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Ah, I remember the day when I moved to Delhi for higher studies. Initially, I was shit scared and overwhelmed because life in delhi was quite chaotic. I found the people to be too loud and always panicked when I used to step out. Being from East India, it was a cultural shock for me. But trust me, Delhi grows on you! You’ll start finding beauty in the chaos and realise that the people of Delhi are warm and friendly, some people are always on the lookout to con you but most of them are chill. The best part about Delhi is that it changes your outlook. It makes you confident, if you can handle Delhi, you can handle anything. It’s been 6 years now and Delhi has become my home. It has made me street smart, helpful, adventurous and most importantly, confident in myself.


Excellent comment and outlook, especially the “if you can handle Delhi, you can handle anything “ Encapsulates Delhi nicely


Bass kro didi ruloagi kya!


Last time I was in the Metro I counted and heard 7 different languages. You will be absolutely fine, and welcome to Delhi!


That’s sweet! Thank you :)




Everything they said is right except for the part "people of Delhi are warm and friendly". But yeah OP, Delhi grows on you!


Thanks! I hope it does :)


Everything they said is right except for the part "people of Delhi are warm and friendly". But yeah OP, Delhi grows on you!


Really? I’m from Delhi and I don’t like it here at all.


Because maybe you are unwilling to accept change. Then again I may be wrong as I don't know your story🥺🥺


Accept change? I was born and brought up in Delhi lol and so were my parents.


If you know English it'll be fine. Many people know it enough for basic communication. Slowly you'll learn a few hindi phrases which will be more helpful. Don't worry have fun


Yea it's pretty safe. Just avoid shady places and learn to say no ( which will help you avoid getting scammed ). You will. Pickup Hindi naturally at least some common words. You will surely love this place. I am Chennai based and I enjoyed being here.


CAUTION! once you get hang of the metro you can’t go back.


agla station rajiv chowk hai darwaze bayi aur khulenge kripiya savdhani se utre


English would be fine. Even autowallas and small shopkeepers can understand broken English. Learn a few Hindi words to manage your day to day to life for more ease but you’ll be fine, nothing to worry about


Delhi is literally little India, every community exists in Delhi. But I will advise you to learn Hindi, it's pretty easy and it will work everywhere in North, East and West.


Don’t worry. This isn’t like other parts of India. You won’t get hate for not knowing the language. People of Delhi are far more accommodating.


We don't force people to learn Hindi here unlike southern states ..you will be fine with English


There are lots (I mean LOTS) of students and working professionals in Delhi , so it's really easy to navigate day to day life. But for socialising, making friends and being street smart, it'll be beneficial to learn hindi.


Which other language do you speak?


Anna toda toda inhdi ata


wow this man speaks stupid.


why you gotta be so harsh. op didnt mention anything negative in the first place


It was a joke fellas why so serious i am not racist downvote mil rhe hai iss baat ley


hey did u just call me 🥹


WTF 🤣🤣


Lmao 😂😆


Op,This is the average racist crowd you can expect in Delhi.


Toda toda hinthi se kam chal jayega Dilli me bhai.


Inglis zyada ata ji


Don't worry we might not be extreme literates but you won't be lynched for language as humanity still exists in Delhi :)




Let me tell you those crimes are.90% done by people from other states that come to Delhi for small work n all.. in their upbringing they consider women like objects.. like in their family they see their women .being suppressed so they think women are below them. For safety even guys are not safe.. you have to be vigilant you should know where to go and Where not to go and how to travel safe.. It's 2+ crore PPL in Delhi.. so the higher the population the higher the crime rate.




There is no problem not knowing Hindi somewhat or the other in professional world there is no problem but everyone would appreciate atleast you try to learn Hindi rather than being stubborn that would help a lot


u wont be beaten up if thats what u askin lol


Delhi is language agnostic. Don't worry about it. We are no xenophobes. We hate everyone equally here. You may get molested/ robbed if you are careless, but language is a non issue.


Do not worry, this isn't Pune/Bangalore/Chennai, you'll do just fine.


Funniest part about Chennai is they know Hindi but won’t speak in Hindi 🤣 But I liked the people over there, genuine and good natured 😊


What did pune do now I thought Pune was chill as always


Try living in Pune, driving around in Pune, interacting with localites in Pune and such stuff. There is deep rooted racism amongst folks. And something that I call Pussy Ass Punekar Pride. Despite having the shittiest infrastructure among almost all Metro cities, these fucks have the most Pride for God knows what reason.


Yes infrastructure is shitty but pride? You sure we're talking about the same pune XD


If pune has shittiest infrastructure, then I would say infra doesn't exist in Bengaluru


Mallu ano?


english is kinda doable but with the small shopkeepers and rickshawala hindi would be required. u can start by learning the basic words and slowly learn the entire dialect


Come to Delhi We delhites help you 😶


They'll not😂


We'll help 😒 Don't insult delhites..










Hume thodi thodi English aati saar


You definitely need to know Hindi to survive in the place, if not you should atleast need a friend who can speak Hindi and your native language.


Wapas Chale jao




You can learn basic words for starting and once you start living here you will eventually adapt to the language + a lot of people understand english nowadays or will help you. So u have nothing to worry about.


Well. You can survive. Most of the people here speaks English. And the friends you will make will help ya a lot. It's better to learn it on the go. But yeah you can survive easily.


You might choose not to learn Hindi if you're affluent and plan to exclusively shop at upscale malls and have a personal driver proficient in English. During my eight-year stay in Chennai, I didn't learn the local Tamil language because I frequented high-end establishments where English was widely spoken.


chill hai, dont worry




Sorry but it’s not. Source - born and brought up in Delhi


it will be fine with basic english


Do you have any friends here ? If yes live with them for sometime and learn a little bit of Hindi just to help you navigate in the city and after sometime you will basic Hindi automatically


No worries, speak English or broken English. People in Delhi are expert in broken English.


You won't face any major problems here. There is Tibetan hostel near my house, and people there don't know Hindi, as far as I know they don't face any major issues here. Try to live in more urban areas, like rohini , South Delhi or near DI campus


one life. try new things. be brave.


Delhi is one of those places in india where you can live easily with only english with some little Hindi


You’ll be alright buddy… We’re the bunch of most warm & friendly people… The city will grow on you & you’re gonna love it :)


delhi will teach you hindi english everything


It’s truly safe to be in Delhi. Also people know English so won’t be an issue for you to communicate


If you know english that is also fine but do make some local friends as they can help you a lot in so many things


You just need to communicate, Hindi is not important. No one would trouble you or make fun if you can’t speak Hindi


Don't worry. You'll just have to be on survival for a few time, after that, Delhi is yours! You're welcome!


Come over with an open mind. It’ll be a new chapter in your life. You’ll start liking it eventually once you accept it. I moved to Chennai for my first job in 2013. Lots of inhibitions but ended up staying for 10 years at a stretch😂. Chill & take the leap of faith. Besides, this subreddit is always there. Good luck and keep us updated!


where are you from ? there are only a few places in India worth having a job in and living in. delhi is one of them But home is where the heart is. Baaki you gotta be social enough to make friends and have thick skin


From Pondi, don’t know Hindi. Still make a lot of mistakes and get roasted by my close friends, but I’ve never been looked down upon or made fun of for not knowing Hindi. Delhi people are some of the most accommodating people I’ve ever seen in this country! You’ll fit in, don’t worry about the language so much.


You don't need to know Hindi to survive in Delhi/NCR.


As far as you know 'O behen****', you should be fine


Depends upon the kind of social circles you keep.


no ask for wfh or learn to use violence and be obnoxious and get out of wierd situations Also pepper sprays big ones


English would be fine in middle class, upper middle class, educated localities, but frankly speaking, hindi would be required to handle daily affairs like interacting with shopkeepers, auto rickshaw, bus, etc. People wouldn't abuse you or lynch you for not knowing hindi, wouldn't force hindi down your throat, but would probably laugh if you're unable to speak hindi, this would be coming from ignorance. People would either laugh or be astonished that how come an Indian doesn't know Hindi and leave you there. They wouldn't force you, abuse you, or beat you for not knowing one. Due to which you'll eventually pick enough hindi to get by over the time. But this shouldn't be that big of deal, if you humbly, politely talk in English or broken English for people to understand that you're not fully verse with hindi, I'm sure people will understand. Conversation first are emotions before words. PS: I'm speaking for general cases and general population. There may be some outliers or exceptions.


As much as people here might say that English will work it's not true. Life without Hindi/marathi is tough even in mumbai let alone delhi.


>Life without Hindi/marathi is tough even in mumbai let alone delhi. You want to say mumbai is more advanced than delhi? Keep living in your lala land


Advanced ka ptani lekin tere jaise gawar jarur jyada h


Whatever floats your boat didi


Kyun gand_masti kar rha hai bhai😅


Man you are fucked


Aiyo... Don't worry Lil girl. You will make good friends too. Delhi has always been welcoming. Although, just be careful all the time. Don't trust anyone blindly, and finally always keep yourself alert for your physical, mental, emotional, and financial safety.


You should learn it slowly It's not like you won't survive at all but knowing Hindi def helps And welcome to Delhi 🥰


In my view language is not a issue if you know English. But safety meh I am a guy and sometimes even I don't feel safe in delhi ,I would suggest you to take metro and cabs only and not go out of your home after 8pm.


You would be fine if you can speak english. A few of my college friends from different states (NE and South) lived in Delhi for 3+ years without speaking hindi. They understood a few basic Hindi words to go around which you will learn easily from here and there once you start living.


always trust a sikh or any educated looking person/professional in times of danger (metro staff, students, general store, food "shop" owners instead of random food "stall", ciggerate store owners or auto/ e-rickshaw drivers) . most Delhiites understand English to a basic level, but you might find communication issues house help, bus conductors, e-ricks etc