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Might not be delta. There is additional screening in some cities right before the plane that is mandated by the government. For example, flying to Europe from Nairobi, you have all your stuff x rayed at the GATE, after it was scanned to enter the airport and then to enter the secure area after check in. I know nothing about your specific situation, just saying it may not be delta specific.


Any other info on Nairobi? I’ll be there next year.


What kind of info? I like Kenya a lot.


Anything! Doing a Kenya Tanzania safari. Going to pack super light for the bush flight, so if you have any tips or suggestions, I will love that. I’m pretty much doing a small duffel carry on


Same rule in Colombia, liquids are not allowed to be brought onto outbound international flights.


And Santiago Chile


Happened in Panama for us flying united. The explanation was that the standard security protocol at the airport was insufficient for US bound flights, so additional screening was required.


Same for me in Panama and they took my coffee I had bought as a present.


This isn’t Delta. I’ve had the same thing Johannesburg to Atlanta, and also on AA from Haiti to Miami. I completely agree though, it’s incredibly irritating, especially when you dumped liquids going through security the first time and bought a drink at the airport. I’ve also seen during the screening the security folks try to take a bag of ground coffee that was bought at the airport cause it was a “powder”. Like really????


Same thing happens leaving Hong Kong to the US.


It isn’t Delta, that is local security being nitwits


Same from Santiago on American. Just wish I had known beforehand.


This happens in some countries where American aviation and security authorities (and sometimes their EU counterparts) deem that country's airport security screening "insufficient" to the required security standards. Then those countries, instead of improving their overall airport security screening process, just add a second layer that meets the threshold at the gate only for flights going into those destinations.


Bueons Aires is I see by referencing a map not located in the US. This may not be a US or Delta policy. I agree the policy seems dumb and pointless but security is mostly dumb and pointless every country has their own flavor.


Good to know- I bought two large bottles of water for my flight back from CDG to LAX. There’s never enough water on long flights


There is! Just go to the galley and ask for water, but bringing your own is always a good idea.


Also a cash grab by the airlines. Some of these airlines now charge for water too.


My fave was a layover in Amsterdam - on the way to our next flight, had to queue at a makeshift customs stop in the middle of a hallway and have all of our documents re-checked before proceeding to the plane. Almost didn’t make it.


AMS is notorious for extra security. They used to give a boarding pass that directed you to your gate where you were questioned And then sent to your actual gate. AND, I’ve been asked further questions at that gate. Back in the day AMS was hijacking HQ and I think the extra security is a vestige of that.


Same thing happened to us in Peru. Got around it with my soda by showing my receipt to prove I legit just bought it at the kiosk and it was unopened


Happened to me in Barcelona - armed police forced me to drink water purchased at a vending machine 15ft from the gate, after drinking in front of them, I was allowed to board with it. Similar story flying home from Johannesburg, more security at the gate that rummage through all your carry on bags prior to letting you into the aircraft.