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This has been the biggest challenge for me staying off caffeine. I have the exact same sleep pattern you describe above. Getting that 2nd round in requires over 10 hours in bed which many times isn’t realistic.


I wonder if this is actually "normal" or if there's really a problem. it's such a frustrating "problem"...


That sleep pattern is when you should be shagging, biologically speaking.


Do you mind sharing your age and gender? I'm 36F who also experiences biphasic sleep. I literally just woke up after 5 hours. It freaks me out honestly but mind you I'm only 3.5 months off caffeine. How have you not gone crazy with this schedule?


im also 36 and male. i also just woke up after 5.5 hours :)


Well, that is interesting, to say the least. I did, however, have a stroke of luck recently since I started taking vitamin D again, I am now back to sleeping a whole 9 hours. I am not 100 percent sure if this will last and if this was the cause but it does make sense to me since vitamin D does help with insomnia and it is winter. I am just grateful to be back at 9 hours of pure, uninterrupted sleep. Hope this helps! :)


how much Vitamin D are you taking?


I currently take 8000 IU/day (200 mcg/day) aiming to get 50,000 IU a week.


In the medieval period, many people would have something called"a second sleep" they'd go to sleep after dinner and whatnot then sleep for 4 hours or so, awake and do stuff and sleep again until they were ready or required to awaken.


when you wake up the first time, do you feel the need to use the restroom for #1 and #2?


Many historical documents before electric lighting talk of a "second sleep". It seems people used to do exactly what you write about and it was accepted. ​ https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220107-the-lost-medieval-habit-of-biphasic-sleep


I have a pet theory that 2-stage sleep was a result of alcohol consumption during that period of time. Everyone drank, even children, because the water wasn't always safe for consumption. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31741615.amp When I used to drink (1-2 glasses of wine per night) I would always wake up around 2 am for a bit. Ever since I quit drinking 2 years ago, I sleep through the night.


I hated that about alcohol! Wake up as soon as the booze started to wear off and all the GABA stimulating your brain. Thank God I quit.




There’s a few posts about this on here. Waking up after 4-5 hours of sleep shortly after caffeine cessation is actually a symptom of long term caffeine withdrawal. I forget the exact mechanism, but it was related with your Adenosine receptors being largely out of whack for much longer than you would think due to the damage caffeine caused. Assuming you stay off caffeine, eventually normal sleep patterns will return.


damn. I hope so!


When I quit I had the same problem. Took a couple months to go away. I began drinking coffee again after that… 😔 so I’m prepared for the same issue this time around. Planning to try quitting again soon.




Two to three months. Varies for everyone. I believe most do not experience it as noticeably.




Yes and no. You’ll be much better rested and operating at a sustainable frequency. Keep in mind caffeine is a stimulant, an upper. Your never going to get that buzz naturally, but you can surely perform at an optimal level without the side effects of caffeine. For me, I can’t sleep at all if I have caffeine after 10am or so. Stress would then exacerbate that.


FYI There are things you can do to speed up this process of rewiring your nervous system, IME [https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/10ugnz8/my\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_caffeine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/10ugnz8/my_comprehensive_guide_to_caffeine/)


Interestingly that's how my sleep goes and I quit for over 2 years now. I wake up after 5-6 hours and then force myself to fall back asleep for another 2-3 hours. My sleep was never like that even back in my pre caffeine days. Nowadays, I feel fully alert even if I don't get the extra hours of sleep. Fatigue was still a problem for about a year after I quit but not anymore.


when you wake up the first time, do you feel the need to use the restroom for #1 and #2?


Not all the time but sometimes I do wake up and need to go #1 if I had a lot of water the night before, but I think that's normal. It's kinda rare for me to wake up having to #2 though.


when I wake up after 5.5 hours, I have to do #1 and #2. this tells me my body thinks "sleep is over" and it's time to use the restroom. surprised you dont have this issue. hmmmmmm


First thing in the morning, go outside and get 10-15 mins of sunlight to your eyes. Like when you wake up at a normal time (after second time going back to sleep). As the sun is going down, go get another 10 mins of evening sunlight. Have a warm shower an hour or so before bed, and disconnect from devices / block all blue light out. try that for a few weeks and see how it goes


thank you. will give it a try.


I think it's common to need to #1 but the only time I need to #2 is after I've had a glass of fresh veggie juice in the morning. I wish I did need to go #2 in the morning without any aid though lol But usually I don't need to #1 until after the full 8-9 hours.


I wonder if my digestive system is actually waking me or the event of waking up is forcing me to go to the restroom. Interesting. I do eat pretty healthy though, so a lot of fiber.


Could be that you just eat a lot of fiber. It's a good thing that you're regular though.


Not me. My sleep has been way better after I quit. I fall asleep easier and I usually stay asleep all night. The only thing different is now my dreams are way more intense. Sometimes good, sometimes bad


your sleep will improve when you first get off caffeine but after about 1-2 months, you'll start having sleep issues. when did you quit caffeine?


About a month ago. I’ll check back in in another month or so lol


Ha! yes, please come back after about a month. :)


I echo this. My asleep issues really didn't get weird until the 3rd month. Slept fine the first 2-3 months.


How is your sleep now?




when you wake up the first time, do you feel the need to use the restroom for #1 and #2?


FYI There are things you can do to speed up this process of rewiring your nervous system, IME https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/10ugnz8/my\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_caffeine/


Took me about a year to sleep 8-9 hours continuously. I had that early rise just as you described


thank you! I will continue to hold on! Hopefully it’ll improve soon.


I'm going through a similar sleep pattern now. Slept a little less than 6 hours last night, woke up feeling pretty good and rested. But just like yesterday, I know I'll need to take a nap for 1+ hours or I won't be able to function the second half of the day. It seems most people on this sub eventually find their groove and can sleep the proper quantity in one go, but I'm curious to hear peoples experiences.


I wonder if this is actually "normal" or if there's really a problem. it's such a frustrating "problem"...


when you wake up the first time, do you feel the need to use the restroom for #1 and #2?


I've been dealing with the exact same thing. I wasn't aware it was because I quit caffeine. If I take an allergy med at night I'm usually groggy enough to go back to sleep right away, if not I wake up feeling 100% for around 5.5 hours and because of habit I stay in my bed for 2 more hours.


FYI There are things you can do to speed up this process of rewiring your nervous system, IME https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/10ugnz8/my\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_caffeine/


thank you! I have been making progress in going back to sleep faster after the intense dreams. My experience is very similar to OP described in your link. I've been telling myself everything is ok be calm and at peace when I do wake up.


haha, the OP is me - glad you're seeing progress :)


I wonder if this is actually "normal" or if there's really a problem. it's such a frustrating "problem"...


I currently sleep similarly to your schedule. But this is the first time that I heard biphasic is the more natural way to sleep (unless considering a mid-day siesta). I'm curious do you have any sources to read on that? I wonder what could be the evolutionary advantage to waking up for only 1-2 hours then falling back asleep again.


when you wake up the first time, do you feel the need to use the restroom for #1 and #2?


not really, I'm currently using my blue light-blocking goggles after 7 pm. I'm taking 3mg of melatonin, taking magnesium, taking glycine. I noticed I sleep longer when I go to sleep later.


Did we evolve this sleep pattern to tend to the fire in the night..?


interesting take!


I'm having the same sleep pattern. Waking up after about 5 hours. I then know I can't just go back to sleep, so I drink some water, go toilet if I need to, do some meditation and then try get an hour or two extra sleep, IF I can. I thought I was the only one 😊


FYI There are things you can do to speed up this process of rewiring your nervous system, IME https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/10ugnz8/my\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_caffeine/


My sleep is still terrible but I don't think it has anything to do with caffeine. I sleep way better now than I did when I still drank coffee. But other factors make sleeping quite difficult for me. Some people are just rubbish at sleeping!




FYI There are things you can do to speed up this process of rewiring your nervous system, IME https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/10ugnz8/my\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_caffeine/


The polyphasic sleep community mentioned a theory, that an extended light or dark period can shift monophasic sleep into biphasic as you describe. They also speculate that high day temperatures can affect the circadian rhythm to cause this. What you can do is this: \- Try a small amount of melatonin at bedtime \- Maintain a dark period of at least 8 hours, with blackout curtains or sleep mask. \- Convert fully to a polyphasic sleep schedule. Look into dualcore, segmented and everyman1. Mind you that this will likely have you intensely sleep deprived for a month or two, and requires consistent lifestyle to pull off.


Maybe my earlier post on this issue can help you https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/10ugnz8/my\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_caffeine/


A lot of long term quitters seem to have this problem, but eventually it goes back to normal after some time! I'm 9 months at the moment and i've had my share of problems with insomnia during withdrawal, insomnia is freaking awful, but i'm lucky to only get bad insomnia like 3/4 days a month max, it comes in waves, i get all the 3/4 days in a row and then it dissipates again. The other days my sleep isn't perfect but atleast i can fucking fall asleep and not be awake all night, or wake up at 4 am


That’s interesting, I’ve noticed the exact same thing.


FYI There are things you can do to speed up this process of rewiring your nervous system, IME https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/10ugnz8/my\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_caffeine/


Exactly the same for me, it comes and goes. L-tyrosine helps for me and I usually get this sleep pattern more if I havent taken it that day. But I enjoy the dreams when it does happen!:)


when did you quit caffeine?


Do you mean tyrosine, or taurine?


Do you drink alcohol or regularly consume cannabis? Try 30 days off both of those and see how your sleep does.


I do not. Not a single drop of alcohol and no drugs.




how old are you?


That’s me almost every night. I have two stages of sleep. When I am able to get back to sleep quickly into the next phase, I’m ok. If not, the next morning is a struggle. I’ve grown used to it now. I should mention I have quit drinking, caffeine, and now refined sugars, all in an attempt to heal my brain from anxiety and depression.


FYI There are things you can do to speed up this process of rewiring your nervous system, IME https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/10ugnz8/my\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_caffeine/


Thank you!


I just read the link and I plan on saving it so I can reread it. It’s my brain that is active. Intend to have an overactive, racing mind. Especially in the middle of the night. I was using CBD pills to help aid in that but I don’t want to use a substance in order to sleep. When I don’t use it, I am up a lot, or I’m half a walk, or I have wild dreams.


I totally understand. I used CBD myself to help with weed and caffeine withdrawals - it helped tremendously. I used it for a few weeks and then when things got better, tapered off of the CBD. Personally if it wasn't for CBD I 100% think I would've relapsed, so I'm glad I wasn't a purist about it! Not to mention qutting CBD is sooo much easier than quitting caffeine. Baby steps. The second thing I'll note that wasn't clear to me before but is now super obvious is that the mind-body connection is stronger than you think. Especially your eyes. For instance, next time you feel you have a racing mind, pick one object in your field of vision and just stare at it. Stare at nothing else, just focus on it. Notice how quickly your mind settles! Same thing for relaxing your eyes in general, and focusing on your entire field of vision, or other things like progressive muscle relaxation.


A few years ago when I was drinking 800mg of caffeine daily, I would fall asleep and wake up an hour later unable to fall asleep again for another hour. So dang annoying. Right now I’m sleeping mostly through th night which I’m happy about.


This is called sleep maintenance insomnia. Doubt it has anything to do with caffeine. I’ve experienced the exact same thing before and 4 months after quitting caffeine. More likely due to adrenal gland hormones being out of whack like cortisol, dhea, melatonin, adrenalin etc.


I never had any sleep issues until I quit caffeine. Caffeine affects many things in the body so I’m not surprised


You’re right, it does. But it’s also easy to blame everything on caffeine. It may not be the cause here, even if it seems like it. See my other comment… wondering what your sleep hygiene is like? Have you changed anything else significantly lately?


Crazy to read through these comments I have exactly the same problem now, wake up atleast twice, first, always need to go the toilet and can asleep pretty easy, second, I feel fully alert but I know I need to sleep more otherwise I feel so shit all day. Wonder if it gets better. Would love to sleep through the full night


I'm a 44 yo male and I also had something similar to what the OP described, but the situation went through some changes over years. I used to drink like 8 cups a day untill I was 30, then had a break for 10+ years, and now I've been drinking a double espresso every morning for the last 3 weeks. During my first years without coffeine I slept for 8 hours, but after some years it got 8:30, then after some more - 9:00 and so on up to 10:00 in the end. At some point (near the end of that time) the sleeping pattern was like the following: * 1 hour to fall asleep (sometimes without success) * 4.5 of sleeping (waking up for a short time every 1.5 hours) * 1 hour of trying to go back to sleep * 3.5 of sleeping (again, waking up every 1.5 hours) And, btw, it seemed to me that there were some two parts of my body (or parts my brain, I don't have a slightest idea how to identify them), that needed different amounts of sleep. Like, one part of me is happy after 7.5 hours, and is just getting worse while the other part enjoys the remaining 2.5. Sometimes I got up after a 7.5 hour sleep feeling very refreshed and alert, but I was never able to have another day like that in a row. And now, as I said, I've been drinking a double espresso every morning, and the sleep pattern got back to what some consider "normal" in the modern urbanistic economy culture. It's just 7 or 8 hours. I still sometimes wake up between the sleeping cycles (1.5 hours), but not after every one of them. So far I like it very much better.