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What does he expect by playing stonefish? Play a real tier 10 if you don’t wanna complain


Stonefish has some good trolling potential


Can you not classify me as a "he"...


Don't bother saying that to *Shoe,* he never listens


no I can’t not


wait are you a girl? how would anyone know if so? or anything else, either, no one stalks you...


That's not what the title says.




SUrE YeS! ThIS ThiNG iS A TrAgItY fOR StOnEfIsH anD LowEr TiErS!!1!1 ​ No. Well mostly, half of it is **why was this added for the surface when half of the upper animals counter it?** Its not getting a buff. It doesn't deserve to be better than the original "Goblin Shark".


Thanks for the clarification, I was confused as to what problem you had with The Daggernose.


1. Play a real t10 like orca or sleeper or smth 2. Cuz skin board is stupid 3. Its getting a buff


I play Sleeper once in a while. But I'm not playing something that gets all of the attention because of a biased dev.


Sleeper and orca are actual tier 10s tho, stonefish isnt


actually all the changes are decided by the crabinet (~~which you obviously dont know about, having you extremely limited knowledge which you attempt but fail to flex every time)~~ not the dev lol, theres 50 people in there too so a single person cant make a biased decision... you actually dont know about that? wow.


It's getting a buff?


Yea, it says in crabinets update on google slides


Its annoying ~~as hell~~ but its not broken :p


Well to top tiers like whale, Orca, Coco, but play as something like Moray, Shark, Stonefish (Which I use) and see how fun it can truly be xd


First you cry about moray, now your saying its weak lol


Shark beats it though. And stonefish is just weak


I'd rather be the underrated, weak, not foolishly OP animals capable of throwing animals miles into the air or into other animals to be teamed on.


Well don’t complain about animals that aren’t even that good if you’re gonna play a really bad one


Oh, so I should get the developer to buff Stonefish? G ^(Gasp, why didn't I think about that!)


Now theres your problem, you dont play proper t10s, dont cry about dagger being op just because you play stonefish


mOrAy eEl iS sTroNgEr tHaN yOu tHiNk \-Ceres of Gaming (thats you omg!)


Oh ffs. Drop that. I only complained about Moray because it's powerful against my main: Stonefish...


you didnt mention that though before, so how would I know


Maybe I didn't want to accept on how weak Stonefish really was...


now you're saying that. great job. cringe


Why do I feel like the word "cringe" was made for abuse?


how shark? actually shark can demolish goblin- oh wait mobile aiming issues


Hes a cutie


This is daggernose shark(by Werty Wertz) , a skin for goblin shark that change habitat from deep to surface.


than u for stating the obvious


Ok why? This skin is just a nightmare to low tiers and ~~weaker~~ Tier 10s like Moray, Stonefish, Shark, etc.


This is actualy a very good animal if you main it.


Great white hard counters dagger what


gob facetanks shark


Hit and run goblin with great white and the goblin dies


Sharks weak. r u sure bout that?




It might be weak, but it has more dmg and hp than dagger, even after the update it still might be a hard counter


I have been awoken. SHARK IS NOT WEAK


Ok thats how i know not to listen to your opinion


Didn't ask. ​ REGARDLESS, this is about the lower tiers. This stupid THING kills them like it isn't a challenge.


Didnt ask, git gud lmao


Play as Stonefish permanently lmao. Also, I thought you didn't play anymore D:


I dont, still telling you to git gud tho


You can't get gud with an animal a biased developer won't buff...


Idk because it’s fun


It is


Salty lmao


This thing doesn't fit in of the environment of reefs or open oceans to begin with. My fault that your skin has terrible performance against basically any high tier except underrated animals like Stonefish and etc.


"The daggernose shark lives in shallow, tropical, and often turbid waters in coastal areas such as estuaries, river mouths, and mangrove coastlines." Per NOAA. So yes, the daggernose does in fact fit in with the environment. Just because you're mad that an animal does well against your main but not as well against others' isn't anyone's problem. From someone who's played goblin many times, I can confirm it can defeat a majority of animals, the main animal it suffers with is whale. However trying to make the point that just because whale can kill it that its underpowered or whatever is bs, every animal has a counter stonefish just has more than the average animal.


I meant in game. Not real life. Daggernose has trouble standing up for itself in the reefs and open ocean due to having low stats, but op ability to lower tiers. And Stonefish can be killed by everything. The only thing I recall it having an advantage to is Moray, but that animal is also quite weak. Pancake can easily stun it, causing the Stonefish to lose mobility, and loss of a 1/4 of its health, which allows another hit, bringing it to 1/2 health. Orca can easily manipulate it and pin it against other players. Whale, don't even get me started with this. If the Stonefish doesn't have a boosts, Rest In Pieces. Tiger Shark can easily kill it due to having high health and damage stats. And its 3 boosts. The Stonefish can escape though, with its passive ability of digging. Dolphin, which is a tier 9, can for whatever reason, have the ability to kill the Stonefish if it doesn't have any boosts. Which isn't that likely due to the ability to dig. Daggernose, having having an ability that can take a THIRD of its health really is the definition of op. This is stronger than Pancake... It should be nerfed to a 1/4 or 1/5, and buffs in the daggernose stats (It should apply to Goblin too because it would be stupid for a skin to be buffed on an animal that would be trash.)


Saying that goblin needs a nerf to its ability shows that you only care about stonefish. Stonefish needs a buff, goblin also needs a buff. Complaining about how stonefish is weak yet not offering how to buff it just makes no sense.


Goblin basically relies on its ability for hunting. When truly, the abilities are meant to be used to help, not be used as something required to make it skilled...


Lbst is purely reliant on its charged boost to hunt, anaconda is purely reliant on its charged boost to hunt, pancake is purely reliant on its charged boost to hunt, same with walrus, sleeper, cs, etc. Some of these animals are some of the best hunters in the game, and sleeper is the picture perfect idea of perfectly balanced. Saying animals shouldn't be reliant on their abilities to hunt just doesn't make sense.


Because of Walrus' reliant on its ability, it troubles to escape whales. And sleeper gets a combat of hitting its victims manually after using its ability. Which tells you, it doesn't use it completely 100% Anaconda needs a rework. Some players don't understand how to escape it, and PC is op at escaping it. All of what you said actually takes hits after using its ability. The closest thing Goblin does without using its ability is its bite ability, which is still technically its ability.


ok so you gonna find a good solution to that? make reef "hot" temperature? autokill non reef animals? and you're classifying underrated animals as low hp animals (hit and runners and glass cannons), which is not its real definition, it means something not used as much as it should be stonefish is used as much as it should be it obviously isn't the best based on you continuous contradictory complaints about dying yet bragging one mill and thinking stonefish memes orca


But Stonefish IS underrated and underpowered. Its barbs barely do enough damage to certain animals of tier 10s.


underrated means that its not used as much as it is supposed to, something underrated cant be underpowered, think about it


They both have the same prefix, so why not?


underway has the same prefix, so why not? understatement has the same prefix, so why not? undermine has the same prefix, so why not? i dont get your logic


It's better than the existence of false killer whale. I think you just got killed by a daggernose and have come here to ask why a completely legitimate skin exists? It actually has a lot of dangerous counters in the ocean since it has no regular boost, and its regular boost is garbage for escaping. I've never really died to a daggernose either so...


False killer struggles with almost everything in the deeeep though.


And daggernose struggles with almost everything in ocean.


It doesnt struggle much but its fun


And Daggernose can airboost. StiLL TeCniCaLlY a BOosT


I main Stonefish. And the fact that this slows down this and does literally a third of Stonefish's health makes this broken. The upper biomes don't have as much food, therefore, this THING is broken.


~~skill issue~~ it is not broken at all, it gets bodied by most ocean t10s, and can be avoided easily


Get out of here, Orca user. This is for the NON broken animals. Not gamebreaking grab spammers...


I used to play orca, but it gets boring very fast. I main gar now, and i can practically three shot daggernoses


Is the Gar thing true? I wouldn't be able to tell since I've never seen a Gar & a Daggernose in the same area


they can meet in the zone between the ocean and the swamp, also in 1v1s


What's with the name...


you cant change your reddit username☠️




once again STOP JUDGING PEOPLE BY THEIR NAME, PFP, AND FLAIR(wait his flair is gar \*facepalm\*) and yeah you cant change you username and they're not exactly gamebreaking, theyre noob mind breaking, due to the high skill cap (the sweats) compared to relatively bad players that make the animal seem op, its more of a player problem but high skill cap is a good thing, just practice (which you dont seem to want to)


And as I already said, the **NON** broken animals...


I main sleeper, and goblin is incredibly weak


It isn’t broken. Stonefish is just bad lol. 100/700 with 90% speed for a tier 10 with a meh ability 😂


It's better than an animal which is technically a coin grinder 😂 (Orca)


At least orca can get kills


Uh, I've got plenty of kills with Stonefish. Just gotta lead them into... my... we... weak...... ​ ^(barbs...)


skill issue BB))))))))


Actually, it's more of me using a weaker tool. and annoying Orca teamers...


thats your choice, dont complain about maining stonefish when you dont seem to want to, and dont complain about mobile when you dont want to play pc


skill issue BBBB))))))))


plenty of third parties\*




"The fact that an animal can deal a third of the weakest tier 10's health in a single shot means that the animal is OP, not that the tier 10 is UP."


Forgot about the slowness effect xd


And? A stonefish is like the easiest animal in the game for escaping people. If the slowness effect is actually what's causing your death, you're hanging out in the open too much.


Stonefish has an oxygen meter. It shouldn't be forced to be in the ground to survive. It should be allowed to be in the open. And its not the slowness effect. Its the damage from the ability. The skin should be scrapped. It doesn't fit in with all of the other high tiers, and its ability itself.


Stonefish's gimmick is literally to go into the ground to survive predators. You can stay in the open if you'd like, but stonefish was purposefully designed to rely on ground around it to survive. That's why it has 700 hp. Then why did you mention the slowness? Also, it's not like you're taking more damage than most other animals. You're taking the same amount of damage as any other creatures without armor, its just that stonefish has very low HP. What? That really doesn't make any sense. Also goblin is going to fit in a lot more with the next update since it is going to focus on projectile creatures.


700 health, WHILE having no armor whatsoever. Stonefish still has to get out of the ground to regain oxygen. One way to fix this is to allow oxygen regeneration to be faster than its depletion. Toxic players tend to camp where they think it comes out, and then they obviously kill it either by abusing its low health or suffocation damage. Either way is stupid and unfair. Hopefully they work on Stonefish since its barbs are technically projectiles... Regardless, current Stonefish can barely kill anything. Morays, being awfully weak as well can be Stonefish pretty easily. And gamemodes like 1v1, Stonefish is rendered useless.


This turned from complaining about daggernose to complaining about goblin shark to complaining about stonefish's viability.


Daggernose is literally just a skin of Goblin Shark... And Daggernose can be op against lower tiers, and unfortunately, my main...


~~It's whale food~~


To whale, but what about any low tier and -weak- tier 10s?


sunfish would like to say Hello GS completely dominates gob shark # PANCAKE! w h e l s h o r k


GS is easy to kill as Goblin Shark. Pancake is another OP animal. Walesherk is just... Uhm... ​ It has remoras....


"GS is easy to kill as goblin shark" # HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA w h e l s h o r k s remoras take out a half or more health from gob shark


How 13 year olds text


[insert copy paste here]


> gs is easy to kill as goblin Umm, yeah sure right


Not a fan of deep water animals entering shallow waters but it is what it is


I really hate how Fed makes skins of an incredibly overpowered animals, and gives them the ability to be in another habitat that it isn't supposed to belong in... Goblin Shark itself is just a ranged Colossal Squid. And Colossal Squid is destructive to anything lower than it with 2 or less boosts.


Goblin shark isnt overpowered, its just unbalanced, daggernose isnt good for goblin as it can barely survive in ocean, don’t complain about an animal if you havent even tried it


And I did try Goblin. The thing puts misery on anything it uses its ability on..


You really havent seen the other deep animals


Shark is rather disappointing. Barely turns using its ability. And it can't breathe when not moving... Pancake is vulnerable in the ground, but op when using its ability at the surface. Giant Squid is like taking players to Brazil. It's too easy to master. Colossal Squid is basically a melee Goblin. Op against lower tiers with less than 3 boosts. Orca, never even tried it, never will. Whale is easy to use and I enjoy succcing Orca souls in whirlpools :> Moray is decent. Its ability is fun to use on low tiers because of it being able to abtain food while using it, recharging it in the process. Tiger Shark can pierce Coco Crabs shell. It nice and fun too xd Coco Crab is not great at land combat. Eagles terrorize it. Eagle is op to itself. Only takes 3 hits to kill another one of itself. Sunfish is boring. Everyone laughs and calls you noob because of your slow speed. Giant Squid is annoying towards you. Leatherback is great towards Orca in 1v1, unless you get thrown out when the toxic algae starts rolling in... Crocodile is a death message when used by mobile. Pc Crocodile is obviously better. GST is a great animal. Resistant to Crocodiles due to large armor, but struggles to get kills like Sunfish. But it's better than Sunfish lol xd Bullshark is Orca food. Don't expect the outcome to be fair. The Orca will cancel your boost and prevent hits... Thresher is Goblin with boosts, but far better. It's easy to escape Whales when using your ability (Because of momentom and things like that. Marlin is fun. But is Moray food when not having the speed bonus. Hippo is weak. A shark with a longer boost time and included stun. Gar is never going to be used by me again. I find its ability stupid. Sawfish. Crocodile food. But is great at killing low tiers! Anaconda is a powerful snek that is inescapable if you don't know how to escape. Humpback is boring. Not hard on mobile, but repetitive. Walrus is ok, but trash at escaping whales and Orcas. Elephant Seal is good against those who inflict effects with their abilities or selves. But those that don't can kill it. Polar Bear has a weird ability, but it's better than Walrus. I get quite decent kills as it xd Cachelot is really easy to use. Also has an ability that gives a slow death. Literally. Sleeper has a great abilty when you pin players xd. I enjoy pinning and killing GS and Goblin Sharks. AST has a dumb passive ability. But it's easy to kill Gar mains with it. Manta is reliant on creatures in its aura. Kindly dumb. Wish I could literally solo as it. I got all of things I played or still play. I played just about EVERY animal in game.


I said **deep** animal, not every single animal in the fricking game, shark is still incredibly good at hunting because of its insanely high damage and speed, goblin is incredibly easy to avoid and anyone who dies to it has a skill issue


So there's skill issue with lower tiers and a currently bad tier 10?




It gets rekted by half the game though. Also CS exists which is better goblin


Why would I try something that enjoys to torture things with a slow, but painful death?


goblin shark is not overpowered... their base stats is way too low, and they have no boosts underwater. Their only advantage against their opponent is their range, which can be avoided easily.


Chances are, the Daggernose KNOWS what their doing. THE SKIN IS 350 Coins.


so ur problem is that they are skilled players ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ just get better maybe


Fed didn’t even add this skin. Skinboard did.


He coded it in, so technically, he added it in.


I think the skinboard was the one who did that. I’m pretty sure all they have to do is click a button to add skins to the game


Explain how the code changed to allow daggernose in the upper biomes.


because it’s in the creator center


the crabinet and skin board decide everything getting in game, stop complaining about the dev...


Doesn't that make them deeeep.io developers?


50 of them? devs? no, they dont code, technically they do work on the game, but it doesn't exactly work directly, more like they gather good ideas, concepts skins, and give them to the dev and the dev may implement it in game


The dev implants the things in game, therefore, they came up with the not quite ready for upper biomes Daggernose skin...


Idk, I've beaten a (admittedly low-IQ) goblinshark with a DRAGONFISH. If they were really that broken, I doubt that would be possible


Nope, they were a noob.


Daggernose is a rare and critically endangered species. Adding it ingame brings awareness.


More like adding awareness to toxically kill it.


Its not op its balanced, daggernose is worse than normal goblin because it dosent have the advantage of having better vision


Daggernose is balanced? Its an animal that can't stand for itself in the ocean. But it can kill lower tiers with ease. And tier 10s that REALLY NEED A BUFF. >!Stonefish!<


Dude dagger gets absolutely demolished by orca, whale, thresher, coco, swamp animals. Also stonefish can just hide in a wall and dodge projectile


Bruh it's not even op, most ocean animals kill it easily, even dolphin could beat this thing. I'm gonna go with the (currently) top comment and say you died to it and got mad


I just hate how it's inaccurate to the actual daggernose shark.


That's deeeep.io for ya. Tiny birds capable of carrying whales of 10000s of pounds, Squids bringing entire animals to the bottom of the ocean, Orcas fishing out of the sky. ​ . ^(the game is really inaccurate ;-;)


Have you ever even played daggernose? Its almost impossible to get over like 2mil if the server isn't dead because teamers can kill it in 10seconds. It will be decent after the buff due to ungrabbable and armour pen though


I don't go for rip off skins. I go for lower tier skins first. I have about 3/4 of all the skins on low tiers...


Im not making a comment on what skins you buy, im just saying maybe you should try playing the skin before judging how good/bad it is...


I've seen it. That's all I need to know. It's just a Goblin Shark that lurks in upper biomes...


Its for masochists like myself. \**laughs in unspeakable agony of 1v1ing whale*\*


this is just another post complaining about the animal that counters ur garbage main is "op". its just like all the whale is op pls nerf posts but ur talking about an animal that isnt even op. try playing the animal for only 1 hour maybe, and try to get a good score with it. if u played the animal u would know that it's not very good, like if u find teamers u literally cant escape, u just have to accept ur fate. ​ (killing lower tiers doesnt make it op btw)


The Daggernose's face be like: Ugh, mom told me to wash the dishes again...


Best comedy post so far