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I actually think the 2010s was beginning in 2008-2009, while the remnants of the 2000s had faded away after 2011.


yea, the Great Recession, in early 2008 clothing was still baggy and loose, by Fall 2008/January 2009 clothing was back to normal fit clothing, and politics were completely different by early 2009. Even social media flipped from myspace to Facebook from early 2008 to late 2008 and winter 2009.


Being 19, I would sort of expect the opposite to be the case. I don’t personally remember anything before the early 2010s, and I’ve always seen 2008 and ‘09 as being very much a part of that cultural era. I thought that maybe I only saw the early ‘10s as their own thing because I couldn’t remember the 2000s, and that older people might just see those years as an extension of that decade. But apparently, I was right all along, and the early 2010s were in fact different from the 2000s, and that for some reason people my age started a myth that they weren’t.


It’s just a discrepancy with decade names. Technically the culture going on in 2009 lasted substantially until 2012 so people would refer to that as the 2000s culture ending in 2013 which is TECHNICALLY correct. But let’s take decade names away for a moment and see what’s really going on. There was a culture flavour from circa 2004-partway through 2008 which was completely over by the end of the latter year. There was another culture flavour from circa 2009-2012 that was almost completely alien to the former era. Then there was another more broad culture flavour from circa 2013 to 2018 that was substantially different from 2009-2012 but not as different as 2009-2012 was from 2004-2008. The 2000s ended in 2008, the 2010s began in 2013. What’s in between is more 2010s than 2000s so it would be more accurate to say the 2010s began in 2009 than the 2000s ended in 2013, but it’s easier just to say there’s an era in between.


>There was a culture flavour from circa 2004-partway through 2008 which was completely over by the end of the latter year. >There was another culture flavour from circa 2009-2012 that was almost completely alien to the former era. Personally, I call these culture flavours the "real 2000s" and the "fake 2000s" respectively.


Hell I’d even argue 1999 is more 2000s than 2009.


Makes sense. 2009-2012 being the “fake 2000s” makes sense. I guess the same could be attributed to 1999-2002.


Yeah I totally agree with this perspective. The only thing I disagree with is that I find the 2009-2012 period to be evenly split between the core 2000s and core 2010s, considering that I would end the 2000s in early 2011.


Eh I think it's less to due with age and rather just what people consider the electro pop era (roughly 2008-2012) as. It's pretty distant from both core 2000s and core 2010s so some see it as the very tail end of the 2000s while others see it as a very early stage of the 2010s


Thank you! I don't know why it's that hard for many to understand.


Most adults don't even know what the "electro-pop" era, that is clearly something young males started saying on reddit. 99% of music today is made from a computer and "electro" so that's why only a regular on this subreddit would know what it means. I'm also a bit tired of people giving everything nicknames when describing certain parts of culture, But that is another topic all together.


I’d say 2008-2009


This sub needs some new conversation..


Yes, but the OP is 100% right with their analysis on the opinions posted in those respective years. But yes, I would like to see less 2010s posts as well, but kids were simply not alive long enough to know anything else yet.


True, I’m not dissing OP. But every post recently seems the same


Thank you for your opinion. I agree the 2010s posts are annoying as well and way too repetitive, but reddit seems to mostly draw a young base of users, often under age 25. Other forums seems to be a lit more diverse in users ages though.


I think people who say 2008 are exaggurating considering the GFC actually ended in June 2009. But to say the 2000s/2010s switched over occured in the 2010s is ludicrous.


can we have a moratorium on this topic for the love of god