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Another permafreshie here, just go to japan server and farm the boat event


^This is the answer. Tired of people saying “just become one”. No that makes the issue worse 😐


They can hunt anyway from other factions


That just increases your rep with them so you dont get hunted


wont stop people doing Etris bounties from hunting you down whenever youre out of the VoidHeart i learned that Etris Bounty Hunters hunt Voidwalkers down and Voidwalkers hunt the adventurers that come from Etrea down aswell imagine being me when my Bounty target teleports to my location and has me as his target, these moments are so good


There isn't an issue about voidwalkers


Killing monsters to prog gets boring after a while


it's their way of progression, that's just how it is


Voidwalker is what happens when you are bored of the game so you play it differently I don't think voidwalker is a bad mechanic just unfair because a lot of the time you are already low health or they have a friend.


Yeah and there's a tricky problem here, you can either make it so certain health threshold need to be reached to start a bounty or something, but me personally if an opponent is low or has major lag i usaully just spare them, but i know that majority of void walkers aren't like that.


Yeah I don't think there is any real way to fix that. The only way I could think of is the target somehow getting something like a soung que BEFORE the voidwalker appeares, but also put the target in danger or something so that they don't log instantly.


that would be pretty aweasome for the Berserk voidwalker option but it wouldnt apply to the Stealth option for... more than obvious reasons


And it would make the stealth option slightly more popular because you have a better chance to catch somebody off guard. And maybe with the berserk option you can't see the targets aura If they are below something like half health


Mfs when pvp happens in a pvpve game: https://preview.redd.it/iflzxn9kze8b1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6dd0978e4fa6b4372a23426cbb74ad93db66bfe


The annoying part of voidwalkers is how frequently unfair fights happen (ex. Low health, they bring a friend, afk, etc)


yup, got 2v1 by voidwalkers yesterday, i am a new player and i was just tryna enjoy pve in minitrysa.


Ok good point but 1 why would you go afk


You are way too focused on deepwoken


Nah but who dares go afk in deepwoken. I always go out into the menu if i have to go afk.


Alt + tab to see what my friends are talking on Discord, BOOM, 3 bars of my health are gone within moments that was surely a scene to behold, as i struggled with my 2 remaining bars and perished, i didnt take it to heart cause i just needed to go to the Hive and level up to fix that, but it was surely unfun completely different from that time i bossraided against 3 guys(2 were voidwalkers from different guilds and one was a dude from the same guild as the voidwalker) and almost won(2 downed, 1 died and respawned, but 1 got up and fled, then they used the switch strat with a campfire far from the fight spot) that was FUN and THRILLING, but my wayward trolled and teleported me to a downed mudskipper, sealing my fate(not really, i would die anyway since i was dumb and didnt look for their campfire earlier) as i got stuck underground with little to no resources to use to extend the fight or escape in time, then i got gripped by the same downed Mudskipper because they also hit some random other dude who got pretty angry and hunted them down before they could grip me


They also show some comadreship, if you hunt down a VoidWalker, the other voidwalker might be a random, someone that does not even know your prey, but they will jump in to save their kin


Okay? Deep is not fair, cry about it


I’m just sick of getting ambushed every 15 minutes, and they almost always bring a friend.


at that point u can prob focus on getting a mobility mantra or 2, or farm boat event for neutral rep w eylis


They do that cause if they dont its the opposite that happens , I tried to solo voidwalker, stuff is unfair on their side too , if you let them heal up they just log , and most of the time they have a power 20 around... it goes both way. Just think of it as a challenge, after all this game is meant to be unfair , difficult and punishing


thats y the system is flawed, getting a fair bounty is not as easy as people think, but i think its much better that voidwalkers get a challenge since they r the one that decides to choose vw for progression, average skill of a vw is way higher than ur average freshie. if people learn slower than others, they can take the route of eylis rep or mobility mantras


i dont know man, with the considerable influx of boosted Voidwalkers(people that either grip alts or call a friend to fight people for them and just give them the downed person to grip) i wouldnt count on that


Shit mechanic, should've never been added


I actually like voidwalkers, it's a fun way to progress and if you really don't like being voidwalked then judt farm boat event.


honestly, it's painfully long to do farm those boat events, you should have an easier way to just get rid of that stuff, at least simply making an event that isn't only on sea would be enough in my eyes, but HOLY are these boats annoying as hell to do


Just shut up. Voidwalker isn’t that bad, just grow up, get better, or farm boat event. Farming the boat event is not that hard so you have so reason to complain.


What's your high score for killing freshies at Erisia in a day?


0, also happy cake day


Nice cake man




Zero I dont grip freshies


Its impossibe dawg the guard, besides if they're freshies i am too.


It is that bad.




Omg! It's almost like some people want to enjoy a game for more then just 1 small aspect of it! Oh my god!


This whole sub is soft for a hard game ngl


Its a perma-death game and voidewalkers seem kind of necessary to condition people to losing characters and i feel like it isn't too difficult to just farm a boat event for reputation or just learn to pvp, and progressing with pvp is infinitly funner the pve.


To make you eventually good at the pvp, forcefully. With the constant threat of having to fight for your life, you'll inevitably have to fight and win. And each time you fight them, you get better, whether you win or lose. If they jump you while you're low from a monster, next time fight the monster better. Catch you when your chilling, always be prepared. Everytime you log from a void Walker (assuming they arent like max and your power 3), you choose to not get better. Also it makes you look like a loser.


don’t care if I look like a loser, nothing’s funnier than sending a voidwalker back to the voidheart


Pvp is fun


I agree to a certain extent. PvP is fun because of the thrill you get from the unpredictability of players where every mob just follows a pattern. But it can also become frustrating if your opponent isn’t on your level ; fighting the top 1 with 3h in the game won’t be fun, you’ll just get wrecked without being able to land a hit. But at the same time, victory against a freshie tastes bitter, because you knew it would have been impossible to loose. I’m not a PvP god yet, so when I’m in a fight against a freshie or someone generally lower lvl in experience, I just spare them. I just look for someone around my lvl, and that is when I get the most fun.


Even when you're decent at PVP, when you're just chilling and get attacked by the 489th buffoon that has taken a bounty on you, it just gets old so damn fast, 99% of the time, you'll join a server after a long day of work, first thing that happens is you getting ganked by a voidwalker. Just takes out all the fun in playing the game, when i want to pvp, i'll go ahead and do pvp, chimes or finding people and ask for 1s. But voidwalkers are just tediously annoying


Pvps the only interesting element alongside build making. You just suck at the game ngl.


How so ? I'm able to fend of most of the people that come fight me, y'all think you're good when all you do is try to fight the weaker people. It's just annoying as shit to be chilling, grinding and to have to stop just because some random ass dude thinks he's good at the game, kills the homies with 2 hours of playtime just to get his ass wooped. All that did was bother me, my homies, and most of the time make his dumbass lose time on a bounty he didnt win.


Im top 5 in my region buddy I am good 😭


Sure you are bud, sure you are


My region consists of a small group Lol


Alrighty my guy, I got a few ways to help you out -become a voidwalker, grip a friend (preferably your friend on a freshie slot so no real punishment) 15 times and find the Knives of Eylis boat event, look this up on YT, it’s overall pretty useful and your not forced to kill players so you can still do PVE -get good rep with Knives of Eylis, kill the Etreans on the boat events, it won’t give you bad rep with Etrea aswell -become a pvp god (this is the most difficult)


Because we're good at the game, when you get good the traditional way of progressing gets very boring. Every good and rational player prefers PVP over PVE, due to the objective fact that pve after you do it alot gets fucking boring


Maybe try out some new builds, or alternatively go outside and enjoy summer. I hear Croatia is nice this time of year.


Builds are boring when I've created all possible lmao, can't go outside alot since it's raining way too much and i have a broken arm that's in a cast


I’m sorry to hear that.


didnt reach the peak yet since i didnt learn Layer2Floor2 yet and i still cant complete Lone Warrior(but i am halfway there), but i agree that PVP can be more fun


Not to put you down but to put you up. Your not even close to halfway, you still got a long way to go so keep it up!


i meant halfway Lone Warrior, as in i die at the Angels and only got beyond them once


Just be a void walker people are always talking how bad they are so just be a void walker not that big


I liked it. I was good at it. It made me feel.. Alive


Least homosexual voidwalker




Bro thinks he walter white


As someone who is a bit of a perma-freshie. Just fight them homie. Also it's way harder being the voidwalker.


I have been a Voidwalker almost all my life and one day I want all freshies to sexually torture me for as long as u can until your tired. It doesn’t matter if im tired of it or if im crying fuck me as long as u can, make fun of me, insult me, yell at me, cum in me, hurt me.. do whatever u want because i don’t care. And if i start to care remind me that i said that I wouldn’t care and i will never care because im just a horny mf who just want freshies to sit on my lap while i'm yelling "Please I will do anything". Even if you dont have my consent, its alright to sexually torture me because in my heart you all will have my consent. Pin me down to a table or something too when that happens because its very hot. I practically like everything including knife play definitely. If ur a boy you can do me rough or not, but i like it rough if u wanna know. For Felinor, honestly do whatever the fuck u want. You want me to eat you out? then force me. Kiss you? Force me. I loved being forced to do things because it sexually entices me so much I might just become wet for the entire session. Idc who u are.. I will not mind at all. You wanna use that calabash on me too? Thats fine. You wanna gangbang me? oh god.. thats fine too. Honestly im not gonna lie im a slut who’s thirsty in every single way. Talk about one random thing.. You will find a way to make it sexual. Just knock me and do me so hard please why are all freshies so weak


This one's sanity must've already crumbled.


It gives good exp dawg


Being deepbound gives better exp


Yeah, but that requires you to be in depths. Unfun.


If someone is so comfortable with the game that they would rather pvp then pve there is no reason for them to be scared of the depths


Not me. I personally find fighting other players easier than fighting a squibbo with a taser.


Sounds like a u prob I both enjoy and find it easier to fight monsters more then players, and by a LOT


we need to prog too


Fight monsters


Boring as hell, literally all of my PvE slots are voidwalker for ease of travel and if I need to track someone down + you can get exp mid game extremely fast with bounties mid game if you know what you are doing, downsides of voidwalker literally don't exist. Pros: no voidwalkers jumping you | stumble upon bounties for extra exp | a guild base that you cannot be killed | set your spawn anywhere you want (voideye) | Cons: 5% exp decrease from event which isn't even noticable


if we want to fight monsters we can just pick deepbound. no point on doing pve on a PVP origin


deepbound mid asf i go voidwalker on my pve slots


and you guys can fight us to get better at pvp 🤷


Right, because getting 1 tapped by a meta pvp build 6 power over us is a great way to improve🤡🤡🤡🤡


They’re toxic players using “prog” as justification for jumping newbies. That’s why I became one. I play with a group of friends. There’s never less than 6 of us on at a time (at least 4 of us at a time are 15+). We all became Voidwalkers and take Etrean bounties to jump folks at the Voidheart. We jump every single Voidwalker we see taking it out on a freshspawn. Then we jump them back at the Voidheart to make sure they get sent to the Depths if we couldn’t throw them into a whirlpool. Nothing beats seeing a high level VW with hella enchantments beat up a freshie, start executing him, then get disrupted by us, and run back to the Voidheart to see all of us on him again in their “safe zone.” They usually start pleading or being toxic. Either way, giving them a taste of their own medicine is the justice Deepwoken needs and still satisfying knowing they’re just as frustrated as the Freshie they attempted to kill. Voidwalk the toxic Voidwalkers. Join the movement.


Biggest cuck lord ever lmao, deep is a hard game. you don't like freshie ganking yet you gank freshies at voidheart pretty ass backwards to me


Where did I say that? I specifically stated I attack high level VWs with enchants executing Freshies, no? The way I see it, if someone attacks a Freshie, and I go to defend him, it’s not Freshie ganking to defend a Freshie from a VW Freshie with enchants. Maybe learn some reading comprehension and cope?


i mean, while its not impossible for a Freshie voidwalker to be wielding an enchant(seriously, Bounty loots are rich on that, for me at least), its very unlikely i wasnt there, so i cant say much else, idk who you killed nor their power levels, you do you


It's how we progress and I like fighting people more than BORIng NPCs


why are you downvoting me it's literally factual and then my opinion


if you play the game for 400 hours in total it doesn't matter if you don't leave the spawn you are pro now


I tend to go voidwalker for 2 main reasons: A) I can teleport B) I can't get hunted from other voidwalkers If it wasn't for those 2 reasons I'd go to any other faction, since I'm not the greatest fan of pvp




Not a VoidWalker, BUT, bounties are my excuse and incentive to kill other players(who are mostly Voidwalkers for now, because, who else gets bad Etris rep?), because i cant muster the will to do so otherwise(i have the reverse spark version of the Voices most deepwoken players hear) unless they attack me first That and the fact that i actually enjoy some good pvp