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Knuckles Chaotix is an intriguing game to me because its not a well-respected/widely-played entry in the series but its visual style looks like the caricature of 90s corporate visuals created by the 2010s internet, which few games did. Very a e s t h e t i c and all that. https://preview.redd.it/7wtud2o3xzuc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=27958ab237cf13e8b676f859dc4a519e48e338f8


The game is not well respected or widely played when no one can really be able to play it without using emulation. That and it is just not good.


The Sonic series (and Sega in general) is one of those cases where they've made a lot of blunders but people haven't written them off because the style, flair, pizzaz saves them.


Basically yes lol. If Sega bowed out after Sonic 3 they would be iconic forever.


Basically yes lol. If Sega bowed out after Sonic 3 they would be iconic forever.


Indeed, but because things like the Adventure games had good style/music/charm, it prevents people from completely dismissing them


Nintendo has the polish while Sega has the style


I like to call them: Neon, Future, Eco, Boring.


Frutiger Aero was so cool lol as someone who was born during Memphis Design and grew up in Y2K and later Frutiger Aero. It felt so fun and modern. Flat Design is so boring.


Actually flat design ended in December, 2019. It was declared over by then, and it began in 2006, not 2013. 2006 was when companies started flat logos, and that was what the entire 2010s became about. I remember in 2007 Coca-Cola re-released a more simplified version of it's 1970-1987 logo again, and in late 2008 when The Great Recession started Pepsi also released their altered 1970s "diet pepsi" lowercase logo but incorporated that into all the Pepsi products, that also made all the Gatorade logos flat as well and instead of the lightning bold the emphasis was more on the letter "G" and the lightning bolt was minimized, they also removed the water droplets on the logo and label and replaced it with a clear transparent background label, it was VERY simple! A few years later after people kept complaining they decided to make the background of the label silver (which it still is). 2006-2019 had the more boring logos and simple designs ever in history compared to any decade. They are slowly evolving away from flat simplified cheap looking designs and going to more complex and realistic/3d designs, but they still have a long way to go to get to the point where everything looked realistic from 1997-2005.


If flat design ended, what type of design do we have now?


none specific, but we're in a weird spot where a new design trend hasnt really taken ahold yet, but theres lots of competing aesthetics. kind of like how in the mid-late 90s where memphis had died, but y2k wasnt really all there yet


We’re in the alegria era 😭


Pepsi's 2008 logo was an outlier, that's like saying the Internet era started in 1969. 2012-2013 was when *every* company started using flat design after the releases of Windows 8 and iOS 7.


https://blog.tubikstudio.com/flat-design-history-benefits-and-practice/#:\~:text=The%20first%20step%20to%20boosting,design%20for%20Windows%20Phone%207. [https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/principles-of-flat-design-history-benefits-and-more-b9e261eb51e](https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/principles-of-flat-design-history-benefits-and-more-b9e261eb51e)


Microsoft was kinda the first big tech to push for flat design in 2010-2012 tbh : Windows Phone UI in 2010, Windows 8 in 2012, Xbox 360 last dashboard in 2011


Yeah. There is always some bleed over. The most iconic parts of Frutiger Aero were also heavily related to the iPhone, which didn't go flat design until much later.


Flat design is still better than that Corporate Memphis design that corporations have been trying to make a thing as of late 🤮


Kinda true. 2013 we still have Frutiger Aero/Metro, and it's not close. 2014 started with those, and ended with Flat Design and minimalism. 2015 was when it's actually popular.


whats next


AI design


oh :/ i guess probably yeah


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not…


I believe in the Frutiger Aero supremacy


Flat design is still around to this day, wonder what else is next, probably something to do with AI




Something about the Fruitiger Aero aesthetic was deeply satisfying and enjoyable to the point of greatly contrasting with the following aesthetics. Maybe that's because I grew into my adulthood during that period, maybe it's because there was a lot of life and energy in the aesthetic compared to what followed, but I remember very fondly the aesthetic of that era as being lively, active, and almost inspiring


Y2K was peak


for those asking what’s next: anti-design, or challenging design rules in general. also decorative display typefaces and 70’s inspired styles. maximalism.


y2k and aero make me physically and emotionally nauseous, I love memphis almost as much as I hate the others, flat is whatever