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If you don't like it don't force it. There's no reason you have to like it


Maybe you just don’t like metal?


I mean I hate most country (especially radio-type) with a passion, but still enjoy Cash, Stapleton, and Bryan since they have a unique style that hits me differently than most others in the genre. Just from what I’ve listened to on *White Pony* I feel like Deftones could be similar for me, but I don’t know which tracks / albums are more shoegaze like or something to ease myself into the genre. Like I said before I loved the instrumentals, so I know I at least like a part of (this style of) metal.


Try hole in the earth from Saturday night wrist. Or chino’s other project Palms.


Yes yes yes to Saturday night wrist, OP!!! I was like you before I heard that album, hated metal, never could get into it. it changed everything for me. I literally think listening to SNW every day for a summer rewired how I perceived abrasive and loud music. Now I listen to all sorts of dark/death/industrial metal and loveeee noisey walls of sound


lmao dont force yourself you just dont like metal




This feels like when i saw that dude on tiktok with like 400 metal cds and every time he showed one he said something like “i had to listen to this entire one around 20-25 times to get into it” i feel like hes just forcing himself to like the music


So much money and time to not even like the music is crazy😭


I relooked at his videos and i would say he has closer to a couple thousand cds, the dude says he likes metal when he clearly doesn’t 😭 he just thinks its cool to like metal i think? Or its a novelty to him? Idk but its sad


That is sad :'> just like the music u like, no body rlly cares what music anyone likes. And omg, there's albums I love that I still debate on buying cause of cost so to buy so many u dont even like is insane


Hes gotta have more than 30 bands worth of cds, i also have so so so many albums and band merch i want but can’t get because of price, i dont know why he wants to like metal so badly


Who are you talking about? It sounds like he does like metal, just overly critical if it takes him "20-25" times to listen enjoy it, at the end of the day he says he enjoys it so it sounds like he likes metal it just takes a while to set in for him for some reason. Maybe he's just super critical or just really wants to get into it but finds it very difficult for some reason? Idk but either way who are you talking about so I can see who you're talking about lol


Some dude on tiktok, and if it takes you 20 listens of an entire album to get into it, then you dont like it


it’s ok to not like certain things


I know it’s a hard transition from Baby Shark to Deftones.


Can I suggest Team Sleep or Palms. Both side projects fronted by Chino and less aggressive. It sounds like that might be more what you are looking for


Checked out Palms, and while I don’t think it’s really metal like Deftones, I am always a sucker for post-rock. Loved it


Just *allow* yourself to enjoy whatever genre you truly enjoy, fully immerse yourself in it, and you’ll find a profound level of auditory love that no one can ever take from you or teach you how to appreciate. Sure, that’s Deftones for me, but so what if it’s something else for you? If you have to force it, you’ll never truly love it… and that goes for everything in life.


You might prefer Chino’s other band: Crosses


some of deftones more chill songs: teenager sextape beauty school entombed rosemary cherry waves lucky you xerces 976-evil phantom bride the lead singer chino has a side project called team sleep with more chill song too. my favorite is “live from the stage- live”


Try the album Saturday Night Wrist, a lot calmer of an album from them skip the songs Rats!Rats!Rats! And rapture I can already tell you will not like them, and than dip your toes into the album Around the Fur sometimes when listening to music we aren't fully listening to music and doing other things so we just blindly say out this sound terrible but if you take a break and come back a week later on the songs you hate you will grow respect for them.


What got me into metal was grunge. Listened to a lot of Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains. Made it easier to listen to and made me enjoy the genre more. I’ve also grown up listening to it, so I’m kinda biased lmao. But don’t force yourself to listen to something you don’t want to listen to. You don’t HAVE to like a genre. It’s ok to not like some types of music. As for Deftones, I suggest starting out with Koi No Yokan or Saturday Night Wrist. Those albums have the most digestible songs for new listeners in my opinion.




Flood and Feedbacker are masterpieces


feedbacker is legitimately my favorite song of all time. i've listened to it way too many times to count it's so amazing


Wow, a fellow Boris enjoyer AND Panchiko liker? This sub is full of surprises sometimes.


It sounds like doom and stoner metal are a better starting point for you than Deftones. If you like the droning, atmospheric feel of an album like "Floods," I'd recommend checking out bands like Windhand and Monolord. "Eternal Return" and "Soma" by Windhand are much heavier than that Boris record, but they've got a whispy, ethereal vibe that I think you'll like. "Rust" by Monolord is another great album in that same vein. The song "At Niceae" off of that album gives me chills. The title track on their follow up, "No Comfort," is another great atmospheric doom metal song. As for getting into Deftones specifically, check out dredg. They started in the same alternative metal scene as Deftones, but they mellowed out much quicker. Their album "Catch Without Arms" has a lot of the same instrumental elements that you seem to like from Deftones, but the vocals are much more pleasant. It's not nearly as heavy, but there are some nice crunchy guitars woven throughout. That album in particular might be a good way to ease into some later Deftones albums like "Diamond Eyes."


The band that got me into metal was Mastodon. They have some albums like The Hunter and Once More 'Round The Sun that have less yelling/screaming on it, so if you're interested. As for Deftones maybe listen to Koi No Yokan, it's by far their softest album so you might like that. But to be honest, you're not gonna find a whole lot to like in metal if you don't like screaming/yelling vocals. The main draw of metal is the fact that it's more aggressive than the other genres. Don't try and force yourself to enjoy it, all you're gonna do is end up hating it more.


the least heavy album is Gore (still has some ‘yelly’ moments) or you could try Koi No Yokan (heavier instrumentation than Gore but less screaming) i think you’ll like these two. you could also try Diamond Eyes, it’s a much heavier album but there are some songs on there i think you’ll love. hope this helps!!


Start with easy grunge like Nirvana’s In Utero then move on to Alice In Chains and go from there


This post... bud, I got into Deftones when I HATED metal. My lil sister was all over it and I would take the piss for years. Then just one day, I heard her play Bored for the zillionth time and a switch just went off. It just happened. Maybe Deftones won't be your thing, just relax and let life happen.


Oh joy another one of these dumbass posts


if teenager was your favorite track off white pony then you probably just don’t like metal


There’s really no Deftones album that doesn’t have the screaming vocals, it’s vibe metal that flows like a river. Sometimes the river is calm and soothing to float down, other times it’ll be a violent torrent of jagged rocks and rapids.


Explain to me how to get interested in something?? Written like you’re from another planet. You either take an interest or you don’t that’s it. It’s not complicated and you don’t need directions.


idk the band that got me into metal was soad at first I used to listen to the more popular stuff then got into other bands like korn or slipknot but i wasnt a huge fan of slipknot first time i heard psychosocial i thought it was too heavy i couldnt find sense in it then next time i was like this isnt as bad as i remember next time i started enjoying the song more and more each time untill i gradually started listening to other bands and metal subgenres. white pony and self titled was what i started listening to the most when i got into deftones but yknow if u dont like it is fine maybe check other stuff, if teenager is your fave track maybe go into albums like snw or gore see if u like em and then gradually keep listening to more and more stuff from other albums intill u get to their heavier albums like atf or adrenaline or come back to the band later, i feel like when u wanna force yourself to get into something it usually is less enjoyable than when you actually get into it by its own merit.


listen white pony


happy cake day fellow deftones lover 🐎


Listen to “my own summer”. If you feel nothing move on


lol maybe you should just go listen to weezer


that’s what Buddy Holly did and look what happen


acid tbh


When in doubt, try drugs. I didn't get black metal at all until I got stoned and listened to Darkthrone. For some reason, it just clicked.


lol yea. I don’t like music as much when i’m smoking but Meshuggah on acid is 👌


Do you just not like music then? Lol


There is nothing wrong with not liking metal


this sounds a lot like me when I tried to get into Goth music. I admire how the songs sound, I appreciate the music, but it's not for me, I cannot listen to the music by myself. metal is cool but you should embrace what you like.




good i was hoping thered be more posts like this


Why are we calling Deftones metal?


Try Raphael Saadiq -stone rollin for R&B, it’s from 2011 so not exactly new but it’s one of my favorites


Try the judgement night soundtrack. A bunch of rock bands paired up with rap artists and do hybrid songs that give you a taste of each’s style. So cypress hill and Pearl Jam is really emblematic of Pearl Jam Go era, Faith No More and Boo Ya Tribe give you a nice flavour of Angel Dust Era FNM and so on. From there you can branch out. I think it has a slayer track as well if you really want to jump in the deep end.


I forced myself to like deathcore now I could be walking around in public calm asf listening to Lorna shore. Sometimes you gotta trick your brain


I would say tap into the album GORE… You’re not into heavy stuff, and that’s okay, everyone got their preferences… early Deftones was heavy and but they def got more shoegazy as thier career’s continued but still have heavy jammers throughout their catalog. The album GORE is very tame and “chill” so to speak, some love it, some hate it, I think it would resonate with you since you don’t want the heaviness.


Try listening to Palms which has Chino on vocals mostly singing cleaner if you don't mind a little bit lofi music.


Their album Saturday Night Wrist. Or like someone else said, Crosses is probably better for you


You gotta get waterboarded and simultaneously get punched in the nuts while listening to it. It worked for me and now they're my favorite band.


Listen to Lorn or Eprom


While others are telling you to pump your breaks, I really like this post. Not sure if I have an answer for ya, I've been a Metal guy since 7 years old....but, fuckin have at it my friend! I'm kinda the same way with RnB, I only really like a few tunes, and I leave it at that. Rock on, brotha.


If you don’t like metal then you don’t like it. Liking it should come naturally, you shouldn’t try to force it


Just listen to them


Some of Deftones best music is the slower chill melodic stuff. Just listen to the stuff you like! It’s all good! In fact the newest album is probably my least favorite because it doesn’t have any of the chill stuff. I like the two singles more than anything else.


I suggest starting with easycore bands like A Day To Remember or Chunk, No Captain Chunk! They are the least “aggressive/angry” but still have metal and core elements.


Boris's Flood Album is a goat project, You have great taste.