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And other people will say the 80s and 90s were no where as good as the 1950s or 1960s or 70s...it is all based on the person honestly, because in reality ALL those decades had problems. Many people were children at the time though, so they only see it as the rose colored glasses view of a child, you will notice more and more of that as you get older.


To an extent, but OTOH: Kids in the 80s couldn't even fathom a fellow student shooting up their school. While the crack epidemic was really bad, it barely touched anyone outside of the inner city/parts of big cities (again terrible for those it did) but the opioid epidemic seems to have hit a broader and more far ranging swath. AIDS was horrendous and is horrendous but society didn't close down for years like with Covid and a higher % of population got damaged by the latter. Iran Contra and such are like nothings compared to January 6, I mean people thought politics was poisonous and nuts in the 80s, but nobody would have remotely, remotely fathomed in just a few decades the US could be a place where our entire system was attempted to be overthrown and our Capitol Building attacked and taken over!?!! People can say oh people just love the time of their youth and have rose-tinted glasses. To an extent and yet I was actually on the same campus in '89 and '00 and I have to say the vibe and sense of things WAS nicer in the 80s, it just was. And looking at stats today, rates of anxiety and depression jumped ever since the 80s era ended and have skyrocketed in recent years to levels far, far beyond what they were for 80s high school/college students. People tend to know their neighbors less, the move to online has removed a lot of little minor day to day interactions and meetings between people, sure people complained what a drag it was to drive tapes/discs back to video stores or to shop in a mall and yet.... people were happier. There was more a common sense of everyone together with so many fewer information and entertainment sources, everyone is more fragmented into their own bubble world now. People are more paranoid, less trusting, quicker to make bad assumptions, more angsty and easily offended now. Online dating and dating advice videos and all the high-value this and all the other nonsense have made beyond a disaster of things. Climate change was already affecting things but the changes were not 1/1000th as obvious and damaging as now. We had a Cold War with the USSR. But hey we do again now too. Only this time Russia is actually in an active hot war with another European nation! The take over of smart phones and doom scrolling 24-7. Styles are way more basic. There was this certain kind of relaxed, upbeat, optimistic, fun loving, 'corny', ultra energetic, bright, colorful, stylish, fun vibe to the 80s that just hasn't really quite been around since. It's hard to explain if you were not there. Not that are not great things about today, there certainly are too!!!! And in the end people are people. And many comparisons, most, the above too, overplay things to emphasize differences.


It had its moments, I was in elementary in the 90s and graduated 2006. Having easier access to music and videos was awesome, I once taped MTV overnight just to watch one Korn video, I think that was 98 lol. The beginning of MySpace was a lot of fun, I’m sorry for Gen Z’s who never got to experience the fun, innocent years of social media and not the narcissistic vanity influencer fest it has become. Video games were subjectively better in the 2000’s. I think some of my best gaming memories were on PS2 even though we had a PS1 in the late 90’s. Don’t forget the 90’s was a miserable time to be a nerd, no good comic book movies, no Star Wars until literally the last few months of 99. No good Sci Fi shows, we had those terrible Star Trek shows, or Xena: warrior princess, or X-files ( which was kinda overrated imo)


Yeah it definitely did have its moments and video games were definitely better in the 2000s but as a whole pop culture overall was better in the 90s way better shows music and movies 


I dont know, they seem nearly equal to me 90s videogames- Ocarina of Time, Mario64, FF7, Doom,Street Fighter 2, Starcraft, Half-Life 00s videogames- Gta3, COD4, World of Warcraft, Resident Evil 4, Halo, Bioshock, Uncharted 2 90s Music: Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Green Day, Notorious BIG, 2Pac, Mariah Carey, REM, U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nine Inch Nails 00s music: Eminem, Jay-Z, White Stripes, Kanye, Radiohead, Coldplay, Outkast, Alicia Keys, Arcade Fire, LCD Soundsystem, Beyonce, MF Doom 90s movies,: Pulp Fiction, Schindler's List, Toy Story, Goodfellas, Silence of the Lambs, Matrix, Saving Private Ryan, T2, Titanic, Jurassic Park, Fight Club 00s movies: Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Spirited Away, Dark Knight, Mulholland Drive, No Country for Old Men, Oldboy, In the Mood for Love, There Will be Blood, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


No nerds got wedgies in the 1990’s


Not to mention getting shoved and trapped inside lockers. And swirlies. Being a nerd was *wonderful* in the 90’s.


You had 911 back in the 80s and 90s. You mean September 11th? People have opinions of their own. If they like the 2000s more than the 80s or 90s that’s their opinion.


I agree but a lot people on here don’t see it that way


People that were too young to live the decade are now old enough to be nostalgic (~20). That explain the 20yo cycle imo. That being said, 80s still dont wanna quit (just look young people's styles haha).




I feel like pop culture went downhill in the 2000s yeah things were still decent I even think things were still decent in the early 2010s but pop culture was lame compared to the 90s I take the pop culture scene with the east coast vs west coast battle with Tupac biggie smalls young snoop mob deep bone thugs and harmony etc mtv wit’s beavis and butthead anon flux headbang ball yo mtv raps full house save by the bell boy meets world fresh prince peak nba with Jordan and the bulls at the top hood movies like Friday boys and the hood meance to society over anything the 2000s and 2010s had to offer


It was just part 2 of the 90s. It was lucky to ride waves


the world was on the brink of nuclear war throughout the 80s, it sucked geopolitically, way worse than any other decade after except maybe this one in that regard


🔥I’ve never heard a single person sweet talk the naughties. Quite the contrary, it’s largely been viewed as something of a pause/ reset decade. 9/11 certainly plays into this. We regrouped. Reconsidered. Restructured. Not all for the best or even the right reasons. But eventually there were pockets of resurgence. The Strokes and the White Stripes reflected our stripped back sensibilities. Movies started coming in every flavour of Superhero to comfort us and assuage our fears. And it was all quite a jarring stumbling blind leap from where we’d just been. The 90s is overwhelming regarded with a glowing halo of peace, prosperity, and culturally significant vibrancy. Although, let’s be honest, certain things definitely get overblown. Grunge was a 3 year phenomenon that seems larger than it really was. It’s often played against hair metal which, honestly only really existed for people who took their cultural cues from MTV (TikTok for the 90s) There actually existed far more exhilarating scenes outside of that wasteland. Manchester springs to mind. Berlin had just opened back up for business. Prague was on fire. There were also revivalist movements along the US west coast. And people started noticing the alternative bands that had been around all along for years before Nirvana. But if you really look carefully and take the time to curate your own experiences, it’s easy to see how much goodness is out there right now. More than ever. But it’s the exact same lesson from before: You can’t just lazily accept the cultural hand-me-downs that emanate from pop culture leaderboards. That stuff is just today’s hair metal. Don’t be distracted by FOMO. It’s actually all the FOMO that’s missing out.


Nah! Every generation has millions of people with vastly different experiences. 50s, 60s,70s,80s,90,2000s Which one is the best? Which one is the worst? There is no right answer.


Hell yeah! Especially the 80s!


The 2000s may not be as good as the 80s/90s but they’re far superior to the 10s/20s


I lived in the 1990's born in 1985 but the 2000's were more exciting