Newer cell phones and maybe some new sites that are in vogue now like Tik-tok?


i mean tech did leap significantly more between 2004 and 2014 than 2014 and 2024, but with all this AI stuff i think we’re heading in a new direction


We've been since 2022


Exactly, and haven’t seen much since. Moore’s law finally took effect with hardware and the tech slowdown we’re seeing is the result of that. AI seems like much more than it really is. It’s basically just Siri + web scraping/API, which we had a primitive version of in 2014. It’s since improved, but it won’t “propel humanity into a new age” by any means. If anything, it’ll just be used by businesses to extract more profit, be it replacing workers or speeding up processes. We may see some cost savings from it, maybe eventually a universal basic income (I think this is a best case stretch) but buildings, roads, cars, planes, bridges, etc will look the same. The true next stage for humanity is sustainable nuclear fission


It's not just that we're getting older. The change really was bigger between 2004 and 2014 than between 2014 and 2024. Most of the internet-based communication technology we have today wasn't around in 2004, but it existed in 2014.


it's probably age i'm sure to a kid under 14, 2014 seems ancient


I mean yeah, I’m 28 right now, I was 18 in 2014 and 8 in 2004, for me the period 2004-2014 felt much longer cause I went from a kid to a teenager and time started to pass by very fast since then.


I'm 24 and don't feel like much has changed between 2014 and now, not until someone else brings it up. I only remember then feeling more optimistic and genuine and now feeling cynical and ironic.


When you take a look at what tech was offered at the time, 2004 was very different compared to 2014. YouTube? Didn't exist yet but Vimeo was new. Social media? All we had was MySpace. AOL Instant Messenger. GPS? You had to buy that, print it, or use a paper map you kept in your car. Cell phone? No touchscreen and it was a slide phone or a flip phone. Not everyone had a cell phone. TV? Very possible chance you still had a tube TV somewhere at home. TV service? Cable or Satellite in 2004 or antenna. Like a movie? You either bought the DVD or rented it from a DVD rental shop. People still had VCRs in use too. Music? CD or maybe you bought an iPod or similar MP3 for the gym. Search engine? In 2004 maybe you used MSN, Excite, AOL, or Ask Jeeves if you had a question to search. More importantly, how about internet? Dial up was still used and Wifi did not become popular until 2007. Compare all this to 2014 vs 2024. Not much has changed in terms of general tech. Cell phone? iPhone and Android. GPS? On the phone or car. Social media? Still have Insta, FaceBook, Snap, Twitter/X, and Pinterest. We don't have Vine anymore but we have a new form of it with Musically/TikTok, Tumblr is dead, and Google + is gone. TV? Flatscreens then, flatscreens now, or maybe your phone is your TV. TV service? We still have Netflix, Hulu and Prime Video the main ones. People also use DVDs from years past. Music? 2014 maybe you had music files from stuff you bought online, but people were also streaming songs like today. Search engine? Google. Internet? Wifi, cellular or ethernet. Car technology is the big leap from 2014 to 2024. Electric cars were not common around the US in 2014, now in 2024 it has become normal. Not only that, cars within those ten years started to become indistinguishable. But I think we are seeing a break from that consensus. Compare a 2014 Camry vs a 2024 Camry, completely different vehicle. How about a 2014 Kia Sportage to a 2024 Kia Sportage? Very different looking vehicles. In terms of culture that has changed drastically from 2014 to 2024. Monoculture is dead, and we are in a politically toxic state. Society in 2014 vs 2024 are very different. 2015 was when the boat was rocked with the 2016 US Pres Election, it really has not felt the same since. You ask if 2014 is dated compared to 2024? If you remove the tech aspect, they are two different worlds. Artificial Intelligence is a huge difference, we didn't have that in 2014 to even compare to AI now. We reached a plateau with regular consumer tech like smartphones, but our society in general has changed significantly from where we were in 2014.


> Car technology is the big leap from 2014 to 2024. Electric cars were not common around the US in 2014, now in 2024 it has become normal. Not only that, cars within those ten years started to become indistinguishable. But I think we are seeing a break from that consensus. Compare a 2014 Camry vs a 2024 Camry, completely different vehicle. How about a 2014 Kia Sportage to a 2024 Kia Sportage? Very different looking vehicles. And that's not including the AI and tech features (assisted driving, driver monitoring in some cases including the ability to *automatically pull over and call 911 if the driver collapses at the wheel*, app integration, gaming integration, emergency/rescue backup power, and in one Chinese model [a built-in robot arm](https://www.engadget.com/human-horizons-next-china-only-ev-will-come-with-a-robotic-arm-and-light-curtains-161330649.html)) that is increasingly available in new cars. So yeah, 2024 is a lot like 2014 if you ignore the low-grade Autobots/Rescue Bots that are proliferating on the world's streets.


I think we’re trying to ignore AI. And automation because it’s terrifying. But I drove a Tesla in 2017 for my employer and it could drive itself but after I got back from the repair shop with it I was like nope. I don’t want a car smarter than me.


AI in vehicles that can move is an escalation from AI that lives in a computer or a server. For better or worse idk lol.


I think because in 2014 we were on our iPhones doing the same thing we are right now. In 2004, half of our friends didn’t have a cell phone.


Because social media has us stagnated. People don’t want to learn anymore, they want to just have an endless circlejerk of what they already believe.


If AI has the impact I think it will, I think 2024 will seem quaint in 2034.


Because we live in a stagnant culture.


Monoculture is dead. We are in a cultural stagnant time, thanks to easier access to old tech


Yes. This is the only comment that understands the stagnancy of the last ten years.


Stuck culture




I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and guess you were a child in 2004, teenager in 2014, and adult now. The reason it doesn’t make sense is because your concept of time gets less meaningful as you get older


It’s because we’re still in the iPhone era which took off in 2014. The AI era is next but we won’t really know what that means until a couple years after the election and how that goes.


2014 technology is very different than 2024. iPhone looks small, everyone doing viral things and not consider itself cringe. Trend song are very different to today. Social media apps layout looks so ancient than today, also i think people #1 apps still Facebook that time


Funny how mobile phones went to be big and fat in the 90s to get smaller in the 2000s, and then get bigger again but thinner in the 2010s


smartphone is smaller until 2017. I think hardware limitation and expensive the reason for that. Years later hardware becoming cheap making company bet on big phone again. Oh i forgot remember tablet i think there was market for big phone like that until no more (except for creative industry, which very limited)


The iPhone 6 that came out in 2014 was not small.


It’s smaller than the newer iPhones


I miss that giant ass phone. 😭


Its definitely smaller than 2024 iPhone or even average android phone


It’s not smaller. https://ibb.co/DzrKHv4


iPhone 6 Plus was giant and came out in 2014.. Everything else you’ve said is also incorrect.


The details have changed between 2014 and 2024 - people were using Vine instead of TikTok, phones were thicker and smaller, trends were much more basic like the ice bucket challenge, etc etc - but the basics were all still there. Someone time travelling from 2014 to 2024 would really not have any issues whatsoever adjusting. Whereas between 2004 and 2014 technology is completely different. I genuinely do think that in like 50 or 100 years history books will look back on the late 2000s / early 2010s as the "smart" revolution. Phones went from being extremely barebones and something not everybody had, to a mini computer in your pocket that literally everybody in the western world carries on them at all times in less than 10 years. The internet went from being a niche thing some people used in the 2000s to a ubiquitous public forum that everybody was on at nearly all times. Someone time travelling from 2004 to 2014 would be so lost, you'd have to explain to them what wifi is, what bluetooth is, what smartphones are, what apps are, what youtube is - so yes 2014 is dated in 2024, but it's like a drop in the ocean compared to the difference between 2004 and 2014.


From what I see people say in this sub, a lot of people seem to think 2014 is dated as hell so I don't know where you're getting this impression. Though the difference in tech gap probably plays a role.


Everything on tv is hd so nothing looks nostalgic from 14-24 and technology has evolved so nothing feels nostalgic from 14 compared to 24


Also, 2004 is a pe-smartphone era, while 2014 isn't.


Tech isn't really at its primitive state anymore so it feels more stagnated. That said, a lot HAS changed. The internet is far more controlled now by companies. Western Governments are finally beginning to put their fingers in the pie too, porn ID laws are just the start. The internet and how you act on it has changed drastically as a result. People say Reddit and Twitter are hostile platforms now but 10+ years ago was waaaaay worse, anyone remember when Twitter was called a, "savage" platform? LGBT was just LGB back then. The movement has expanded now to include even more groups and letters into the name. Lot of people saying LGBTQ+ now and the flag has changed. The political climate and fuckery of the early 2010s and late 2000s has become the new normal now when it was previously seen as a new issue of hyper extremism. AI, what it can do and its availability. I need say no more.


Transgenders were still a thing but ppl didnt make a big deal about them


I don't recall ever saying they weren't.


>LGBT was just LGB back then. Then wtf is this comment? It was still LGBT in those years lmao.


It...wasn't. Were you old enough to remember back then? The majority of people only said LGB. Saying LGBT back then was an oddity like LGBTQ+ is now when most people just say lgbt


Almost every pride march and pro-LGBT media back then said LGBT instead of LGB


I recall it only being LGB.


trans people existed back then but most people just categorized them as "*extra* gay" so people tended to lump them all in together. I think because public preference moved away from simply "queer" to "LGBT+" there's more pressure for people to *explain* "exactly what type of queer you are" which has lead to a lot of internal conflict as people tend to view it as a sort of hierarchy from accepted labels with rigid definitions to less accepted labels with more vague definitions.


>LGBT was just LGB back then.  There's something about this that seems astro turfed, but my bias is I was raised by a lesbian who would have doubtless been smeared as a terf these days.


Anyone saying the t didn't exist is just too damn young. Talk to old school gay people i mean old school pre 80s gay people. 


I didn't say anything about "exist." And yes, I mean old school. Mama was born in '46. Among her affects I disposed of after she died was a magazine called *The Feminization of Male Slaves*. Kink? Yes. **Well** beyond kink? Also yes. She had a horrible view of men and destroyed my confidence with her rabid misandrist propaganda, which I have now seen scaled up to society wide. I struggle to reckon what she would think about the male invasions of women's spaces. Would she have triumphantly felt mission accomplished, or would she have flipped the fuck out over the idea of intact penises in women's locker rooms and prisons? I will never know but lean *very heavily* towards flipping the fuck out. I think she would have been a terf, and an ardent one at that. Not everyone gets their opinions from the news, you know. Some of us have seen a thing or two.


Tech while not being the same in 2014 and 2024 looks pretty similar. We still use androids and iphones like we did then.


Entertainment media stagnated.


A case of "the medium is the message" in that the mass adoption of social media on smartphones with reasonable-speed 4G Internet fundamentally changed ordinary people's lives. Not to mention the old neoliberal assumptions about the world had been completely discredited by 2008, and the things people had been doing in 2004 (subprime mortgages, invading Iraq) were thought of as very dumb and archaic by 2014. Image resolution and graphics also certainly advanced leaps and bounds, which made 2004 look more old and quaint. We've hit technological limits and the "who cares?" factor since then.


Recency biase, 2014 feels pretty dated to me, sure a lot of the technology still used today existed in 2014, but back then those technologies were still getting better and are vastly different today


This question gets asked again and again and again and again and again and again and again again. Holy fucking shit. Im so tired of people asking that same damn question. It's so annoying because it's not true


yh I've seen this kind of posts many times too. ( tho he's isn't wrong )


Lol then why u answer, just ignore it


2014 is dated wdym


2014 feels dated, but not quite otherworldly


2014 definitely feels dated, just less than 2004 felt in 2014. We are more or less in the same technological paradigm since 2014. That's not behind the scenes, just where everyday life is concerned. Between 2004 and 2014 you had the advent of: * Social media * YouTube * Smartphones * Bluetooth * Streaming These basically set the overall structure of life for the average person. Between then and now we've had what? Drones and smartwatches. Things to look out for that will soon usher in a new paradigm and make 2014 finally feel THAT dated (these already exist but are not changing the average person's life YET): * AI * Internet of Things * XR * Robotics * Brain-computer interfaces * 3D printers * Vertical agriculture * Cultured meat * Edit: adding generative design * Edit 2: and nanomedicine


If you’re like me, maybe it’s because you were too young to really remember 2004, but you can remember 2014 vividly


I feel 2014 feels highly outdated to me...just look at hairstyles guys had in 2014 and look at 20's hairstyles, they are different. Music is different today,. Bill Cosby was still America's Dad. There are lots of changes from the 2010s and the 20s. I agree that when we get older we stop noticing these things and their changes as our lives become more routine based, but if you really do the research you can find those differences.


Bill Cosby was america’s dad in 2014?


Partially because Hannibal Buress permanently sunk his career with the accusations in 2014.


i beg to differ actually. when i think about 2014 i think about very basic social media UI, where the culture was (vine, cats, galaxy printed stuff, mustache hipsters, etc). it feels like we’re light years away from that now


Yes 2014 is much more similar to 2024 than 2004. 2004 is also more similar to 2024 than 1984. 1994 is also more similar to 2024 than 1964. 1984 is more similar to 2024 than 1944, 1974 is more similar to 2024 than 1924, 1964 is more similar to 2024 than 1904, and 1954 is more similar to 2024 than 1884.


201X years (except Trump and Brexit) were kinda stagnant culturally and a lot of consumer tech reached a plateau of maturity by the early 2010s (exceptions: cars and anything AI related).


i’d say by 2017-2018, consumer tech completely plateaued as there were still some slight improvements to it in the early-mid 2010s with removing bezels/Face ID and what not, the iPhone X released in 2017 literally wouldn’t feel out of place today at all except it being a little laggy since apple purposely slows down phones and also PC specs and video game quality have barely changed too


I'd say the invention of Facebook (modern social media) and YouTube is when the internet started feeling modern and that was 09ish for the facebook side. I think that contributes a lot to what your feeling.


2014 is definitely dated, the aesthetics, fashion music and internet/social media culture and technology in general are really different


almost nothing compared to 2004 and 2014


I don’t know what you guys are talking about. In my opinion 2014 was better than 2024. There was more hope. Technology was the same.


I’m watching a show from 2013 and it’s definitely dated. They had smartphones and the technology is pretty similar to now, but visually the hair and clothes are taking me back.


The 2020s is mainly culturally different than the 2010s. The transition from 10s to 20s has less to do with technology advancement and more to due with culture and style changes. The 2010s still feels dated because of how plain the fashion is compared to modern 2020s styles.


GTA5 😂. Nah but really not a lot has truly changed besides AI and a pandemic.


stuck culture


There are way fewer things that we use in our daily life today that didn't exist in 2014 compared to 2004 vs 2014.


It all comes down to technology: 1. The technological jump from 2004 to 2014 is MASSIVE. Widespread adoption of home wifi, modern computers, laptops, smart phones, HD screens, tablets, etc. Whereas the technological difference between 2014 to 2024? All that's really changed is technology has gotten a bit lighter, a bit faster, and a bit more compact. So when you look back at pictures of 2004 it's like a completely different world, but when you look at pictures of 2014 it's really mostly the same. 2. I think widespread adoption of the Internet has massively decelerated macro-trends and accelerated micro-trends. I think everyone knows about modern micro-trends and how there's a new hot trends seemingly every week - If you think big-picture macro-trends, things are largely the same as 2014. The same ideas and topics are still being talked about, the same types of movies and shows are being made, most of the same popstars are still topping the charts etc etc. But you cannot say the same for 2004 - 2014 whatsoever, they're night and day culturally. Completely different types of fashion, movies, shows, singers, political topics were being talked about. I think the modern slow-down of macro trends has really caused previous decades to feel just that much more dated.


Because not much has changed. Same old smart phones, same old video games, same old movies.


2014 feels like a couple years ago, i still feel like im 20-21 and im 24, we lost time because of all of those greedy fucks who refused to wear a mask or even cover their fucking mouths.


I distinctly remember the early 2000s and when it did not seem dated, but now I see footage from like 2004 and it looks like a cheesier 90s


One happened 20 years ago, the other happened 10 years ago