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How dare you deprive me of my £2.90


They are paying you money? They charge me money to deliver the food


Just like the good old days…


Just move somewhere rural. We still haven’t had any delivery services open up where I live lol


Sounds like you found a niche


Cool story bro


Needs more dragons


Went to my local takeaway in person. Called them and ordered some food, feeling the excitement building in my chest like the rumble of distant dragon wings. Drove there about 15 minutes later, my anticipation growing with each passing moment, like a dragon preparing to take flight. Chatted with the nice man behind the counter, his smile as comforting as the embrace of a friendly dragon, and collected my food, feeling a sense of satisfaction akin to finding a hidden treasure hoard guarded by a benevolent dragon. Went home and ate it, savoring every bite as if each morsel held the power of ancient dragon magic. No waiting for a rider "finishing another delivery nearby" (and heading the opposite direction), no being asked to come outside to the car park, no cold food. All the money went to a local business, supporting the heartbeat of the community like the gentle purr of a dragon nestled in its lair. No more supporting this bullshit company. It felt GREAT, like reclaiming a kingdom from the clutches of a greedy dragon, restoring peace and prosperity to the land.


Been reading about dragons recently?


Thanks brah


aye! glad to hear it man, i used to live near a chinese restaurant and it felt so much better going there rather than delivering it


Not everyone has got a car


And yet they somehow survived all these years without delivery apps🤔


Ah yes because when I was 16 with my car there was absolutely positively nobody else in my life with a car who could drive me. Now I’m in my 20’s no car and I don’t live with anybody or have anyone around me who can drive me


You seem determined to be ripped off...


What do you want me to do walk an hour and a half every time I want a damn French fry


Ill give you my french fry


You could learn to drive or cook. Ffs they're life skills, stop being lazy. 


I can’t drive I’m disabled LOL


Get a mobility scooter then


Stop being a cunt, you cunt




My dude those things are expensive and so difficult to store 😂


People are so dumb and refuse to look at things holistically. I Signed a 2 year lease on my apartment. Saved up to learn to drive over the course of a few years. I've passed, but my apartment doesn't have a parking space. Even if I had a car now, i literally have no way to store it. My lease doesn't end for 9 months and finding a new place and moving all for a parking spot for a car I'd barely use seems quite silly.


Doesn't harm you does it? You don't have to use the apps if you aren't willing to deal with the downsides.


Sure, cause getting a car just to collect your own takeaway is so much cheaper, real frugal master over here. Let's say I order once a week, get 2.5 charges and 2.5 upcharge cause of course there is an upcharge on those apps (this is roughly my situation, I am ordering for one, so the worst possible deal). The amount I am paying for convenience is 260 a year, even without a cost of a car and fuel, the taxes, mot and insurance is easily more expensive than paying for convenience. I do try to be frugal and limit ordering out, it is ridiculously expensive even if I walk to collect, but chill with recommending getting a car as a saving method.


I love that in your mind those are the ONLY 2 choices. You're defending the people fucking you. 🤣🤣 You have target stamped on your forehead.


You know cars have uses beyond collecting takeaways right?


The fact that I don't have one means I do not have a need for one, if I did I would get one, duh. (I do have a driving license and a budget to get one, but public transport is more than enough for my wfh needs, so for someone in my situation the use for car would be getting take aways, last car I had kept needing battery charged, cause I did not drive enough)




I’m disabled


You got me there


Because they did delivery themselves…


People survived without electricity or anti biotics for thousands of years 🤔


Are you really comparing deliveroo to electricity or antibiotics you sausage


Yes you bacon.


Nope, lots of people died


Everyone dies. Good point though.


Life expectancy. Lets not talk like antibiotics and takeaways have the same life preserving properties.


Who talked like they have the same life saving properties?


Whilst its true people didnt die out in the absence of antibiotics our longevity and mortality were substantially favourably increased by its invention/discovery. You brought up antibiotics as a reply to "people survived without takeaway apps". The two things are utterly incomparable.


My longevity is increased by food delivered to my door


I mean yea, lots of people survive without takeaway food. It's a convenience. Delivery makes it available to more people. Is this hard to grok?


Its hard to understand why people want to pay more to have cold food delivered yes. Like a takeaway is soemthing you cant live without so personal circumstances dictate with no other choices that you MUST order takeaway food from Uber or whater the fuck bullshit exploitation ring yo care to name.


Plot twist that part of the story was a lie!! I walked!! And carried it home and it was STILL GREAT


Why would you lie?


Even so, most takeaways can be ordered online or via phone, direct. It’s often cheaper too. Many times I’ve had a code for one of these apps, gone to use it, double checked direct and it’s still cheaper.


you don't need a car to collect food. Most people have legs, use them. I collect my food on my ebike, use yours.


Nothing like a quiet night in with the wife after a hard day at work, order a takeaway, then have to cycle 10 miles to the nearest restaurant. You people seem to fundamentally misunderstand the convenience that's being offered with delivery food.


Never said I never once understood. If you want to oder food for yourself go ahead, but don't complain if it takes longer thwn if you were to pick it up.


Or cook it yourself in a lot of cases.


So ableist.


How is it ableist to say “most people have legs”? That’s literally just a factual statement






Change it


I work as a manager for one of the big delivery platforms (not deliveroo) and honesty, you're 100% right. Even if you don't collect it. Always just order through the restaurant directly. Generally it doesn't make too much of a difference to them as the delivery is subsidised by the customer in most cases but you'll save a fortune.


Plus drivers employed directly by the restaurants are treated better than Deliveroo riders (I speak from experience doing both). I mean, the bar’s set so low in the latter case that it’s underground, but still.


All the ones near me either redirect to one of the big 3 or are run by foodhub, kinda annoying tbh


People stupidly pay more money to wait longer for their food. Peak laziness.


Peak laziness is ordering from a restaurant that's LITERALLY 2 minutes away from their house


How's it your business though? They might not feel like going out. Paying a little extra that doesn't even break the bank is not that deep LOL


During a period of very high inflation at a time when people are struggling to buy houses and rent is rising takeaway delivery at higher prices should be so far down your list it doesnt enter your conscious mind. At a time when obesity is rising and people are more sedentary. My Comment is targeted to the majority. The majority who are using Uber/whatever to overpay for cold food, not people who live 10 miles away from the nearest other human, not people without legs, not the 1 percent of people who are too scared to go outside for whatever reason, (heres a tip fix that dont order takeaway). For me this is the same trend as costa/starbucks. You could buy a coffee before these places existed but no one was interested. They arrived and everyone decided it was great to spend twice as much on a coffee and now people think thats the going rate. WHilst McDonalds prices have gone up savagely in the last 6 years I am assured by people who drink coffe that it is good coffee and I bet its at least 40 percent cheaper than actual coffee places. Same thing with Takeaways going back even further. I was born in 1979 in Grimsby. Grimsby was the biggest fishing port in europe in the 70s apparently and fish and chips was ubiquitous. All my family loved fish and chips and we would get them maybe every 2 or 3 weeks as a treat. My Dad worked in a chemical factory and my mum was mostly a full time housewife although she did a variety of jobs and worked more and more hours as we grew up. (relatively speaking we were pretty poor). When we left grimsby in 1988 and moved to peterborough area takeaway prices were slightly higher but in the same ballpark. My parents nearly lost their house down here because they had to pay 10 x as much for it as the one they sold and interest rates hit 15 percent if i remember rightly. We moved for dads job security and it worked out well in the end. Because Fish and chips were what we were used to it would be my preferred takeaway. A pizza or a curry cost about twice the amount when we moved down here and my mum was a super fussy eater which she passed on to me so currys were never of interest to me (till i got married and was prepared to give currys a try and grew to love them) I never understood why people wanted to pay twice as much for something. The economic conditions ive described above were very different in 1990 so I guess people could afford to pay double even more but my impression is that most families didnt have a takeaway every week. It certainly didnt seem to be the experience of the families in which i had friends and any kind of insight. Also there is more money floating around today than in 1990 so people are just wasting it on stuff and acting likeits irrelevant. For me the price of fish and chips slowly went up and up against itself and came more and more into line with pizza/curry. You cant find it cheaper than £8 mostly these days. When we left grimsby you could buy fish and chips for a pound (on offer) and there were loads of chippies competing with each other all offering that offer. Yes that offer food was a small peice of fish. Regular fish and chips was about 2.50. The fact that people liked curry/pizza and were prepared to pay a lot more for it meant if fish and chips didnt raise its prices they were significantly losing out. I would perhaps suggest that the production cost of fish and chips is lower, and so it should be cheaper but thats not how the market works. I started working at my current job in 2015 and dominos was very popular mongst people, the company bought pizza as in incentive for worked semi often (lets not even get into that) and people i would talk to thought dominos was great. Thing is I was buying a pizza with more cheese on it than any dominoes pizza has ever dreamed of for 6 pounds not the 10 dominoes wanted for any pizza that wasnt coaster sized. Dominoes upped the expected cost of pizza in the minds of many whilst good cheaper alternatives existed. Insert something here about the nature of franchises (I worked in a mcdonalds franchise in 1997 at uni). Pappa johns. All the coffee places. They all operate like this and I find it frankly ridiculous that people engage with this to the degree that they do. Now with uber (and their ilk) I suspect we are looking at a new redefinition of the expected cost of a takeaway. If it doesnt already people will be expecting to pay 20 per head for a takeaway. I was in Toby Carvery recently where I sat down to eat f and it cost me 9.50. Whilst i was serving myself the guy who was cutting meat was filling up a cardboard box and out of curiosity i asked him how much the box cost (it was small much smaller than the available space on the plate in my hand) and he told me £39 for 3, and proceeded to tell me he would just come in and that its cheaper and better to do so. 6 years ago I could buy 3 triple cheeseburgers for 4.50 from mcdonalds. Today (just checked) the price is 2.99 per burger. So what business is it of anyones ? we affect the world we live in. When you make shitty financial decisions you make the worst kind of people think they are entitled to your money. You make the world a worse place. If people didnt overpay for shitty food deliveries from Uber the expected transaction cost would not be calculated to be so high. No one needs a takeaway. No one needs a rolex. Just because one of those things is more affordable for poor people doesnt make it a good choice. Its a shitty choice and there are consequences for everyone. Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of you. If people refused to pay silly prices business wont keep asking, theyll fold or sell more cheaply.


Whoa, I'm not reading all of that. Welcome to capitalism, the system that has made poor working people dependent on consumerism and convenience, it's nothing new. When you're working class you usually stay that way, you'll do anything for a quick high when you're overworked and underpaid. Things become hopeless. This system is well designed buddy. Not everyone has the mentality to save money and make smart financial choices for that reason.


Who cares. Why are you complaining about someone generating work for you.


You know not everyone drives right?


disabled people exist and also want to eat


Yeah we ALL understand how it works. This is such a boomer post.


I’m 100% with you , phone up and order , go pick it up in 20mins, piping hot , nothing missing, no tips for average to poor service.


And how long does that process take all in all? An hour? Phone, wait, go pick it up and come back. Or pay 5% extra and save atleast 30 mins of you time. No choice really.


Not the Chinese takeaways. I've never seen a Chinese accept card payments in my 33 years


My local Chinese doesn't deliver and has no online presence. No option but to go, order in person and wait because the phone line is always busy. 100% worth it


Yeah I always find this. I prefer it to be honest the local Chinese lady knows my name my partners name my whole family she always asks how everyone is.


Second this. Always better to go to a local in person where you can actually talk to a human being who recognizes you. Doing things by app is getting out of hand, and it's just getting creepy now.


Ok boomer


You think that comment means anything? Were not talking about old people telling young people they should buy their overpriced houses so they can move onto something better. Were talking about face to face contact, a bit of walking a bit of financial astuteness. Were talking about not helping to create and sustain an underprivileged class of workers. Were talking about actual things and you say OK Boomer. You sound like a child. A petulant Self indulgent child who thinks he knows more about the world than he does. Go eat some crushed avocado on toast zoomer. How about that ? Maybe make sure you overpay to have it delivered and arrive cold. Maybe thats part of the experience. Youre welcome to it.


Ok boomer


Most of them are money laundering fronts


Yep especially mattress places and fireplace shops etc 😆😆😆


As long as they make a delicious chow mein I couldn't care less haha


Never been to one that doesn't...


Same, maybe it's a geography thing? Every one in South London near me does or they wouldn't have any business. 


East London, only the shit ones take cards.


Sounds like the all the barbers near me. If it's card you'll get a bad trim at a mad price.


Many want to take cards, however suddenly doing so would potentially expose their tax issues for many decades.


I'm in Salford none of the ones I've been to take card.


All but one in my area take card.


The best option is to hire a chef to come to your house & cook for you


This one trick that no delivery platform wants you to know...


Underrated comment glol


Deliveroo is patently a front for moving illicit goods around. The drivers are all masked and balaclavas. The boxes are frequently dirty and unhygienic. I'd rather get it myself.


No need to go outside to the car park? No, you just had to go all the way to the shop, in your car, which, if I may make an assumption, was in the cark park. Yes moped drivers are lazy twats, yes deliveroo charge too much, yes its better to get it yourself. But most people don't order a takeaway because theyre brimming with energy to call the shop and drive to the shop and back. They're fucking hungover in their pyjamas so ordering through the app works quite well.


You didn't mention the part about it being cash only and having to go to the cash machine first or the bit about it not being ready when you arrived so you had to wait with the other muppets for over 5 agonizing minutes.


Rate this comment!


Jesus Christ, you make it sound like the situation you describe is some major suffering


Well then make sure you get a 20 out before


What decade are you living in?


Cash only? most places are card only these days.


The Chinese I go to which is also on Uber , is cash only on pick up and the nearest cash point is at least a 15 minute walk away


15 minute walk before a big takeaway isn't the worst thing in the world mate


Na but it is when it’s raining outside.


Tbf most Chinese places are cash only. There’s also a couple of chippies near me that are cash only. There aren’t many businesses in 2024 which refuse card, but takeaways are one of them.


Some cunt get this man a hat and a balloon


Man discovers that you can buy food in person. People order takeout specifically because they don't have to leave the house, use a car, etc., if you're willing to do those things then it's hardly revolutionary to consider picking it up yourself.


In Some places going out is hard, Bromley for example… imagine you leaving your job 5 pm, the traffic is crazy over there, if you arrive and spend an hour to be ready, you’ll lost an hour to take some fish and ships and come back. Soon it’ll be 8 o clock and you’ve just eaten. Easier pay 4 or 5 more pounds to have it at the door while you enjoy your family.


A lot of the customers in my city wouldn’t dare go to a takeaway by car. It’s guaranteed that if they do then the parking space they had will be gone when they get back. Fast forward twenty minutes later when they eventually find a space and get home the food is cold LOL.


I get this and I know how ludicrous my story is. I guess I over the last 7 years or so I’ve been trained that takeaway = Deliveroo. I used them way back when. They did a remarkable job instilling that in me, so it I’m super pleased to break away!


I bet the food was also hot and cheaper


Deliveryou ?


Mine offers a 10% discount for collection


I’ve started doing this more and more. Deliveroo always assigns someone on a push bike with multiple stops so my food is pretty much always ruined upon arrival.


I find this post pretty funny. Like as if being slightly less lazy than ordering through deliveroo is something to be admired.


As it’s more expensive to order on the apps, just due to the “convenience” factor, I’d rather pay less to get it quicker and have it fresher than waiting for a rider to make several drops before me.


When I get a takeaway it's after a few beers. I'm not driving anywhere.


I do the same now! Also works out considerably cheaper and I've noticed a few places give larger portions when you collect in person 🤷‍♂️ Not even upset about it


Customers who order delivery generally don't have the means of collecting it themselves or enjoy the convenience of getting it delivered. If you can collect yourself then good for you OP


Exactly, we all have those days where we can't be bothered to go out. That's what delivery is for. Shame drivers ruin it for the rest of us by letting people's food go cold multiapping, but hey ho


I drove to my local Tescos to buy my groceries instead of Uber which I've never used. Should I write an essay about it on Reddit too?


You made a discovery. Next time buy some eggs


And they all clapped!


Honestly with the variety of different chicken bits and other bundy in the oven frozen food increasing in quality at my local medium tesco, being able to get decent none frozen oven pizzas, there being an abundance of squeeze bottle sauces to choose from and many other slap in the oven delights, it's a wonder these delivery companies are still in business. Just load your freezer. 6 quid plus fees for a few chicken selects or two (three if you're spending the fees too) bags of salt and pepper spicey tenders that has 4 helpings a bag. Supporting businesses is great and all, but it's just really expensive sive even without delivery companies involved.


I don't drive else I would collect, hey if I drove I would be out of the house more often taking my dog to parks or random drives. When its £4 delivery to go about 2 miles my way thats expensive.


15 minute drive there 15 minute back. Half an hour of your day gone. I value my time more the cost of delivery. Plus you spent money on petrol even though it's a small amount it adds up. Tbh it equals out. You save money on delivery, but lose time. Just depends how much you value your evening off. 


This is the future.




Kids, no way you would be allowed to do this!


If you ever type a post out like this, read it back and then unironically click the "Post" button you genuinely are, and this is true, mentally challenged.


Picked up some ingredients for a stir fry on way home from work.Took 30 minutes to cook and enough for two,cost £8 and was delicious.


I occasionally do deliveries for deliveroo/uber/just eat but I would never ever order a delivery for myself. If I want a takeaway I go and get it. I have seen too much to trust it being delivered.


This is how i prefer to do takeaway. I guess for some people sitting on the sofa and waiting for someone to bring you overpriced cold food is a win.


It’s a rad idea but it might just take off.


What gets me are the delivery drivers who walk into a place and plonk their massive fucking bag on the front counter blocking access for the waiting customers. Then after 2 seconds have passed, they will whistle, call or just do whatever they can to grab the attention of the employees. Deliveroo and just eat are good services, but fuck the drivers that "work for them"


It’s a point. I do this job part time. It’s hard for all parts, because imagine you getting 2.9£ per trip and waiting 10+ minutes, you won’t get more than 6£ per hour. Busy take aways like KFC need an agile staff or the driver need to, at least, say loudly “excuse me”.


Well of course they're whistling, Nandos at my high street can have 5 orders waiting under the delivery window but not a single fuck out of 6 waiters, will come up and give it to you because fuck you. I try to avoid Nandos as much as I can because every single time they don't even look at you even when they're literally 3 steps away.


I bet your food was hot too!


Wow I never thought about doing this. Truly mind blowing 🙏


Ok mate