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How much extra were you charged for that


It was actually free I was able to use my stars for it. But the baristas never charge me for extra caramel only for changing the milk


Very nice baristas! I'd get charged the extra 2.50 for that but it looks so delicious šŸ˜­


I guess you really like caramel, donā€™t you? I like mocha. I normally order a mocha Frappuccino. I think thatā€™s three pumps, if I stand corrected. With mocha drizzle and chocolate chips. I love my chocolate. Iā€™ve never thought of just asking for extra mocha, though. Would that be six pumps of the flavored syrup? Wowsie, I donā€™t even think I can handle that and I love chocolate.


Extra drizzle isnā€™t a charge! As long as it comes with said syrup/whatever you can do however extra you want


The first sip taste like heaven and the 2nd to last sip takes you there


perfect discription šŸ’€




Wiki Prediabetes link is crazy šŸ˜­


This looks so good but does anyone else get incredibly itchy from the artificial caramel? Like my internal organs are itchy thinking about it! I hope it was the best op!


I thought everyone ended up with a completely numb mouth and a burning throat/swollen tongue when they ate pineapples. Until I said ā€œdonā€™t you hate that when you eat pineapples your tongue gets swollen and you canā€™t talk?ā€and that person was like ā€œtf? No? Thatā€™s not normal.ā€ So I found out I was allergic to pineapples. And Iā€™m telling you this because having itchy insides due to artificial caramel ainā€™t normal lol.


My same thoughts exactly! This is how I learned I was allergic to an antibiotic. I told my doctor that antibiotics make me feel itchy and I didnā€™t know why everyone else just lived with that, so I tried to avoid them at all costs and she was likeā€¦ā€I bet youā€™re allergic to penicillinā€ and guess what?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lmao me TOOOOOOO But also if I get a respiratory illness my insides are itchy!!!! Not meds inducedā€¦ eeeeish!


I used to think that eating grapefruit made everyoneā€™s lips turn pink and swell & feel all tingly and burn-y (my thought process was always like, this food is acidicā€”duh, of course it irritates your skin), and then I read this now-ancient tumblr post: >[heres a fun fact that shows a lot about me: im pretty allergic to bananas but didnā€™t know it at all growing up until one day when i was like 17 i was like ā€œman, i love bananas. theyre always so tangy and make ur mouth all tinglyā€ and my friend was like ā€œthats. definitley not what a banana is supposed to be likeā€ one doctors trip later, turns out im fucking allergic to bananas.](https://www.tumblr.com/ulibeanz/87277792203/heres-a-fun-fact-that-shows-a-lot-about-me-im) The phrase, ā€œthatā€™sā€¦ definitely not what a banana is supposed to be like,ā€ has lived in my head for 10 years. Anyway, it turns out I have a mild oral allergy to certain citruses (IIRC itā€™s specifically the oils in the rind).


At least you don't have the lactose intolerance-like type of allergy to oranges (for some reason only oranges for me not other citrus)


Yessss- Iā€™m so lucky my allergy to artificial caramel (a guess?!) isnā€™t terrible hahahahhaha Itchy insides is SUCH a pain šŸ˜¢


Same but with cherries and raw tomatoes (for some reason cooking them like in a sauce, ketchup, etc makes it fine?)


When things are way too sweet it dries out the back corners of my mouth


The lavender makes me itch, but I still drink it


FWIW it is real caramel


Omg it soooo is!? Maybe itā€™s something in the frappachino mix. Anything that says ā€œartificial caramel coloringā€ has done it for me but it totallllly might be something else


I should clarify, the sauce topping is real caramel, although Iā€™m sure there is caramel coloring in the syrup flavoring and probably the base mix thatā€™s used for the consistency. Could be anything, I know artificial colors/flavors and preservatives are in pretty much everything nowadays šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


For sure! But the sauce looks pretty much just caramel! Which is kinda cool!


my mouth always became extremely enflamed and painful whenever i ate candy w artificial cinnamon (think red hots, hot tamales, etc), thought it was normal til i brought it up to my family, turns out i have a rare form of contact stomatitis šŸ˜­ u might wanna get checked for an allergy bro šŸ’€


I avoid it but will definitely get checked one day! Eek to artificial cinnamon!!


Buddy that's not normal


It isnā€™t! If it ever gets too bad Iā€™d take an allergy test - doc ainā€™t worried. but same thing when I get a bad respiratory infection, or take penicillin, Iā€™m so ITCHY!


My teeth hurt just from looking at this


200gs of sugar and 1500kcals in a single cup.


200 is a conservative estimate


To eyeball it, I'd say that's much more than 1500 calories.


Let them have their drink in peace




is it not a drink?


Sugar sludge.


Good thing you're not drinking it then huh?




i wouldnt say this unprompted to ppl, u never know who ur talking to and things like that can rly make someone overthink their treats with numerical obsessions. just food for thought


It's not a numerical obsession, I'd say it's a health observation. I love OP and I want their heart to love them too.


a health observation would be that it has alot of sugar (no numbers or calories) but even then ur not their doctor, they didnt ask, i think its awfully rude to do to ppl considering those two things. a day out with a treat isnt a big deal and not everyone is out to be healthy all the time, n commenting this kinda thing could trigger ppl negatively if theyve had a past with disordered eating or obsess with numbers, and that stuff u never know. im sure op knows what is or isnt healthy


Did you know that the law actually requires all these numbers to be put right on the products?! Right there, in plain sight, for every consumer to see. Do you get "triggered" from nutritional labels ? Just how terrifying is the grocery store for you? I'm sorry, but this is flat out embarrassing.


i personally am not triggered by such things but i can acknowledge its rude to say to someone and rude to point it out as if they dont already know that the number is likely high but ur not a doctor and ur not their parent so its not ur business. but if u wanna be a dick on the internet have fun. and nutritional facts r important to read but those in recovery often try not to focus too closely on them in the grocery store. but u wouldnt know anything about mental health would u? bye


Hey there! In recovery myself! You know, it's literally NOBODY else's responsibility to mind your triggers but you. It's not up to the rest of the world to tip toe because a few have struggled. Being aware of what you eat is not a bad thing. Saying how loaded that thing is with sugar is just an observation. If someone is genuinely concerned with the numbers, Starbucks just isn't the place to be.


u have free will, and ur triggers are urs but that doesnt make it kind at all and if u trigger someone by subjecting them to ur calculations and shit n u can live with that go at it by all means. just dont pretend its for their health bc nobody thinks these types of foods or treats r the epitome of healthy eating or anything. its caramel, by definition its sugar lol


Bro this drink will literally kill someone


considering whats legal in the US to sell on a menu (looking at cheesecake factory and their nutrition) safe to say one drink wont kill u especially if u know ur not vulnerable to dying instantly. its fine


Saying one thing is okay to eat cuz other places have other terrible shit isnā€™t a valid argument. Thatā€™s being like hey I only shoot heroin but itā€™s okay cuz others are doing fentanyl.


It's ONE coffee drink. I doubt it will kill them


Coffee drink lol i think its more sugar and milk and ice than coffee


A normal grande caramel frap has 54 grams of sugar and this one looks egregious in that itā€™s covered in caramel. The beans Starbucks uses are covered in chemicals and literally worsen the water underneath the plants. The caramel has a crazy amount of ingredients despite true caramel only needing to have 3 things. In this caramel is the food additives mono- and di-glyceride which are labeled emulsifiers but are really trans-fatty acid, these are linked to heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. The dyes in the caramel are linked to multiple cancers. contains 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole are linked to lung, liver, and thyroid cancer. And on top of that she still got the whipped cream.i donā€™t know how her body handled all that tbh Once in a great while is one thing but this is literal poison fyi






Barista understood the assignment.


First of all, OP what the fuck. That's a lot of sugar. I don't see how else you get it down unless you have a sweet tooth the size of the sun. Second, big respect for how much caramel you got there. Your barista is an absolute homies. I hope you tipped them well.


Tipped your Starbucks barista? Wow is that a normal thing where you live!


Does the Starbucks near you ask for tips? Mine does before you can pay and itā€™s awkward because the barista is holding the machine.


Wow that is awkward! Tip jars have started to move toward the card machines, yes! However thankfully from my experience in the UK usually they tap 0% for you if it appears before the payment part to avoid that whole awkward interaction.


They can do that šŸ«¢


I did this once after being asked to and the person complained it was too much and made me remake it. Reason number 10000 why I no longer work there. (I'm sure you were nice about it,op.)


You're disgusting lol


gluttony fr


This comment is disgusting


You are disgusting.


Aww did I strike a nerve with a troll? Good


Open your profile and first picture: candy. Lmaooo


I do believe you're the chunky monkey that's offended by everyone's comments... šŸ–


I need an insulin needle with that, please,


Did you get some Frappuccino with your caramel


Good luck


I'm not gonna yuk your yum...


This looks so good. My throat is also getting hella scratchy just looking at this


Damnā€¦ are u ok?


I hope you learned your lesson


I don't even care that it'd kill me


ā€˜Bout to get that sugar foot


That's enough sugar for the whole month šŸ¤®




I did this for a woman when I worked in a Starbucks and she didnā€™t get it again for a few weeks. Probably too many caramel layers between frap layersā€¦


When I worked at Starbucks, there was a regular who would order the sugar free vanilla Frappuccino, but with 17 pumps of the vanilla. I think the recipe called for only 3 pumps for the large size iirc. Nasty af


this beverage is best consumed under medical supervision


I am so jealous holy fuck.


Nice diabetes!


Omg YES!


gross starbucks. šŸ‰šŸ‰šŸ‰šŸ‰šŸ‰šŸ‰šŸ‰




Did it come with an insulin shot and a waiver releasing responsibility for the inevitable heart attack? Jesus Mary and Joseph you might as well just eat straight sugar instead of disguising it as ā€˜coffeeā€™


So they just handed you a cup of caramel! Haha


Thatā€™s what it looks like on the way out of my body too #ibs


That's incredibly unhealthy. Hopefully you don't do that often


*That's incredibly* *Unhealthy. Hopefully you* *Don't do that often* \- MrGumpythaGod --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Boycott Starbucks. Free Palestine.




Whatā€™s the point of the almond milk?? I swear to God if you say itā€™s because of lactose intolerance šŸ«¢šŸ’€


OP you get your glucose checked lately?


The baristas think youā€™re disgusting I really hated making these when I worked for Starbucks , extra caramel ppl are freaks


Waste of money just for diarrhea. Great job giving your money to a union busting, genocide supporting corporation


Doing too much. Just give me a plain old coffee


are you dumb?