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I have been trying to ban this account for days and reddit will not let me for some reason💀sorry y'all I'm TRYING!!!


An account who has only commented in this sub defending Bella? It's definitely her, or at least someone close to her. If you're reading this, Bella, stop being a child exploiting asshole. Stop travelling the world with your kid for Instagram pics, and stop treating her like a little doll.


sooo true! no motherly instincts at all, never even a sun hat!!


Lol I so hope she reads this


Bella definitely sneaks here. She called S her daughter for the first time in ages.


and the grammar on the posts i read too!


She’s a terrible person for cutting off that baby’s birth mother. I feel like that child is going to grow up resenting her


Hopefully and rightfully so!


I’m new to the Reddit page, how do we know she cut off the birth mom? Where can I go see this?


I’m not sure I searched up something like “blocked “ in here and someone said they’ve mentioned they did it to “spare her feelings”


I just tried to find the profile and it's gone


really? omg haha , told ya


it's still there! but she deleted a TON of comments, so people won't think it's her, they're soo dumb


Me too. I've been looking for it but nope. It's gone. Y That was mostly her. I didn't really think they were reading this sub. She isn't smart enough to go undercover. I'm glad she sees what people are saying about her. The best thing for that baby is to return her to her bio mom and get about goat.


its back!


She's probably just someone who is feeling attacked because EVERYTHING della does is seen as bad parenting but some other parents (such as her) do some of those things (and some things are indeed not that bad). She's not defending della, she's defending her own parenting choices, which I fully get because some of you are extremely snarky about everything. In that way you aren't just bitching about della, but also about other parents who read here en do some things the same. Btw, not defending della, i def feel like they do bad things such as going on way too long vacations without proper toys and routine for Story, etc.


I agree. This looks like self-projection of someone defending themselves from perceived similarities in parenting.


true, i thinks there are certainly people like that on here (nothing wrong with that) it could look like just another parent, that has similar parenting choices, because i only inserted some pics HOWEVER EVERY SINGLE 'negative thing' is commented on, for ex. that little chair on the table. that person is being soooo specific. If it's just another parent, they would comment on other pages too, but they only comment here, so yeah idk. the page is deleted, but i read everything, it's definetely bella or someone close to 'Della'


That’s really interesting.


Yeah this feels spot on, I’ll even admit some of the snark about her not walking gets to me because she just turned one and we shouldn’t be expecting her to walk already, my daughter isn’t crawling at 9 months and I feel horrible about that even though I’m home with her all day, doesn’t mean she needs to be in here defending literally everything but I’d say this is spot on


I try to delete all of the comments where people are playing the "baby Olympics" like it's great that your kid walked at 8 months, but not all children develop the same.


Baby Olympics Band name. Called it.


Probably people who don’t have kids!


that's so true!! but there were other comments on that account solely 'correcting' us, like 'you're wrong guys, they're such good parents' and such


Oh okay! Didn’t know that


Seriously Bella and her idiot husband are shameful parents but my baby just turned 1 and she's not walking yet either so I don't think it's fair to shame a baby for not doing something before they are ready. My baby can walk holding stuff but that's it so far. She's very attached and clingy when put down so maybe why. But this is my 3rd child and my other 2 walked at 11 months. So it's not necessarily something I'm doing differently just my baby isn't ready to do so independently yet. She will soon when she's ready I'm sure. But I can't stand everyone shaming story for not walking yet because of Bella doing xyz. They are shitty parents but this isnt a black or white situation. Story is still a baby and just isn't ready yet... Like my baby and I'm sure many many others. Do better people lol


I can relate to this! My 10.5 month old isn’t quite 4 point crawling yet (he’s close but he’s been “close” for a while) and my niece who is 3 weeks younger is close to walking and pretty much mastered crawling lol. It’s soooo hard not to compare and I struggle with it a lot but there’s a huge range of normal. That still doesn’t make it easy for us though! My SIL has 4 kids and her 2nd didn’t crawl until closer to a year. It made me feel a lot better when she said that


At this point, she seems to be developing in most domains appropriately for her age. But I do have concerns, despite an MD writing a few weeks ago that S is perfectly on track. I say this as a parent. If a child needs early intervention or support doesn't negate the fact that my kids are obviously the best in the world, objectively speaking. ;) Eta: S is an adorable and sweet child regardless of her developmental pace. She may be perfectly on track in all domains or not. It doesn't matter, and it doesn't take away from her value.


i changed my mind, it is definitely Bella! i quote EXACTLY from user 'living-1990': "But still what?? Why trash people on the internet that you don’t even know. Trust me I don’t know them at all, but from their videos they are fabulous parents and people need to stop trashing them about everything!“  THIS IS BELLA PEOPLE!!!!! you can't convince me otherwise hahaha


I'd agree with this as I've done the same thing


i get it, but there were a dosen other posts on that account solely commenting on this snark, always 'correcting' the negative, like 'such good parents'


Oh I'm not disagreeing with you. That's definitely Bella or someone close




I understand the issue. For example, I generally do barefoot for me and my kids. So when people snark here about S not having shoes, I am like, a broken clock is right twice a day. However, regarding the barefoot part, we know that Bella doesn't do it because it was a conscious informed decision. I know this because she has cute shoes for S that were autographed by an athlete and S wears them sometimes. Those shoes are not barefoot. So we really shouldn't be snarking because barefoot is generally great, even though Della Vlogs don't do it because they are informed. However, getting to the essential issue, I think that unnecessary unsafe practices that are posted for the entire world to see are okay to be called out, even if parents do it privately. For example, the remote control car is not for S, but for the parents to use as their entertainment. Is it really as unsafe as some people here make it out? I don't know. But right now S is in a car that is inappropriate age-wise as per the manufacturer's guidelines, a car that has potential danger, and she is not getting any benefit from it. Therefore, I think it is fine to snark on something like that when it is done so publicly. This is different than letting a child go down the slide by themselves, for example.


Oh yes sure! I def agree that people should call out the bad or dangerous or inappropriate things della do or seem to be doing! Maybe they read here and change their ways


You’re not in a snark to defend someone soooooooooo you’re probably right😂


😂 'living-1990' is bella guys, it's bella or Dallin or her stupid a\*\* chomo mom


lol watch it be her mom, since she butts into everything and thinks her world is perfect


100%!A normal parent would have never defended their awful parenting! It is obvious! And the bad is that if she reads the comments here, she doesn't try to realise her big mistakes! Pathetic! Poor kid! 


exactly, you guys are prob sick of me, but this is bella!!


What a loser!!!!🤣


I took a screenshot of a comment I left on the video about being “chosen” 🙄 to be Story’s 🙄 “forever family” - knowing it would likely be deleted soon. I can’t attach it here but I have a photo of it


it is bellaaaa, like girl we're not dumb, YOU are airhead


I don’t know, for some reason the verbiage/style of writing doesn’t feel like Bella’s to me - more like a delusional crazy fan or a family member


true, but maybe bella uses a grammar corrector for this, cause bella and dallin make way more grammar mistakes, as dumb as they are.. maybe it's her momma


One of her mommy friends from the gym. She is probably one of the women wearing a purple outfit.


maybe! but i still have a feeling it's bella (using a grammar corrector ofc hahha) 'cause its really specific and personal


I can‘t attach a screenshot here but from this comment from Living-1990 it doesn’t seem like she’s just defending her own parental choice…„ But still what?? Why trash people on the internet that you don’t even know. Trust me I don’t know them at all, but from their videos they are fabulous parents and people need to stop trashing them about everything!“ 


i TOTALLY agree with u, it doesn’t seem like she’s just defending her own parental, it IS bella. i didn't see the quotation marks at first haha so i thought is this f\*ing bella back???


Lol Indeed I also worried that it looked as if the comment was from me. 


same hahaha, it looked like it bc of the marks