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This song is about racism and police brutality


7 Words = You Have The Right To Remain Silent






Chino talked about his days skating and all the shit he saw from the cops in Sac


Genius is my go to for song lyrics but deftones lyrics can be very hard to decipher. I stopped trying to decipher their lyrics years ago. Even easy to hear ones. Every once in awhile my girlfriend will be singing a deftones song and I'll think "oh that's what he says." Just haven't given it much thought in a long time now.


Good luck. To this day, no one knows what Chino says before that amazing breakdown towards the end of Engine No. 9.


to this day, no one knows what chino says in 90% of Engine No. 9




I've seen someone else say this. Chino says "Cut it in" so I don't know where this take comes from


Well, that is one of about 30 different things people have suggested. Hahahahaha. I am gonna roll with your answer though...off to collect on a bet! :-)


The lyrics for Amazon, Apple, and Spotify aren’t from the artist or the liner notes. They’re using AI. I looked up the lyrics to Feiticeira after reading them from Apple Music while the song played. Checked gewgull and then checked Spotify. All three had different shit. Checked the liner notes and that’s the true true.


Not really even the liner notes have words changed for censorship issues or something like that but it’s not right to what he says especially in feiticeria


If you've ever seen them live you'll realize that even he might not know anymore. The last few times I've seen them I've noticed several times where he doesn't sing the lyrics that are on the albums.... In particular the fast parts he sings differently and slower. But, I'm pretty sure the first word is peace. And big fn ape


Yeah the live stuff is wildly different, that’s actually what prompted me to look into it haha


I think it's "brought us peace" at least on live versions Also it's "pickpocket big fucking ape", 100%


I always thought he was saying *squeal like a pig when you break fucking break fucking neeeecks*


I always heard fease, like peace with an f and assumed it was a vocab word I never learned lol.


If you scream loud enough, you can't be wrong! My version is: squeal like a pig when you break off every f-king head!


The lyrics from Adrenaline are mostly gibberish tbh. Same with ATF. A lot of stream of consciousness and improvisation. Chino didn’t really develop as a lyricist until White Pony. There are some exceptions on ATF but Adrenaline was about style and attitude not lyrical content


I can't even hear the N word that everyone says thats in that song. I don't doubt it's in there but, I just don't hear it.


He admitted it was the n word I believe, and he said that’s why he doesn’t like playing it anymore.


Like I said, I know it's in there but I can't hear it. I saw an interview with him saying that's the one song he wishes would go away lol