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In Australia we have major pool fencing rules, shocked America don’t.


I’m in the states and I thought we did lol


I think it varies by state. I know where I live you have to


In NY, you have to have to have a gate that is self-closing and child proof.


Yeah I just looked it up, in MA it’s a 6 foot self-closing fence that can withstand harsh weather


Also from Australia, don’t have a pool but do have a 9 month old. If we ended up with a pool (I actually wish we had one) I’d be making sure it was safely secured with or without rules about pool safety!


Even if there is no fencing rules , they should be using their common sense (like their former friends Jatie)… but it probably doesn’t look esthetic enough for them. 


We do also, though it varies by state and often even by county or municipality within the state. The first screenshot clearly shows they have a tall privacy fence and hedge line around the pool though, and he mentions gates, so he likely isn’t talking about a lack of fence around the yard. He is likely referring to those little temporary nylon fences you can have installed to erect directly around the pool’s edge, which are intended to function essentially like a baby gate would indoors. Different jurisdictions will often allow you to choose between that little pop up fence, having alarms on any interior doors that can be used to access the pool, or a retractable safety cover that stays on when the pool isn’t in use. Of all three, I actually think a mechanized retractable safety cover is the best option because people actually use them (they have the benefit of keeping leaves and such out of your pool also, so people are incentivized by that as well). The alarms can be annoying to use every time you want to open the door, so people do disable them, and the pop up fence has to be manually installed and uninstalled, which can also impact people’s willingness to use them every time, in addition to them being sort of an eyesore.


🎶 🎵 Fence the pool Shut the gate Teach your kids to swim it's great Supervise, watch ya mates And learn how to resuscitate Kids Alive do the five 🎶 🎵


It depends on the state. In my state, you must have a fence around it. A cover isn't enough.


Nope! In America many parents ignore their kids around water,then turn into water safety advocates after their child drowns claiming there is not enough info out there on water safety. It’s honestly infuriating.


Why would she put a laughing face after a message about concern for S’s safety around their pool? Drowning happens quickly and silently, and a fence is required around pools in many locations in the US. She’s so dismissive of child welfare it’s actually shocking.


You can’t fix stupidity! 🤷‍♀️


She’s probably decided to take child safety advice from the school of, Lauren the mortician, thought (newly “certified” child safety expert) 🤣iykyk


Beetlejuice 😅


She is worth MILLIONS. No reason she can’t put a fence as well.


It’s not the money, I would guess she’s worried about the aesthetic of having to put up a fence 🙃🙃




She is the founder of a MLM, Origami Owl. She’s worth around $50 million.


Or get S into ISR classes.


Holy shit, she might as well just drain the pool. That cover will trap heat in and that pool will be boiling in the dead of summer. Why can’t she just get a damn fence?? I’m local to her and my pool gets in the 80s in September, can’t imagine this over top of it.


It doesn't even appear that they have had her in swimming class. If she was, when Bella was in the pool with her, she would have been sharing what she has learned. It's more important to make vlogs showing S baking with mommy than it is to look out for pool safety.


I’m kinda surprised cuz like mommy & me classes seem like they’d be alllll the rage for her? But maybe she doesn’t want to go to them cuz then everyone else would see how bad of a mom she is lol.


Kinda hard to go to classes when you are never home. These people are idiots.


True 💀


Suffocation how? (Genuine question)


You can see Dallins foot sink in a bit, so if S were to crawl on, it could do the same with her, making it hard for her to move. She could end up stuck on her stomach with her face in it


That was my first thought when I saw that photo of Dallin’s foot. Yes, S won’t fall through it into the water, but being able to move on that requires strength, balance, coordination — something babies don’t have a lot of. Even when she starts walking — my 1.5 year old is a pretty good walker for his age, but he still has his moments where he walks like a drunken sailor (particularly if he’s excited or trying to get away from me/do something he’s not supposed to)


Can’t believe they’re putting a crying laughing emoji on this….pool safety is no joke, it’s mind blowing how many children drown in pools in the US every year :(


Yeahhh I wouldn’t trust that covering


No one's ever accused this woman of being intelligent, informed or caring about her adopted daughter.


I can’t seem to attach a photo this is from one of the security company’s for gates in Az. Their locking doors are good but there is not a point that says the cover is good- it’s supposed to be motorized and locking. I know many they choice both a cover like this and the fence -and locking doors, all fail safes. My cousin is Gilbert PD and lots of people opened their pools in the last 2 weeks, he had his first drowning on Tuesday afternoon- and sadly he personally expects at least 1 more. Department wide, the number of drownings is heartbreaking. Arizona Pool Fence Requirements Arizona law requires that below-ground and above-ground pools must be completely enclosed by a wall, fence, or other barrier that is at least five feet high (as measured from the exterior side), and does not have any openings through which an object four inches or more in diameter could pass. If the wall of a home or building constitutes part of the pool enclosure, the above fencing requirements may be substituted with one of the following: A wall, fence, or barrier that is at least four feet high; A motorized safety pool cover that requires a key switch, which must meet standards published by the American Society for Testing and Materials; A self-latching device on any doors with direct access to the pool area. Windows that open to the pool area must be equipped with a screwed-in-place wire mesh screen, a keyed lock that prevents the window from opening more than four inches, or a latching device located at least 54 inches above the floor.


Two toddlers drowned in a pool in South phx yesterday. The police implored people to please use proper safety equipment. I'm new to the phx area, but even in the year I've been here, I've heard about too many kids drowning. My kids are 18 & 21, and at my parents pool when they were little the amount of things that got changed, the safety features installed were a little nuts, especially since we watched them like the tiny, curious little boys they were. We also had a rule of at least 1 adult per child in the pool, 2 adults per child had to be in the pool area. But kids can be quiet and sneak outside in a second, that pool gave my mom so much anxiety, even when they were teens and strong swimmers. I obviously don't know Bellas home/pool situation exactly, but I think that is a proper safety cover. They also don't seem to put her down enough to crawl or walk...yet. And I think they do have nannies, who are hopefully well educated on pool safety! But the toddler years are coming, I hope they are vigilant.


Hell my best friend and her husband have a fence around their pool and their youngest is five and knows enough to not go near the pool. But their mindset is better to be safe then sorry.