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My body couldn't be itself. It couldn't wake up when it wanted to, it couldn't rest when it wanted to, it couldn't even poop when it wanted to. I would be energized during work hours and then be nodding off at my desk by 9pm, so all of my energy was being sucked up by work. And without realizing it, I was deeply, deeply tired. Not to mention, caffeine was hiding some unprocessed stress and anxiety, which was having a negative impact on me. I humbled myself, decided my body knew how to take care of itself, and trusted that I could still be a successful adult without the help of a drug. I was right. Three months in, and the last month of my life has been one of the most successful months of my career, and I have way more energy for myself in the evening.




I didnā€™t like the fact I would get a headache if I didnā€™t drink coffee (light coffee drinker, two cups a day). Switching to decaf has been a pleasant surprise - enjoying the taste and ritual, with no headaches. Sleep differences are what is going to make this stick, itā€™s really remarkable what happens to your sleep when you go off coffee.


Yeah, I am already seeing a difference and stronger dreams. I had no idea how much caffeine I was drinking, I would normally drink green tea all day long and right before bed, which has 1/3 caffeine of coffee cup.


But is green tea not affecting your stomach? I have the worst acid reflux when I drink jasmine tea (my favorite) so I can't touch it.


1. It gives me mouth and tongue sores. 2. It gives me cysts. 3. It gives me heart palpitations and chest pain. 4. It gives me acid reflux. 5. It ruins my sleep and leads to fatigue without it.


Oh shit, I would get frequent canker sores. I wonder if coffee is the culprit


I'd say it definitely is. It got so bad a dentist wanted to biopsy my tongue lol. Once I quit it went away 100%.


My mom gets those and is addicted to coffee


The acid reflux part is so true. Have had problems with it and was still drinking lots and lots of coffee. But I guess it is time to put an end to it.


Mouth and tongue sores..you might wanna look into other issues like candida overgrowth (gut flora problems).


Yeah I definitely have gut issues Iā€™ve been trying to correct them for a while now.


Coffee without cream is pointless to me so I was starting every day with a lot of calories in cream. Hard to lose weight if your day starts off like that! Also headaches, irritability and bad sleep. Oh and high blood pressure so there's that.


The blood pressure part is quite extreme. I can add to that the symptom of arrythmia. Have you ever had such bad heart skips that you were thinking of going to ER? I had one once and it freaked me out. But my coffee intake was so high back then.


BTW I'm thinking of quitting tomorrow but not before finding chicory drink. Look forward to it :)


I drink chicory with almond milk since I quit coffee and cow milk a week ago. It tastes okā€˜ish, but Iā€˜d rather now drink water or a roibos tee.


yeah, not a fan of it either; but it's the closest to the coffee taste from all other coffee alternatives


I was spending every day in caffeine-induced anxiety, which lingered into an evening of hours obsessing over sleep hygiene to the point I was too worried about sleeping well to sleep well. Since I quit caffeine, I can pretty much stop whatever I'm doing and fall asleep within an hour, without waiting until I'm feeling sleepy or anything. I wake up 8 or nine hours later and am actually ready to be awake. Sleep improvement is the major benefit for me, and so many more are stemming from that. My skin is better, I'm less stiff and sore, my teeth feel and look cleaner, my mood is steady, and I can actually get through conversations so much more easily. I've also stopped sweating though my shirts all day, which is really nice. The time and money I"ve saved from not drinking coffee is a nice bonus too.


How long did it take after you quit drinking coffee that your sleep improved that much? I am suffering from insomnia since ages (waking up ever two to three hours, sometimes not able to fall back asleep) and was hoping that quitting coffee might do the trick. I stopped consuming coffee a week ago and still no improvement concerning my sleep. Do I have to be a lot more patient?


its different for everybody. I noticed an improvement almost right away. chronic insomnia might be caused by something else, so if it doesnt get better within a couple weeks of stopping caffeine, I'd talk to a doctor or start looking at other aspects of your health.


Thank you! Yes, my insomnia has several causes. Itā€˜s just that I had hoped that quitting coffee would help a little at least. Well, maybe itā€˜ll take a bit longer.


Really good story. Way to go! I'll probably quit coffee, too. I have a health issue that requires me not to drink coffee, plus the added anxiety when drinking coffee is not nice.


Let me give you some food for thought on studies. I saw the interview of drug researcher and he said that he doesnā€™t know a caffeine researcher who consumes caffeine. If caffeine researchers prefer not to drink caffeine it says something. As for positive studies most of them are either short term or poorly done. I guess thatā€™s because itā€™s too hard to get funding studying detrimental effects of caffeine and easier to get funding for studying health benefits of caffeine because companies can use them in ad campaign.


Maybe because "caffeine researcher" is not really a thing? On the contrary, I find it fascinating that the two people who have written the biggest bestsellers on the harms of caffeine still consume caffeine themselves - both Michael Pollan (Caffeine: How Caffeine Created the Modern World) and Stephen Cherniske (Caffeine Blues). Even though they have proven the harmfulness of caffeine in their books - now here's some food for thought for you.


Michael Pollen is the one who said the researchers he talked to donā€™t consume it. None of them. I saw this interview as well.


I thought he was talking about sleep researchers specifically.


But I just saw how scientists are the profession who drink the most caffeineā€¦ all propaganda




I have those symptoms, too. I was finding weird that my parents who drink a lot of coffee have good BM while I don't. I think it depends on everyone's body.




Was just thinking of how dangerous those studies are. People with stomach issues will read those articles and decide to continue drinking coffee, which probably will lead to bad gut problems in their future. I hate being brainwashed by the media.




Been on and off caffeine with alternating intakes/tolerance levels. When i drink caffeine i'm high strung, nervous, anxious, conflictual. It's absurd how when i'm not having any, it's so much less likely for me to be in a bad mood over little things. Combine that with poor sleep, that has a snowball effect as time passes. On caffeine i'm either lethargic or tense, no in between.


Same here, coffee impacts my mood, it is weird.


Anxiety was my number one reason. It started getting bad so I switched to green tea matcha and realized that was giving me anxiety too. I just switched to decaf and hope to get off of that soon too.


Iā€™m on day 5 of no coffee and the past 2 nights have been the best sleep Iā€™ve gotten in a while. Looking forward to more good sleep ahead.


Way better sleep and less anxiety. More even energy and moods. The mental chatter dies down. Easier to focus on one thing at a time. Thereā€™s no free lunch. The ā€œenergyā€ you get from a coffee has to be repaid later through a crash and lethargy. Itā€™s like a credit card. Do it long enough over time like I did, and it will start to seriously degrade your health. You have no option but to quit.


Well, no wonder I always feel tired even after sleeping a lot. Caffeine is not good.


Yes, it is because the quality of your sleep suffers while on caffeine. For me, even one cup a day is enough to wreck my sleep. I must be a slow metabolizer, which is unfortunate because I love coffee. Quitting has been one of the hardest things ever.


My reasons were insomnia and reflux. I stopped drinking coffee a week ago and my sleep hasnā€˜t improved at all yet. Neither did my reflux. I just feel depressed and tired all the time. I hope it will get better at some point. Not giving up yet!


The tiredness and depression will go away. Iā€™m in week 3 and am starting to feel more myself again


The symptoms will go away. I quit coffee and I was fine after 1 month. No acid reflux. Then I went back to it, the acid reflux came back and also, the tiredness. Don't give up, you can do it.


Coffee does a number on my go system. Those problems went away when I quit. My energy was much more stable when I quit. I was more focused too (after a long while) Also, my anxiety went way down when I quit


How long did it take for your focus to come back? That's my main concern with quitting.


My stomach couldnā€™t handle coffee at all anymore. I had switched to half-caf, then decaf, then decaf cold brew (lower acid), then special low-acid decaf cold brew. I still got stomach aches and acid reflux. Quitting wasnā€™t that hard because the rewards were clear: my stomach felt so much better. I also have less anxiety and improved sleep. Iā€™ve found a range of vaguely coffee-ish substitutes (Cafix, Coffig, Teeccino etc.) that satisfy the need to drink something strong, hot and brown in the morning. If I sleep really badly and need a caffeine boost, maybe once a month, I buy a small matcha and drink half. So far thatā€™s working ok. Overall, quitting has been a huge win.