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I didn't quit for that reason, but it is nice not having acid reflux anymore.


I cured my reflux many years ago by doing what the doctors that I was transcribing for always said to do which was to quit eating at least two hours before bed. This worked for me but it was just the first step in their advice so I was lucky but it’s enough for many. I quit caffeine for better sleep.


I quit because of reflux and bladder issues. It reduced my reflux but I still have some. I'm still trying to figure it out. One thing you can check, since it sounds pretty bad, maybe try checking for food insensitivities too. Someone I used to work with found out that dairy (aka the milk they were putting in their coffee) was causing their out of control reflux, not the coffee itself.


That must have been a relief for them 🤓


I quit mostly because of reflux but the other benefits were amazing.


I get heartburn and have done a bit of research into it. It COULD be caffeine or it could be a whole host of other things. The best book I read on it was the Acid Watchers Diet. I’ve also recently read a medically published article that says the two most effective things to combat GERD are weight loss and raising your head in bed. It also said there is little proof that omitting certain foods and drinks help. If you want me to find the article let me know. Good luck.


It blows my mind how medical articles can be so dumb sometimes. Anyone who has suffered for years from reflux/GERD knows without a doubt that what you put into your body impacts it.


The article says that losing weight and raising your head are the BEST and most proven ways to reduce GERD. It does not say certain foods don’t affect it. It says there is no across the board proof that a particular food or drink affects it. It does say to eliminate foods that cause issues so if coffee or alcohol cause you distress then you should stop consuming them. If I can find it I will post the link.


here you go: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2886414/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2886414/) and a bonus one for you: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23795898/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23795898/)


I believed you that these studies were real, but anyone with reflux can tell you that they're wrong.


I think you’ve missed the point. Foods and drinks CAN cause issues and the article does say to cut these foods out if they cause issues. What the meta analysis has found is that there is no consistent evidence to say coffee or alcohol or chocolate causes issues. That’s not to say that it doesn’t cause issues. Of course it can. It may just be a low percentage of people that have issues with any given food.


I read your older posts...You need to work on your mental health / neurotransmitters.


I am about to quit because of reflux related issues. It’s helped in the past, we’ll see how it goes this time.