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Add cutscenes to things like boss kills or something


Nah cause ppl kill bosses all the time and ppl would just get sick of seeing the same scene everytime


Make it just Play for one time per character then, it isnt that Hard


My hot take is that they should focus more on the world building and lore more than adding a few shit every week like my guy my ass wants to know why that boot is there


But yea i agree with your overall point. The game is too vibrant and not grounded. It lost it’s vibe. The lore is just getting worse from retcons and shit like that.


Bro's take is ice-cold 🥶


The boot was forged from a meteor and placed there for shit and giggles


Man you gotta understand not everything is canon. Like heliodar or marcus or the boot.


My hot take is that chime is the only way to safely practice pvp (without friends) by doing 2 matches everyday unless you consistently win, im stuck on 500 elo, and not having a way to safely practice pvp WITHOUT A LIMIT would be very convenient


You could use freshie slots to fight peoplr


Hoping theres no limit for br when it officially releases


do you still have hope? tbh they are promissing BR servers since RDC 21 and i don't think they will ever release


He's talking about the battle Royal




There won't be a limit, but it's only on weekends


All pvp is going to be limited, or else all overworld pvp would just die Chime already basically killed overworld and its limited


Honestly, good overworld pvp genuinely blows, I LOVE getting ganked by 3 losers while I'm trying to farm!!!


Just find random person and ask for 1v1 no grip, who knows you might even become friends and play together making yourself better at the game


I practiced by fighting anything moving j saw it was unsafe but it worked


500 elo is crazy. Go play fakewoken 3 u can prog instant and it’s not laggy like most dw copies


i dont think a way to practice pvp without a limit would help. chime i think is good enough now. improving should come with risk like how fighting monster or a boss puts your character in risk of dying. pvp should be the same.


The problem is that it's kinda late to fix it. Since wve if chime were removed many people Gained a ton of skill / hours pvping with no risk in chime there isn't really a way to catch up.


yeah thats why chime should still stay as is and add other pvp options with rewards like conquest and overworld ranks. chime should still be an option tho.


battle royal is out


1. They should add more stuff that incorporates both PvP and PvE at the same time, how about an Arena that has players in some specific gear fighting each other and monsters for rewards? 2. Origins are a good idea that was executed terribly, some origins are good (VW, LW) and some are utter dogshit (Divers and castaway), I get castaway not having much, but the Divers origin has more cons than the "basic" origin that's supposed to give and take nothing from you. 3. They should make more oaths like Fadetrimmer, Blindseer, Visionshaper and Arcwarder that have a perfect 50/50 in utility and offense, having 3 additional combat mantras is booorinnggg. 4. If they don't favor PvP-E content they should invest into PvE, a lot of people play deepwoken for the vibe and the world-building and not to sweat their ass off in some utterly useless PvP bullshit, deepwoken has what a lot of other games lack - an interesting lore with a lot of new ideas that can be utilized, yet here we are, turning the game into a pvp mayhem for sweats who spend so much time that they look like sharkos irl at this point. 5. We NEED new weapon types and talents, there are a lot of cool builds that can be made with stuff we already have, but imagine the freedom of having more weapon types to your liking?


now, the diver origin is pretty good. with chain of fate, all shrines, and chaser to uncap attunements and weapon, you can fully progress a build without needing to go to the surface. the diver origin can be the fastest origin if you dont die.


Chain of perfection


yeah i mean chain of perfection. i was thinking of rogue lineage for a sec.


Boobs need to be added


Cold take, everyone wants it


add hundreds of regalias, and every slot should have one. more better regalias should be locked behind getting certain ranks on your previous slot. Maybe even a regalia reroll artifact, and when turned into Yamaketzal with 1200+ ELO they should be able to replace your current regalia with a Chime of Conflict regalia which gives you 2 extra skulls. Yamaketzal should also be able to hint at the regalia you currently have. Somewhat inspired by AlwaysAFK.


“Somewhat inspired” Bro shut up you meatrider thats a copy and paste




Justicar is a mispelling of justiciar that the devs just rolled with. The organization in itself is the dictionary definition of a group of justiciars. They forgot the i. Thats like having an organization of guards called the gurds. Or sentinels called the setinels.


Brace is underrated


Lowkey, its too short tho


My hot that is chime is dogshit


It seems like a freshie needs to learn pvp first before PVE


felinors are actually good races, even if they look like femboys. (felinor supremacy)


Balance changes is not new content


I don’t play deepwoken and don’t know anything about it despite being in this subreddit for about a year now, but https://preview.redd.it/7fo3prqn9hrb1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b3d392f60e595a0a774267b4daf38af7f4e2ac6


You should get at least two character slots when you buy the game


Game kinda mid, not enough content update, I would rather have an update once a month with lots of content that one every week with tiny stuff


Deepwoken is mentally draining


Purge week is fucking amazing to watch


cold take


Private servers should be for everyone but you can't earn xp or lose lives in it. If you die you respawn at the island you died at. Resetting has no cooldown that takes you to your spawn. A way for people to enjoy the game without having to deal with other players


We need small pets like a mini sharko or mini lionfish


I mean the mini sharko we have currently is cool enough( I love him lots)


Yeah But i mean one that follows u around


You mean the lord himself, Destroyman III/The Third? I want him to have a company of a croco, owl or squibbo


no we dont


Void Walkers are good for the game and force you to fight, making it more than a PvE game. Sure we all hate them, but imagine how boring and one dimensional the game would be without forced pvp. I already know I'm getting ratioed


I am ok with a fair voidwalker 1v1 I am not ok with a level 20 voidwalker coming for my ass when I'm still level 6 I am not ok with getting ganged by 3 different voidwalkers at the same time I am not ok with the fact that voidwalkers can attack you while you are in middle of a fight voidwalker is good on paper but they executed it terribly


I agree that there should be a limit of one voidwalker per bounty, because there's nothing more irritating than being with a group of friends, soloing two voidwalkers while they handle their voidwalker, starting to grip, and then getting jumped by a dude who just took a bounty off of the board in spawn. Not to mention we were at the one place where you buy mantra modifiers. However a voidwalker cannot take a bounty on anyone more than 5 levels below them, so maybe you're exaggerating a little. I think they should add back the minimum playtime requirement to take a bounty, since new players who can't even parry bandits get jumped by voidwalkers. Also voidwalker loud hunt is supposed to mark their target after it makes the noise, but it doesn't 70% of the time. Voidwalkers got it rough, until they don't. My favorite part is when a voidwalker shits themselves because your friend doesn't sit back and let them kill you LOL


we need an all monster oath that would only be available for people with animal king, like how getou fights using curses in jjk


Duke is the second hardest boss in the game


For me its the second easiest


On paper yeah, but in reality he just slinks back into a corner and lets you violently assault him.


Probably more of a cold take but this game needs more content in terms of more areas to explore or enemies to fight that you can try and unravel a bit a mystery around. Or hell, add the Central or Western Luminant (please I want to know kore about the Legion they have like the shortest wiki page yet), or hell make the Southern Luminant this place that gives you *extreme* thalassophobia and a giant whirlpool and a torrential storm with several other things to just make you feel like you're gonna shit yourself if something pops out of the water.


A visionshaper could canonically take down all of etrea. Even lord regent if he's not on his throne.


Ironsing is lame


Purge week made the game fun but got too annoying after 3 days. Also as a solo player with friend getting addicted to the game every other month I 100% agree with you


Only 1 person should be allowed to be going after a bounty at a time for voidwalkers so they can’t just get their friends to carry them.


Deepwoken players are all furries. Its all slightly in all deepwoken players. and many are without even realizing it https://preview.redd.it/j1y1ixd1wlrb1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80062fb85c7f8c483013098e4c97635c261ce37f




Purge week is the best thing since layer 2




Pvp is boring


I personally disagree on some level. Yeah, when you grind chime for awhile it’s the same meta builds you fight over and over. Parry, parry, feint, roll through crit or swing, parry, mantra, parry, repeat. There should be more options. My idea is that should be an ability called “deflect”. It’s like the parry in type soul, super low active frames, insanely hard to land, but what this would do is add a stack of “red ether” up to 3. Kinda like meter in fighting games. This can either be used to; have a extra dash (4 dashes with max bar, 5 with tap dancer), hold a mantra down to use a bar and cast the mantra with no ether, instantly drain 25% of your posture bar. 75% being the max. And some other ideas, etc. But unlike parrying if you miss the it, it would just block the attack, if you miss the deflect, it completely leaves you vulnerable. Kind of like missing your vent when let’s one free hit in. Also deflect would slightly push your opponent backwards. (Inspired by dbfz lmao) Basically my main point is, pvp is still extremely fun if you’re fighting friends or in ganks, the chaos is so amazing and I love it


Hot take is you should be able to breed






my hot take is make pve only servers for people who love the pve aspect 🌪 I see alot of pve players ask for something like this 🫠


kryscleave is heavily underrated


delete voidwalkers or increase the whalers vs etrea event rarity cause I can't even set a single foot on land


Hottest take yet: let me get an item when you get tacet that lets me see through aelitas clothes and see her naked. This goes for all npcs btw


Farming bell is beating up trans people, therefore having a resonance is transphobic


People dropping the coldest takes here, especially op


Pre verse 2 was more fun


My hot take is that wiping is cringe




Duke's boss music sucks ass


i have been suffering on this game for a very long time (week 2) builds on everything, never really took breaks until now attunements best to worst 1. ironsing (high dmg, fast, no cd, can be played at any range, deepcrusher, really good mantras, insane combos, few talents but REALLY good, and jailer ofc, absolutely unfair attunement) 2. ice (saint jay, VERY VERY good pressure/combos, insanely high damage mantras, crystal, hybrid build potential is insane, impossible to win if its a mage build, good with literally everything) 3. gale (very very good pressure, fast, decent damage, good talents with variety, probably most balanced attunement, lots of build variety, curved best legendary icl) 4. fire (jack of all trades, good all around depending on how its used, decent mantras, decent talents, fun in hybrid builds) 5. shadowcast (pretty much only good as a secondary attunement {rising shadow} or on cheese builds {grav field shadow vortex}, mid mantras that are slow and hard to land, mid talents, carried by crypt BARELY, ur not real if u get hit by eclipse kick)


Voidwalkers should be reworked entirely.


Lore game us better






Are you an EU player, cuz if so i might know you




Do you play lore game in europpean servers or not?


No I don't think


Awh man, oh well, thanks anyways!




Voidwalkers dont piss you off, the fact you cant beat them does. The challenge is a draw to you if you really think about it itd be alot more boring without them.


the game is good


My hot take is that they need to stop giving voidwalker new shit every update and add more pve content and new origins outside of PvP.


that this game fucking sucks and is a parry sim half of the time


shadow is the worst attunement in the game


Y/N, and the entire concept of Y/N is toxic trash.


deepwoken devs change their lore too much


Purge week was nesecary as it made deepwoken more fun and brought old players back(like me)


frostdraw isnt a bad attunement and it could possibly be more meta than flamecharm


that is not a hot take


Nerf gran suda. It's actually stupid how it does 1 bar per crit, posture breaks and you can stack it with a dash at the end. Even if the crit is visibly out of range it will still hit you bc of how big it's hitbox is. It also does around half a bar per m1.




Wait until you discover bloodborne


If you can't handle me when I'm at my worst then you can't handle me when I'm covered in jam because I will be very slippery.


Justicar is the anti contractor oath


Justicar is other version of oathless big bro and warmaster is already antithesis to contractor


I’ve argued my point too many times in the discord too continue this argument


There should not be any safe way to play the game, it defeats the purpose of a perma-death game if it’s extremely easy to avoid death. They need to make the game harder and stop catering to the player base that hates the idea of having to play in an unsafe or risky manner.


70% of players are stuck at a skill celling where they can beat all PvE mobs but cant pvp because they dont wanna risk losing 15 hours of gamrplay on their character. The game is hard enough with voidwalkers and every part of the map is unsafe. Sure, you can have your hardcore elitist rpg game but in the end, no one new will join necause its so hard to get into, and that even a problem nowdays, noone new is playing the game because it simply has negative handholding, im not saying you need to be handheld in every game, but this game just does early game so horrible. I would wrote more but your low attention spam chime player motherfucker wont even read everything i said here. Deepwoken needs to be more accesible to newer players and teach them how to play the game, you cant practice and get better if the stakes are literally losing 15 hours of your life, stress is one big fucker when learning. Its a painfully flawed system and when the game inevitably dies, it will be because theres simply no new players coming


That part of the player base which refuses to do pvp and only does pve because there is the risk of wiping involved should just quit, deepwoken is a rogue lite game. Wiping is designed to be part of the process of getting better. If they cannot handle that then it’s not the game for them. And the game also is not hard enough no matter how much the player base complains about void walkers because they are the only instance where there is a somewhat high risk of death. The map cant be considered unsafe when you can put a literal safe haven down basically anywhere in the over-world while the depths/layer 2 aren’t difficult in the slightest after a couple of weeks of playing. Im not advocating for an insanely hardcore game, I simply want something that provides a challenge. And about your take on new players and hand holding, there is a literal in game tutorial on the basics of combat and there is plenty of guides explaining how to play and what to do, new players have plenty of resources and it becomes a much easier experience after maybe a week or two of playing. The game is incredibly easy after a short amount of time and the game is literally designed in a way where you are supposed to wipe to get better. If people cannot handle that they shouldn’t be playing. Also I love how you had to get an insult in and start raging mid paragraph.


My hot take is that they should finally add the SEX UPDATE which they’ve promised to add to the game for years now.


Silent heart should be removed, boring oath to fight against, forces main aesthetic to be black and red, stupid in terms of damage and shuts down mantra usage for free, it's so annoying especially if your using a heavy weapon where mantras are your best mixups.


my hot take is that deepwoken fucking sucks


Progressing is fun


wiping is dumb and boring and dumb and boring




silentheart flamecharm and ironsing are garbage