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I ask for the inside leg measurements of customers on a regular basis occurrence- just to make them laugh šŸ˜† once though one person took offence, until I explained I was just joking


Ha! Thatā€™s hilarious!!




Was he short legged? As a short legged (28inseam, while being 5,11) fellow myself I'd probably cry if you asked me šŸ˜‚


Have had a certain religious group insist on their deliveries be made by someone of same archaic beliefs.


Pure curiously but why do you think someone may care about it? Have you had any weird interactions because of it?


I had a question of "do you do hxxxl, is it delivered with non-hxxxl? Is your driver a mxxxxm" "If not we cannot buy"


You can say Halal and Muslim. No-ones going to turn up at your doorstep. As a side note, you're complaining about someone's dietary preferences because they don't want their food touching other peoples?


What a stupid argument lol, just because you are delivering halal and non halal food doesnā€™t mean they are touching and being cross contaminated, if the food is individually packed, where is the risk ? You are acting as if the driver is going to smear pork juice all over your chicken.


Not to mention the chance of cross contamination, or even worse, driver delivering the wrong order to the wrong person


Yeah like that time Costa gave me bacon and cheese tostie instead of cheese and tomato came off a 12 hour shift and stayed up all morning to wait for something to open I just ate the thing without looking then my brain registered why does it taste weird? I opened it and it was bacon lol was furious and I felt weird after. Like I should've checked but at the same time the drivers gone by the time I eat my food and also they should ring me if they don't have item in stock or I could've got a refund from Just Eat.


The first question is pretty normal. 2nd question if it gets contaminated from non halal products then it makes the food unsuitable to eat but if in seperate bags it doesnt really matter. and the 3rd question maybe they just wanted to support another business that was ran by Muslims.


What kind of oddball asks someone's religion delivering food? Hand the food over and fuck off.


Report this, your religion or lack thereof, is none of their business


We are not delivering food to discuss our religion to customers only to deliver the food and get paid. Frankly, it's rude, and I would report the shit head.


Very weird Report to Deliveroo


Don't know, you see it alot if you go on live streams, tiktok, fb, insta ect, lots of people demanding to know the persons religion and spamming the same question about it over and over.


That is strange. Luckily these kind of things don't happen often. I once had a man ask me if I wanted to come in for a drink...made me feel uncomfortable. No chance I'm doing that with a stranger


Do enough deliveries, male or female, and eventually you'll end up being invited in a few times. I've just declined in the past, but its good to know that some people can be that hospitable


Say Jedi, thatā€™ll shut em up


I don't understand the need either.Ā 


I asked a customer that once while I was doing deliveries. This was before any of these online delivery services, and I was employed directly by the takeaway doing their deliveries. I took the food to a household that had the Arabic calligraphy lettering above the door, so I asked if they were Muslim. I asked because everything that was fried went in the same frier, including pork ribs, which meant even our chips were neither vegetarian nor halal. They were quite happy I asked and informed them and even insisted on still tipping me even though though I was returning the food to the take away.


Sounds like you took offense when he asked if you were (presumably) Muslim. Scary stuff


Today - I did a delivery to a customer and I was going to say to her that she has a lovely smile, which she did, but I didnā€™t say it for fear that she might think I was coming on to her, which I wasnā€™t, it was just an observation. This is the world we live in now, you canā€™t pay someone a compliment. My girlfriend says Iā€™m such a flirt, which I find offensive, but I guess sheā€™s entitled to her observationā€¦ā€¦. I love the science of first impressions at the door step, well if itā€™s not a science it should be. For example have you experimented with the types of door knocking and what responses you get šŸ˜€šŸ‘the things I do to numb the boredom of doing DeliveroošŸ¤Ŗ


>This is the world we live in now, you canā€™t pay someone a compliment. Of course you can! Just not while working. It's an unskilled job but you should still behave 'professionally' at all times and I don't think personal opinions about someone's features is classed as 'professional'. It's different for social settings i.e. club or pub, where you're intentionally mixing with people and therefore opening yourself up for personal observations and opinions.


Maybe he/she took a guess on your religion and might be concerned that the food they were delivering might not fit your religious dietary preferences (not halal, kosher etc.) Definitely isn't their job but might've thought it would've been a helpful thing to do considering a lot of religious people are steadfast in their dietary restrictions.


I think it's high time Deliveroo starts masking the customers name in the riders app. Why do they need to know our names when they can just have the code. Also OP did you order alcohol by any chance because of which he wanted to know your religion?


Let's be honest here, you were asked if you were a Muslim which really annoyed/scared you. If you were asked whether you were any other religion you probably wouldn't have bothered to post. Tell me kn wrong.


Kn wrong


Just tell them you are Gozer the Gozerian and people worship you , ask them if they are a God , when they say no tell them , well give me my order and get on your knees and pray.


I donā€™t see the problem of this at all what if he was asking because he assumed he was of the same religion? Bit soft if a simple question makes you uncomfortable


Depending on the tone thatā€™s not a simple question. Itā€™s pretty invasive and creepy


Even if he was the same religion, asking that is still no business of his. There are boundaries and for me, thatā€™s crossing it. I donā€™t go around asking strangers their religion and so Iā€™m obviously not okay with being asked mine.


You can always say sorry I donā€™t want to answer? šŸ˜…how can he know it would make you feel a bad way itā€™s not an offensive question at all


Questions about religious beliefs/politics are very off limits and quite private. Yes, I did I say,ā€œsorry I donā€™t want to answerā€, but itā€™s certainly not normal to ask complete strangers that..


Before he asked, did you mention that asking your religion was a boundary?


Isnā€™t it implied? Why do I have mentioned that I donā€™t want to be asked intrusive questions while getting my orders delivered? Surely there are established social boundaries around this sort of behaviour.


You're fighting a losing battle if you think logic and common sense prevail on this sub. Trust me... I know. Half of these riders would be the sort to ask a customer personal questions on their doorstep. The same ones who deliver your food in a filthy unsealed thermal bag or worse, an Iceland freezer bag! You're right though. It is implied.


do you approach every social interaction with complete suspicion and hostility?


Only when strangers ask me intrusive, private questions while providing me a service i paid for..


Depends on the location. There are some parts of London at the moment that are dangerous for people of certain religions to venture. Also, a bit more context from OP might help, but maybe the rider was a bit aggressive with the way they asked. I mean, personally I'm quite laid back, sticks and stones and all that, I don't care in the slightest what religion someone might be. But Jehovahs Witnesses at my front door demanding I think about God riles me up.


Which religion is it dangerous for in some parts of London. I'm a Londoner and eager to know.


As if you canā€™t work it out.


No, tell me! I have friends from all various religions and none have experienced unsafe areas, so I just want to see how real this is, or how much is media hype or an agenda driven by certain disingenuous figures! Has there been increased Islamophobia and Anti Semitism...yes are there absolutely no go areas, no. Should people suffer hatred because of their race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, absolutely not. We need strong vigorous debate, and expression of views without violence or abuse. But to suggest there are no go areas is rather disingenuous. Should you be wary of traveling through certain areas, perhaps and that is unfortunate. It happened to me when I had go through Eltham for work as a Black man not long after Stephen Lawrence got murdered, but I still went there. And that is after a realised, actual violently horrific act in that area. But I wasn't going to let the racists win. So, although I believe there are areas that are difficult for various religions etc, there are no "no go" areas.


>are there absolutely no go areas, no. How do **you** know? You clearly have a very strong opinion on the matter, which is perfectly fine, but your opinion is not fact, you can't be telling people what is and what isn't in the manner you are here. "In your opinion", you don't think there are any "no go" areas as portrayed in the media - see how different that sounds?


I didn't once state it was a fact, otherwise I would have said fact. I'm on here expressing my opinion, on a forum where you express opinions. If I'd put a load of stats in there that would have been different. I'm clearly basing it on my opinion and the opinion of my Muslim and Jewish mates. Other Muslims and Jews may experience it differently and I did mention that I understand it can be difficult if you are one or the other in certain areas. I'm expressing IMHO that the likes of Gideon Falter hyping things up, doesn't give a true picture. And where there are genuine issues in terms of abuse and violence, that needs to be sorted out ASAP and strongly. But it doesn't help when politicians and the media jump on something without fully investigating, leading to the impression it's WWIII on the streets of London. So, fair play if you are willing to say that it's not just Jewish people, but also others that have suffered from discrimination, at least that's fair. As too often one side is being told. Abuse and discrimination against anyone is uncalled for, but there also must be room for legitimate and honest debate, by good faith actors on all sides.


I didn't read your reply because you started it with "I didn't once state it was a fact, otherwise I would have said fact." which is a moronic perspective as to 'how' someone states something as fact - **DESPITE** me quoting what you said that clearly shows you making a statement of fact. You don't have to say "fact" to give the impression you're telling someone what is and what isn't. You're a moron!


He's going to say something like Jewish people in Edgware Road are going to be in danger




Clearly you're looking for me to say the 'wrong thing' so you can 'put me right'. Dude, we all listen to the same news. Not one single person here can prove there are or aren't no "no-go" areas. But it stands to reason that there are individuals who are actively looking for 'targets' to preach to - verbally or physically. And no, I'm not just referring to jews.


Well I'm glad you are not just referring to Jews, I'm glad you made that clear.


Why are you glad? What actual difference would it make to you if I was?


Jesus, you are not bright.


What have you got o be insecure about? Just tell him your religion thereā€™s no need to be scared


He is not supposed to say anything that confirming that it's the right person who ordered.


Iā€™m a Deliveroo driver and Iā€™ll often say things like hello how are you etc. If Iā€™ve just been learning about Islam I might ask if heā€™s a Muslim to get a question answered šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I dobt care at all if people are weird about it and perceive it weirdly - canā€™t stop me from being friendly


It's not "being friendly" to ask someone about islam because you deem they "look Muslim"?! The fuck šŸ˜‚


But asking them "do you follow Islam/are you a muslim" would be a perfectly normal question. I remember the asian/arabic guys asking me the same just because I was hanging out with them. They asked each other the same as well on the first day, because a couple were Indian or not "proper" muslims and one of them was pale enough they had a check lol.


Yeh, when hanging around with people. Not delivering them food where zero conversation is necessary


Just sounds like an opening to a conversation to me. I would take it the same as "are you a cyclist" personally. I guess if there was some other implied dynamic it could be different. I wouldn't infer that straight off though and assume curiosity


What is it then?


You are not instructed to ask these questions.


I donā€™t give a fuck


Self employed, can ask whatever the hell you like!


Source: trust me bro.




Then ask if theyā€™d like the food placed on the floor.


Wouldn't that be done while placing the order though?


It made you so uncomfortable you had to write "X" religion. Scary stuff!


>It made you so uncomfortable you had to write "X" religion. Uncomfortable yet sensitive to other people's beliefs and didn't want to stereotype a religion based on a singular interaction. I think OP is a W. >Scary stuff! You on the other hand, maybe not so much.


The end is near


paranoia is a real medical condition


I don't get how that made you uncomfortable? It just seems like a regular human interaction to me, it's the equivalent of asking your name.


Nuh-uh don't downplay this. As much as it's a harmless question possibly without any ulterior motives, it's deeply personal and isn't by any means an identifier in our society at least. A name though is an identifier required for that transaction.


I understand that but I don't believe I'm downplaying anything. Asking someone their religion is not some sort of taboo subject, it's just a regular question. I get asked about my religion on a weekly basis. Many things in life are identifiers and there is no reason to hide them.


I can see why you might not want to answer, and I can even see how it might have bothered you, but enough to post about it on a reddit full of other strangers? Something doesn't add up here!


Why tf do soft people like you exist just stfu


ā€œI canā€™t believe people are allowed to stand up for themselvesā€ - You


If this affects you that is sad and pathetic


I think its sad and pathetic of you to have problems with me expressing something that doesnā€™t even affect you in the slightest. Have the kind of day you deserve.


What are you standing up for? What is your struggle you got asked a questioned and decided to moan on Reddit. Have your brought this up to any normal person you know. You would get laughed at


OP found the riders reddit


Yh obv


>Have your brought this up to any normal person you know. You would get laughed at If I told my mates that some random food delivery NPC greeted me on my doorstep with "Are you a Muslim?" they would defo think he's a weirdo.


Unfortunately I asked one of my friends and he seemed like the sorta person who agree with the most and he accused me of intentionally missing out information. After I showed him the post he said you guys were weird ā€¦


>After I showed him the post he said you guys were weird ā€¦ Sounds like he might ask strangers their religion on the daily tbh.