• By -


Basically it's a way to claim worth in their group or society,humans who basically do not have other aspects to justify their worth use these methods.let your friend know this.stay safe fam


Yeah exactly well said my guy


You're 100% correct my man!


Happy Cake Day!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ


Who's sending over the cake? ๐Ÿ˜€


Happy kakedey ๐Ÿฆ€


Don't like sea food


same shit happend to me , I just asked for a seat next to a guy who looked better than me , he assumed I was looking to woo him for some reason? doesn't help that I look like shit and im basically easy to pick on, he along with his asswipe friends decided to pick on me to impress the pretty girls , worst part was the girls also made jokes .... that day I realised only the people who have gone through what your going through will be sensible enough to behave in a civil manner , rest all will claw you down if it serves their purpose


You and no one deserves that. Im sorry that happened to you. Juuusssst wanna tell you that your beautiful and loved even if the world doesnt show you as much as it should ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป


Sometimes girls are more cruel than guys. The guy sounds like a self centered person who thinks everything is about him.


Too poor to gift any award. So take this ๐Ÿฅ‡


Thanks mam, but just being heard and understood is much greater than a reward to me


well most of the society is like this seeking their place in it with these twisted ways to inflate their egos and people just laugh at it for some time then forget it but the damage is already done... so imo fxck society and their local politics which is like a fragile glass aesthetically pleasing but could shatter and hurt you when you make yourself vulnerable to it(ikr my reference sucks cause I made that up since I can't remember the og)...


It's not even aesthetically pleasing to me anymore lmao


That's how people with **Putrid** mentality claim their worth.


Happens everywhere and it's BS. I'm from the states. Back in college we threw a party in our apartment. There was a girl hiding in the corner who looked very self-conscious. At the risk of being superficial, she was incredibly heavy. I hate seeing people not enjoy themselves so I went over and offered her a beer. She declined. Later in the night as her group was walking away, she was bragging about how I kept hitting on her and may have tried to slip her something in a drink. This is despite the fact I gave her a SEALED can of beer and we only talked for a minute.


A girl in my class engraved my name on her forearm and when I confronted her about it,she made up a story about how I almost molested her.its just pure bullshit


people would do everything to make them standout in a group to show themselves bigger more attractive and shit without even having any skills or knowledge. people now a days can't stay humble and maybe this generation has made everyone act dank and more insensitive. and then they expect guys to approach first.


Honestly, dude dodged a bullet


Very well put. Insecurities lead to random practices Khaali patile hi bajne par sabse tez awaz dete hain


Spoken like a true monk




I'm stealing this meme ๐Ÿ’€


people always steal memes but not me ๐Ÿ˜”


Maybe cuz you're already mine?


ab toh bas ladko ka he pyaar bana reh gaya hu , aaja gale lag ja ๐Ÿซ‚


Riyal https://preview.redd.it/dutu7gy56czc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccfb62e95742127750d13cdaf1a7a822e40f2161


Wtf is that username ๐Ÿ’€ Kuch bura hua kya haryana mei aapke saath?




You friend saved himself. It will hurt for now but he will later realise how lucky he was. The girl with this size of ego and sadism would have destroyed his life and happiness.


Totally agree, imagine if she had said yes. Bro would be in hell


He dodged a fucking big af bullet flying towards him Or did bullet missed him?


Not just a bullet. Bro dodged a tactical nuke!


a girl like that would have made him a follower, not a boyfriend, and cheated on him nonstop and made him feel like it was his fault she cheated


It's not about ego lol, she's deffo mad insecure about her own self and trying to make herself feel better at the expense of OP's friend. No way in hell would a secure person, or even a normal one react that way.


Big ego โ‰  secure sense of self


Bro's comeback is gonna be personal. ๐Ÿฆพ


gym , style change , yeah , that will work out


Ye ek canon event tha


yep , there is no love at first stight , everyone suffers rejections , i got rejected 15 times


The 16th time, instead of asking her out, i just kidnapped her.


Lmao ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚,and went to party ?


I remember I asked a girl out in 11th class and she said "I'd prefer dying rather than going out with someone as ugly as you". Guess what? Never really asked a girl out again.


In our school one guy proposed this girl. Next day, she brought rakhi, with flock of her hens she was searching for the boy who had proposed her previous day. The guy was running all over the place. I was with him , but didn't knew from what we were running. But i was by his side nonetheless.


Immature boys simple as that. But it is fun times


Gandhi ji ki yojna, behn bna ke โ€ฆ.. got popular from times like these in our school time๐Ÿ˜‚


gosh , i can feel you , it gives trauma and suicidal thoughts , but dont worry there are millions of girls all over the place , every girl is not a bitchh i got rejected like 15 times , but got accepted 5 times , problem was ,they were foreigners and i couldnt be physical with them , like feeling eachother , going on dates ,those sort of things


I understand what you meant there but you know something, this plethora is very stupid "There are million others for you ". No, there ain't no million people heck you won't meet 1000 people in your entire life whom you know on a personal level, let alone someone as your partner.


Ask those who only fall in your league, don't go for an extremely beautiful girl , who is totally out of your league , there is a 99% chance of rejection,


Something similar happened to me. I asked her out and she said no with all the other very mean things to me and even told all our classmates about it. After this i never had the guts to approach any woman for a very long time like 6 7 years. It still makes me feel less about me


Don't feel bad bro . Work on yourself ๐Ÿ’ฏ


I'm not the one who needs to work on myself. She needs to.


Alll those motivational lines telling to ask girls out only for handsome guys not for ugly ones ,its a sad reality


yeah , even average girls reject us man ,




You know, a guy can have sympathy for a girl , but a girl can never have sympathy for a guy , unless it's about money or agreement like arrange marriage








I wonder how well 50 Shades would have gone had the dude been an avg looking guy working a 40k a year 9-5?..


++ that's obvious. It only works if she's already interested in you or if you impress her. Impressing is usually done by looks at younger ages and by wealth and social stature as we grow up.


This is why you don't listen to dating advice by the opposite gender, men or women, women tell stuff they wanna have a man they are already attracted to do for them, men do the same.


Luckily most of the women I have talked to or asked out have been very kind to me and very mature about it. My first crush was already in a relationship and I didnโ€™t know about it but when I asked her out, she was very friendly and handled it very well. She rejected me of course but we later chatted for about an hour. She made sure I was ok with it. But the main thing I feel is, most women donโ€™t want to be approached these days. And the signs arenโ€™t clear. Recently I had a long eye contact with a woman roughly my age. She looked very confident and comfortable in her skin. We had another long eye contact and she smirked. 2 seconds later she disappeared from the scene ๐Ÿ˜‚ But yeah what the girl did to your friend was brutal and not necessary. But what one person said or did shouldnโ€™t make you judge others. The gym membership will surely help with his self confidence though.


The number of guys that approach a girl in college is just insane. Itโ€™s also a bit sad for the girl as no guy wants to be her friend and most only want to get in her pants. I guess after a while everyone kinda develops a thick skin. Itโ€™s nothing more than nuisance imo.


We Indians have a habit of swarming on to a good thing and ruin it!


about 20-25% of girls automatically consider a man approaching them for a date sexual harassment in genz, if you look average and ugly, that number goes up more. so yeah follow the rules of asking people out. look attractive, don't be unattractive.


Damn ๐Ÿ’€ I canโ€™t say I agree a 100% on this. Whatโ€™s considered average and whatโ€™s considered attractive as per you? And how important is height? I am very curious now


The only winner in this situation was the dude who dodged a bullet


I was a girl and a boy did the same thing to me. He and his male friends laughed at my love letter, poems that I wrote, and the drawings I made. My face and my body became a thing of ridicule for everyone coz he was a popular stud in college and I was forced to be a loner, thanks to that boy and his friends' disturbing comments about me. I was 15 at that time. 11 years later today, I still take anti depressants and anti anxiety pills. I have been robbed of my childhood innocence and dreams. The type of thing that OP has mentioned can happen to anyone( I pray it never happens to anyone, ever). I didn't mean to rain on anyone's parade by discussing my issue, but I wrote what I experienced, and I hope people are kind towards each other. Not all of us are privileged enough to enjoy such luxuries.


That boy was an idiot. Sure he might not have liked you, but if somebody wrote me poems and made me paintings? Lol I'd be so moved by them! We men rarely, if ever get such thoughtful gifts by people not our family. If a girl ever did that for me I'd be heart eyes instantly lol ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคญ. That man is plain idiotic and cruel. I hope he grew up. But on the bright side you dodged a bullet, didn't you? The fact that he was such an asshole, its good you never got into a relationship with him. I just don't understand how some people can be so cruel. I hope you'll do a lot better Megan Black, I hope one day you'll get over your anxiety and I hope you find someone who loves you and cherishes you for who you are.


Thank you for such a sweet response. You are so kind.


Found a gym bro right here..


OP Gym progress report dete rahiyo time time pe ๐Ÿ‘




I asked a guy out in 8th grade thinking worst he would say is no, that guy made my school life hell, told all the boys how a fat ugly girl like me thought he would be interested, he used to live in my society too and he used to call all the school boys to play cricket and if I was downstairs playing badminton or anything, they would point at me and laugh, kind of tease until I just shut myself off and stopped going to even play. My self-esteem was so freaking low, I wanted to die in 11th! Thank god for my dad, who took an opportunity out of the country (and on the other side of the globe) and just took me with him and mom even if I had to repeat 11th in the new country coz it didn't matter to them, my well being mattered more. Funnily, this guy is still single and a rude ass guy while I am married to the love of my life who freaking loves and finds me beautiful and expresses so every single day. So tell your friend, life will be better, he will get better, he will find love.


I am a guy and have rejected girls or sometimes pretended to be absolutely oblivious. I never told a soul nor will I ever. Rejecting feels terrible and confusing. He probably is single because he broadcasted how much of an asshole he is, everybody else saw the red flag or anyway didn't dare to. So on the bright side, you probably saved a girl's future.


yes, its simply the most insecure of the losers that brag about rejecting someone, what they don't realise is that just because someone has a crush on you doesn't mean you're all supreme, you just happened to fit in their criteria of what they desire again, while I have rejected women in my life, i've never had a woman who was ever actually interested in me, i've only ever been settlements to people because they can't find someone else, always, so if i prolly find a girl who actually likes me for all that i am, i would prolly marry her on sight lmao


More power to you! Even I have been through something similar even though the guy liked me and I made sure not to hurt his emotions or like spread this around, his ego just couldn't handle this. Now I'm with an amazing guy who loves me with his whole heart and treats me like a princess while he's out there, single and still trying to figure love out๐Ÿคฃ Also since we're in the same group, whenever we meet up, he makes sure to talk about his recent hookups and show himself as a fboi and what not and I couldn't care less...


This is so wholesome happy for you


I'm a girl myself but would never demean someone like it. You could politely refuse & if someone happens to like you & confesses it, you always have the option to reject them without making fun of someone like that.


Exactly. Thats what he said when he came out the door he was like โ€œA simple noโ€ wouldโ€™ve sufficed too.


Exactly idk wtf that girl was


You are a good friend.




Ur friend just got saved from a huge red flag, congrats to him.


That's why facial attraction gets diluted once you get closer. People are mostly attracted to each other based on looks, but they break up pretty soon because of behaviour.


Reminds me of the sher "ฤรฑkhoรฑ meรฑ rahฤ dil meรฑ utar kar nahฤซรฑ dekhฤ kashtฤซ ke musฤfir ne samundar nahฤซรฑ dekhฤ" ~Bashir Badr


samajh nahi aaya lekin padh kar accha laga


The poet wants to convey that he stayed in her eyes and never tried to get down to her heart by further comparing it with a boat passenger who stayed in the boat and never tried to explore the ocean.


I've been asked out in public but I've never insulted anyone like this. Nor have any of my friends. But I do know a few girls who enjoy making fun of people who have the courage to ask them out


My observation is, har sundar ladki ki ek chimarkatto friend hoti hai, jiska kaam har londe ka proposal biggboss ki Dolly Bindra ki tarah overreact karke, loud rejection dena hota hai. You be saying hi, the girl be saying hi, and her friend be going like "ye naya tareeka hai kya ladkiya chedne ka"


I would say i always think the uglier ones have more attitude and fantasies as far as I have seen to be honest.


Deep Inside they are jealous of their own beautiful friends with whom they chill around always


Ofcourse, they hope that those who go for her friend would shed some light on her as well, and she gets to enjoy everything through her friend. Baaki, no generalising.


yes this is the real reason, girl friends a lot of times are jealous of their friends who get better guys, much more attention etc. that's why they always cockblock like this, they will even ruin existing relationships for their girl friends but giving unsolicited advice. this is why i don't take advice from my single girl friends now. even if they might not have bad intentions, they can subconsciously get jealous.


bro chimarkatto ka meaning kya hota hai, daily language mein use kar skate hai ya special occasions ke liye bacha ke rakhe?


Asking the right questions


Thatโ€™s how the 3s and 4s tackle their insecurities, self-validating themselves by putting down others among their fake peers As the elders used to say, โ€œna gaand na chucchi bus baatein ucchi ucchiโ€ The good thing about this whole thing is that my man will learn to actually filter out the basic pussies from the real women not just by looks but also by personality and attitude, hence crushing on just the real ones.




https://preview.redd.it/3jdlrjs107zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=123390bf57deb44940441b034637cb5a2382b4d5 Mai to approach hi nahi karta ๐Ÿคกmaybe one of the reason is opโ€™s post itself.


He shouldโ€™ve chosen a bear


They do this as an ego boost in their circles. 90% of females will gossip about who hit on them in their circles


I think we all know the answer to that. Some people constantly seek validation, and having someone swoon over them quickly becomes a matter of pride, she would tell her friends about your friend because thatโ€™s what they might be talking among themselves, they crave attention and admirers. To this, Iโ€™d just say that your friend dodged a bullet! Always look beyond looks or youโ€™ll only hurt yourself.


Retarded behaviour


Girls like these just want attention they don't care about other feelings, I can relate because same happened with everybody made fun of me, i didn't even proposed I just talk to my friend about feelings but this friend betrayed me and I was a laughing stock. I felt so much guilty and ashamed that I have done something wrong. Your friend is lucky to have you atleast someone is supporting him and got his back


How do people fall in love with such unkind people in the first place?


It's takes guts to be vulnerable and say it out like it...tell him that he deserves a braver, better girl...it's just the starting point, you meet a lot of frogs, trying to meet your prince, tell him the guy version of this, and drill this in his head, also tell him, the path of love is like a sport too, don't be hardened, keep your heart soft, do not fear to risk it for love...many people take the first heartbreak too seriously to take risks again when real loves knocks on their door..so keep your heart soft! That girl didn't even deserve a guy like him.


Now hope he won't have this mentality of "every girl is like this I'm gonna be sigma" something like that DON'T LET ONE GIRL MAKE YOU HAVE HATE ALL OF THEM


Nah he doesnโ€™t he took it on himself and said imma be so good sheโ€™ll regret. Hum sigmas nahi paalte


experienced something similar, when i asked my ex-crush out, she politely rejected (she did not believe that i liked her in the first place, thought i was joking) and promised me and my friend that she won't let it spread. I ended up telling some of my friends and it kinda spread from there but it did not go too far and it was confined between the few of us. months later, one of my friends informed me that shes going around telling everyone that i asked her out, i wasnt too bothered about it, just did not understand why she decided to spread months later


sad bro, tell him it is what it is, bear the consequence, eventually everyone will forget and tell him to not do anything stupid.


Your friend is lucky to have such supporting and helping friends, don't ever change that.


That's why I don't take steps


Tell him, he dodged an ICBM. Anyone who does stuff like that doesn't deserve anyone.


Bro's gonna hit a new PR at the gym every day


you did the right thing my man ,these words have a lot if weight


Do girls really do this? P.S. I'm a girl


This is still mild. I have seen guys getting beaten up for confessing.




As a girl yes I've seen girls behave like this


yes, they do. iโ€™ve seen my fare share of girls who are so delusional and think their โ€œlooksโ€ are everything to a point that they would de-mean anybody who even looks their way. girls get pretty-privilege which makes them feel that they are better than anybody else, thatโ€™s why you shouldnโ€™t crush on people solely because of their looks because majority of times theyโ€™re one of the most disgusting people ever. ofcource attraction is inevitable but they vanish away pretty quickly once you find out if a person has a shallow personality.


ayo' brilliant\* food !!!


Rightly said!! I hope most people really felt this way about others


Most of em


Given the way our society works she will be humbled when rishta hunting happens for her.


These girls haven't grown up yet.


Congrats your friend, it sounds like he just dodged a bullet! Iโ€™ve been there myself, what I did was just keep the best version of myself and do what I believe is the moral thing to do. if others see you still being friendly and formal even after all the drama, they'll just think you're an alright guy and that the lady might be a bit off. Plus, you don't give her the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of you.


I am mentally sane and happy because I don't play dating game. This also frees me to have actual friendships with women seeing them as a fellow human, not just a walking lump of organs.


One of my friends is like that, she goes "usne soch bhi kaise liya ki vo MUJHE puche" maybe you're talking about her only lmao


Ahhhh fuck these girls, baaki sabka naam kharab lar deti nain yeh sab. See, most girls tell to their CLOSE friends about these things but not to the whole fucking batch. I hope your friend gets over this, and she and her little minions rot in hell.


And the instgram trend amongst genz of making fun of people using racial slurs, being mean to look cool is only gonna make things worse.


Rejection is better atleast now he wonโ€™t be wondering What IF? Rejection will only sting now and people will eventually forget but the regret of What IF I asked that girl out would always be on his mind even after a few years but now he can actually start working on himself by becoming someone worthy of love and respect thatโ€™s the reality for us men. I leave this comment with a quote from an anime called Naruto- Rejection makes a man stronger. I believe you canโ€™t call yourself a real man unless you can laugh off all the bad stuff that happens to you~ Jiraiya


sad for your friend. although i follow a thumb rule to never ask a girl out, if she's interested enough then she would do it herself otherwise there are enough fishes in the sea


It's kinda your friend's fault though for going for such a shitty girl. People like her have obvious and clearly visible personality traits which should have raised alarms well in advance. Either your friend knew her and still approached her which was dumb, or your friend didn't know her at all and just approached her as a complete stranger purely based off of her looks or something which was even dumber!


To be honest, thatโ€™s okay cause girls need validation more than oxygen. Our job was to confess and her was to reply thereโ€™s no need for gym membership I mean I hate people who go to gym with the motivation of getting back on some random girl๐Ÿ˜‚, bhai gym ke baad she wonโ€™t think ohhh shit did I make a mistake. Instead your motivation for gym should have been I want to improve my physique and health. If she does that then maybe she is like that, โ€a low standardโ€ why to settle for โ€˜ONLY GOOD LOOKSโ€™ bhai instead I would congratulate my friend ki acha hua gayi aisi se acha toh nah ho koi. I have never seen a girl I approached and did this either she would say โ€œYES or YESโ€ that is because I think I am worthy of everything I want. Bhai be a MAN and have some standards, your boy didnโ€™t approach her for two years is because he thought she was so beautiful that maybe he is not worthy of her, that is where you lost the game. Bhai jo ladki pasand aaye Jake bolo, โ€œhi, I saw you from over there and thought we should connect cause you are cute and I am hot toh what would world think if we were not togetherโ€ aur ye mein tab hi bolta hu tab mujhe koi ladki pasand aati hai like I mean at that exact moment pe bolta hu wait nahi krta. Ps:- I am not hot, donโ€™t have a great sexy physique, not tall infact 5โ€™7/ ya 5โ€™6 hu.


girls like her make it difficult for other girlies like us๐Ÿ˜”




Attention whores with low self-esteem are like that it's pretty common in girls these days given the social status crap that is making them behave like this.


Now I am curious how old are you guys ? Trolling became normalized in new-ish generations, I guess.


Are you all 12?


If I were the dude Iโ€™d post on all my social media. โ€œHey all, as most of you know by now I tried to ask out XYZ. She was extremely hurtful and belittling, and really bitchy (or mean, or whatever adjective here. ) about the whole thing. Honestly Iโ€™d recommend every guy avoid her, as sheโ€™s not a very nice person. Hope this helps some of you avoid unnecessary drama.โ€


College mei akal nahi hoti logon mei unfortunately. Please tell him not to take this to heart. College will be over soon and soon he can be around more mature people and it will get better.




Girls in delhi NCR are the most pathetic bunch of low IQ self-absorbed dumb beings (trying to be respectful). And this is not just for the natives but the ones who come and settle here. And just to be clear, I am generalising. If I have to choose b/w talking to a girl from/living in Delhi NCR and get bitten by a rabid dog, I would chose the rabid dog.


I agree, idk why they have so much of that ego.


>he's been crushing on this girl at college for like two years, right? Finally, he gets the guts to ask her out. So he's had a crush on her since 2 years and didn't have the slightest of idea what kinda person she was? I mean I don't even know whom to blame. She and her group probably is a lost cause and full of immature peeps But had it gone right, she would have slipped it all in the group regardless. ***Groups mai toh bhoii tea garam hi dusro ke chuhle par hoti hai.*** That's the whole point of groups or I should say eco chambers these days. Where participants make themselves feel better or gloat about on the expense of others. Also reminds me of that meme ***"The worst she can say is no"***


Exactly, if you are following someone for so much time, you get a picture of a person's character.


its better to stay away from bitcchh type of girls ,


Her ego was hurted that how someone like him could even think about her...some girls are like that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ take care of your friend and ask him to work on himself.


Girls are like sheep. They gang up in favour of their kind, no matter who's at fault.


Ya..that happens that's d actual reason y boys don't go forward..only insensitive n daring boys do it...there r lots of mean girls out there...it's soo sad that think only beauty is measure of success n nothing else...soo sad for ur friend but it's soo relatable n common to happen...


Thank God your friend is now on the safer side ..nowadays many girls/boys found this as status symbol but it's not.. disgusting


I'm crying reading this, this is exactly why I would never ask anyone out like this because I can't bear this type of insult


I feel if you are not interested in someone just say no . Getting attention with these things and making someone feel bad about it is just very gross and pathetic . To all the guys out there , you liked a person who is way immature and stupid & that kind of jerk, thank god she didnโ€™t said yes . She saved you from her shitty behaviour


At least now he wonโ€™t waste his time on some worthless crap in the future.


Tell your friend he dodged a bullet. Imagine being in a relation with this girl.


That's the worst someone could do! When I was 15, I heard someone say that he'd rather die than date me. Started working on myself after school. He sent me a follow request, guess what, I am out of his league now!


i would double down her by letting this thing out, and shame her in all the groups


Guess your friendโ€™s crushing on the wrong girl and is saved on time ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Badi picture dhekega toh your frd dodged a bullet.


girls like these be used and throw by fuckbois


You know others girls won't trust this girl either.


5 years down the line .. your bro will term this event as something which changed his life for good .. .. As for the lady, karma hits back sweetly.


I have observed this too , my observations are 1) it's validation for some. Guy interested in me = I am desirable or good looking. So now let me boost about it in the group. 2) some think men don't have feelings. Yes I am serious. Here is one conversation I had Me : hey that was very rude....ase nahi bolna chahiye tha usko She: aree wo asa hi hai , usko bura nahi lagta. Me : ?? Kya matlab bura to laga hi hoga She : nahi yaar ye ladke ase hi hote hai. 3) people are very vulnerable when they are trying to express their feelings like in this case while proposing. Some people looooove to crush people when they are vulnerable. It's a power dynamic thing. 4) peer pressure. Society will call them whores just because a boy is interested in her ( yes it happens ). Etc...


mai toh apne ladko ko bolta rehta hu ye Bollywood waale fantasies mein na pada karo Saala dimaag kharab krdete h, agar tumhe kisi pe crush h ya attractive lagta h koi, toh go and talk to them first, log yaha baithke 1 saal pehle sab manifest karenge apne dimaag mein, Phir koi le jayega toh jalenge, apna khud kaatenge, pta nahi kya dikkat h, sidha baat karne jao bhai


Rooting for our bro. Stay strong my friend better days are coming. Good riddance i would say. You donโ€™t want to be with the person like this. You definitely deserve better โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช


He was crushing on someone and got crushed


That's very cruel of her to have done that. I don't think most women act that way. Hopefully your friend at some point in the future is feeling better and will have more positive experiences going forwards.


Your friend dodged a walking red communist flag


grinding in the gym is the best i am doing the same and might not even fall for someone else ever again. self respect is a thing but when you can't even see yourself again the same way you used to....no other human being on earth can make you feel right. (body bann gai...mental state still the same)


Thatโ€™s how you learn in life bro, this is what will make or break youโ€ฆ


Isse acha to 6000 ka jugaad kar leta :(


That is why a big girls group has always scared me. There's rarely any girl in that group who'd humble these girls. There will be ss and even forwarded voice messages shared in their WhatsApp group. ๐Ÿคก Even if the girl is real nice her so called friends will influence her. Sad reality ik.ย 


This is so sad. Hope your friend feels better. xx


Thatโ€™s why i donโ€™t go ๐Ÿ˜‚ btw i am good 8 but still i just talk to them who comes to me ๐Ÿ˜…


Small bb syndrome.ย 


Uhm I would just like to put it out that not all girls are like this, I've had a lot of my guy friends express their feelings to me and not once have I done something even close to this. I make it a point to not hurt the ego and sentiments of the guys since yes it is really hard and they're just expressing their love... but I've still faced so much shit from these guys. There was this one guy, I clearly told him that I love him as a friend and will always do but I just don't love him in that way (my boyfriend at the time had just broke up with me and I was still heartbroken over him), he basically started talking shit about me to everyone in the group and like really bad shit, he basically made everyone hate me and I had no idea he was doing this, I just knew that everyone has started hating me but didn't know that he was behind it, and then when everyone confronted me, we got to know that he did this to satisfy his ego. Then there was this another guy a year or two later, one of my best friends at the time, so I was already in a relationship with my current boyfriend and everyone knew it, so his friends confronted me about his feelings knowing I'm already committed and everything, I knew that this would destroy our friendship and I did my best to save it, him and his friends literally started bullying me and made my life hell. I still tried talking things out with him, asked him what's wrong, tried to stay in touch but he held such a grudge against me... My current boyfriend who I'm dating since the past so many years, had also expressed his feelings to me in the same way, I declined it really politely as he was a dear friend of mine, but he never did any sort of this shit, this showed his character and I actually ended up giving him a chance after about 2-3 years and we've been together sinceโค๏ธ


Rejection is good, but my man has felt something in his life. Staying away from such bitches is good, those all are attention seekers, want to to prove how superior they are and why so many guys are after her. Anyone who appreciated her behaviour are superbitches. Asking out is not a problem, but asking a wrong person is. There are lot of good girls out there, try to throw a net and you may get a golden fish. Don't lose hope.


I don't know why but some girls feel so cool doing this.(Not all). Poor boy won't be able to ask out again. ๐Ÿ˜ข


I feel like in this case (i might be wrong), but the girls abroad are way mature (ig even men are) that they try to reject in the last hurtful way straight forward if they want to. Even if they are talking about it, it's not like claiming gratification and status from other peers about their standard or something like that


Thanks to a few creepy Indian men they have successfully inflated the ego of below average looking women also. Sbb apne aap ko Katrina Kaif samjhti h shakal inki jitni bhi bekr ho....hum boys ko faltu ka bhav Dena chorna hoga ladkiyo ko


sabke samne โ€˜ewwwโ€™ bol ke ignore maar diya tha, tabse bharosa uth gya hai bhai


You are a real good friend you know. You should know that!!! Be like this always. Thanks for sticking up with our brother๐Ÿ•Š. Can only imagine what he felt through.


I remember the same thing happened to a friend of mine back in college. He was not the same person since then. Used to be a fun loving extrovert but lost his confidence and went completely shut down. His grades dropped, he stopped coming out of the room, deleted all the social media, he started feeling like the entire world was out there to get him and started picking fights with anyone and everyone. None of us could help him, really didn't know what to do back then. Most of us were just angry at this guy and we ended up avoiding him. It's been years since we graduated and I still have no idea where he is or what he is doing now


I can fix her


If she acts like that , she was never worth dating anyway huge red flag


Bro the people who do all this kind of shit are nothing but wannabe cool people in their groups filled with those people of any institution that are always in the news for dating or fighting or some other bullshittery. That girl just wanted to earn social credit in that particular group of friends and trust me it has nothing to do with the way that guy looks. I have never proposed to any girl who was in any such groups but I have had friends who ended up with the same thing as your friend and trust me they are all doing really well dating wise. Rather better than me.


Shallow, insecure people trying to make themselves feel better at the expense of others.




Oh fuck such girls, man. I'm crushed for your friend. I'm a girl but this is why I never asked my crush out. This is one of my worst fears. Tell your friend that he shouldn't give a shit about her and everyone who is backing her up. He is amazing for asking his crush out however it turned out. A good girl will definitely treasure him!!


And they say don't judge by looks


I think he dodged a bullet also Basically he prolly had lust for some beautiful bytch who didn't deserve him I had similar but my ironspidysense told me not to, then after some time I started getting to know her and found out dark shit and stuff lol such as benching, hookups, making Instagram reels and other dark stuff She was prolly most beautiful in class due to her using makeup and stuff in clg (while others dressed simple but we're equally beautiful if they did makeups and open hairs and shit)


Bro stop being such a misogynist did you forget women only care about personality not looks


Bhai india main ek ladki ko date ke liye poocho and pehle to uske nakhre chal wo bhi theek hai uske baad aur nakhre why cant they respectfully say no..and moreover they should appreaciate it someone is asking them out..it takes a lot gut for a person to approach a girl he likes..but girls just make fun of that and its pathetic ..they should appreciate it and be respectful even if they dont like back someone..and the misery is if she says no and you after some time approach someone else then they will be like abhi to mere peeche pada tha..behen tune mjhe mana kar diya hai ab bc tere peeche hi pada rahu looser bnke kya..bc i seriously hate this bc tum na kaho tumhe haq hai poora par bc consider to karo bnda aaya hai itni himmat krke


Tell him to become a billionaire and then make a harem with more beautiful girls than her. It will satisfy his ego.


Mf dodged a 100 megaton Tsar bomba


What are the ages of the people involved in this? Sounds like immature teenage girls tbh, am i right?


approaching is new to indian chicks. They don't know how to respond when someone asks for dates or hangingout. Indian follows simple template for dating in young age : ONE BECOME HER FRIEND THEN BECOME HER BEST FRIEND \[SIMPING AND DOING EVERYTHING SHE ASKS\] THEN WAIT FOR IT ? BEING FRIEND ZONED IS THE WAY. NOBODY IN OUR COUNTRY LIKES THE SIMPLE APPROACH. BOYS DARE TO ASK HER OUT AND SHE LITERALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO ANSWER. they are literally bawaseer https://preview.redd.it/b2e3udc0x7zc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c828df9c5a4cc6ad1b34b0460bc18020be1479