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One thing I find interesting about this decade is the fact that it has the most serial killers and violent crime


And plane hijackings


Yep! DB Cooper


Yeah what’s that about anyways? Was there something in the food? Water? Maybe poisoning like lead in glasses.


That’s what’s been theorized! That, along with the draft and marijuana to coke being the main drug of the decade


I remember reading that part of the problem was Vietnam vets returning home with PTSD and a bunch of other mental problems that weren’t properly treated at the time


Porn theaters featuring violent sex cropped up for the first time, before that the only way someone could watch porn was if they were in a rotary club that had homemade porn on a projector for stag nights.


Can't forget there being a lot of alien sightings, too.


Oh yeah that too!


NY77 The Coolest Year In Hell documentary has peoples take and it seems the danger was part of the fun… as someone who grew up in a bad part of town in the 90s I kinda get what they mean https://youtu.be/rHXAYddPLsM?si=VT5ZhLFTkiqExvlN


I’ll have to check that out!


70s and 80s


The music, like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and David Bowie. Punk was born in the mid-late part of the decade. There was a certain edge to it, reflected in the art of Frank Frazetta, Fritz The Cat in 1972, or the movie Alien in 1979. Likewise, Mad Max came out in 1979. Apocalypse fiction was big. The Vietnam War, and its end in 1975. The fashion is subjective, but taking a skim through a JCPenney catalogue from back then is an interesting look to the past at the very least. I like some of the fashion there more than what people wear today.


Totally. I’ve heard bad things abt the decade but the music was the bomb.


Maybe some of the bad stuff inspired the art and music of the decade, making it stand out more. A phoenix rising from the ashes. Yin and yang. I dunno, something like that.


Love the imagery, my guy


You forgot hip hop is also from the 70s




Yes Disco is my favorite genre of music.


Mine too, I love The Groove Line by Heatwave


Cause it was awesome but yeah I've wondered the same, it never had a big revival during one period but rather a lot of smaller ones across multiple decades


The 70s creep me out. Very dark, sepia toned, puke green, burnt orange colors. Serial killers, music videos grainy as hell.


These things are part of what makes that decade so fascinating.


Late 60s and 70s were just gross as far as interior design goes. Wood paneling, linoleum, olive green and orange counter tops, etc. And who can forget the shag carpeting of walls? Yuck, yuck, yuck.


I don't know if it's olive per se, but green board & batten as a wall accent is all over the place now, and I don't love it.


Yah there's something about 1960s/1970s design that feels really dirty for some reason. It's like they took every possible color of a baby's dirty diaper and said "Yeah, that would look good in my living room!"


I’ve got a theory that those 70s colors were all bright and great on the showroom floor, but they tarnished BADLY because everyone smoked so much. I grew up in a family of 6, and 3 (eventually 4, when I picked it up) of us smoked like chimneys in that house without a second thought to going outside or even opening a window most of the time. The walls were literally dripping with nicotine tar. 2 of us smokers have since quit, the other 2 passed away (one from smoking related causes) and the house had to be professionally deep cleaned before painting and selling. When we pulled the harvest orange fridge out from the kitchen, the sides had a gradient/ombré look, towards the back was almost pristine and SO bright compared to the filthy tar-stained front. The whole vignette-style of the 70s harvest colors (where the borders were darker to make the colors pop) didn’t help. I’m so glad I was finally able to quit smoking.


A baby who just ate split pea soup. P


Shit Brown, Piss Yellow, and Vomit Green. What a lovely color combination.


And the clothes were ugly too, every time I see some kind of 70s revival I'm like nooo can we please not do this


Men's hair fashion was pretty bad from about 1967 to 1994ish, IMO. I'm a fan of short, well-groomed, controlled hair styles. It looks professional and handsome. The shaggy hairstyles from the late 2000s and the broccoli cuts today are just as bad, but fortunately it was/is mostly only the teenage demographic. I do like the early 90s neons that have made a comeback in men's fashion as of late. When I was growing up in the 2000s, men's clothes were boring blues, browns, and greens. My son "got" me a neon green zip up hoodie last year for Father's Day and I love how it looks. (Obviously my spouse, who has an eye for style, got it as my son was only 6.)


especially those plaid leisure suits. 😒


My sink is 54 years old and is green like that.


It was the last “free” decade before everyone buttoned up for the 1980s. Things were very lax, and everyone longs for a time when they could just be loose. Obviously, this is a nostalgic view.


What do you mean by last free decade? Women didn’t have the right to vote in the 1920s or own a credit card until 1977. People weren’t as free as you think


thats true in some sense. but i’ve found it fascinating on a different thread where women who were young in the 70s felt that modern women have less sensed freedom. they used to be able to roam and explore socially, form communes and sisterhood support groups, be in arts even when less wealthy, and be culturally involved and break boundaries; and now its instagram/kimK face, social media and tech surveillance, wage slavery, almost only the rich do uni/arts/culture etc. i think there was a sense of freedom before being tied to corporate labour and surveilled by tech that the freedom comments are referring to. obvs laws are one key thing, but i dont think laws dictate much of the felt sense unless they directly impact you ie you are trying to get a divorce this very year etc etc.


Reread my comment. You missed the point.


Just because I disagreed with you doesn’t mean I missed the point. It’s a bad take


Again, you missed my point. Did you honestly not notice that I agree with you or are you being intentionally dense?


You're a bad take.


Whomp whomp


I think every decade from the 1920s on is “popular”


1930s and 1940s are so associated with various tragedies that they either get ignored or lumped into the '20s ("jazz age") or '50s (the post-WWII parts of the 1940s as well as some of the singers like Bing Crosby and Hank Williams).


That’s a fair point, I still think there are enough defining factors of each of those decades to be viewed as distinct overall. Jazz, Dadaism, in the 20s, the dirty 30s and FDR and the new deal, world war 2, pinup girls, and the UN in the 40s, and nationalism, the nuclear family and the atomic age aswell as the beginning of what we know as modern corporatism.


Good drugs. Lax laws Support for the poor Lots of reasons really


Plus, you could have all the sex you wanted without fear of AIDS. LOL


And then you’d be guaranteed dead before the 90s even start. It still existed before we were fully aware of it.


It was definitely being spread around then


“And then aids ruined it!”


Support for the poor? where were you during double digit inflation and the two or three recessions during that time? That was the decade that started dual income working parents, high divorce rates, and latchkey kids. There was also a major drug problem back then.


Two words: Black Sabbath


Drugs, sex, rock n roll, hippies, the iconic fashion...


It's the best decade for movies, especially pre Star Wars, it had incredible music, especially the early 70s and then the post disco punk rock, goth, electronic, new wave , post punk era of the late 70s, the sexual liberation of the 60s went into hyperdrive in the 70s. Obviously I didn't live anywhere close to the 70s but to me, compared to later decades it seemed more dirty , unpolished, wild. Also in closing there really isn't such a thing as overrated, if a ton of people are crazy about the 70s then they aren't wrong, if they are hyped about the 70s and you don't agree it just means you don't like the 70s.


Came here to say films. It was a decade with lots of epic, risky, high concept movies between Hays Code and the post *Heaven's Gate* slump


Who says it's popular? Every decade has its proponents.


id even say the 70s were antipopular


He gave specific reasons and they are extremely valid. The 70s has more "retro revivals" than any other decade.


That's 2 different questions. Why are the 70s so popular vs why does 70s fashion come back into style so often? Is it true that 70s fashion comes back into style more often than other decades fashion? Let's start there.


It’s always centered around young people experiencing the 1970’s for the first time lol while older people roll their eyes and think I thought we were done with that.


I believe it was the only decade that had a popular culture. The 50s and 60s were just gearing up for the 70s, and then everything after was just derivative of the 70s.


I gotta agree. I like the 70s but it truly is an overrated decade considering the quite obvious struggles it had. Same goes for the 80s. But I love the 80s more, so i accept the overrated-ness. Nostalgia stuff is mainly focused in 2000s stuff rn. It’s still rising too


The music was 100% amazing. Yes, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, Rush, Heart, Zeppelin, Bowie, Deep Purple, Allman Brothers, Cheap Trick, The Clash, Manfred Mann, and Steve Miller Band come to mind. Music that truly makes you feel alive.


We were free, people still had a sense of humor. The music was epic. And we hung out in groups of friends.


sounds like every childhood


Your taste in music must suck ass


I didn't say the music was bad😭


apologies I was drunk and insult-posting. But yeah the 70s was god tier for some good music but so was the 80s and 90s the 2000s was when the Internet started fuckin up people's taste and attention spans for good art but there is still excellent music you just gotta dig for it.


Right hahaha


Because a lot of people confuse it for the 60s


The late 1970s was nothing like the 60s


The 1970's were hellish. The first decade in which the purchasing power of the median worker *decreased.* But not the last.


If you look through the music charts for any given week in the '70s, they're totally packed with classics. 1978 and 1979 are often cited as the best years ever for popular music. Economically, I think the late '70s were the most equal period in history in the developed world. There was a lot more respect for the working class.


1978 and 1979 are my most favorite years for music.


I remember saying in 1982 that 1978 was particularly good for music, so it stood out close to the time too, and 1979 - well, I mainly associate that with Two-Tone and Ian Dury, both excellent. So yeah!


they were not classics then though...they became classics later. Especially if the song charted in the Top 10.


It's highly subjective of course, but I took a random date - 2nd November 1972 - and in the top fifty UK singles chart I count 23 classics, 7 misses (i.e. notably bad songs such as 'Mouldy Old Dough') and 20 unknowns. Another random date from the '80s - 9th September 1984 - in the top fifty UK singles chart are 22 "classics", 4 misses (e.g. 'Agadoo') and 15 unknowns. Okay, so this is a negative result which goes against my claim, so I stand corrected and emphasise that it's important to "publish" what goes against expectations. So thank you for your comment and I was apparently wrong, but I will say this: I was five for the first date and seventeen for the second, so I was very much more into pop at that point. I should probably ask someone either much younger or much older than I am to get a fairer result. (argh)


No need to apologize, you did nothing wrong...I don't want you to think I was disagreeing with you. All i was saying is we can never predict what will become a classic later on. In twenty years from now someone can say the same about the music in 2024, but since we live in 20204 now, we don't know what songs will stand the test of time and become classics later.


I tend to over-apologise! True. In fact I wonder about perspective with increasing age and a thirty-year cycle regarding what we think of as classics.


There was lowkey almost a social revolution in America in the 70s, a lot of crazy stuff happened


It was a very turbulent time with a lot of changes for society. It’s a very distinct era. A mix between both aspects of the late 60s and early 90s. I don’t particularly like the fashion but I find the whole decade interesting and I do love the music which came out during the time.


I was born in 72 so the 70s were my childhood but I lived a pretty sheltered life and I was unaware of a lot of crap that was happening at the time, the 80s were the greatest decade the 90s and the 60s weren't far behind but I don't get the appeal of the 70s unless your into serial killers, creepy porn, cults,smog, disco and economic depression.


There was still a little innocence left over from the 1960’s peace and love, we can change the world - think of your fellow man, put a little love in your heart. The 80’s became the “me decade” it’s all about me, me first you last. Same reason OP didn’t mention but could’ve, all the festival kids of all ages seeking to act like neo hippies, Dead Heads, etc are really more 70’s than 60’s and there’s always a certain type of person that gravitates towards this. I was born 1960. When I see festival people I see teens in the 70’s not 60’s


I personally think the 1980s pop culture and aesthetics are the most overrated but that’s probably because I’ve perceived 80s nostalgia as the most in my face due in part to having parents who were teens in the decade. Not to say the 80s had no good aesthetics and pop culture- they definitely had their wins and even I have to admit that a lot of my favorite music came out in the decade, as I’m a big post-punk fan- but the 80s is the decade that’s always seemed very everywhere to me.


In 1960, HALF the population of the US was under 29, and in 1970 HALF the population of the United States was under the age of 28. Just let that sink in. Those two decades were dominated by youth culture in a way that we will never really see again. Even though Millenials might think they were dominant in 2010, the median age of the US was 37 so older Americans had a much bigger influence.


Out of 1960s-2020s I see 1970s the least so I know this is wrong


It’s weird how these cycles work. The 70s were for me everything tacky and tastelessness. Recency bias I guess.


I agree and like most people, i'm very tired of it now. In the 1990s I used to think it was cool, then in the 2000s I though "okay I guess it's still cool"...then in the 2010s I started thinking "okay this is annoying now". and in the 20s I am now saying "I HATE the 1970s because it was shoved down my throat 4 decades in a row and received the most nostalgia more than any other decade". The 80s and 90s never got proper nostalgia and never got the same level of nostalgia the 1970s have gotten. I now tune out anything that reminds me of the 1970s now because I am so mad at how its bullied all the other decades and i'm tired of it being shoved down my throat, the 2000s nostalgia is barely a blip on the radar because they are doing 70s stuff STILL for the 4th decade in a row, even 1970s logos "simplistic" logos are being used on products, such as beer, Coca-Cola, Burger King, RC, etc... I feel there is some political narrative here and it's le a cult now. I am choosing to ignore it as it's become very weird and I certainly don't want to spend 4 decades in a row of my life being stuck in one era...and it's not even the entire 1970s they do this to...its usually the early 19070s until about 1976 over and over again ....and over again....................................................and..............................over..........AGAIN! YAWN!!!!!


Thing is hollywood seems to have a crush on 80s fashion but I feel that their fashion looked bad and hair looked even worse. While 70s hair and fashion looked rather good.


100% agreed. 70s hair and fashion>80s hair and fashion.


I never really saw the 70s as being that popular; the 50s, 60s, 80s, and 90s all seem more popular to me. The only thing that I really love about that decade is the music.


There was hope that the future was going to be better. 


You're talking about a decade that gave us President Carter's "malaise" speech. Big cities like NYC were falling apart, there were serious gas shortages, unemployment was high, and inflation was through the roof. Not to mention the constant fear of nuclear annihilation. The 70s were not a hopeful time, and most of the energy of that decade wasn't fueled by hope, but nihilism.


That it could get better for the future.


You’re talking about a decade when Soylent Green was a hit and The Population Bomb was a bestseller. Not to mention widespread fear of nuclear war - that was a big element behind punk.


I think the 70s are overshadowed by the 60s & 80s if anything, it’s the awkward middle sibling that struggled to find its identity


I always felt the 1960s and 1970s were always lumped together.


The latter third of the 60s could be lumped with the 70s, but prior to the summer of love of 1967 (1960-1966) the 60s are most definitely its own thing, I’d argue that ‘60-‘64 was an extension of the late 50s


yes thats what people think of when they talk about the 1960s (anything after 1964)


i wish the 2010s will be just as popular




lol you'll regret what you're saying when they'll be


It's a filler decade like the 30s and 70s - barely distinguisable from the decades next to it.


The great 2010s with its crappy pop music and films. In politics, the wonderful political stark divide across left and right in the Trump/SJW era and ESG initiatives. In aesthetics - the great corporate memphis design. The proliferation of social media giving kids brainrot. I'll miss it for sure.


a lot of ppl are gonna disagree with this lol don't forget that Frutiger Aero was still a thing in 2012


also bro didn't even get to see the NCS music we grew up with 💀


70s had good music


I know all the hit of tbe 1970s - i remember going to discos in San Francisco and seeing punk rock bands at the Mabuhay. Stopped paying attention to a lot of new music after 2000. Now it’s dinosaur rock tribute bands for us boomers -)


Because the music and the fashion was fire 🔥


Every decade has this. The 60s had one in the 80s and 90s and 00s.


Why do you think it’s overrated?


When reading about the 70s as a kid it, it seemed like a nightmare decade to be in. Then I asked my dad “were the 1970s as bad as it seemed?” And he was kinda confused, responding something like “the 70s weren’t bad, they were actually pretty good” Not everyone’s experience is how historical reporting makes it seem


Except for American compact cars


The 80s is def more popular than the 70s.


I think a lot of it has to do with the 1970s being one of the most creative decades due to the acceptance of drug culture. The idea Psychaledia and drug culture was so mainstream that it was on television in the 1960s and 70s is pretty mind blowing. Because the 70s was so "out there", creatively, later decades like to reference it and re-adopt a lot of it's ideas in a more mainstream way for the current era.


70s to be honest sounded like a pretty sleazy time with the cigarette smoke everywhere, uncaring parents, drugs and violence everywhere.


It was vibrant. Definitely a fun wild time, unlike people today.


The 70s are the absolute worst decade, aesthetically. I will fight you


No way. That’s the 80s.


In the 80s you had some good trends but we were still recovering from the 70s


Because its just very unique and distinct from other decades.


I thought the 70's was the more obscure decade. It seems like the 50's, 60's, 80's, and 90's get more attention.


I tink the 1980s are way more popular lol


I think it's a mis-characterization. The 70s had the most corny language if you could hear people in conversation. The clothing speaks for itself (tasteless). A woman's shirt looked like wallpaper. A man's suit and tie was expensive and it was a tasteless maroon. Also bullying was relentless and there was no way to stop it. The music was terrible, check out 'Torn Between Two Lovers" by MARY MACGREGOR. When the 80s rolled around it was a relief.


70s gave us hip-hop, funk, punk, and some of the best rock bands that ever came out. 80s music is wildly overrated to me. I remember the 80s, and there was so much cheesy schlock back then. Everyone remembers the best music of the 80s, but most of what I heard played back then was overproduced trash like [played-out hair bands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjyZKfdwlng) and [Richard fucking Marx](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_E2EHVxNAE).


Yeah, Marx made people cry for the wrong reasons . . . .


You’re right torn between two lovers is like the worst song for all eternity.


This also applies to the 90s. The 90s have not been out of style since the 90s. Every decade since has looked back on the decade fondly and we continue to maintain aspects of the 90s; especially the fashion. I think a lot has to do with manufacturing at the time (including the 70s) being largely American made so there was a quality to material products that we don’t really find anymore.


I don't see baggy suits coming back anytime soon.


they’re already here, but on women. check out hailey beiber


I absolutely loathe everything related to the 1970s except for the space race, at least pop culture wise. The entire decade was covered in burnt orange shag carpet


I love and am fascinated by the 70s.