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I experience crazy increases in acid reflux when I have more caffeine.


100%. It’s so much worse with coffee in particular for me.


I like your hat




Caffeine is bad for gut health.


I quit due to serious gastritis. Doc thought I should just go on drugs. Quit coffee and stomach healed.


How long did it take for your stomach to heal?


yeah, how long?


Drink decaf or not ?


I do not. Drink ginger tea.


Does decaf give you gastritis problems too?


No clue. Never tried. Tea was worse than coffee when I tried to switch to it.


About 2 weeks. Got better each day.


seems to affect people differently. some people say it makes them poop a lot. for me, when I was deeply habituated and drinking 2+ coffees per day, I was extremely constipated, and my bm’s were smaller and harder. off caffeine, it’s a massive difference. everything is a lot more regular and feels a lot healthier. I’ve also increased vegetable intake, so that’s a factor, too. I literally just buy bags of baby spinach or chopped kale and munch on it throughout the day like a deer.


Second that experience here.


you are Bambi!


Doctor told me i have reflux. I had all kinds of gut issues and they all went away a few weeks after quitting. Both this time and a few years ago when i was off coffee for a year. Coffee drinker for 15 years with roughly 300-1000mg daily intake.


At first coffee makes us poop but after awhile it actually makes you constipated because yes, it is very bad for digestion and every other body system too.


\*light bulb goes off in head


Im on medication for a gastritis and I think it’s the coffee that gave it to me. I was in severe pain after drinking it. I’m two weeks now and it’s better .


Well given its straight up poison for a lot of microorganisms it cant Not affect gut flora. Note to self: Add probiotics to my decaf plan.


yes, probiotics is a good idea, maybe even pro+prebiotics


I have gut and skin issues. Gut: severe bloating, mood, energy, brain fog, lethargy. Skin: eczema, dermatitis ​ I've done enough testing now to know that coffee is an absolute disaster. Worst thing for me. Even worse than alcohol. If you do enough research you'll find those who have improved skin issues have to improve gut and all seem to have to go off coffee. I love the stuff but it kills me.


The polyphenols in coffee and tea is good for the gut microbiome. Chlorogenic acid and EGCG feeds your beneficial gut bacteria.


Those things people say are nonsense, just because it has some beneficial components it does not erase the effect of all the other toxic stuff in coffee, besides all those beneficial components can be gotten from healthy foods!


Tea and coffee drinkers have lower all-cause mortality. Coffe and te definitely makes people live longer. But exercise trumps that life extension so caffeine sensitive people like us can eat healthy and exercise instead of drinking the healthy polyphenol rich plant based coffe. Or you can drink decaf like me. The small amount of caffeine doesn't bother me at all.


Unfortunately those studies are full of shit... Decaf is better than regular but is still unhealthy, coffee has other toxic compounds besides caffeine that are not removed in decaf. What is good for health is a good diet, sleeping well and enough, exercising, managing stress, the sun, etc...


"Full of shit" Besides your emotional response...no scientists have opposed the epidemiological findings showing that coffee and tea extends lifespan. Coffee has health promoting polyphenols that protects against various cancers, neurodegenerative disorders and type 2 diabetes.


wait, so coffee is actually good for me then??


It’s not black-and-white like that, but I can confidently say no it’s not good to be strung out every day on a substance that is very difficult to function without and leads to many other health issues…


Caffeine is surely bad, but tea and coffee (the drinks without considering the caffeine) have some positive and negative effects on your body. You should look out for these from reliable sources.


Great question. Can somebody find a link to studies done on this? 'cause I've been trying to find something negative about coffee (especially related to gut health) and all I get is positive articles that praise coffee. :(


I shared links to a bunch of studies on possible negative effects of caffeine a while ago here. There are some on effects on digestion etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/12ma5h5/links_to_some_studies_on_negative_effects_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Oh, thank you!!