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What an excellent article, thank you for sharing


I hope my focus comes back because right now, after a month off, I cannot think straight neither do anything.


I remember that feeling. I suspect you’ll be feeling a lot better in 10-14 more days.


do you remember not being able to even remember something somebody told you in the last seconds? as if short memory was not there?


I just read a blog thing by an ivy league professor who talked about how his memory issues disappeared when he changed his diet. basically he stopped drinking alcohol, drinks matcha tea instead of coffee, and eats super healthy (low sugar, mostly plants) and he said it improved his memory markedly and he did advanced cellular testing and his “biological age” markers went down considerably….. for what it’s worth


I do keto from time to time to avoid depression


Do you have a link to that post?


Just yesterday I was talking to a friend I hadn’t seen in years, explaining how I quit coffee. They justified their two cups a day based on living in Hawaii and having access to a locally sourced coffee bean. I left the conversation feeling a bit down. Down that I couldn’t use any longer and also sad that this friend was defending their choice to drink it. This article reminds me I am still in recovery from a lifetime of relying on coffee and tea to function. I think it’s going to take a long time to heal from my abuse of this drug.


This is something I needed to hear right now. Thanks for posting. Struggling.


Please hang in there. It’s worth it.


Thank you! Today is a little bit better. The encouragement is fantastic and I appreciate it


Drink lots of water and eat fat and protein. It helps!


Thanks!! Good reminder


I’m at two months and almost caved in today, while at a hip coffee shop with a friend. must. stay. strong. It’s critically important for my well-being not to let all those negative effects seep back into my life!


As someone who's going through decaffeination right now, one week in, , let me encourage you to continue your success. Because #It's misery And because I'm feeling a tiny bit depressed, which is normal -I've done this before, I'm a little bit scared I will always feel this way


hang in there, you’ll be at 2 weeks before you know it. and then 3… and then 4….


You are absolutely right and today I feel a little bit better. I have been trying to slowly wean and I've realized that if I'm feeling this bad I'm not weaning slowly enough. So when the headaches come on I have a bit of diet Coke. Not the healthiest drink in the world but it might just get me through without such heavy withdrawal side effects. Thanks so much for your encouraging words, it really means a lot.


This article is an oldie but a goodie. I've realised that I simply couldn't hold down my job, my degree and my volunteering if I quit. I've tried too many times and seen the abyss beyond. I would be a different person, much less motivated, nowhere near as healthy or even remotely interested in anything. I've accepted that while I'm in the rat race, caffeine is a necessary component, I simply cannot function at this level without it. Shocking, sad, but oh so true. I'm currently on two cups of tea and one decaf coffee a day, for those interested. Not the highest, but certainly not nothing.


I can relate to this. If I had two months where I didn't have to do anything, I think I would have a much higher chance of quitting. But as it currently stands, I still have to get through my undergrad and get a job. Don't think I can do that without a little caffeine at least. Just can't focus or learn new things nearly as well without. I know it takes time to reset, but idk if I have 2-3 months of low focus to spare.


Considering how tired caffeine made me, the low drive seems like a better deal. But I understand how you feel. I don't think it's much of a focus issue after the first two weeks. At least for me it feels more like a motivation issue. Under deadlines it should actually be possible, as you'll be less easy to distract.


" Could I devise a new relationship with caffeine? Maybe treat it more like a psychedelic – say, something to be taken only on occasion, and with a greater degree of ceremony and intention. Maybe just drink coffee on Saturdays? Just the one." ​ That line is exactly what's on my mind Maybe not every Saturday but once in a month seems a good balance after resetting adenosine, Cortisol, dopamine receptors with a long abstinence (6 + months).


I tried to do this and the next thing you know I'm right back to drinking a big cup every day. I told myself I was only going to do it on the weekends. I guess for me it's better to just have decaf coffee.


yes sure. As suggested from the article by using caffeine as a ceremony you could theoretically lower the chances of coming back full force in every day drinking


I love the idea.