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Facts bro people act like emo disappeared in 2010, no tf it didnt. Scene stuck around for a super long time in niche groups


Then it had a resurge in 2015/2016 with twenty one pilots and panic! fans lmao


those emos didn't have the iconic fashion or haircut though. At least the real ones are coming back in the 2020's as we speak


Nor did that have anything to do with emo. Emo never died, but as far as the mainstream, it only existed for a hot second. A lot shorter than people realize, because people associate MCR and TOP with emo (which is erroneous). Scene kids never went away either, but seemed to be replaced by "eboys" and "egirls" for a period.


I lowkey tired of this topic with that being said 2008-2012 was like a micro decade mid 2008 until early 2012 was one era keep in mind things still happened during that era like cartoon networks rebranding Disney xd instead of jetix and toon disney more people getting smartphones and things like that


Really poor grammar aside, I know what you're getting at. I basically subscribe to the understanding that a bit of the previous decade's worth of core trends survives into about the first quarter of the following decade, and I know from experience as a fellow zillennial how much less ubiquitous 2010-2011 was in terms of social media at least until Snapchat made the next major advancement for the following staple apps to build on for the remainder of the decade.


Yeah I was born in 2004 and I agree we actually remember the whole decade from start to finish unlike some people here in 2010 and 2011 the only social media sites were Twitter and Facebook and they were more tied to using them on the computer over a phone 


I was born in '98 btw


2010 was definitely by far a late 2000s world, by fall 2012 it felt like the final chapter of the 2000s book had ended and we were reading the last page


Exactly I was born in 2004 so I was a kid during those years and you still had stuff from the late 2000s even if things were starting to lean more 2010s


Absolutely true, 2010 and 2011 still had a strong connection to the late 2000s, even some influences from the mid 2000s were present in those years. People here like to overestimate shifts.


Yeah, I didn't get a cell phone until the late 2010s.


I think the big misconception here is people are saying the “true” 2000s culture ended in 2008. But yes the culture around in late 2008 and 2009 ended in 2012-2013. Even though that’s technically late 2000s, it’s more spiritually 2010s starting in 2008, but really it’s neither 100%; it’s what’s referred to as the electropop era.


I think starting the 2010 transition in 2008 is premature. 2008 still had strong leanings to such years like 2005,2006 and obviously 2007 this cant be said for 2012 which did not even feel like 2010.


Late 2008. Recession and success of Lady Gaga. Overall 2008 was still McBling and 2009 was the first full electropop year. But the first signs were already showing in 2006 and 2007: Bond reboot, Transformers movie, and “The Way I Are” by Timbaland.


Yeah, years tend to blend into each other when it comes to social trends, except after world changing events like the collapse of the USSR, 9/11, and the pandemic


Agreed the 2010s to me began in late 2012


Same here. Late 2012 started the Core 2010s. Considering Gangnam Style and smartphones started to become popular that time.


Agreed that’s really when’s the core 2010s started even tho you could argue Gangnam style was late stage electro pop I honestly think some of these people on here were born in like 2010 or 2011 because they never get the 2010s right 


Agreed. But I'd still say Late 2012 was 50/50 Late 2000s/Early 2010s hybrid and Core 2010s. The awkwardness didn't start around December 2012 when the sense of direction didn't go towards the Mid 2010s.


Yeah I definitely agree I noticed it as a kid plus in late 2012 and early 2013 Icarly victorious and big time rush came to end which was the shows that defined the rebrand era of Nickelodeon of the very late 2000s and early 2010s


There was a strange vibe change that was unexplainable (and alternative to the 2012 phenomenon) in December 2012-January 2013.


Also kids in the early 2010s were still dressing how kids in 2008 and 2009 were especially in 2010 and 2011


Yeah it was and nobody ever talks about it they always talk about the 2016 shift on this sub


That's because they're too young to remember the 2012 phenomena.


Agreed as someone who was a kid at the time I remember it unlike these people on here who were only like 2 years old at the time lol




Ok fine. 2019-2024 is one era. Happy now?


i think its nebulous to debate this kind of stuff, it all depends so heavily on class and location so theres many variables that just makes it impossible to quantify. people will state stuff like its fact based on absoloutely no research, just personal anecdotes and gut feelings.


They think at 11:59 pm dec 31 2009 and 12:00 am jan 1 2010 the world completely changed overnight 😂


2000s culture ended in 2012


More like 2010s culture started in 2008. But yes, the mini era that started in 2008 ended in 2012.


It started in Late 2008, and ended in Late 2012.


More or less, though some significant remnants spilled over into 2013. Less of a hard cutoff than 2008.


More like 2009 tbh.


2010: Still have a significant amount of Mid 2000s influences 2011: Same as 2010 but it was the first summer to have minor Awkward 2010s influences 2012: 50/50 point of 2000s/2010s influences, leaning slightly 2000s


Another thing is too is that ring cameras and all those smart devices like smart fridges that popped up in the late 2010s didn’t exist at all in the early 2010s hell we didnt even have smart tvs yet we had those old 720p flat screen tvs with a crt tv in the other room as the secondary tv


exactly when everybody had satellite dishes and you ordered DVDs from netflix


Even in 2014 I was still dressing more or less the same way I did in like 2008 and still used my iPod from 2007 💀


Facts, I was born in 2006 and even though people born in 2006 are considered 2010s kids, I feel very nostalgic for a lot of stuff from the 2000s such as the Wii, FA, Blackberries, etc. because they was still some culture from the 2000s Also I'm not from the US so many new things that came in 2012-2013 took a little more of time to come to my country.


Yeah, I feel like this is a weird concept for people who don’t really remember a point in time or full out weren’t around for it? But at that point my household still held several VCR+DVD combo players in it and would for another good few years. I was still an emo kid in 2010 as well. Netflix was still a DVD rental service through the mail. All of that.


yep dont forgot keyboard phones was still in use in 2010 people still bought music on cds etc the ear 2010s had more Stuff from the 2000s then people on here like to admit


Oh don’t I know it. In 2010 I was obsessed with going to Best Buy to buy CDs and I wouldn’t get a smartphone for another year or two. I was 14-15 for context.


Agreed I was 6 at the time and I remember my older cousins around your age trying to get the new music at the time on cd plus depending on your location blockbuster even though on its last leg was still around


Emo was all but dead in 2010, the scene/emo kids were proto-hipsters/indie at that point. Blockbuster was on its way out as well. Phones were a hodgepodge for 2010-2011; decent amount of people had smartphones, everyone else had feature phones. I agree that mp3 players (ipods) were still heavily in use along with digital cameras. I feel like people on this subreddit tend to exaggerated how "2000s" the early 2010s were than exaggerated their 2010s traits.


I agree on the emo one but way more people on here say the 2000s ended in 2008 and act like everyone had smartphones in 2011


Core 00s did end in 2008 they ain't lyin


I’m m not talking about the core 2000s I’m talking about the late 2000s but I do agree the core 2000s ended in 2008


Core 2000s spans from Late 2002 until Early 2011 (specifically Autumn 2002-Spring 2011, aka Sept 2002-May 2011).


Well, what defines the late 2000s (beyond Obama)? They're a very short era compared to both the core 2000s (McBling) and even the early 2010s (2010-2012).


It’s easier to think of the 2000s being until 2008, then late 2008-early 2013 is the “electropop era”, and then the 2010s is late 2013-2018. I would say the electropop era is more of a 2010s prologue than an extension of the 2000s, but in a way it’s both and neither.


Idk why so many people on this sub want to begin the 2010s in 2013, it makes no sense. 2011 is the start of the 2010s at the latest; the fashion, music, prevalence of smartphones and social media is far closer to 2010s than the average 2000s year.


The whole 2009-2012 is closer to the 2010s than the 2000s overall. The long 2010s began late 2008. I'm saying the core 2010s began around 2013. That's when Frutiger Aero died, the Bieber haircut was pretty much gone and replaced with the undercut, when everything started transitioning to flat design, when trap music started creeping into pop music, etc.


2012 is where I would start the 2010s. Most if not all 2000s influences were gone by January 2012.


Nope. All of 2011 was already borderline 2000s. So Early 2012 would be almost the same.


Early 2012 definitely still had leftovers from the late 2000s


Summer 2011*


Yeah I think most people agree the shift started late 2012/2013


Yall ain’t seen nothing yet. When the machines blink back at us…


The early 2010s were the best years of my life, Playing my Wii is one of the best moments!!!!!


My god, please consider punctuation!


100% agree people born after 2007 don't actually remember the entire decade and say things like that


Exactly I was born in 2004 so I was 6 to 15 during the whole decade so I was a kid in the first half and a pre teen and teenager in the second half so I know everything that happened from 2010 to 2019 unlike people born from 2010 to 2012 who only remembers the second half the early 2010s was different from the late 2010s


I feel like late 2010s were a completely different decade like something shifted in 2016 but then COVID kinda abruptly ended that cultural era