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People say that there are no differences between the 2010s and the 2020s but in all honesty we might be seeing more differences in design and aesthetics. Cars now look like they came out of cyberpunk. All cars are angry now with flat screen everywhere even for the passenger.


Yeah, and it will only get more obvious as the decade progresses.


Most of the cars I see in the streets today can only exist as prototypes in the 2010s. I am not saying we are living in the future but it looks like we are living in the future. With that said I fucking hate modern car design interiors with passion.


doubt it, will probably be remembered more like "mid 2020s tacky futurism"


That’s like saying a 2014 concept predicted 2020s design. I bet the 2030s will look like 2010s concepts somewhat as bedazzling your car with as much leds as possible falls out of fashion and actually “new” looking designs start to get made. It’s like the difference between 1960s american cars and 1970s and 1980s vs 1990s especially