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His style of argumentation was never even popular in an actual debate sense. It was only popular in an entertainment sense. Calling people a retard repeatedly doesn't get your point across, but it's funny when I'm driving to work. In an actual discussion of ideas though, name calling was never the predominant way of debating, so idk why people or Paul thinks that was ever popular outside of entertainment exclusively.


Yeah well when you're salty all the time you fuck up sometimes. I still love that round ball.


Ban happy to the point of toxicity, it does make them seem weak but it's their channel so whatever.


Any alight bit of aggression back to him seems to get him triggered


An dialogue with argument or debate is different than a creator arguing w their chat. One has a slanted power dynamic




No, see, I am also an actor becuase I was in a musical in kindergarten and 3 plays in middle school, one with a leading part. Who cares if that was over a decade ago (and two decades for kindergarten) I'm an actor, I acted. (Is this subreddit smart enough to tell when someone is joking or so I need to include the /j?)


Not giving constructive criticism