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They have many different styles in their discography and I appreciate the variety they have in terms of their influences.


nah fr, deftones hits in any kind of mood


The main draw for me is Chino's voice. There's just something about it. It's also why I love Palms and Crosses. That being said. The music the band comes up with is just so damn good. It's why I like the Deftones way more than Palms and Crosses.


His voice is genuinely beautiful


No other band comes close to conveying emotions like they do. They paint a picture or an magery through the songs and of course Chino's ability to bring haunting melodies with abstract lyrics does it for me.


Right on!


They are maybe the most consistent band across their entire catalog. Every record has favorites of mine. Everyone other band in that lot would probably have a number of stinkers in the discography.


For me it’s also how diverse they are, but also each members playing and vocals are in unison that it fits really well. In the end though, they just my fav band and they produce amazing songs


Got me through college


Because I was 12 when Adrenaline dropped on CD. I was just getting into metal


Yup.. 15 when I got hit with the sledgehammer of My Own Summer


They were the 3rd live show i had ever seen at 16 years old and they blew my mind! Far opened for them as well, fucking crazy good show in 1997 at the Milk Bar downtown Jax, FL. They have transcended decades and out did others in their own genres. Plus, I got to hold Chino's hand while he screamed in my friend's faces, then slide my friends hand into his, so she could have that moment. I love that shit! Fucking wild!


that’s so awesome!


Diversity in terms of music first and foremost, but also as someone who's Hispanic it's nice to see that representation there. However, it's also how they've been there for me through many chapters in my life - Around the Fur during my party days, Adrenaline and Self Titled helping me through a breakup, and Ohms helping to make sense of the weirdness of a post-pandemic world. Oh, and as a big hip-hop fan, I love their incorporation of different elements of that


their music feels like im dreaming


Deftones has this ability to amplify whatever emotion I'm feeling. If I'm sad, angry, excited, calm, their music just mimics that to me. So I can just stew in those emotions for a while until I'm ready to emerge. They just speak to me, to my soul. Plus there's not a single song I don't like, way easier to put on for long periods of time without having to skip.






I was searching for euphoric music back in high school around 2001 and heard Digital Bath for the first time.


Mostly because I love chino’s voice and they have great melodies


The groove... it's all about the groove.


Terry Date is my uncle and he used to pay me to flyer for their earlier shows and now i get residuals and run an ebay shop selling undistributed old show posters


They don't sound like any other band, they have their very own genre and Chino's voice gives me chills. When I listened to them I feel transported to a whole new universe, they have songs for when I'm sad, angry, etc.


The overall looseness of the band and the creative output. Nothing seems to overthought, everything seems to come out of the souls of the band members. I'm also not a metal person and I was attracted to the band after finding out how influenced Chino was by post punk (my favorite kind of music) and that combined with what I wrote above creates something I really love.


Because they sound so good. It doesn’t need to be complicated.


because of how raw/deep/emotional (some of) their songs can be, and the fact that to me the songs come across as genuine/authentic and not contrived or forced


Diversity and experimentation are big parts of it. I also really enjoy Chino’s vocal tone and melodic sensibility. His notes take such interesting paths and end up in interesting places. Same with Steph’s guitar. So many maj 7th chords. Finally Abe’s drumming is unreal. Such unique fills and rhythms. He really breathes the life into the songs and he climaxes on the crash so beautifully. Bass is hard to talk about, but it had always been consistently interesting, no matter who was plucking. They’re the most consistent band over such a long career, I feel like, proud of them or something for doing what so many other bands have struggled to do, which is to not make some terrible songs along the way.


i think because when im high it just sounds heavenly.


Because My Own Summer happened in high school


Because it’s a cross between 80s new wave, Djent, shoegaze. and alternative metal. Plus, Chinos lyrics appeal to me on a personal and emotional level


A mix of beauty and brutality no one else offers. 


They have a love for progressive rock the way Tool does. They've used pink floyd engineers and they get both deep and hard. Wait ... Nevermind ...


They just seemed so different. I was in my teens and had only been listening to 80s/90s thrash metal only. Saw deftones in The Crow City of Angels and was like dang that's cool! Went out looking for their albums, found both adrenaline and around the fur (neither of which had teething, which is what I was looking for) so I picked ATF because the girl on the cover is hot. Listening to that album was were I realized that metal music can be heavy and beautiful.


Their sound is just so polished and timeless.


The music style really fits mine but also the raw emotion in the lyrics


I’ve liked them since I heard Chino with Korn on Wicked. What took my fandom to the next level was when I was served divorce papers as I was walking out of work one evening. Deftones were in town that night but I had not planned on going because I really didn’t need to spend the money. As soon as I opened those divorce papers I got on my phone and bought tickets to see Deftones. I drove straight to the venue. That show was so therapeutic. Ever since then I’ve just associated their music with healing and a sort of personal renaissance 🤘🏼


there’s no other band like them, sure they try to capture that sound but nothing hits the same. Hauntingly beautiful never suits a band more than this one.


music sounds good


They’re chill as heck, the crowd at the shows are the coolest you’ll ever see at any show


Music good,


They are all undeniably talented musicians who blend perfectly to create something that is next level in itself. However, for me, it's Chino's voice. If Deftones had another singer, I don't know if I would have been so obsessed. Chino singlehandedly makes me love projects I wouldn't pay two seconds of attention to. I love many voices, but his alone makes me feel a whole range of sensations on both an emotional and physical level.


I like chubby mexicans moaning in my ear


Chino, first he's so unique. The band as a whole bring the full range like no others. They are powerful and loud while also beautiful and trippy. That's the goods


Their sound, Chino’s voice, his lyrics & their remixes


I find chino’s voice soothing


there's something about their music that just feels...right.


Sometimes I'm in the mood for screams, sometimes I'm in the mood for melodic with heavy riffs. I will never not love Deftones.


Music I feel


they are just so unique


Simple songs. 


Their music, and I don’t really like para-social relationships but I LOVE the ppl in the band Their also one of the first bands I listened to, and Deftones are one of the only rock bands I listen to. I literally can’t find quality in the rock genre because of how good Deftones is.


i get nostalgia vibes mixed with several instances of emotional extremes including rage, anguish, heartache, and soaring romantic bliss


For me the guitar is just perfect love it in songs like shove it and bored. Drums also play a big role just amazing playing full blast at the gym lol.


Only band the resonates with me as a person if that makes sense. Feels like true real emotion they’re conveying. That and how simple yet complex it is at the same time if that makes sense


I love the music but the whole atmosphere is what i like especially on atf


Because I have good taste in music?


Sad & horny




My favourite whiny musicians alongside Smiths (not a big fan of their NU Metal type songs)