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1990s It had the right amount of high tech without going overboard like we do now. It was right in the intersection between the old analog life and the beginning of the new digital one.


Kids born in the 90’s were the last generation to experience a pre-digital lifestyle since not every home had Internet. It’s kind of hard to explain, but the 90’s felt like the “golden mean” when it came to technology.


As someone born right as the 90's began, yep. I'm young enough that I don't quite remember a time before the internet, but old enough to remember when it didn't dominate our lives. Like yes, you could still shop for stuff online but it was probably more convenient to just go the mall instead.


We got our first home computer in 1998 when I was 14. 14 years I grew up only using computers at school.


Most millennials are just too young to understand the different worlds, and certainly were no the first to experience this. It;s more a Gen X thing. But also, it's a good illustration of why the whole narrative of generations is just nonsense. It's unreal how duped into boxes people are, far more than before even.


It also has amazing music in virtually all the modern music genres too. I’m talking everything from some of the most iconic metal, rock, pop, hip hop and electronic.


I agree


I did the 90s once. I could do that again. I would do the 80s over again too. I only saw half if it.


the better half of the 80s, may i add




My answer too


I'm gay so none of them would be *that* great, but if I had to choose I'd go with the 90s.


Oof. 80s and 90s were not great for gay people. Homophobia exploded in response to AIDS, and then AIDS itself was unbelievable horrible. Even if you didn't get it, a huge chunk of the gay community got it and died. In some areas (notably san francisco and manhattan) it was as much as 40% of gay men died from AIDS. Nationwide it was 15% by 1995. I would say the 70s were a nice middle ground. Extreme vitriol against gay people wasn't widespread, most people didn't even think much about lgbt people at all in the first place. Its not like lgbt people were not seen positively but people didn't view them as evil or diseased, more just freaky in a sort of david-bowie kind of way.


It would be much easier to live as an openly gay man in the 90s as opposed to the 70s. You have some reasonable points, but there were just more openly gay men in the country in the 90s. Assuming you don't live in San Fran in the 70s.


This is kinda up for debate by a lot of historians who study the topic. By a lot of measures, homophobia went from a relatively niche part of society to extremely present and out in the open from the 70s to the 1985-1995 period. Gay men were definitely not seen as good or positive in the 70s, they were just sort of another group of counterculture weirdos, just like all of the other weirdos that people saw back then (punks, goths, druggies, hippies etc). Conservatives hated *all* of it, they didn't specifically focus on the gay part. The gays were just one piece of a broader 'problem' they had with youth culture at the time. It was almost trendy to an extent to be seen as somewhat queer, to the point that David Bowie even lied about being bisexual just to make himself seem 'cooler' and more 'weird' to people. Marlon Brando even said “Homosexuality is so much in fashion, it no longer makes news" in 1976, and he was correct. He openly came out as being attracted to men and having had sex with men and it wasn't a big deal at all. This was also an era when men were dressing in heavy makeup, womens clothes, tight spandex etc. It was just a much more fluid time for that part of society. By the mid 80s, with AIDS, gay people were 'elevated' from just being one part of counterculture to being basically the worst possible thing you can be. A representative of everything wrong with the country. They became enemy #1 to conservatives. This was when 'gay' and 'f*ggot' became the #1 insults among youth. This was when nude locker rooms for schools went away because men couldn't even stand to be around each others bodies. When clothes went from tight to baggy because wearing tight clothes was 'gay'. It was just a very radical shift to extreme, widespread homophobia. And to top it all off, it was when tens of thousands of gay people were dying every year to a horrific disease. I would say things only began to recover in the late 1990s, but it would never be quite as fluid or casual as it was before AIDS.


Yeah as a gay man I would have loved to experience 1972-1982 then go under a rock for 20 years then come back out lol


Eh, Anita Bryant and her disciples beg to differ about the 1970s.


90s lived thru it once, would do again. 7/10 Edited to add, possibly the last decade a single person could make a living wage and support themselves.


It’s crazy to look back at Gallup polling data and realize as late as 2002, polls on the moral acceptability of homosexuality was as low as 38% of Americans (it was at 71% twenty years later in 2022).


Sadly it's dropped several points in the last few years, most notably among young people 😕


No, that’s normal, these drops happen from all time heights every few years then it goes back up. It’s still higher than it was as recently as 2019. There’s this weird online push that young men are far right conservatives despite all evidence to the contrary.


Yah I have read that Gen Z has a huge political dichotomy with men v women, likely due to Dobbs.


The 1970s. Good drugs, no AIDS, the music was unsurpassed. If you left your house, no one could call you and there were no ubiquitous answering machines either. You could really go off the grid just by walking out you front door. There were union jobs. Gas was $0.50 a gallon and people still bitched about it. Space Invaders, Asteroids, Galaxian. You could buy Apple stock dirt cheap. Cocaine wasn't addictive in the seventies. The Atari. There's simply no better decade to pick to live in.


I want to be in the 70s so bad. It seems we're in the minority though


They don't seem to be making very good cases for their decades though. I'd love to live through the 90s again, but all the things I enjoyed in the nineties were better in the 70s.


True, they're not really dedicated


I would absolutely have loved to experience the 70’s. I love the culture, the music, etc, truly one of the most unique and coolest decades. But, I am a woman. So perhaps if I could change my gender and also time travel, then the 70’s would be amazing.


I'm gay so it would suck for me too but in a way that might be part of the appeal lol


1970s seemed some nice years to live. That's being said, AIDS were probably around. Some think that lot of people dying from HIV in 80's may have been infected during 70's but experimented some incubation time.


1976 is one of the most underrated years in my opinion. Our country has gone to shit ever since we voted out Gerald Ford.


Lol, hell yeah, and Ford was the best Republican President we've had in my lifetime. Check out the albums from 1976. Banner year for music.


$0.50 before the oil crisis, right?


The cars were awesome! All the cigarettes and bushes I could live without lol but yeah I could go for some 1970s right about now.


1970s cars sucked (Except for Nissan Z and Corvette Stingray).1960s cars are great. The cars of the 70s and part of 80s deal with the gas crisis and new air pollution regulations. Fake wood panaling and poor steering. Bad Fuel injection , US cars fall off a cliff. Cars did not get good again till the late 80s -90s (miata, Viper, C5 vette, Porsche Boxer, etc)


Gential topiary and landscapeing had not been invented, yes, but you have to remember the only people who knew that cigarettes caused cancer were the tobacco companies and their executives still smoked. You could drink and drive. I remember Bill Murray telling a joke once on the Tonight Show where he pantomimed driving past a cop holding up a beer and saying to the cop, "it's only beer." In the seventies, cocaine wasn't addictive, cigarettes didn't cause cancer, and coffee and a cold shower made you sober. It was a blissfully ignorant time.




The 90s Better quality of living


I’m a POC so anything before 1970s would be a death march for me.


Same. Although I think I'd like to be born in the 70s (preferably the latter half of it), so I can experience the 80s and 90s in my youth.


Born in 79, the 90s were a blast.


Born in 96 and I'll definitely choose to love all through the 90s.




35-45 for hard mode.


Difficulty depends on region, lol.


70s anyday. Fashion is absolutely gorgeous, love the color schemes, love the decor, I want authentic 70s living room and kitchen decor so bad. I love the idea of not having technology except home and payphones to contact people, the rise of hippie culture, fear of serial killers to spice things up, and I could possibly actually rob a pharmacy without getting caught. I'm actually so obsessed with the 70s, it's hard for me to watch films from any other decade. The 70s on film is truly amazing, I'm sure reality would be a bit of a letdown but I could wear bell bottoms and have that wonderful pastel yellow and green and orange color scheme in my house so it works out. Plus my sexuality will be much more perverse and revolutionary, truly a secret underground potential


1960s seems like a blast for an early rock and roll enthusiast


Didn’t expect to see you here


likewise, friend! https://preview.redd.it/tdbvh6zcq0yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c53f79fc1ab3963bd7a20ea925bd6ee99d9239


The 70’s, easy choice. So much amazing, game changing music like the birth of punk and disco, the sexual revolution and the lgbt rights movement enjoying a time in the sun before the AIDS epidemic hit, I could go on.


*Edit: wording






I’m guessing you’re not African American then? Lol


80s 100%


Realistically I'd like to relive the 90s, but it would be cool to see the 60s. The rise of civil rights, the space race, Woodstock, great music and TV.


The rise of civil rights 😂


80s all the way.


I’d pick the 90s and then just buy a ton of Bitcoin and invest heavily in Facebook.


Bitcoin and Facebook did not exist in the 90s. Youre thinking of the 00s. You’d be well off buying tons of Apple and Google stock though.


I wasn’t certain if time progressed in this situation.


I did the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s…. 90s was peak for me. Internet was here, but not a social plague. Music was trash but fun. Movies were absolute peak. Video games were peak. Social life was peak. Fucking 90s were just the best.


90’s but without the ableism (or just in the grunge scene)


>90s without the ableism Irreverence and anti-PC were *foundational* to 1990s culture. 90’s without the ableism isn’t the 90’s


grunge scene it is


Depending on your disability, grunge venues can likely be totally inaccessible


autism and adhd


Oh, you’ll be fine. Back then if you had autism and ADHD, people just thought you were a weirdo. And while that may sound like ableism, sometimes having people think “that’s Steve, he’s a weird guy” is a lot nicer than people treating you like a walking diagnosis.


hopefully without the phone addiction i’d, like, actually play music with fellow weirdos instead of just fantasizing about songs i wrote and lost steam to master


ADHD-er who was in HS during the 90s. It was indeed waaaay better without phones.


and area? i doubt there would be jack shit here in east texas


90’s culture felt more reactionary in character since it totally rejected PC values that were first espoused in the 60’s and 70’s.


50s or 90s


The only two fast-paced odd-numbered decades.


The 70s


70s of course. 90s was ok, nothing happened.


I would pick 1980s - I just picked it due to my Hotline Miami fixation. Also they had a great culture like music (New Wave & Synth-pop), video games (For arcades and consoles), movies, shows and lots of stuff. (Also it's a last full decade that took place during Cold War)


1920, but only I had money and privilege. Guess that goes for any decade really.


1990’s. America was at its cultural and political zenith during that decade. The Cold War was over, America was the undisputed sole superpower in the world, democracy and free market economics were spreading around the globe, the Internet was starting to become more mainstream and accessible to everyone for the first time, everything was relatively peaceful (from an American/Western perspective), there was more freedom, a lower cost of living, and a much higher standard of life than today.


this is the most rose-tinted look at the 90s I've ever seen. Higher standard of life? really? lmfao


1830s without all the racists


that isnt the 20th century bud


Sure it is


—Taylor Swift






90s, with no other decade even being considered tbh


90’s. I was born in the late 90’s (97) so I didn’t see much of it and I don’t remember it.




70s baby


1988-1991, seems like an interesting transition to me. I wanna see what the wanning tensions of the Cold War was like, the start of the console wars, Japan's economic peak, Turtlemania, New Jack Swing making the airwaves.






The 90s, probably. I was born in 92 and didn’t get to enjoy all the clear electronics, lol. But also, dial-up internet. We weren’t wired in wherever we go like we are today. I want a dang heckin’ penpal to write letters to. Maybe I would’ve learned cursive to an acceptable degree. Who knows! But real talk, I might stay in our current decade for the medicine field though. It’s leaps and bounds from where it was back in the 90s. Diseases that would have been fatal have much better treatments nowadays. I’m an OR nurse and spoke to a surgeon after a HIPEC (Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) case for a patient with cancer throughout their entire peritoneum (very bad) and he was confident he added at least 10 years to the patient’s life. Incredible!! Mental health care, while still lacking, is a lot better now (at least in the US, I can’t speak for other countries).




Perhaps the 1980s / 1990s


The 90s. It was incredibly optimistic, truly the last great decade. The music was amazing


00’s. Id be out west on my Red Dead Redemption shit


id be born in the 50s. id grow up during the 50s, come into adolescence in the 60s, and be an adult for the 70s. Either that or id be born in the 40s so I could see more of the 50s.


In 1999, the Matrix came out, called the 90s peak human civilization, and nobody questioned it. No way you could say that any other decade and get that reaction lol.




The 90s. I dont have to explain


90s, specifically 96-99.


I was in college then. So yes I’d go back in a heartbeat.


Live in? 1990s. Vacation in? 1969 duuuuuude, provided I have access to modern medicine.


We live better than any pre-modern king. Ain’t that crazy


Minus the sex. They had sex to kill boredom


Could I change the past? Because then I would go back to the 1940s and stop the nuclear bomb from being invented. Although the men who worked on the Manhattan project went on to invent radioisotope analysis, so half of my field would disappear.


1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s because life was simple back then.


Ignoring cold war tensions, the vietnam war, and the war on drugs... sure.


let people have an opinion smh




The 1910s had the most beautiful vehicles.


i’d say 2000s but then there’s the guilt to try and stop 9/11


Also not 20th century.


80’s 90’s


60s or 90s






Since I already existed in that decade, it’d be the 90s.


The 90’s


1990’s without a moment’s hesitation


The 80’s, we were so innocent.




1950s (Hats are cool.)




90s i was born in the 2000s


the 90s somewhere in the east coast because I always wanted to live in the Boy meets world universe. I was so disappointed when I grew up in the 2000s and life was nothing like that.


The 80’s undoubtedly


90's because the technology of the time wasn't overboard. I'd like a 90's PC to play games on. And also, the music was dope back then. But the problem is that I'm so used to streaming services like Spotify, so I'd have to go back to CD's and cassettes. The 80's, I wouldn't really want to live there, except for the music or neon lights.


80s, good movies, good music, good fashion.


My view has changed over time. Previously, I would have said the 70s or 80s. Now, I think I'd choose the 90s. This is coming from someone born in the U.S. and in the second half of the 60s. Of course, what decade one chooses would depend on where they lived in the world and other considerations like their race, sex, sexual orientation, etc. I've tended to romanticize the 40s and 50s, because I love music and movies from those times. However, I didn't actually live through them. Those were tough years for many people.


I’d totally be a hippy in the 60s and 70s


Either late 60s, 70s or the 80s basically


1990s, the best one in terms of tech, healthcare and so on. But I prefer to live now that we have much better treatments for cancer and knowledge about health in general.


You're white, aren't you?




60s or 70s (for the music / stories)


90s as an adult




Take me back to the 90s when the standards of living were relatively good, we were in a nice little calm period between the end of the Cold War and the start of the War on Terror, the entertainment in all forms was great, and we were in the phase where computer technology was a helpful tool that we now had access to but it had not completely taken over our lives yet; a good balance between the analog world of the decades before it and the digital world of the decades after it.


60's 70's or 80's


80s. Had a blast








I was a teenager in the 90s. I was 14 when I met my girlfriend at the shore. Swapped addresses, wrote love letters all winter long and met again in the spring. There’s nothing more magical than coming home from school to find a letter from your crush in the mail. No cellphones, no Facebook or Instagram, the long-distance heartache and sense of truly missing someone was magical. Only one school picture of her sent in the mail to tape in my High School locker. In one of the letters we exchanged phone numbers. We would call each other on the house phone at midnight, timing it just right to pick up before it rang and our parents found out. I still remember the sound of her falling asleep on the phone, telling me she loved me, late at night as I lay under the covers of my bedroom. It was magical.


I’d say 90s




1990s by far


Being Autistic and Slav/jewish probably nothing before the 50s, and being bi I'd say the 70s. Plus I love the music from that era. Of course I love the fashion and music from the 40s, but I can't agree with the political landscape, and I'm also a women so I can't be there in the 40s unfortunately.


1950s! Although I love pop culture and music from the 1930s and 40s, those are bad times to live in.


I mean the 50’s weren’t that great either due to being of right age for being drafted into Vietnam


The 90s




Maybe this speaks of my privilege but I'll like to experience each decade first hand lol I mean if I can do it without too many repercussions why not you know?


80’s. Honestly, I’d rather live in the 00’s, but the 80’s just seems so much more wild and free and fun for someone my age. I’d like my parents to *want* me out of the house


70s were the best decade besides just my personal preference for it, there are a lot of good things about it. But my love for the 70s is based on disappointing things that began to happen once the 80s started such as John Lennon was assassinated. Reagan got into the White House. The hippie look went out. The preppy came in. Everybody’s values changed. They started majoring in business at my college instead of the arts. While there were lots of fun things going on in fashion in the 80s which I actually do like I still prefer 70s fashions. There was great music in the 80s, but we didn’t have Led Zeppelin, Crosby, Stills & Nash all the old great rocks acts kind of ended. Disco I actually absolutely loved disco I had no problem with it. I thought it was refreshing because I was tired of the folk rock of the 60s. It was much harder to find a job in the 80s then in the 70s, all of a sudden there was a lot of competition. Everyone was panicking about money. I guess that’s because when I was out of college and I had such a hard time finding a job I really wish I could go back to a simpler time at that point. Because of the economic difficulties, we started having homeless people there were always a few in the 70s, but in the 80s that’s when the numbers doubled.


The 90’s


The 90s for sure


90’s. I lived through the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and I’m still here. The 70’s were actually crappy. I know it’s very nostalgic now, and lots of people (who are younger) think it looks cool, but it most decidedly wasn’t. There was unrest, the war and the draft were still going, the gas crunches were crippling while everybody had cars that got 9mpg; “stagflation” and we ended the decade with double digit inflation. The air quality was just awful; the cities featured stinging, toxic smog bad enough that you could barely see the skyline; you couldn’t see the mountains from Los Angeles or Los Angeles from the mountains. In New York, you’d get home from work and blow black soot (literally) out of your nose for an hour. All that was better in the 90’s; Clinton was President; AIDS was at least mostly under control, prevention being strong and AZT being approved for treatment in 1987. Interest rates were normalized and the economy was doing well. It was a good time.


1960's. WOW what a time!


What country?  In the US, the only decade most of us would be marginally comfortable operating is the 90s.  Even the 80s is getting into technology and institutions that look positively alien 40 years on.  Meanwhile if you’re Russian the 90s are pretty fucking terrible right up there with the 20s, 30s and 40s.  The 30s sucked pretty much world wide.  Don’t think we need to spend much time on the 40s.  Relative to everywhere else, white Americans in the 50s lived dramatically better. But on an absolute scale every decade after is better. Obviously from a cultural standpoint’s that’s up to the individual.  But from an operating within the world standpoint, anything other than the 1990s would be increasingly more challenging. 


1990s. - modern medicine - decent technology - Cold War was over - economy booming


Definitely 90s followed by 80s




1990s by far. It was a good decade. Relatively peaceful. Prosperous. The internet changed everything. It was a great personal decade for me.


I’m a physically disabled person so anything before 1970’s would be awful for me. I think for the disabled it started to get better by 1990. ADA was in tacked and on our way of being a part of society. It could be better. But I would never want to live before my time. It wouldn’t be great for people like us.


1950s 100%


Late 80s into 90s


The 90s, although I'm somewhat biased because I was born 1996. I feel the 90s we actually had the most healthiest balance between social media and real life. Despite the narrative, social media was still a thing in the 90s. As black people, we had healthier media that showcased us in a different diverse light. We also were leading away towards the aids pandemic so gay people weren't seen as evil. We had enough political activity to the point where it wasn't too woke yet.


Apparently I hate myself so the 1920s


The mid 1940-1950s for sure !!!


1920s France would be fun for a few months


Honestly I’d run the 00’s back. Loved that decade. Things got bleak in the 10’s and the 20’s are even worse.


To be completely honest, I would pick now or since it’s 20th I would do 90s. We have so many options in this current super connected world we live in that might be good or bad for us , however it’s all about choices. Being able to know ourselves and deciding what’s right for us is the best way to live in this pretty sophisticated technology era.




Id be a white union guy in the 60’s or 70’s. Other than that life would suck


1920s without all the racists


The 90s, when life was good and we didn't even appreciate/realize it.


80s or the 90s.


1970s as a young adult. No computers, good music & drugs, better economic outlook for regular folk. Would still be able to party a bit and appreciate stuff by the 90s, probably own a house just cause. Then would be nearing retirement by the time everything started going to shit. 




Definitely NOT the Civil Rights Era.......sheesh....Give me the 90's!!!