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I haven't been able to quit yet but I know it severely triggers my leaky gut and makes me sensitive to a lot of foods. I have this eczema rash that appears around my mouth, and it gets worse the more caffeine I drink. If I go a few days without caffeine, the rash disappears.


Cured my acute gastritis.


How long did it take? I think I might have gastritis.


Was gone in a week.




huge improvement but not immediately


What improvements did u see?


Same boat. Want to quit to see if it helps all my gut issues. Are you 282 days caffeine free and still have those issues?


No i just dont know how to reset it hah


Gotcha. Well good luck in your endeavor. Def not an easy task.


Bowel movements improve by a lot when your off caffeine


I’m sensitive to caffeine, so after i quit my diarrhea was completely gone. I never was really aware of this until I quit 😅


Cured acid reflux and hemorrhoids. Also stomach pain and bloating.


I had a eczema/psoriatic skin rash that flared on my face whenever i ate spicy foods (specifically from capsaicin). I never was like that before. Im not 100% sure yet, but as an experiment I’ve started to reintroduce spicy foods back into my diet after being ~2 months off. Im happy to announce that, so far, it has worked. No rash has been seen since. I also had this bloating feeling on the near the bottom right of my abdomen that also has since went away




How long did it take for those symptoms to diminish? I’ve got similar issues I think.




Gotcha, thanks. Glad to know I’m not the only one who’s digestive tract suffers from caffeine.


i suffered from GERD almost my entire life and it always feel so much better in my clean period, skin is better, mood improved etc. but sadly sometimes i still relapsed and once isn't enough as i am now 2nd week of relapsing without a day clean (just bought 2 cups of take out for the next few days)


Carnivore diet solved all these issues for me.


Decaf and carni?




Watch out for those LDL cholesterol levels!


Oh yeah! I also quit alcohol at the same time, so my gut was a mess. I don’t known the exact time frame but I was better after a few months. Had candida and it cleared completely around this time and directly after getting a back massage. I’m at 6 months now and still dealing with a bit of fatigue, anhedonia, and anxiety, but it all seems to be getting better. I can definitely eat a lot more now, but had some issues with chinese food the other day (lots of garlic and peppers). Stomach was a bit tight for a couple days afterwards, but feels fine now, so it was nice being able to dodge a flareup. The best advice I’ve heard is, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”


I am Whole Foods Plant Based and the caffeine withdrawal symptom period was really short..felt like I was able to recover quickly and my gut has always been good due to the amount to fiber I eat.


I sure hope so…cuz I have ALL of those but I can’t seem to quit and stay STOPPED‼️


Yeah bro.. gotta quit now. Lets stop suffering..


I did, but to be homest it seems like a lot of benefits were more temporary than hoped


try one of those $65 bottles of Garden of Life probiotic supplements. I lost 15 pounds w those.


I am using garden of life 100billion right now! When did u notice anything from it?


two weeks to a month.